09/23/1936 .; '..:....... . 1 ,~,' ~';' ~ . .;,"~.~ j:-;ti n"'" "'''"'1'" (]) .';:il'f!li!jltIf'..";:. ~UNtJ11ES OF THE CITYCOm.rIS::3ION September 2~. 1936 The Oity Commission of the City of Clearwater. Florida. met on the abJve date. in special moeting assembled, jointly with the B1vil Servioe Board of said City, with the followin~ members present: of the City Commission: ..' .,.,' ." ....E;\i,1\:i\. ~. R. E. Green, Hayor Commissioner, H. L. Balcer, D. O. Batchelor. .T. A. ]arr:t . L. A. lb,rsh. of the C1"911 Service Board: L. G. Abbett, Raymond Lee, Reade Tilley, Gordon Dicks, Guy M. Holloviay. Matters concerning ti.e 'Civil Service Board were discussed, but no action was taken. Messrs. Motscillnan, Collins and Sasser, liquor dealers, petitioned the City Commission to permit their stores later closing hours during the \tinter .( season. Moved by Mr. Bal~er that closine; hour for li~tuor stores be changed to 12 0' clock for periocl Oct.:..ber 1st to 1,~ay 1st. Motion lost for want !)f a secm d. !, 1 Moved by 1~. Batchelor, seconded by l~. Barry. thut bill of oounsel of the Florida League o~ I:!rmicipali ties, $75.00, 1'ur work on Clearwater project # l202-2R be approved for payment. Carried. Moved by 1~. IJarsh, secondeQ by 1~. Ba~ry, and carried, that an aaditiona1 sum of $500.00 to Clearwater Chambe~ of Commerce for billboard aavertisinG be appropriated. Moved by l~. J~rsh, sec~nded by 1~. Batchelor, and carried, that the Ordinance on Weights and l/Ieasures be tabled.. Moved by IJr. J,1arsh, se conded by Mr. Batchelor. and carried, that the matter of Brumby lease be turned over to the City Attorney for preparation of a new lease. Moved by Mr. Marsh, seconded by Mr. Ba.tchelor, and carrieQ. that the proper C1 t;{ Officials be authorized to execute the following contract with Pinellus County, with regarQ to the Police Radio: , , , " :' -~, -~." :t:,:.:<~~'.~'.;~:~~?V~~W~~~?;: ' " '."1 ';;':\,1;", '.. ".,1 .. , ,". . ,,~ ,,' ',' -t' , ~ ' 'r f"' ! I . ~ r f, "j" ,','.. " " 1 ' ...: ..~': !. . j, ,:,:<:~(.;~:i;':;:::i,,: " . ~ ,,,. " I,' .0, ,.., ~~'."")' .. ~~t~i.\;"'W11~t:,. ,,' " -' :....,.. ',~~,~. ..'..::' . .",....:'\.f!\!. <,'I '/ '., ":',:.:'fI!1;~, ,'; ..:~ . '~.....: j~; :;'~,:~ .... Mr. Marsh introduced Ordinanoe no. 414 tor its ~irst reading, and ~.~'r:':"l.;.' ~ moved its adoption on its first reading. SeconQed by 1~. Batohelor. ':-.r Upon roll call, tho following vote was polled: Ayes: Green, Barr~/, J3a tchelor, Baker, Harsh. , , .~:' .~. ,: Nays: None, Moved by Hr. 1.1a.rsh, seconded by Mr. Batchelor, and unanimously oarried, that Ordinanoe No. 414 be plaoed upon its seoond reading .'.J' immediately and passed, the rules being waived. Upon roll oall, the follo\'ling vote was polled: Ayes: Green, Barry, Batche1o:1', Baker, Harsh. I-J'ays: None. 1!oveu by Hr. !.rarsh, seoonded. bj' l.ll'. ]atohelol', and um.i.nimously oarried, that the rule~ be further vmived, and the Ordinanoe be placed upon its third and final readinG;, in full, immediateJ.y. The Ordinance having been read in full fOl' its third reading, moved by Mr. Marsh, seconded bv " J,'!r . natchelor, that the rules be further waived and the Ordinanoe be passeC its third and final reading. Upon roll eall, the following vote wac polled: Ayes: Green, Barr:'i, I3atehelor, :Bakel", Harsh. Nays: None. Whereupon the Mayor-Commissioner dehlared that Ordinanoe No. &14 was duly passed and adopted, and signed the same, as follows: ~,. .,:\,~ : / ......',,;:'.;,.., "~J,~~ ,\ Q. , ' '\;. . ,'0,"',1' " . . . f . -\ . . " " ", " . .-\ , ,7 <::\~(~~:'\ . .193,' ,\ c or~INAHCE NO. 4.14 AN ORDINAHCE RELi'~'J~IlIO TO Tl{,\l"l"IC 1\11D tmOtJLt\TING TUE USE 01;' PtmLIO STREETS AND HIOllWAYS 01" 'rIm CITY 010' CLEil,lC'J\TER, FLOHIDA; PHOVIl)tlo no FOR 'rIlE INSTALLA'l'ION, HEOULA'rrON A1ID cor-rTHOL 01" 'l'IlE USE OF PAHK-Q-h{E11El\8; RE~tUIHINO DEPOSI'J' OF COINS FOl1 THE USE OF PARK-o- METERS MID Pi,HKINO M.1~'l11~;d zorJES; PROVIDIIJG Pl!~NAL'l'Y FOn THE VIOLATIONS THE~\EOF; ^UD PTIOVIDIlHl THl\T IUV1\LIDI'1:'Y 01-' P^RT llEREOP SHALL NOT AFF1IWT V:\LID ITY 01" j~hri{J\ I!IDl!;H. . ", '\ ','(. ," ; ,'~ ,'. .'~ ~ BE IT OHlJAIN!iD dY 'rilE GI'l'Y CO~~,tI~.~SION OJ.' '.l.'HE C I'l'Y OF CLEAHVU\TER, FLORIDA: .; , . '. f c/~ . ", :~. Seotion 1. Tho '1Ord Itveh1ole" as used herein shull mean anJ' devioe in, upon or by v)hiol1 any perDon or proporty is or may be trunsportod upon a highway, excopt those oporatod on rails or truoks. Section 2. That those certain desoribed parts of streets in the City of Clearv/ater, Flor1da, a~ may ~rom time to t~me be designated br resolutIon of the City Comm!ssion, are hereby established as parking meter zones, and tho City Manager shall cauoe to be installed parldng cause metors and shall/parking metor spuceo to be designutod in acoordance with the pl"ov1s1ons o:f this ordinance, ,", " ',> , ;'" ,', , ',>.' "', :. . . ~ ' ; :i!i~!~~i~" i tr~' , / i I Sect~on 3. That tho City ManuGer 1s heroby authorlzed to 1notall or place parkinG meters in such par1'lne meter zones as ~y be created J by resolution or the 01 ty Commission. Such pnrlring meters shall bo pla.ced upon the curb alongside of or noxt to individual parking spaces to be designated as prOVided by sach. reSOlutions, and e aoh suid parking meter shull be so sot (18 to shovl or displa.y a signal that the pnrk1ns space aloIlbside of same 1s or is not in use. 'the city Manncer shall provide for tlle instRllation, reg\Llntion, control, operat1on and use of the parking lneters provided far in this ordinance and shall maintain aaid metors 1n ~ood workable condit1on and ea.ch said parking meter shull be so Bet as to d1spluy a signul showing legal parking upon the deposit of a f1ve oe~t coin o~ the united States there1n for a period of t:1me conf"orm1ng to the parking limit now or here- after provided by ordina.noes, resolutions~ or polico reGull.ltiona of the City of Cleal"wn'ter for the part of the street upon vlhich said met.Eta l placed; each meter aha11 by its device clearly set out and contlnud in oporution from the timo of depositinG such coin until the expiration o~ the time fixed by said ordinances, resolutions or police regulations as the parklll{; llxnit. for tb,e pa.rt of the street upon whioh said meter is placed. Each set metor shall also be so arranged tbut upon the expira- tion of sald parking limit it w1ll 1nd1cn~e by a mechanical operation and the dropp1nG of proper a1c;nnl tiha t the l.uw.tul. parking period ae fixed , , . .. " '''''1'~I~~;;~i;~'~:,~,~~,~~;;""""",,''. ..,.. .~,'.' " " .. " , :;',1' H~" ':., - ";CD' I :.. " :"" :.:,." . , , ' "':f '. . ',...' ..~~' by the ord1nances" resolutions or pollee regul.u.tions of the City of ClallrVlll tOI' haD expired. }.: . I soot ion 4. .. hon uny voll.1c to shul.l be pnrkod l.n any SpllCO alens- s1do of' or noxt to \'/1'11c11. thero 1a looatod, Wldor this ordinance, a pllrl{inc; motor, tho O':lUOl', oporator, Il1Ell1.HCOr, or dr1.vcl' of suid voh1cle shull upon ontol'lnc tho Quid pnrl{1nc OptlCO ill1:Jlsdint:aly dopos1.t a .five cant' coin of the Uni tad nt!L toa in tho parkin.G motor along.s1de of' or next to. said p ,rldnL Spl.\CG and tho sald pnrl(1nc; apueo ma~ then be 'Usod by auell vehicl.e dUl'i11L.; tllO pUP/lnG I.lm1 t providod by tho ordinancos, reaoJ.\1- tiotls and p,)lice l'OL"Ulutlons of' th.o C1t~ of Cloarwater 1'01' tho purt ot the streot in vlllich sald pllrldn(; spnce 1.a 10cn. tad. If sald vehicle eho..ll. re- mu.in park<1d in all;! such pnrl{lnL apnca beyond the parking l1m1t f."l:xad b~ the ordinances, I'oaolut1.ona 11l1d pOl1.co ragu1ntlons o~ th& City of Clenr- via tor 1'01" such parkinG spnea. the pu,rlclnG meteI' shull display n e1.gn show- . I.ng 1llegal pnrking, and in that avant, such vohio1e shall be considered as purlced ovort:1lll6 and beyond tho t1nie .fixed by the ord1nances, rSBOlutlone and police re&ru.1a t10ns of tile ai ty of Clear-auto%', and the parking ()f a. vehicle overtime or.beyond tho period of time fixed now or herea.fter b~ tile ol'dinnnc6s, resoJ.u.t1.011S and pOl1.ce regulations of' the City of Clear- water in any such. purt of a streot where any such meter 1s located sl:1a;11 be a. violntion of this 01'd1uElnce and pUll1.shed as hcre1nafter set out. Xt I I 00;,1 , ',\ .~ shall lJe 'lttllU\vful f'or any person to cHuse, allo\'!, perini t or s11i'~er any such veh1.cle rogistered in 1ds nmno to be pal'ked overtime or oeyond the lawfu1 period or time as above d03crlued. ~:' Section 5. It shnll be unlaw~ and an offense ror ~y person to deposit or cuuse to be dopos1 ted 1.11 a. parlting ra.etor n fivo cent coin for the puz'pose of extonding the parl<1ng time beyond the t1m() fixed b~ the ord1rulnceo~ resolutions and police r08ulutions of the C1ty of C108~vater, :for parld.n[; in t:he parld.ng spl.l.ce aloIl,@Side of or next to which. sald pUl'k- 1ng meter 1s placed. Section 6. It ahu11 be unlawful an~ nn offense for any person to permit a vehicle to remain or be placed in any parking pIueo alongsida of or next to wh~cb any ptwk1ng mater ~9 p1acod ~hl1o sa1d meter is display- ing a signal sho\';ing that suah vehicle shall have already parked b9~ncl ~he period of time fixed by the ord~nnnces, resolutions and ~ollce regUla- tions of the city o~ Clearwuter ror suoh parking space. Section 7. It shs.1l be the duty of eaoh trati'1c patrolman, or 8U~b. .' ~ ., ':.i":. I'"" '" "J,.~~.,;~.', >.., .'. '" ..: ~..: '!'.' ," ;:'~'.'~: -' ';: ."" .,-;': ,I ,'.', ',: ' t, . " ~:}::V,~~f'~:\:':~\:~~~~f~r(~~~~~,"': . I ~ ": 1)I!f; ,', ,.'~~" ~":, .;;,,>:~.~:';~{. >."".,f . j ~ '\' .: '.. : . .. , ~ ..1,' . "'\~::)'\/"" .' ~r :".:f,t':'<":' , .,..l,",' ," 1'\;:' . j..' .. 1', . ~ . \