01/25/1939 -h. .~. - ','; .... .... .....:,':. ".'- , . ,,:".;.!:,,~~{~:::1;'~',:',- .~. ~ "--:: " "., !'; ~.' '~'~~~~;~~:'--~"~".':'~"~""" M~';" . . , . . . . . .. . . . .' . .....~~~....~,,~"'..--~..,...~~,'"".~., "';';''';~~''''''~;~~~',!:::,'~;::;'~jjyi~;~~ Moved by Mr. Grice, Seoonded by Mr. Dempsey and carried that 'the two hold over members of the Reoreation Board be kept on the new board. was polled: Upon roll call, the following vote , ,', '.f" .," " '1. Ayes: Nays: Baker, Dempsey, Grice, Peeler None ,', " Moved by Mr. Peeler, seoonded by Mr. Baker, that Leo Reinhard be appointed as a member of the Recreation Board. Upon roll call, the following vote was polled: Ayes: Baker, Dempsey, Peeler Nays: Grice Moved by Mr. Baker, seconded by Mr. Grioe and carried: that Robert Padgett be appointed as a member of the Recreation Board. Upon roll call, the following vote was po~led: Ayes: Baker, Grice, Dempsey, Peeler Nays: None Moved by Mr. Dempsey, seconded b:Y' :Mr. Peeler, that R. M. Thompson be appointed as a menmer of the Reoreation Board. Upon roll call, the following vote was polled: Ayes: Grice, Dempsey, Peeler, Baker. Nays: None J. E. Satterfield submitted his resignation as City Auditor and Clerk and requested that the sureties on his bond be released. Mr. Casler expressed the opinion that the bond should not be released until Mr. Satterfield's records had been audited. After some discussion, the matter of release of the bond was referred to the City Attorney. who ruled that the resignation of Mr. Satterfield would not release his bond. Moved by Mr. GriQe, seconded by Mr. Baker and unani- mously carried, 1hat :Mr. Satterfield's resignation be accepted as reaiB.. Mr. Baker introduced Ordinanoe No. 442 entitled: "AN ORDINANCE CREATING A PUBLIC P ARK BOARD FOR THE CITY OF CDEAR- WATER, PRESCRIBING ITS POWERS AND DUTIES, PROVIDING FOR THE .A:PPOINTMENT OF A SUPERINTENDANT OF PARKS AND SUCH OTHER OFFICERS AS ~y BE NECESSARY, PRESCRIBING THE TERMS OF OFFICE OF ITS MEM- BERS AND THE APPOINTMENT THEREOF, ARD MAKING APPROPRIATIONS 'lHEREFOR. n and moved its adoption on its first reading. This mo~lbn was secnnded by Mr. Dempsey and carried. . '", . . , .. '.". -. ,. "\ . , .) .. ' I ,. . , . . .., ,., "." . . . . , . .. . . . . ' ". .:' . " . ~ r ~ . f f ",' " !'" ", I I .. , . I 1"" ',::,/,),:;" :'(>:i:..fH~W~f:~;~.-[tt'":-''::-'!~~;'-"::'~~~Y"''''~''''' : :':"',,~~,;'~' "':'"~~ " :;~':j'ir!' :'~~:7r~~~''''''''~'''r'' '~~~~~'!'~;'!~"';;":~'~~~'~!-!l"'~:I)i;~:~',"~~::.~o:;'<~i:' ",.' . .' ) ; ': I .,./ , _..~. \~~~;S1 ;.' J.:~ 1ft', Moved by Mr. P~eler, seconded by Mr. Baker, and oarr1ed that the letter from Chief Russell regarding Polioe- man's Ball at Auditorium to raise funds for department needs be tabled until next meeting. )Letter~rom GUBS Wilder to Mr. Nichola, regarding tax settlement was referred to the tax oommittee for action. ., .' .' A letter from the Town of Belleair to the City ot Clearwater with regard to polioe service, was read. It was decided that we will supply police service for the Town of Belleair at the rate of $100.00 per month. T.here will be a trial or 2 weeks. The City Manager will investigate and report , back. Moved by Mr. Grice, seoonded by Mr. Dempsey, and carried, that the C1ty of Clearwater will take care of the City of Dunedin garbage 1n the incinerator at the Clearwater Gas Plant, at 25~ per load, with Dunedin furnishing the loading and unload ing. The City Attorney stated that the City Health Officer had suggested that the City foreclose taxes on some old buildings on South Ft. Harrison Avenue because the said buildings were in an unsanitary condition and the owners refused to correct this condition. The Commission instructed the City Attorney to try to find some solution to the problem other than by tax foreclosure. I Moved by Mr. Dempsey, seconded by Mr. Baker, and carried, that J. F. Hamrick be appointed as City Auditor & Clerk at a salary o~ $175.00 per month, with a raise as soon as he is more familiar with the work. Upon roll oall, the rOllowing vote WEtS polled: Ayes: Bakers Dempsey, Peeler Nays: Grice T.here being no fUrther business the meeting was adjourned. }NY:.: ..tNi';~"::' . '~\~i~it. ' Ma~~~r Attest: ~~ . .~C t'. ud1tor -lark:' . ,. :,' , J":.~ ....., '.,"\ " f. ~ ,'\ !".:J~\ ,:' .' . .' ,. "::' ,T" . ~. , , I'" 1\ ': . ~' !' ",' 1 . :,".,"Iittr .., ""!';"\'r"i"'\~' i . .I,~i~~:"