06/25/1937 -- MINUTES 0 F THE CITY OOMMISS ION June 25, 1937 '. :~~ :,' ;. < .....l-~.-l"'.',';.:..'..~. . .: ~..:' ~:. ":::':~>'.! l', . ,'~::.\'."V,'.,,~i#~'~~~~~~~~~~~~,~/:,,":~?,::,:, , . :1. :, ,- .~.' '&;. ' Wrl'NESS 'J.IJ.y signa.ture and oi"i'ic1a1 seal at CJe arwater in the County of 'i' i~/'"\~\~;:" ',' ' . .'" " I' . \ '~. -', / l~~~llas and State of Florida, tht6 the 24th day of J'UIlOZA. 1937. . '. .' ":.. , ''':~~'':,~~t~i~:.''':;'',:'''~", ',~..,:'.:,..,,'::J/"~>;~~:'\':'>/' ,'.:' . :' 72:(.t1A ~. ~~~ ~ , ....<,'~.<::~,;~;N;.y..,.'(', ;:.c~,"r:;", '.",": '. ,.""',.,,,' :.,..~,. "~',, /1' " .' . ~ ( ,', ',..'.. .",\':1. "~~,,'\.,, ':( :'.',. ,,',' .. '." .'" ;.h ,,,,,' , :.,,': , , .' ~t.; J'! .;, ','I !f'~'.t.~/"~~/:~~'I:.!~"~'\'~"lf",:,;!'I::Jt'-.~J .~::-/.'1~}:r:"<,.,~" ~ ~,' .~~ ;.,:' '. ~ ',. NtvnA\1V , ".. ....,.. ~..l',.-:~~:~~;:,! '~!c~'k r:.~:1o 'i",',:'~~~~r'(~:"l~..~~ '~:"':t,~:~..::,. ..~' tl:1....::;~;.;~ t1~~.:. 'j' ,. ",. . " '1';,: '~.... . : . , "'....,... .. ' J, ,I f~"':'- .~ :'..~ ~..i\ : l~l:1:J:'n ~J'l /:~; l ,;>,.~. ", ..,.l..."".~,.,..,',;,,"',\ "\'".,.' "" "."..' .. ',> '" :.', ...', lh',,,, "',. .,'" . 'j>;. "~';-'>i",,~';i, ;'is;('~( 1~fI,~id! ! (in i, ' ''';<, ~.(.ry ~Ubl,". S~a~" ~I, (IOrlda:: argo ' , " " " ' ... '":,, ::: ,,,'C-,'!,' '::;;~~, ~U;,!, :t.;',{ ';~'I~' ,'l,::i< ',' .-",.' ;}:~ff ' ":;, ;~', .,,: ",",;" ': ,,' ';'. My, 'Commisslon' ,Expires Apr 10 1941 . , '. ", ", '."..... .?,:' /",...., N,~,('7 ::,~'~;(':';) ',0,\'; :':: .~:t ~{~;~~:, \~/:;~}:'~,\(;~ \;:'l ;'~;:~;&:';:'h~~~;:?f~{~i;~~YirJ~i:j..;.~)~:iY;~} 1':';':~":"'~';;:';:.'~ ;, ' ;'; ~: , .' {".' " . ' .;':...: :./: :;) :;.<:' ,: ..C, ;'.,::~);: ~~:.:~~~~;~f;~;~~~\t~)~t }ffJ' ,,:.!.'.:' \~t\"""Jl!";'H~M'" '"J ~ ~oA~'-'~~.'\'l~-' ~1O~~tl"""T{~~L:l.~ ,', ?~.A;>r~A~ 't'l't').~,. l_.. .'...~.4'. . hi..,....,. ,.,~, ~ :-r,...... .. 'n,' ~. ...~ .\~~ .~'... \' ;.-..:.."....:-..,f..~:..t "~'1 ~ ~,. ... . . i \ ,I 1 CI I ,,:;'i;, ~ . I !~: ,,' , . . : ~j~~~~!.i\ · , ; 'ji~iitl~"j" 1; ,:- , ~: . .' The City Commission of the Oity of Clearwater, Florida, met on the above date, in epecial meeting assembled, with the following members present: " . '" 'C" . .:.., /,.l ......: '1~~1~' R. E. Green, Mayor-Commissioner, D. O. Batchelor, J. A. Barry, R. L. Baker, L. A. Marsh. The following afridavit was read: :~ .1" .' "','~;'~~~ ....>...,1 . :-,;'" P,', " , . -,. ~ , .. i ":',';:. ~; ,: ~~':(~,y..;~. -":. , . 0: . I: .' :..,','.:: STATE OF FU>BIDA., COUNTY OF I'Df.ELLAS. Personally appeared before the undersigned, en otfi~er duly authorized by law to adm1nister oaths, H. H. :Baskin, who being duly swom < , ,il ~ "1 . I deJ;loses and under oo.th SllYS, That on or about the 15th day or Ifovember, A. D. 1932 he, then I , \ , . r .~ t f Mayor Commissioner of 'tl~ City of Clearwater, did preside at a meeting of the City Co~~ssion of the aforesaid city, at which t~ne there was trans- 1 'f .... . . , ..~ ! acted, mnong other things, the following business: - , ~"'~' ~. .... '. , '; ....... . ! ~ Upon the prosent..ntion of a statement of taxes and liens due the City of Clea.J.'water by tlle Fort lIarriBon. Hotel) it being further shcnn that the mortgage on the said hotel was delinquent and overdue and about to be :foreclosed, and it being further shown thut the hotel had been operated the previous season at a serious loss to the owners and that in the event the ~rtgage was not renewed, the said hotel would not open for the season be- ginning on or about December 15, A. D. 1032, and it being felt by t~e Cit.1 COlnmission that public interest of the City o~ Cleurwater would be better served by an o.djulJv..ncnt of these taxes wld liens l)redicuted by the owners re-oper.dng the said hotol, the said Commission then and there accepted a number of City of' CJ.e :.ll"nater bonds, the exact CUlO'lUlt of r.rhich I do not now recall, in full set.tl6:llent and satisfaction o:f all. tax:es und liens which had accrued on or a.bout that date, and the proper ofticials of the city were or- dered to make due satisfactions thereof. It is the opinion and beli(~f of tho undersigaed that this settle.. m.en t contemplated al1d did actuaUy settle all of the tuxes and liens against the hotel property as 01' that date. '1 , _~tr~ '-~~ ;1 , '. ~:~: ".'.', ,,,,.'.' :, ....., _'1,:: ~~;..~.~ :'.:: ; :;,',:.;.'. ::'.,.. . ." ", ',". . .'.; , \, ' .....~ . '.1 ..' > .. ., '," ' ~ :..' '." '.' '.' :. ," :.~:.~,:;' ".)' Moved by Mr. Batchelor, seconded by Mr. Barry and carried that in view of the affidavit, and the ~act that ~. the records are ambiguous on the subject, that the paving , ~~~ assessment against the Fort Harrison Hotel be cancelled.' There being no further business, the meeting was thereupon adjourned. ~7~~~ erk "