08/10/1938 ,"..'. " "'l"')i:J;~/itl~t\f.1:0~~''':'':'~ . 1" "I""J""" . ':''1'' '.' . <;"\~,;!~ri~~;.t~;: ". · . . '. /\;;.,/.'.\1......... t ....--~~-"...~_.._.._--~~-~..~_.._-""------... ". ---,..,,_. -.'-...<;...._-,-"_..~;;....,~ ._..;...._"~;:'~'"~~~~:)~i;iI~{. . '. ""', ..",'.. ,', :; :;l'~'~;/:~;':?'::" r. .:....,. :,:: .~\\l.....' :.. ;, .':,";:' '. --~~ _._-~.,_.-.-- ~, ~, ~ J .....~._,.,j . MINUTES OF THE CIr~ COr~ArSSION August 10, 1938 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Flor.1da~ met on August 10, 1938, in special meeting assembled, with the following members present: Mr. D. O. Batchelor, acting I.layor-Connnissioner Mr. R. L. Baker Mr. J. A. Barry Mr. Herbert Grice 1I:r. Barry introduced the follOWing resolution: RESOLUTIOll OF' TEE CITY COE1::rSSIOn AUGU:;T 10, 1938, REQUEST ING A PROPOSED LOAN AND GRANT FR01.~ PWA FOR TIIE CONSTRTJCTION OF A l\IUNICIPAL YACH'll BASIN. , ,;,),:.,: ,/,:,,- " ~>;~:\;?,:i,i,;;~:i/ ' I....," 'l~/ii~:; · ." ,,' ;;.'~ /~:l~(+ ;. .. , ' ;, '., At a Special I~'1eeting of the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, held th:J,s tenth day of Aue;ust, 1938, Commissioner Baker introduced the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED BY TF'E CJTY COJa..:ISSION ASSEMBLED, that: ~lmREAS, The City of Clearwater, Florida will apply to tne Public Works Administration for a loan and grant :in the amount of 4:; for the construction of a Municipal Yacht Basin, and . - ".' ,',. I l. VffiETIEAS, Such facilities as are provided in the City at tl1e present time for the accommodation of boats both public and private are entirely inadequate to the demand f'or such, and \TIIEREAS~ It is essential that such accommodations be provided. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, hereby apply to tl~ rublic Works Administration ~or a loan and grant to construct said Yacht Basin, tbis being an romended application for th5s project as now altered to reduce its original cost and to increase the revenues therefrom. :;,. ,i/::(>,' :':', ~.':, .,',>:,',"~(.~.,',:, .,r,.', .: "f.}~:J~ g.' i' PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of' the City of Clear- water, Florida, this 10th day of August, 1038. D. O. Batchelor" ; Acting Mayor-Commissioner. Attest: ..... J. E. Satterfiela, Ci ty Auditor and Clerlc. Tile said resolution was seconded by Mr. Baker, and u pm roll call the followins vote was polled: Aye s : Ifr. Batchelor Mr. Baker Mr. Barry Mr. Grice , . Nays: None ...-* Absent and l10t voting: ~lr. Marsh wrmREUPon, the Act:i.ng Mayor-Colmnissioner declared the sa.id resolution duly passed and adopted and signed the same. . ,;. ", " ~..,'"-- !. '. ~'~"""'.'."~~"':'''. ..... ".._~,...~;, .r-J \...""",,;11 I , .t ... "~." ,...........-._...._..............__. _.. _---...-..._"'-..,.,.........-........._.-.. ...._.. ..'~"",'>__.,r-_.' . .~.~~. ,''Y z..p 0 " "I"'" ' -', ,',',' , , , . . .." .,.' ''/ ~:~;'~~i,: ;s:/ I' ,':: ',::: . ." ,.... I" " I i I Mr. Barry introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION FIXn;G l\lINHnH.! YJAGE HATES ON EXTKNS IONS 'ro EXlSTHW S:!!,'WETI S:.~STEI\';, PLOHIDA DOCF':ET l106-F. I" J. E. SAr:J.'TERFIELD, beinr~ the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the Ci.ty of' Clearwater, F'lorida, do hereby certl:f'y that the following resolution was requlo.rly po..sood and o..dopted b-y the City Commission of the City of' Clour'!J8tcr at a special meeting thereof held on the tenth day of AU,~st, 1938. RESOLUTIO:r: PJX ING rUNIII:LHi WAGE RATES. r ..- " , ',. . I I I 'I \ .. j', , , 'J ',',,'} \ '\' I " " ~~REAS, A thorough investigation hoo boen made of the hourlj wag rates which are being paid in the City of Clearwater, F1or:lda" which is the 1 oClllit~r 1n which the proposed project for extensions of existing sewer system Florida Docket 1106-F (hereina~ter referred to as "project") is to be constructed by the City of Clearwater, to em- ployees in each trade or occupation engar,ed in work of a nature similar to the \'lOrk to be perfoI'll1ed :l.n the construction of' said Pro.1ect" and the prevailing hourly wage rates being paid jn such locality to suoh employees for such Vlork have been detep:mined by A. C. Nichol:.!, City VIanager, by contactinp: local contractors, labor organizations and the Oi t;{ Building Inspector. I . <: ",f ..... .... > ';. "'. ,'~. ! -:{ >: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Conmlission of the City of Clearvlater, Florida, tbat the followinG rates for the respective trades or occupations listed below shaD. be and are hereby fixed as_, the minimum hourlj wage ra,tes and have been deterIllined :1n accordanc e with rat es prevail- ing for work of a similar nature in the locality in which the project is to be constructod, supersedinG any previous wage rates set: . . ' Asphalt Balcer Asphalt Tamper & Smoother Bla.cJssnu, th Bricklayer Bricklayer Tender C arpen ter Caulker-Pipe Caulker-Pipe Helper Cement Finisher-Paving-Sewers Curb Setter, stone Damproo~er Electrician Electrician Helper Gas Pipe Fitter Ironworker, Structural Ironworker" Rigger Iron Worker, Tank Erector Joint Runner Leverman Master Machinist (Repairs) :Mortar Mix.er Operator"Air Compressor Operntor,Backfillor Operator" Nixer,-lOA or 10E Operntor"Mixer,,-27E Operator"Roller (Road) Painter,Building Constr. Plumber Plumber Helper Pavement Briel\: & Block Layer Pipe Layer Service Connection Maker Sheet Metal Worker Te8.Illster Truck Driver over l~' tons Truck Driver ttnder It tons Welder,Arc. Welder,Acetylene Yarner & Co..ulker,Ntttl Pipe. Roofer, Composi tion Air Hammer Operator Pipe Fitter, Gas Unskilled Laborers .40 .40 .75 l.25 .80 .875 1.00 .50 .50 .50 1.00 1.00 .60 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .50 .50 1.25 .40 .60 .60 .50 .60 .60 .875 1.00 .50 .50 .60 1.00 . '75 .40 .40 .35 1.00 1.00 1.CO 1.00 .75 1.00 .30 ':'~"e\~t!r';l!::,'~3~~;;'::~l\~e'c"",~"""""",::,""",, ., ,,',.~.,,'" "" '~""~'" .",,".~ ~.",_." " ,., ", , , ,'i ,..' :7" :. ',:,~;:.' <" ,,: 'j ., -" i. : .'.. '.' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVJ:i:D that the foregoing list of tra.des or oocupations inoludes to the boot of our l{nowledge, all the classifications o~ emplo~ees who will be engaged in work on said Project o~her than executive, supervisory, adJninistrative, clerical or other non-mmlual workers as such. BE IT PUI1'l'HEH RESOLVED that there be transmitted with this reso- lution the substantiating data upon vnl1ch the foregoing determination is based. I FUR'rJIER OEHTIFY.' that the foregoing resolution is on file and of record in my office as City Clerk of the City of Clearwater, Florida. 11'1 VlITNESS WHEHEOF, I ha.ve hereunto set my hand and the seal of the City b~ Cloarvmter, Florida, this lOth day of Aug~st, 1938. J. E. SATTERFIELD, City Auditor rold Clenc. (Oi ty Seal) . The said resolution Vias seconded by lfir. Barry, and upon roll call the f'ollowinr, vote Vias polled: Ayes: D. O. Batchelor, Acting May~r-Commissioner R. L. Baker J. A. Barry Herbert Grice . Nays: None Absent and net voting: L. A. M~~sh,Mayor Comm~ssioner. WJTEREUPON, the Acting Mayor-Conullissioner declared the said Resolution duly passed and adopted. There being no further business, the meeting was thereupon adjoul~ed. Acting Mayor-Commissioner C "