07/31/1936 "'~~;";:\~})~f};J~~;:i:.:~~:r;~;J;~F~!~;r,.;,.:, " '..' . . . ""'" '.', ., ", ,', ...:'.. '..' ,..:>\;",' ':,:","';:;~';"""~, " ,'~' "rft,:;:,~,,;~.::,:~f.~~it~~:.:. ., ,~;,f~~'~~1~,~"',"II~_.~"":I~'':li.'''>'~'''''''''''''~~-'mmm~-~'-'~~~""'''';-*>;I;:I~'~:~''rh''''l~'I",f"",..i'''r~''~'';A;.,~~".!.,~, ..",,,,"~,;;(J;!;."tW~. ",:jj!:lt~,...iI'>:: ,'~I.~({~~~ "';".'l:""")J,;,:,~';'i''':~: \ ,~. ., ; 'iI, '.:; '" ~':: t;., ;. " ," ',' ;:' ... ", "'. ....,. '..,.,.'.., '.':".....' ...,.' .j;; ," '.," " .,.,. .'. ',' :' .,' /;. ":/.:..::::,<.;;'~::/:/, """"'~':;;':A: . \ . . .' MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION July" 31st, 1936 , ~->~~, , ~!' ; ";I~:;~l ~f~~)r '.:' ",;,{t'I;,tV~~"":~~f,i'1Ifr.., .,U,11t~~\~" . ..."tl ~+\(;;~:~;:' , ...1 '.','.1" ',,, . ~,ll !':'. , t; , ..,...:. Th.e City Comm.ission of' the City of' Clearwater, Florida, met on the above date, in speoial meeting assen~led, with the following members present: Ray E.Green, Mayor-Comm1Bslone~ J. A. Barry, R. L. Baker, D. O. Batchelor Moved by Mr. Barry, seconded by Mr .En tchelor, and car:l'led, that Mr. Polhill be paid ~~2000 .00 on accoW1t, applicable to the Refunding Expense. Mr. Barbour addressed the Comrndssion relative to tract of i 1and owned by Gregory, Moore & Barbour on the island, asking th.atthe city ~ook into the matter of' repairing the seawall, as the property along the seawall has beon dedicated as a street. The mattGr was referred to the Engineering Department ror a report. Moved by Mr. Batchelor, seconded by Mr. Baker, and carried, that the city charge ~~l.OO cost for satisf'action upon redemption of tax sale certlficates which are flied at the Court Ho~e, and ~~1.15 cost on Special Assessment Certificates. Moved by Mr. Batchelor, seconded by Mr. Baker, and carried, that $50.00 additional discount be allowed in settlement of taxes on Lot 7, Block 6, Country Club. Mayor Green designated Mr. Batchelor to act as Acting Mayor Commissioner durlng his absence from the City. Mr. Barry introduced the following resolution: -l ,.. ,/' , ..-t:~ ;!: .q' o;,~~~~"" '. .' .:"""t!;~~:~l\.."-t~~~~\''',>':~;;;:;''.,,, t~ ,"< ',.. ~~,+~,,~~,~"":~~,~~::;":''':';''''"''' '; "'~~''J /I ,I -l'IO..it- . f~) ; . ~., k ':1 > :;' REBOLlPl'J:O'N OF TIlE a In aOlOlIssIOH OF TIm OITY OF CLEAR\VA~. FLORIDA. . 0' WHEREAS there apJ>oars 'U;)On the tax 1'0118 or tad. City taxos assessed agalnst tho Tampa and Gulf' Ooast Rallrol\d. Oomp~. and U11pa1d foX' the years 1931, 1932, 1933 and 19M, ~egat1J3g the sum. ot $2.2'15.79. and VlltEREAS Le1gh R. Powell, Jr., and Ile.nry W. Anderson, Reoe:lv81's of' the Soaboard ~ LLno Ra.11waT COmpGnT have q'Uea-' tloned the validity of" the amount o~ said taxes, and have, PlD'suant to an agreeman't reaohed wl th th1a bod,., sat:lsfied and Usoharged the lien of said taxes, 1ncl~ 1neerest; and penal 'bies the:reon, and hB. va been gl ven receipt the:re1'o~ s.a fo11o\11l' >, . .J . "Olearwater,Fla.J'ul7 31,>> as Reoeived of Le1gh R. Powell, :fr., and Benr;y W. An4~son. as Reoelversof tihe Seaboard Air Llne Ra1J.'fI8'J" Co~ $1,353.3'1 1n 1'ull settlement, tU.soharge and satisfaotion ()f all' taxes ot eve17 ld.nd. oharao~eX' and desor1pbl.on. 1nol\Jdlns 111~. and/or pena1ties thereon. assessed ~1n8t the Tampa lie G'Ult Ooa.st Railroad Oompan,. for the ,.ears 1931. 1932, 1935 and 1934" NOW. THEREFORE_ BE IT RESOLVED 'that tho sald sei:tlemant hex-e1nbefore ref'orred to be. and the some 18. hereb'1 oonttrmed. o!..~~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Distr10t Court of the tJn1ted states in and for the Southern District or Flax-Ida be hereby requested to enter an order 1n tbat eG.uae abl1ed Beth1.9hea Stee1 Corporation versus the SeaboBl'd A1r L1ne Ra11wBT Company. be2.ng equ1t7 case No. '100, pend.1ng 1n said Oourt, decreeing ~hf) appxaova1 and oonfirmat1on of the settlement of the taxes or tme Tampa and GUlf' Coast Rallroad Comp&nJ' above referred to as made by Le1gh R. Powell, Jr> ~. and Hen1'7 W. Anderson. Rece1 vers of the Seaboard A&1t Bine Ra:11wQY Company, and restraain1ng EWd p:reverJfdng . . ~ '. i,' :',' I , ;' -.\:.'. '..: ;,.".,"7 -r":'\lr" :!I."/:;;i\~;r::~~~!i',~":::'~""":"" ,;" F' -'~"-""--,~",,,,,~-,'",'. , ..:....1..~-.......-..'" .'~ ,,,,:........' ,.,....,~. . jl.Ayt... ' ,.tn . -' ,.'.~ ". / .' " " ' ...~':!~::.::.'. . . , . , :' .,.:' '\":"i"~Y - . .. i~ .......,.\1". .. 'J\ " I' The Cit7 or Clearwatel', Florida b'om hereafter in an,. manner attempting to o~lleot from the Tampa and Gulf Const Railroad Company and the Seabos.rd Air L1ne nal1wa,. OOmpan7. and lta reoelvers. any f'urthsI' add1t:lona1 sum than that wh10h bas' been paid in settlement or, or on acoount: of, the taxes hereinbefore set out. :,1 PASSED and .ADOPTED 'thiB, the 31st <la7,ot JUl,., 1936. (Sl~ed~ R. E. Green " JXlX'-oo~.10ne ..:.: ATTEST I (Slgned) -M E. Sattex-f1e14 ~., )tud! tox- 1Sc bierk J . Moved by Mr. Barry~ seconded by Mr. Baker~ that the resolution be adopted, and upon roll call, Ray E.Green, J. A. Barry, R. L. Baker and D. O. Batchelor voted aye, so the resolution \Vas adopted unani- mously. Moved by Mr. Baker~ seconded by Mr. Barry~ and carried, that the proper City Orficials be authorized to sign a contract with A. G. Wright for collection of delinquent insurance lioenses, as follows: CONTRACT OF AGREE~nmT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PINELLAS A contract employ1ne A. G. Wri@~t of Atlanta, Ga., to make an investigation and collect unpaid delinquent privilege license taxes including licenses due Oct. 1st, 1935 but not subsequent thereto from Insurance Companies or Corporations doing business in the CITY OF CLEARWATER. " 1. It is undp,rstood and agreed that the City does not incur any expense or liability in connec- tion with the above other than the rate o~ comnds- sion hereinafter specified. 2. It is understood and agreed that the City will allow the use o~ its official stationery and the City Clerk will approve and sign letters drafted to such companies or corporations. 3. Only Companies or Corporations due to pay license or privilege taxes under the state Law and under the City Ordinance of Clearwater shall be approached and the names of such local agents representing such companies shall be duly furnished to the Citycf' Clearwater. 4. It is distinctly understood th~t the col- lection of such privilege or license taxes will in noway affeot any local citizen. .5. All pa'YlIlents of such privilege tax shall 't ...:~ ~4~~;~i,~.."\~I:}~~i~:.;:~~J~t:~~~~~'~:~:.~.:.~.. ': ._._.......~........-.-- . '\ ~ . .., '.'\ ":, '~;'l ' ',: ,': ,..' .. ~ ~) . ':. ';-.', 1<"1 f"':~ \ \., ..'.:<~f<';;(,\:~rr]~~~1~~$~'