03/15/1937 ',.; : l ":,{: ":} :?:,,): ~,','". , ,t, , '! '" ,;',f ",'.f ' " ! .'; r () of <.;-,)~., 1. , ~. , " , 1 , .'~ .,. -1'" '\~ . ....;"'.. ,. '~..,. . ". - ..., .., '",': .\.. .. _: ,...,.,~.. ....... .' . .', . . .l"'.;.';.;.:'!I.;":"""_'.4.~.' ~ ,., ......... .'.,...:.:...~...,~.,.;.,. ".'. ~._~ ''Ol: " ".;" :, .,,,~,.:,: ,;'.:.~,;:,~~~~.~i~~:~;1;;S~;~;.:j,;E~z;~~iLtii0j~:d~\;~;i;~b~~;~j~;f4~J;'~!~~'X:~"}~?;'<;L' ..::. ,~" ,()!,,/' II".',,';' ~,' , Ji,~e~~~;~,;f:,~:}~:~~:):~' / \, " '1"'.'.,"""'" '/'; '.. '1 ' .llf.(J~I'~~!~' ~' : /, :.1:.." :,':' ,j.~.':J' ,. i',,~ ::. .'; '':'' , .' 'J ,'.'... ',. l' ~::: " ------...,--_.._-~--- MINlJTES OP rUlE I:EETING OP 'l.lIJE CI'l'Y" CO!iI1',:Ic.S JON :;. 1.1AnCH 15, 1937 The City Commissjan of the Cjty of Cloax'water, F'loridn, met on 1.1nJ:'cll 15, 1937, in spoclc,l moot:i n~ assembled, with the following members present: ., '., 'I. ~ l i i' I r . , . n. E. Gr'een, !\;n.yor-Conunissjoner J. A . Em'ry T\. L. Balml" L. A. 1.:0.1'811. , '! .) Mr. I3n.rr:y intro ducec1 tho followj,n0: rosolu tion: '/ 'j .~ ' j 'I, ! w:rn~H EAD , n ce rt nj n qu i t cl D. :iJn d ee d f'rom H. C. and Eli. z abe th Fi sher to the Ci1:y of Clearwater, Clcm'\'mter, Ploricla, :bas been examined by the said members of the G i ty Conrrni 3S ion of' the City of' Cle arYlat er, ana in conformance wit11 said ql.ll t cln.im deed do hereby elJtablish the right-of'-way of' Osceola Avenue ab1..1..t tinr: the proporty of r!. C. and Elizabeth Fisher as extending 25 ft. east or tJ1e center line 01' the presen t povel:1ent as it novI exists, abut- ting tho nortJ1 GO ft. of Lot Ono, Bloch,ll'wo, Jones Subdivision of Nicholson's AdcU tion to Clearr;ater, as recorded ~in the Hillsboro PIa t Book One, page Thirteen, of '\'ihich Pinellas Cotmty was :formerly a part. r. I, THEHEFOIlE BE IT RESOLVED I3Y rnll~ OJ'fY COl::- JSS JON OF ~PHE CITY OF CLEAm'/ATER, FLORIDA, IN J'E:r'~'rJFn ASS:u:r,m:,ED: That the City Lanagcr be and he is here"by authol"ized and instructed to accept the above described ri(?~1. t-of-vlaY in the nrone of the City of Clearwater" Flor1da, wi th the distinct undel'standing tha t said rir41t-of-way is to be used on~y for street purposes. Attest: J. E. Satter~ield, C j,ty Al.ld 5. tor and Clerk. R. E. Green, ISa;Tor-COIlDnissioner It was moved by I\lr. BaJcer, seconded by I,;r. Ua1"'sh and carried that the \.;;;.:~~~.< .:,'". ~~: ' : .:. '.::. ';: '.;~.~ :':~' ': :-;..: sa:td resolution be adopted, and upon roll call the follo\':inr:, vote Vias polled: .of, 0,; c Ayes: R. E. Green, ro.yor-Co:mmissioner J. A. Barry R. L. Baker L. A. J,Iarsh. Ne.::TS: None Absent and not vot:ing: D. O. Batohelor rJnereupon the },!ayor-Gonunissioner declared the said resolution passed and unanimouslyadopted, a'Yld sir~ed the same. The folJ.owinr; resolution ViaS introduced by I,:r. Barry: V~mREAS, the City o~ Clearwater 11.0.0 established and maintains in the County of Pine llas a l.:unicipal Airport, and \~mREAS, In order to acquiro sufficient land for the construction of said Airport said Ci ty 01' Clear\'mter recently instituted in the Sixth Judicial Circuit in and for Pinellas Cmlnty, Florida, a condemnation proceeding, vnlerein i?~1.e City of' Clearwater vias Plaintif:f and Jan Angel was Defendant, being Law Case 718653, and tiBEREAS, said suit has been amicably oettled and the se.5,d Jane Angel has by- deed dated Febru.ary 1$37, and duly recorded in the Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida, conveyed the l1ereinafter described lrmd to the City of Clear\''later, Florida, and said. land is novl bej,n~ used by said City :for ae:ronautical purpos es and constitutes a part of' the l(,unic ipal Airport of the Cit,r of Clea:rwater. '. ..:.,";'f!' '. "-..,. ~ .' ", , ',; f. .:.1'.... .. ."'~ . ~.,. ....,~~. ;_.~_,;..;.ij,";;"_~ ,.,.,.~~~.<...."'..,...,"'; ;,;,. '.,;",~S,i.~;.;<ij~'i'{;)!;f~':,){:;';;;~i';{ ,iX.!;;";"'''';':!." '.. C). . ;....:..~:.,.(l. . '''~.l ';;>' , NOW 'J:1I-IEREFOnE, DE JT Rl!SOLVED BY TIlE CI'l'Y COMl::rSS ION OF THE CITY OF CLI~fill\'JA'l'En, FLOR TDA, IN r:lEE"r I1~ (} ASSEMBLED: J.. That the f'0110wjnr; doscrlbecl property situltte in t;he County of Pinel1us and Stote of' Florida, to-wit: The SOltthen.st Quarter (SE~;") of' tho Horthwes t 0.uo.rtor (N\'!:l,) of' S011thea.st QU1J.rter (SE~}) in Section Twenty-two (22) Township Twenty-nine (29) South, Range Fi.t'teen (15) East, .. f is hereby set aside and designated for aeronautical purposes. BI~ IT FlmrrREH nESOLVED: . .'./J' .:.,t 2. '1'ha. t 0. copy of thi s Resolution be furnj shed to the Bc,ard of' County Connnissioners of Pinellas County, P1orida, \'lith the request that they adopt the proper resolutiorl in order for the Sto.to Comptro1lor to satisfy and cancel the outstandjnr; State and Count7T ta;~es aGainst said land, in co n:t::trmi ty w-:lth Chnpter #17426, Laws of Florida or 1935. BE IT F'lTR'1'EER RESOLV'i!~D: ': :'"/;':"?,:{" , '1~f;ij';1ii~f~ ...",:x, .l,..". <!;;~~'.}jZ~~l~}~. . """JI <.,.,"~. : .l)l t,. :?d:....', " 3. That tax.es which are s01.1p;ht to be cancelled a.re embracod in Tax Certif'icate Ho. 938, sal~ of September 2, 1935, f'or taxes for the yoar 1934, in the prlnc ipal sum of :.;>26.15. Attest: J. E. Satterfield, C:i.t~r Audi tor Bl1d ClerIc It WllS moved by Idr. Bal::er, seconded by I,Ir. Marsh and carried that the H. E. Green, T:ia:yor-Cormnis si oner . , I said resolution be adopted, and upon roll can, the fol1or:j.nr; vote was polled: Ayes: R. E. Green, j,~ayor-C01mnissioner J. A. Barry R, L. Baker L. A. J.Iar sh Nay s : Hone Absent and not voting: D. O. Batcl~elor VJhere1.1pon the l:::ayor-Co11!rl1issioner declared the said resolution passed and adopted, and s:i.r;ned the sam,e. Th.ere being no f'nrther busine ss, the meetine was thereupon adjourned. CR.~f'1 ^ O~ ~~r~d~er