09/28/1939 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE OITY COMMISSION The City Commission o~ the City o~ Clearwater met in a Special Meeting at the City Hall at two o'olock on the afternoon at September 28th, 1939 with the following members present: E. B. Casler, Jr., Msyor-Commdssioner R. L. Balcer R. A. Dempsey Herbert Grice w. W. Peeler Moved byMre Dempsey, seoonded by Mr. Grioe and unanimously carried that the portion of Clearwater Beaoh on north side of Causeway Boulevard platted as Lot 6, ot City Park Sub. be dedioated for park p~oses, effeotive when Mr. John S. Taylor, Jr. deeds to the City a thirty foot str1p on south side ot his pro~erty ~or street purposes. Moved by Mr. Grioe, seoonded by Mr. Peeler and unanimously oarried that Lioense Ordinanoe # 454 be passed on its first reading. Moved by Mr. Baker, seoonded by Hr. Dempsey and unanimously oarried that the rules be waived and the Ordinanoe be passed on its second readtns by title only: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING :FOR AND FIXING THE .AMOUNT OF CERTAIN OCCUPATIONAL, BUSINESS AlID PROFESSIONAL LICENSES FOR THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, .AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY THEREWITH. MOYed by Mr. Peeler, seoonded by Mr. Dempsey and unantmously oarried that the rules be waived and Ordinanoe # ~5' be passed on its third and tinal reading. There being no'turther business, the meeting was adjourned. ~/~ Mayor- saione ATTEST: r'/ "!": r) , /7, J-'" ~" :/ F/ -/,- (/~0~(., #L~~~I C~y Auditor and Olerk DIRECTIONS TO VOTERS: If you are in favor of the City issuing the Sewer Revenue Certi- ficates place an "X" mark in the space to the left of the words "For Sewer Revenue Certifioates." If you are not in favor of the City issuing the Sewer Revenue Certificates place an "X" mark in the spaoe to the left of the words "Against Sewer Revenue Certificates." II.'. ".J ",' . . :'~~ ,~i ~~ , " /'. , . :,- ;.~:. :~, . :..,. ," ,. " '. ..... . 'I'" '}'.;{!.iit.:i:!"",,,,,,; '., .... , . ... .11!~;,jll:111 it..", ...... .... ....... ,..'" .... '..,'. , "';:,"" l ..;- '"-'.' -.-'. , '. - "J..''', .o,~,~jl~~~?': ~' , - ...... ~ -. , . , , " " .~ :... , ' . ~ .\ '~" . ~,:: ,:, "( '" ; , . . , '1<<,~~~!i.!~~. , , .'\ ~. ;; .~., :, , !, ,:~ " ~ ~ ~ ' ~!-, 1:..j._....\.:,'J'-i. " l If 'r- t r I l- I" J ~'". t ~: 1, BALLOT SPECIAL ELECTION OITV OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 27th, 1938 t. J I I Shall the CiL~' of Clearwutcl', Ji'lol'ida, issuo Sewer Revenue Col'tifioates in the Aggregate principal amount of $272,000.00 dated October 1, 1938, in t.he denomination of $1,000,00 eaoh, bearing interest at the rate of foul' per centum (4 %) per annum payable semi-annually 011 OctobeJ' 1 and April 1 of each yea.r. maturing seJ'iallr in the amount of: $ 2,000.00 on Octohel' 1 in eaoh of tho ~'eal's inolusive i 4,000.00 on OctobCl' 1 in each of the real's inolusive i 6,000.00 on OotobeJ' 1 in each of the years inclusive i 7,000.00 on October 1 in each of the yeal's inclusive i 8,000.00 on October 1 in each of the years 1952 to 1954, inolusive i 9,000.00 on October 1 in the year 1955 i 10,000.00 on October 1 in the year 1956; 11,000.00 on October 1 in the year 1957; 12,000.00 on October 1 in each of the years 1958 to 1959. inclusive; on October 1 in each of the years inclusive; OIl October 1 in each of the years inclusive; on October 1 in each of the years inclusive; on October 1 in eaoh of the years inclusive; for the purpose of aiding in financing the cost of construction of a SanitaI'y Sewerage S~'stern. Such Sewer Revenue Certificates to be payable solely from and secured by a pledge of the gross income and revenue of the Sanitary Sewerage S~'stem after pro- vision for the payment of all opel'ating costs of such System. 1940 to 1941., 1942 to 1943, 1944 to 1947, 1948 to 1951. 13,000.00 1. 4,000.00 15,000.00 i 6,000.00 1960 to 1961, 1962 to 1964, 1965 to 1966, 1967 to 1968, D D For Sewer Revenue Certificates; Against Sewer Revenue Oertificates. " i , ~:. '"