03/05/1937 .t'.,'.:. ~ ..>:;. ...; .:~ '.. \~. ~ .t\. J .'...~,:T i <. ",. ""'C"\,",;,".;~~:~~0;,";,~<<",,i4Ji;J;~i;~~~1~'~:';i:i'~5~,~ ' , 1;. ~'~. ;~)~~* ';~0!. ..., '".;:.~"}J~f,~~~~t~liiij~;'. .' .' . ; ).). '.:~.{/,~,;,:':"f'~~.'.~' .~' . < ::.~'.l.'.;"',~: >(:~.:::/..J' ' ", ',j, :: ,:.:: ;'" . '. .1.. . ,,~.. ',:h.'. :- .>_ ~ .~ :,. : ,',;,,:"> .- MnlUTES OP THE r.1El<~T:rNG OF' 'PIJE CPI'Y" C013,1]83 ION Iii.AnCn 5, 1937. Tho City Commisslon or tho City of' ClearvlO.ter, F'lor:fda, met on I\~arch 5, 10317 I in spacial m00tinp, assonlblod, 1',i th the followinr; members present: R. E. Green, I,layor-COllID1issioner H. 1, . Er!.le er L. A. 1.1o.rsh It vms moved by j"r. Baker, seconded by Mr. I\la.:rsh a.nd carried that ~1'lOO.OO additional app:ropriation be ma.de to'.m.1.rd the expenses of the Gulf Coast Hir,hway Association. It was moved by hl:r. Blll:e r, seconded by ],11". l.lursh ancl carried that the City Attorney be au.thol'ized tb nef.':otia te a special agreement to the Bank of Bonlli.fE~ for the excbf',nge of the 1.1" bOl1ds. It was moved by lJr. Bah:er" seconded by l,;r. l.iarsh ani carried that the City buy the lot in the Countl'Jr Club owned by l.ir. Ylesson, \'ihich is under l:itigation between the city findEr. \'1esson, at a price of ~;800.00. It was moved by },lr. L~u"sh, seconded by 1,lr. Balcer and carried that the tax adjus tments recol1unendecl by the comni ttee be approved. Mr. ],jRrsh introduced the .rollo\''Jil1f~ resoll.lt:i.on: \'J1I2REAS, the Ylorle covered by ~:;ect:i. on E and Section F, C. I. Tenney Enr;ineel":ing Company, Gas Apparatus, is rrc:.bsbm. tinIly cOUlIllete according to original plans and specif'icaticno and aPP:x'ovec1 change orders, Nos. 3-E-l and 7- E-2, and performance test shows both cnnucJ ty. and economy pel"fonnance better.;. than controct requirel1lents, THEREFORE, BE: :1:r.L1 RESOrNED TIY rrFE C lre{ CO!,TISSIOl': OF THE Crry OF CLE1\RV!ATER, FLORIDA, IN SPECJ1\L I~EJ';Tn!G A~.'SEI.!BI,ED: That the City J'lannr;,er be and he j s hereby apthorized and instructed to accept as being subs tant ialJ.y cOl':1ple te ll. ceo rdinr; to original plans and specifi.catioT1.s and approved chanr:e orders, Hos. 3-E-l and 7-E-2, the work covered by Sections E anc F, C. I. Te1mey Enr;ineer ir..g Company I Gas Apparatus. R. E. Green, 12ayor-Cor.rrnissicner Attest: J. E. Satterfield, City Auditor and Clerl~. It ViaS moved by Er. Baker, seconded by Mr. l;lo.rsh, that the sa.id resolution be adopt ed, and upon relJ. call the f'ollO\'iinr: vote was polled: Ayes: R. E. Green, Iiia.yor-Conmlissioner R. L. Baker L. A. lIInrsh Nays: None Absent and not voting: D. O. Batcbelor J. A. Barry Whereupon the I.iayor-CoIilIUissioner declared the sa.id resolution passed and unm.imously adopted, and si8ned the same. The following resolution was :i.ntroduced by Mr. Marsh: ~', \....~.:;:.:'\\\t}~t.~.: '.' '. .. " . . ,,>>, ..'.;<. , ,>,;',. I>' " "1.' "." ,>: "'j '\ :.;! ,':':;.. ,~j .. . :) .,>., , 4- '. .' " ; ,', .' ....., .. "i(l~~~~~g';'i,', , .1..;.\(. .....'..i;:.. .,,")~, "JiJ!,~~j:7< d^ t~ , \.' " ;'>',~il.~~rf.g';~J~i{?;f~1~,%Jf~;,;?~:;~::i:;f.\. ",\ ) - . ,. " . '. '.".. ,,':i);.':,,':" ',. ~ . ., . .: : ; t , . i\~~~~ii,~;'5M~~W)':\:i+,,,,~:~.J,,,,,,;.,~+.;".~,:;.:2'-',,4:~~-"~~:;;""j~,};.;L~~~:;c,;,,~~~V$~~J,' , ' , ~ . ' ,- .~ ;,.' ,..\ ,'. .", WHEREAS, Waste Heat Boiler, specif'ica tiol1s, the \vorlr covered by Secti on D, Babcock & Wilcox Compa11.Y~ is subston tially complete accorcU ng to original plans and TlIElillI"OnE, CLEARWATl~R, PLOnIDA, BE IT RESOIJVED BY TIm CJTY COr,rJ(I~~SION OJ.' THE CITY OF I'N I::EIi:T DiG ASS EI.:BLED: . ,'L, , That the to accept as bei~ specif'icntions the Heat Boiler. City l,lano.ger be and he is he:reby authorized and instructed substantially complete accordin~ to original plana and V1or]< covered by Section D, Babcock f.: Wilcox Company, \Vaste ~. . {.,. . . -''':' ;.n ,I. , R. E. Green, Mayor-Commissioner "I.,. ' '. ~ . ,'1 Attest: ~. E. Satter~ield, Ci ty Anai tor and Clerl{. It was moved by J.lr. Baleel', seconded b-y J,'ir. Marsh, tha t the said resollltion be odoptEid, and upon roll call the following vote was polled: Ayes: R. E. Green, Mayor-COllUllissioner R. I.. Bn.1cGr L. A. !/Jar s..'11. Absent and not voting: D. O. Batchelor J. A. Barry ~bereupon the Nayor-Collmissioncr declared t~e. said resolution passed a.nd unanimously adopted, and sic;ned the Sl1.1ue. There beiJ.1g no further busD1ess, the IYJeetinc; Viax thereupon adjourned. C?~ Mayor- olmnissiOher "1";