05/20/1937V ? ' ?,_?. ??: ??.. F, ?;.Y? ,?.??t? ?;.t $rh,Ke?, Yrmt?"T"-r. "".k' l?rr....«? ?.v..-.,. ..; qty r?.? ...,=,?v* '^nn n -s,..,.?:. y .^?.:: ,. ra??„ ? F ; +yry,trt,. r. t r !Rr^'+b,r w? ..«rrr'!'ot'6'rt4iS"`Y'rY..'r?,MaGrt. ?lj?'=9?"" 4' p u C ? 5A},1 ?x' ? t?k' ? . i .i, u?tp ? M=? t 7 iii 1,. t`?? ?+?rir ? ? P . ? ? t' ?, , , r t C., ? ? ? - ? Ir,., , , , ? . r, •, , ,. ?,;+ ? ? is ? ., K ? ?,:': t ,. ? ?, , ??+nf?t ? ?' ? ? ?...,, -, c1 r ? ? ? f i _....___ ',i i /?^?'? f } I;IIN(1`,P??S OI' TIIL CI'I'?l CODII,IISSIOI?I s J;.AY 20, 193'1 r' ? I ? The City Commission of the City of Cleax?rrator, Florida, met on >vtay 2C?, 1937, in special. meeting assembled, with the f'ollotivinC; members present: i ' 1',iayor-Commissioner 1?, E. Green J. A. Barry b, 0. Batchelor Iur, I+Iarsh introduced the follotvin?; resolution: ? , ',:, t+ , RESOLtiTIO?'? OP TI?IE C I'I'i'' COi??.l.IISSIOI? OF Tlih CITY. OF ti ?'?? ?- CI?I?'.AR?7ATLI1, -?LOP]?t?A, Ai'I'R()Vli?G ftPf? ACCEI'T:fI?;G TI-11J ? ?; ?? , YLP.T?S 1'RLYAFiED RY S, S. >;O1JIS, CIZY ?.'I?IC?:IIILI,R, ]i'OR i `71??`?, A SAI?IJTl=.IiY SE1?tI? ?Y5T1?1' Oi?1 C??IiAR?;?1`1':??R Bh?11CI? ISr?APID ??.?,,, ? ? , a„ TIIL CI3?Y' OI' CL.i?'AP'.:'l:TER DliTED 1'AY 20 1937. ''I'??' ? ????,? ?`?ri ?i y ??,{? V!?)EIII;AS, the need of a sanitax?r sel?rer system on Cloarti°rater Beach Island r ,?r y?„r;,??y ? ? ; 1 i?r ti?,?"?' i? press9nr; ard. it is imperative that action must bo taken immediatol?l to ,`4,r ?? ti?? ?a,?' ?-F' ?,?? :? t provide for the sa?no and duo to the advancirr* cost of: labor and material the ,?yA??}?„c,?;tr,' , P4'JA Project for a sower s;?steri for the City of Cloarrrater llas overrun the $ ??, s??,. a?4 ?? ;' ?? ,,. =N??.?? ws? .? estimated fir?ares and allotment request. ??G?,?r ??????*?;''.??! ti, ?ia?? ? ?'a r? ? i +, t i' +' t ??'? b t118 C?'t?' CiOrT' 18Sioll in meet], ass:?mbl8d ??? ??????r???l? T_ILI;I;I'ORL BL IT RI;S OIJ Jy ? r that the plans for a sanitar?r sevror system on the most populous parts of ?"???r,"?`?`?`?,r??+ ?,a` 7?Lt c? ? Cleartivater Peach Island as 1aic1 out by S S 1;ouis C9ty >?n?;ineer under ?° it=;$? ''' , , +a?rtr+?an+,y ??. date of I:ay 20th, 1937, tor*other vr9th te?nnorar;r sevra?*e clisposal plans, ? li ,'a'#?F????'?? be hereby approved and accepted a?:d the City l,:ana?;ar be instrntcted to `{`Rsfi???x`??x?;?,' file vrith the I'lorida State Board of Ilealth an applica{;ion for a permit ? ?k; ???????? ;s ,?r;?? ?'? ; ?? - by the City of Clearti?rater to construct tll:is portion of the sever system ?S i ?y?T?, ?. 1 ? vrith file understandinT~ as?.d a?;reernent that t]^e use of. septic tanks a$ shotivn ? f?'? ,' ??,wF; . on the plans is temporar?,r, The City plans to either completel?l modernize ?; ,? 4 ?{ l;f Y?S 4 fi v?' 4??' its present clisposal plant or build a new modern plant and abandon these ? ?,'?T??????!;??,; '' septic tanl?:s and conr_ect this system vri.tli tre modern disposal plant above t?:;Pt? ?tijr?.?,' r rent ion ed . kua?<???? ? ;f ?? yy??4?y ' ?1,rS7YZ}?1?1{,,vs s ,? (Sued) K. L. Green, Iriayor-Coi;IInissioner w?7}? , ? rs Att05t: y? '`???j?i''??i 1 ? ? t S F !'rJ} fk n? r ? "' ? ? J, );, Satterf: field, ?? r????5a'??`` ?' ,^ , ? ?, ? City Auditor and Clerk. ?6? ?r??;; ? . ? « '?' ?t zF It 1°ras moved bsr I:'r. Barr;, seconded b?l 1.Tr. Batchelor, that the <"'a?? a??? ,;. ?,, , ???y?)} ??,x?tr, 1 l:e?? ? T ? ? ??tr211 }f?A ???c P 1 ?'?? ??,??7 ? ? resolution be adopted, and ?lpon roll call the f o11ow??.nF? vote i=ras polled: ''_ ?`-?` ??`?? ?; f ekkffh, r? ir,„'?'f? , Ares; I.;a?*or-?OI1L'll?! `JS .On81' 1{. L. Green .T, A, Barlnr D, 0. L'atch.elor L, A. ],?arsh ?_ Tdays; lone Absent and not voting; Ii, L. PaiLar thereupon ?;he I:a?ror declared the saa.d resolution passed and unanimously adopted, and signed tl?e same, There being: no further busir.?ess, the meeting; was thereupon adjourned. ??? ?? I;layor- omraissio er ??' ., `??>"" ,. ?;;• , ,Its tr h"' ? ?: i' ? ?'s+, ;? c ?`r?? ? ? ? f , r , 4?'} ? ??? ?+tt r ? 7 f 4 ? ? ? ? . , {{ 1 ? t ?'??.1jr? v ,?14 ? ? r1 * } ,?' t ? ? ? ? ,. . ? ,"?.,ihy?n k'i ? s'?e t? "tt ' i t t? t, :?s 1 7g??u?i a 'u,Y t u '1 ? +, ?ir? `Y f 4 ?? }, S? ? ? r M1i ? k' I ? S '??'•,??yy`??*?337y??? I'?4?,??lf`'tw. ??>?'Nl?ft?'.`1 i !, G s 1. ?' ,'''. v- 1 } ??,. d?xaA+S??n?. 2t%M...J? ??5+?,?1?t $ R __. ? ._ i 1 i' - ?'?:.:-.: _ - u,. r L ? . ... +??+°:? ?? i ?J .y -. i.. i ? > ?i ? r h. ? 7. + t ?n,'?^ t u a vaa}? tj ?' ? ? ?4= 1? k' ? s.Y r6 ???}' ???? +.: ( ? J? .u S'i't?:?..'.,..,?? 1? ti.` .?y?' 'il + f7?, ?. , i ! ? ?, ?. . ;< ?. ;'a . •? ?? '1 1