11/17/1938 '.t..' , ..... ,:' }'.:'. , ,,,:,.. ," . ,;,<;"", "'1 /\~,"~~~!~,\~~;if!'! ,.... ",i,:,::,::'>:,,',-' 'I """"-, 0 ... . "T' . , ,:".,;.,. .. 'j' " }\ ;, I .' ': ; ~ , . :.:,',,~~~,.' I , . , "" I .. , , , . . . . " -'" i .l. , , I j l ! J ,) j . ">~II ..;:. '.: 1".:- ~, ,~".\ 1..l:.....:J,.....; ::"~-">"t..., ',;.. ': ~.:-....,~~.<r". ."";;~~.~:.,~:,:"'":" 1. .~..~.~~..~~.;~:........ :"::..; :_.;'.;"..~"..: .._~ ,.' _, ....,:.. ,,,'. i",:..';,,; :;i;};~:l~~';":':;;''::';;;;:';;:.Ji\~.;;~i~~'z'i;:;.::,,:,;:~; '-;:::;.;~,;4'.ii';~:ii~ti~~~~:j;':;6~' ~, , , " ;.;"t>f:) , ~'f ~.r '. t ,,- '. / ' ".. '. MINUTES OF' A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY CONn!ISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER,FLORIDA. I' , , . ' t, . , E I. f , ~ ~ . November 17, 1958. A special meeting of the C1 ty COlmll1asion of the City of Clearwater, Flori 00, was held on Novem':Jer 17, 1938, with the foJ.lowing members present: ~rr. L. A. Marsh, Mayor-Commis sione>l' Mr. Batchelor Mr. Baker Mr. Grice Mr. Grice introduced Orclinance No. 437, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AND RESTRICTING THE USE OF LAND AND THE LOCATION A~D USE OF BUILDINGS AND STR1TCTlffiES IN THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, CREATING DISTRICTS OR Z01~S THEnEFOR, REGULATING THE INTENSITY OF USE OF LAND AREAS AND THE LOCATION OF Bl1ILDINGS AND STRUCTURES THEREON, ESTABLISHING BUILDING LINES, PROVIDING A METHOD OF ADMINISTRATION, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLA TION OF THE TERlilS OF THIS ORDINANCE, II for 1 ts third and final reading and moved its adoption. Motion seconded by Mr. Batchelor, and upon roll call the following vote was polled: Ayes: Mr. MarSh Mr. Batchelor Mr. Baker Mr. Grice I f "",' ,,' I' , '. ~ :. ".f' . , .',',::(:f./-L. "..'.'..'...J) ,.. t'!'~[Q ',,;: \''',''', Nays: None Absent and not voting: Mr. J. A. Barry Whereupon the Mayor-Commissioner declared the Ordinance duly passed and adopted and signed the same. lifr. Grice introduced Ordinance No. 43B anti tled: "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING AT TFm REGULAR UU~ICIPAL ELECTION TO BB HELD IN THE CITY OF CLEARWATER ON DECEMBER 20, 1938, FOR TEE SUBMISSION TO TEE QUALIFIED ELECTORS WHO ARE FREEHOLDERS RI~SIDING IN SAID CITY THE QUESTION' AS TO WHETHER OR NOT ORDINAt~CE NO. 437, BEING AN ORDINANCE ENT ITLED: "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AIID RESTRICTING THE USE OF LAUD AND THE LOCATION AND USE OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES IN THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, CREATING DISTRICTS OR ZONES THEREFOR, REGULA Tn~G THE JrNTENSITY OF USE OF LAND AREAS AND THE LOCATION OF BUILDDG AND STRUCTURES 'lHEREON, ESTABLISHING BUILDING LINES, PROVIDING A 1~THOD OF ADMINISTRATION, A1~ PROVIDTIra PENALTIFS FOR THE V1ITOLATION OF THE TERVS OF THIS ORDINANCE,' SHALL GO DTO EFFECT, APPOINTTIJG INSPECTORS AHD CLERK TO HOlD SAID ELECTION: PRESCRIBING THE FORM OF BALLOT TO BE VOTED AT SAID ELECTION AND PROVIDING FOR OPENING OF THE REGISTRATION BOOKS OF THE CITY," for its first reading and moved its adoption. Motion seconded by Mr. Ba tchelor, and upon roll call the following vote was polled: Aye s: ~!r. Marsh Mr. Ba tche lor Mr. Baker :Mr. G1'ice l,.... , .. , , . '. f" , ". , , ; :,' . . . .,' "~' .' " ""':', ", '.' :-::: ..;oo;:;- ,: >;:.. '\.'.~,;~:::ifwl~'~J;;"}i.i~tih;ii;::>':~' ....,~. ,'; , ", '-",' '''''t~~~'''~i(4"".:#,I...;'t.::.I~~'''''''.''''~,,,,,,,,,: "'",:~,:"~.":.I)/'.:'.''''/~~'' '..:..,..... .. "'_. ,. ","'..." ''''"' .... ~'. " " .. . i,.", _ . .~.:..." ..... . ., . '_... 'i.::... ~~....~:.~~dJ ~:~:,:~: ..~;l>~.i.~~iZ.;~:i~;~:;.::.;.~i~I.._~.,,~~:~i,~~.L;.:~~i.0.~:f~i~~.,:..~.., !. , ,~. . i';' If f I ~ ~1 i:' f.', . ~ ' '- ,\' "', :..r .... " \ ", .-, ; ~ Nays: None Absent and not voting: Mr. J. A. Barry V~ereupon the Mayor-Commissioner declared the said Ordinance passed its first reading. Mr. Grice introduced Ordinance No. 438 for its second reading, Motion seoonded by Mr. Batchelor, and upon roll call the following vote was polled: Jl' ( I; ", > r ;:."l Ayes: Mr. Marsh Mr. Batchelor Mr. Baker Mr. Grice (. ~.. .:.- F ;;: . .;.~ ", .J. :j .} .~ Nays: None Absent and not voting: Mr. J. A. Barry Whereupon the Mayor-Commissioner declared said Ordinance passed its second reading. Mr. Grice introduced Ordinance No. 438 for its third and final ':; reading. Seconded by Mr. Batchelor, and upon roll call the following vote was polled: Ayes: Mr. Marsh Mr. Batchelor Mr. Baker Mr. Grice :Nays: None Absent and not voting: Mr. J. A. Barry Whereupon the Mayor-Connnissioner declared the Ordinance duly passed and adopted and signed the same. A::connnittee from the Shuffleboard Club appeared before the Commission asking tlat the City lend tilem its credit for the erection of an addition to their club house. Mr. Polhill and Mr. Nichols were appointed as a oonnnittee to investigate ani report back. It was moved by Mr. Grice, seconded by Mr. Batohelor and curried that a two-year renewal of the oontract with the Brooklyn National League Baseball Club be approved. It was moved by Mr. Batchelor, seconded by Mr. Grice and carried that the City Manager be authorized to purchase a new truck and arrange payment for the swne within six months. There being nc, further business, the zmeting was thereupon adjourned. M~iJJ;~i~ .,"t',. . '.....,. , . . .' , '.~ . ~. , ~ . ", ::: ..'.1,', '-.;'.:~ ':.>. .::'