12/22/1937 ',r' " !..~l' . .....\. " , '.:~::" \. '; , -,~,~, ,.: ':' :?'," ),:, 1~~{{'}" ~ ' : ~,,~,.,. .,:1,', '.: '".' , " 1> MINUl'ES 01,1 'l'HE CITY COMMISSION J}\ , ~~'."""(gY' ,'; , .' \ ' ,':-:1 ..: ". ~ , :.. . Decenber 22nd, 1937 "it; . ~::I:~\g~ . . (',,~~t. '. ...:0, /,'" i"!~r).....1.'V ....;,J,l.r,1;\"tili, "",.,,,1. ......,:-0 ,,< l..' "!'~l"\ \:"...", <- ~ . ~~J.~;~f;,i{.~;/~:::~~~1;tl~f~;;;:" .' ::[.~'~.:!~:"~.~;\'7-~';~^!{~!:;?~;:;l:~~Y;': . ," "1~r;~;",r"':"\>iii'*m" .' .,~'i~'~;~(;lr~" ".:"./frri ::,;~}:~,~~7?:,{ig:(f~~1\;'::; " I.<<{ The C1 ty Commi snion of the 01 ty of ClnC:lrwe.ter, Florida, met on the above dute, in statutory meoting asnembled, at 12;00 noon, with the i'ollowinc members present: , , R. D. L. H. J". E. o. A. L. A. Green, Mayor-Colmmissioner Batchelor, Marsh, Baker, Barry. The f'ollowing report 01' election inspectors was presented: - -. -.;~~~;~~ ....:':t ',' ';::"L STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS : CITY OF CLEARWATER ) Wel the undersigned Clerk and Inspectors o~ the General Election o~ the C~ty or Clearwater, to be held this 21st day of Decemberl 193?~ do hereby solemnly swear that we will well and fait~lly perform the duties of clerk and inspectors at said election. ~~.~~~ C ark Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 21st day of December, 1937. ,// /? ~ ~ ~/;/ /. C p..; ?/r~ . ? ~~.d///~ i:;~~~d' Notal"Y bI c eXPires:~7,4 ,/.7'J'y ----- ~ (\. {, !I.~I'; , " My conmlsaj,on ,:' 1'. l '", .' , , I i' ',' ~'d i."//,,: (': \ ' . I ,-I.. ". f I ;',:\;;(::'" /. f ,,\," ," " :t, \J;~>(;,. ' ", '/', .~: '~J;';:,,:,\ (1/' ,~ (:';' :..' \ '\,:.. \ .... .>:: . '''('.I, . / ~ \1 \ .~ l' ,t' :: '" 11/, fl::;':, \ '," ' .__"t'): :,..t;;I.~"i'. ~3\ "{'~I;:'~" ');'1~' ':. :" ,.' ,.:,'~":>:,:.' "'~"\:I "~1'~,~':(~,~".~" '~,\~C~W"">:.tr"'h"',, "":"" ~'. , '. ,'. .. , ' r..;~>: ~. ," ......'.,. "'.' ..' ~ .. / ..:, . ,'. . . . . .. ,.' . , " { ~ '''..r .1. '.',.~'~'''' tr"''' ;.... ~.. .... . , '. .' \;. ' ': _";;,;,~:&,,i 'ic+:(;JJI!;ig::~:;~';;~:;:r::,),,\\>Z?ts:~" : '. l.T I !~; . \. "', .~ . oil "l ~l,'. ~' ."1., l' ,. , ~:;',:.~~:~, ><' .;/",'" ":.:- . 'f '. ~ ' .. ,. ,", 't ::, .'.' . . ~ 'u' ' " . '~ p.," ,":: 1 ):'~,Jp STATE OF FLORIDA ~ COUNTY OF PINELLAS CITY OF CLEARWATER . We, the undersigned inopectors and olerk of the general municipal election, City of Clearwater, Florida, held on the 21st day of December, 1937, do hereby certify that we have oonduoted said eloction according to law, mad upon counting the ballots, !'lnd the reault of said election to be as f'ollowa: Total nllmber 01' ballots cast f6;; Tota.l numbel" of ballots mutilated ;r For Cotmllissioner, to serve for term of two ( 2) years, I 4"~\ #~~~ received 6 C/1J- votes /r~~ . , $~ I /of. :;e. received votes /J.A~11 ' .:f. received 4;2(;- votes 2/f 4J/~~~~~~~ved votes Given under our hro;.,d~ ~~....~~21st day of' De..cell!!?er, 1~37. ~(), /f'"~C-V/;~~.~t?'Ye; 4~~~, ~~ ' /(/~-~ ... Mr. Bo. :'r';{ introduced l~he followinG resolution: 'I \", . ..' ,( .:"\.';)~~".~::,:'."I-.,:., .,".,...,;(!~, ,. . " ".' "" ~j~~,~~~~~.~~;~,~ , '~>" ~~ " , ~}::: .', iii;1r' :::;',~) :", NOW THEHEFOflE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMl~ISSION OF THE CITY OF OLEARWATER, FLOfllDA: That the City ConID11ss1on on bohnlf of the City of Clearwater do borl'ow f'rom the Bnnk of Clonrvmter, 1?l('lrida., the sum o:f $20,000, said s urn so borrowed fl"01,1 tbc ooid DlUlJ: oi' Clearwater to be repaid out of' tho first taxos oolleoted whioh ara not otherwise lawfully appropria tocl. And aol11 Ci ty of Cloorwntor do bind itself to pay over promptly to tho Bonlc of Cloarwutor or ordol.~ all sums collected on the 1937 afJ:JeaOmont and doaigno. tdd in tho budget of the said oi ty' for the purpose o:f pnying Jntoroot on bonded indebtedness of said City of Clearwater. Be it further rOfJolved thn.t sald City Commission of the said City of Cloarvlntar" Flor ida, do Issuo as I.U1 evidence of its sAid debt to the suid Bank of Cloarwator, four revenue antioipation cer- tifioa.tes to be datod on tho day of Deoember, A. D. 1937, eaoh for tho principal sum of~rivo thousand ($5,000) dollars, and each to bear InterGst from date of samo at the rate of five per cent per anntun, and each payablo on or before 90 days froDl the date of issue, and eaoh of auid oOl~tifioateB to be signed in behalf of said city by the City .Auditor and Clerk of said City a.nd by the City Manager of Da1d City, ann oountersigned by the Uayor-Commissioner of said City, a.m undo!' tho saal of the said Oi ty. Be it further reoolved that the said certificates shall be a' lien upon all uncollected taxas for the yo ar 1937, and Be it rurthe~ reoolved that the said city shall keep in a separate flU1d all monoya oollected on the 193r/ tax levy for the purposo of applyIng snntt'} to the paymen't (,r sa:!,d certificates, and shall malte paY'lllOl1ta from sa.ld fund on sa.itl ",evenue certif"icates weekly or of ton(H~ if roqt\os tad by the sa.id Bank of CJ.eaI"water or order It , , 'l, :~:~:: :", ;~"~".. ': ,- ,'I :;'-' . " j' r: ;;-' PASSED AND ADOPTED by bho City Cmmlission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, this the 22rldday of Decmmbe~,A. D. 1937. R. E. GREEN Mayor-Oommissioner Attest: J. E. SATTERFIELD City Auditor and ClerK It was moved by Mr. Batchelor, seoonded by Mr. Marsh and oarried that aaid resolution be adopted, and upon roll call the following vote was polled: Ayes: Mr. Green Mr. Batchelor Mr. Marsh Mr. Baker Mr. Grice Nays: None Whereupon the Mayor-Connnissioner declared the said resolution unanimously adopted and signed the emme. Mr. Batohelor introduoed the ~ollowing resolution: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CERTAIN CITY OFFIC IAts TO BORROW ON BEHALF OF TEE CITY THE SUM OF $25,000.00 AND PLEDGE ,AS COLLATERAL FOR SAID LOAN REFUNDING BONDS OF THE OITY. WHEREAS, the City of" Clearwater is without adequate funds with which to properly carry on its municipal funotions: ~\ -\~~t NOW THEREFORE# BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER# FLORIDA1 IN SPECIAL MEETING ASSEMBLED: First: That the Mayor-Commissioner# City Manager and City Auditor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized wnd empowered to borrow on behalf of the Cit.7 the sum of ~25,OOO.OO, at a rate of interest thereon not in excess of 6% per annt~. Seoond: That in consunnnatlng said loan the Mayor..Cozmnissioner, 'City Manager and City Auditor and Clerk are hereby given fUll power and authority to execute on behalf of the City any notes# papers or doc- uments that may be neoessary or required in the premises and to pledge as collateral for said loan any Refunding Bonds of the City heretofore purohased for investment purposes with Water and Gas Fund moneys or operating aocount lJl.oneys, or any moneys of the City which have been colleoted from sources under the Refunding Plan of the City which have not been allocated to the retirement and/Or purchase of Refunding Bonds. . ~.; ,\:"'. . . PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Clearvlater# Florida# this_22nd day of' Decembe;a.A. D. 1938. R. E. GREEN, Mayor-COmDlissioner Attest: J. E. SATTERFIELD, City Auditor and Clerk It was moved by Mr. Baker, seconded by Mr~ Marsh and carried that said resolution be adopted, and upon roll call the folloVling vote was polled: Ayes: Mr. Green Mr. Batchelor Mr. Marsh Mr. Ba1-cer Mr. Grice Nays: None Whereupon the Mayor-Comndssioner declared said resolution unanimously adopted and signed the srome. Mr. Batchelor introdu~ed the following reso~ution: WHEREAS, the Tovm of Belleair, for a valuable consideration. has assigned and transferred to Harriet B. Newberry, of 2222 Buh1 Building, Detroit, Miohigan, all its right, title and interest in and to the payments due and to become due ror principal and interest by the City of Clearwater to the Town of Bellealr, by virtue of that certain contract between the To,1.n of Belleair and the City of' Clear- water, represented by the ordinance of the Town of Belleair passed the 28th day of January, 1930, wad accepted by the resolution of the :City of Clearwater da.ted the 3rd day of February, 1930, under which ordinan~e there is now due to the Tovr.n of Belleair from the City of Clearwater a balance for principal of $27,7~7.50, plus interest; and \v.HEREAS, The assignee has notified the City of Clearwater of the said assignment and has directed and requested the City of Clearwater to make its paynlents on said contract direct to Harriet B. Newberry at the above address and has requested that the fiscal officers of the City be directed to make such pa7IDents to the assignee at the address stated; . \' . , " . .' . . '. . . ...... . ::. .: ";," ~';.>:;~;:.'~;~ .~):, :- "'.~ ;. , I.'...... ," "'-...', 'I ; I I j ! ' I ! I ) "", :,1", ,,,\':~;'!';;/i ' l~;;([~"~~~~~ 1-,,, "....", ~:{~~~~{'i\~,~ ' .' ... "-"'-.-' . ..' ...----c".-____.-~,-,--~~~i~~~ :.""i~;T~~~;tgi,~~~~)~i~Att , ',' ~". "'''1l'''''('~'':' ,:\ ../:?",:;::/:, ... ..' ~. <., . ," ,t.,:" ~ ?.:':. ~:..'~ ::. .:;..' .'" .{<>..:.......;., " ,~" '\''-.,. f: " , . ....1 .'. ."~If,"1'; . j~",,~) '",\ : :NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED" That the City aoknowledges reoeipt of tba said notice or the said assignment. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the fisoal o~fiears or said Ci ty- of Clearwater be directed to make all :future J;lQ'YDlents" as stipulated by said contract, direct to the assignee, Harriet B. Newberry, or her pe~sonal representatives and assigns. ADOPTED by the Oit~ Oommission or the Cit~ of Clearwater, Florida, this 22d day o~ Decemb~~ A. D. ~937. R. E. GREEN, Mayo~-Commlssiona~ .' " , i , ~ . , . ! .~~,,\,> . Attest: J. E. SATTERFIELD, City Auditor and Clerk Moved by Mr. Marsh, seconded by r~. Baker that the said resolution be adopted, and upon rol~ oall the folloWing vote was polled: Ayes: Mr. Green Mr. Batohe~or Mr. 1ria.r sb. Mr. Baker Mr. Urice Nays: None \~ereupon the Mayor-Colmnissioner declared said resolut~on unan~ously passed and adopted wnd signed the sane. Mr. Balrer introduced the following resolution: WHEREAS, Edgewater Drive, running rrom Wle city limits of Dunedin south "to 'Stevenson' s Creelc ~n the City of Clearwater, is a part o~ State Road #15" and Clevel~d Street, extending from Osceola Avenue to Greenwood Avenue, is the main artery of traff~a between the oities or Tampa and Clearwater, road 1/'v'HEREAS, Edgewa.ter Drive carries most of the through traffic in the City of Clearwater oonnecting the north with the southern end of P1ne11as Count,y and the said seotion of Cleveland Street is the major outlet to the east for all thrOU~1 trafrio inolud~ng busses and trucks regardless o~ whether the said traffio transfers to State Road #17 or goes directly across Davis Causeway" and ~rnREAS, the pavement on said streets is deter~orated to an alarming degree and should. be repaired at the earl~est possible moment in order to avert the necessity or complete replacement of pavement at a very early date, and WHEREAS, the C1 ty of Clearwater is unable, due to laak of funds, to provide any importoont maintenance such as is now required on said pavements, BE IT THEREFORE REQUESTED T}~T the State Road Department retread and seal with suitable applioations the above named streets at their earliest convenienoe, and WHEREAS, the City Commission understands that considerable work or this nature is being done on State Road #15 and further that funds are available for the above mentioned 'WO Ilk. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City CommisB~on of the City of Clearwater, Florida, that the State Eoad Department be re- quested to retread and seal Edgewater Drive from the City L~its of Dunedin south to Stevenson's Creek~ ~d Cleveland Street from Osceola Avenue east to Greenwood Avenue. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida~ this 22nd day of December, A. D.1937. R. E. GREEN ~ E4tor-Comn1ssioner Attest: J. E. SATTERFlELD, C1t.y Auditor and Clerk " . .' " " \- : 1..<,'," .. '.' ' . ..\.... :" ::f....:.~-: .. . ~ : '::{; . " .':,1' ] .'1. . :'.' ,. ';., ~ " , ' . /J .:~ -'4 > : ':. ~ ';>~ .. ....i.>'... , .- '.,:~\. .. ": ~"' '.J, ;1;~,1' "';)":~~i~%":'.~~~~'t'.~~~r~~.~~~~t~~ ~~'~~;j ,:;:'5':;~:I\*~:~~~;i;~~~~j~:;~~~~~;~~~;,:,!~, , ~l,: .;.' , .J. :'J' ,~'. :.,. There being no further busineB3~ the meeting was thereupon adjourned~ ~~r~ ,11"~"..,