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AUIJUST 12, 1936
'OJ ,to
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The members of the City Commission of the City of Clearwater,
Florida met on the above date at a special meeting assembled~ with
the following members present:
D. O. Batchelor, Acting Mayor-Comm1seioner
R. L. Baker L. A. Marsh
Moved by Mr. Marsh, seoonded by Mr. Baker and carried that the
City Commission approve an as signment of lease held by Mr. Hatz on the
Park-Inn property on the Island to Park-!nn.Inoorporated.
Moved b,. Mr. Baker, seconded by Mr. Marsh and o81'rled that the
City Auditor & Clerk be authorized to canoel all oity taxes and speoial
assessment l1ens against the property of the Belmont Nursery Sohool.
Mr. Marsh introduced the following resolution:
WHEREAS, no provision was made in the annual budget for the pay-
ment ot $500.00 to app17 on tues of Mr. E. T. Rou.x in consideration
of 111s deedlng to the Clty Ms interest in the right of way of
Olearwater street and
WHEREAS, no provision was made in the Oity budget for pa~ent
of fI'eight on clay used for ,improvement of the Ball Park in the
p:t'8oeeding fiscal ,.ear and
WHEREAS, said amounts are now due and payable.
THEREFORE BE IT RmOLVED by the City Comm1ss1on of the City of
Clearwater, Florida, first, that an appropriation of $500.00 be, and
is herebt~made to cover the cost of 141'. Rowe's possession of the right
of way to Clearwater Street,
IT FURTHER RESOLVl!5 that the amC1l1nt of $518.06 be and is herebJ'
appropriated fo~ the payment of freight bills on olay used in the
previotls flscal year for the Ball Park in Clearwater.
Passed and adopted by the q1ty Commission of the C1ty of Clear-
water, Flor1.da this 12th day of August, A. D. 1936.
(Signed) B. Oa Batchelor
Aot1ng Mayar-commisS1oner
.: .
(Sl~d) J. E. Satterfield
city AUd1tor Be CJ.erk
Aoting -Commi8sioner
Whereupon, The,!Mayor /deolared ,the Res olu'tlon duly adopted 8.Dd
signed the aame.
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Koved br Mr. Baker, seoonded by' Mr. Marsh and c9.1'ried that the
Oitr Manager be authorized ~o spend up to $6,000 for the purohase and
installation of an electrioal generatoD, together wi~h the neoe88~
switch boards, etc. ror use with the waste neat boiler being ~stalled
in the incinerator.
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Commissioner Marsh introduced the ro11owing resolution:
WHEREAS, on the 27th day of February. A.D. 1931, a certain
map or plat was recorded in the offioe of the Clerk of the Circuit
o~t in and for P1nel1as County, F1orida, 1n Plat Book 19, page 96.
entitled "A Re-Sub o~ Blooks 10 - 11 and Lots 2 to 15 inoJ.usive
Block 9, of the Revised Map of Clearwater Beaoh, as recorded in Book 11,
page 6, P1nellas County, Florida reoords" ; and
WHEREAS, in B.nd by sa1.d map Rooka'Wal street as shown on said map
is shown to be a street 80 ft. in 'Width, l'WUli.ng eaB~ and west from the
intersection of said Rockaway Street with Mandalay Road on the east and
intersecting the Beach Dri.ve on the west ; and
WHEREAS~ pr:1or to the recording of this map the City of Clear-
water has always used the north 40 ft. of the said 80 ft. of Roekawar
Street as shpwn on said map; and
WHE~S, the City or Clearwater has not, since the filing of said
map, appropl'1ated and used for street purposes the south half' of' Roc'k;away
Street as shown on said map; and
WHEREAS, the said City of" Clearwater has never acoepted the dedi-
cation offered for the f11ing of sald map and no persons within the City
of Clearwater have used the sonth portions of Rockaway street, that is
to say, the saath 40 ft. ot Rockaway Street, as a roadway and publio
thOl'Ol1ghfare; and
WHEREAS, the City of Clearwater, by a certain Ordinanoe, be1n&
Ordirianoe No. 294, duly adopted on October 25, 1934, in and by aaLd'"
Ordinance olosed Ambler street as shown and designated in Plat Book 6,
page 2, of the Publio Reoords of P1nellas County, Florida, and as ehown
on Plat Boo~ lJ., page 5, of the Pub1ic Records of Pinellas County, Flor1d~;
WHEREAS, subsequent to the closing of said knbler street the sa~
street has been continuously used by ~he ~blic genera111 as a publio
street or thoroughfare; and
WHEREAS, the owner of the land abutt~ng Rockaway street end the
owner of the land abutting Ambler street has agreed ~hat ~f the city of
Clearwater 'Will vacate the south 40 ft. of Rookaway Stree't, as shown on
the map reoorded in Plat Book 19, :page 96, that he will semIre a dedica-
tion of the north 20 ft. of Ambler Street as shown on P1at Book 11, page 6,
of the Publio Reoo~ds of Pinellas County, Florida and in addition thereto
will pay the City of Olearwater the sull?- of One ThOl1S~nd (11,000.00) ]))11U81
BE IT RESOLVED, THEREFORE, by the City Comm1ss~on of the Gity of
01earwater that the south 40 ~t. of that oertain street designate~ on
Plat Book 19. at page 96, as the same appears of reoo~d ~ the of~1ce
o~ the Clerk of the Cirou1t COl1rt in and tor P1ne11as Countl', Florida.
shown to be Rookaway St~eet. be and the same is hereby vacated and the
Oity of Clearwater b~ this resolution releases and relinquishes all right,
title and interest in and to the SOI1th 40 ft. of said street, whether
said interest has or might have aocrued by reason of the dedioation
appearing on the said plat or otherwisee
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~ch was read in ~11 wnd after discussion thereof, Commissioner
Marsh moved that the Res01utlon as read be adopted, whioh motion was
aecoluied by Comnissioner Baker. Upon roll call, the following vote was
Ayes: Acting Mayol-.Comm1ssioneI' Ba toholor
Comniss1oners Marsh and Baker
Na~ : None.
Absent and not vo-eing= Mayor-Commissioner Green and
Commissioner Barr~.
Ther~~pon the Acting Hayor-Commissioner declared the Resolution
dul~ adopted.,
Passed and adopted by the City OommissionBrs of the oity o~
Clearwater, Florida, this 12th day of Au~st, A.D. 1936.
(Si~ed) D. O. Batchelor
Aot~g aayor-comm1ssioner
(Si~ed) J. E. Satterf1ala
~ity Aud~tor & Clerk
Whereupon, the Aoting Mayor-Commissioner deolared the Resolut1on
duly adopted and a:tgned the same.
Mr. Harsh. in'troduced the f'0110wing resolut1on:
BE IT RESOLVED by the city Commiss1on or the City of Olearwate~,
That: The C:1ty Manager be and he is he~eby authorized and ina'truoted
to acoept the change of ~ooation of' gas mains at the following locations:
225 teet of' gas maLna which :1t is ca1led for to run from the corne~
of Sunset Drlw a.nd Macornbex- Avo. East on SUnset Drive to Betty Lane, to
be ohanged to Mm North on tiacomber Avenue from the above named intersec-
Change 850 feet of 2 inoh gas main on ~set Drive between Sunburst
Court and Marshall street :f'z-om the East side of the street to the West
side of the street.
Change 80 feet of 4 :1noh gas mains to 6 inoh gas main on Hart St.
from East A~e to the Seaboard Airline railroad.
Change 200 .feet of 6 inoh gas main on East Avenue South from
Hart st. from the West s~de of' the street to a diagonal line across and
on ~he East side of the street.
Passed and adopted by the Ci~~ Commission of the 01ty 01' Clearwater.
F10rida this 12th day of August, A. D. 1936.
(S igned) Ro E. Green
(SigneE) J. E. Satterfield
City AudLtOl- &: CIe~k
Moved. by Mr. Marshl seconded by Mr. BatoheJ.or that the Resolu-ej,on
be ~opted and upon roll call, the following vota was polled:
Ayes: Mr. Baken
Mr. Marsh
Mr. Batche1or,Aoting Mayor-Oommissioner
Nays: None.
Whereupon the Aot~g Mayor-Comm1ssioner deolared the Resolution
du~1 adop'ted and signed the same.
'l'h.ere be:1ng no further business, the meeting was thereu.pon adjOtU.'ned.
,'" 'f,
Acting Mayor~Comm189~oner,