11/25/1938 '''"''~~~lf~;1:':!'$f~':i;;l0.;".;;~~~,;".;~,,~:; ;~~c:'0.,.;,. ''.! ''',., "';; .J..": ," ':,,.!~? - ". ',.:,",. :(<:"',C ~~::.; "':>J.iJ': :.1..;.;,', _.;;,,, .' ,..;.,~'~;:~~'.~~;i~~.~::~~.~;.;:. .t.~~~@'::~';'~"i~ ". ~ ,", ". . (\ .. . ,;:"<<';"ii5~ ". MINUTES OF TEE CITY COldMISSIO:N November 25, 1938 of Olearwater, Florida, was held on the above date 'With the ;:,..:,'",;.' ,f<..;..!f):"' , :;'1 , \~' ~~~ t~':, ;.' i '.~;... . '". : ,\' ; ~;:'~:.:-f':}~)~~ :':~: ~~:<~/,~ ::~ < .~,;'rl ,'.:} , A epacial meeting of the City Commies ion of the City following members present: Mr. Mr. Mr. L. A. Marsh, Mayor-Commissioner D. O. Batohelor Herbert Grice :' It was moved by Mr. Batchelor, seconded by Mr. Grice '"Y,<i:rfl~,,{~;~:, , , .,1. , "l,u "" ':if:Jii~;t~J~~~;', and carried that the Jroper 01 ty offic1als be author!.zed to sign an agreement and amendment of the lease to Douglas Bailey ot property on Clearwater Beach. There being no further business, the meet1ng was ',1.'1 thereupon adjourned. ~a.~ }lay-or 0 ss oner I, ;... ....."....4:.. ;'.. .,"~~"I, ~':;"~'.'.;i",