01/06/1938 ",. ',',\ ,'.'\ ,.',.'" '. ":'. " :'....:~~7.'- ~)~j? . I /' ~// '" ~'f;. . ~ " " . , I ,', \' ..!,' ..:' ; , '. .' MINUTJ~S OF 'rIlE CITY COMMI SSION Janua.ry 6, 1938 j'" , The City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, . ~. . met on the abovo du to, in special nl'Jotlng asnembled, with the . followlnL membeJ's ppe:1ent: :. ." R. ]~. Green, Mayor-Cormnis~Jioner, D. O. Batchelor, L. A. Marsh, R. L. Bllkel'. (Mr. Grice called the City Clork by 'phone, stu tine he kno\',' the nn tUl'e of the bU:1iness to be trnnsac ted, and s ta tinl..;: thu t he nppro ved . ) .' i' . Moved by f,1r. Marnh, seconded by Mr. Baker, and carried, tha t the rollo\'linC appointments of' officer's for the coming yoar bf;l made: City Manager, A. C. Nichols City Auditor & Clerk, J. E. Satterrield, City Attorney, John C. Polhill ., Recreation Director, Ralph Van Fleet ') City Judge, (Two Year ApPointment) TI. H. Wolfe. Moved by Mr. Marsh, seconded by Mr. Batchelor, and car'ried, that Mr. Nichols and Mr. Satterfield be appointed as a tax adjustment connni ttee to recommend tax settlemonts to the City Connnission. There being no r further business, the meetinG was thereupon adjourned. \:', Attest: ./ ~~~ ayor- onun sSl.oner~ ,. ," " ' ., , .' ',' ~ : .~~~.