01/13/1936 . ." : ',,'~ . '... . . . , .,....:..J ", "~',~\".."'~' ..,..,.:..._',;.....~:.~~~,.{~.~!... .......;..."....{... \'," t.."J '..,~#,l..::.t::fi~' .' ~:::~:::;:(/.~ f..,::~~.~:,f;'.~~~.!~p:::,' ,'';~. " " " ,.:.....,~~..:,'!.~;.-:;.,. .__~r~.Lo..<:J .-:.....,J:. '".;':: ..~ - ,"'"',\ . '~,;.",,'<,'".~~.''' " 51 MINUTES OF TIIE CITY COMMrSSIOtf JANUARY 13. 19Z6 Th.e new City Commission of the C1ty 0 f Clearwater, Florida met on the abov e dB. te in speo lal meet1DB assembJ.ed 'Wi th tb.e follow- ing mem.bers present: Ray E. Green, M~or R. L. :Baker D. O. BatoheJ.or L. A. Marsh Tb.e fol1owinB reoar d of the open1ng of blt'ls for seotions E. F. and I ot the PWA proJeot of Gas Improvements was presented.: OP1!NING B IDS :Bids ware opelled tor Seotions E, F, and I of' the PW.A project of Gas Improvmnents at 11 A. :M. January 12th in the auditor1um or the City Hall at Cleal~ater, FJ.orida, the follOWing people be1D8 present: A. C. Nlchols, City Manager of the City 0 f Clearwater, Fla. s. s. Bouis, ProJeots En81neer. Leo Butler, Consulting Engineer'. J. E. Satterfield, City Auditor & Clerk, representing C1ty of Clearwater. Mr. Hayward, reprGsentlD8 C. I. Tenney Engineering Company. W. J. Bright,representiD8 Western Gas Construction ]1vl- slon of the Koppers Cons truct10n Com.:pany. Mr. Lowry, repres ent1n.g Tampa. Armature Works. Mr. Royce and Mr. F. s. Freeman, repreaent11lB Ingersoll Rand. Mr. P. B. Wolfe" representing Cameron Bark1eJ1 Co. R. K. Van cwmp, rEPresent1nB Pnb110 Works Afumln1stration. Mr. W. I. street, Ass1stant SpeoiaJ. Agent Federal Emer- genoy Rel.ief Administration. :L'he meting was opened b,. Mr. Bouis II who annoUJloed that the pur- pose of the lIlaeting was to open bids for Seotions E, F, and I o:f the WP.A proJect :for Gas Improvements, aocording to:1nYitations to bidders duJ.y pubJ.ished.. Mr. Bouls called atten"tionto the fact that some chmgea in the instruotions had been :made as of January lOth~ and requested aoknow- ledgment of knowledge ot these changes by all those present. .All persons pr esent acknowled.8e:d not ice ot the ohanBes made. Thereupon the b1ds were opened. The various bidders enclosed wlth their bids bld. bonds or certitied checks as :fo1J.ows: C. I. Tenney Engineering Company bid bani of the Contlnental caS'Q.a.J.t:r company in th e amount of $J.250. Western Gas Const~otion ot the RDppers Construet1on Company certi:fled check o:f L1ncoln Ne. t1 onal Bank and T.l'\1st Compal11' of :E'o%'t Wayne, Indiana. $1500. . . - . t' " . ..: ".t . ,., ':hl'"", n~~~~!: ,"', I", .' i:, ~ ,I > .,:-,'.' ~t' . '. ; . ;. . I,.. . . '. '" , ..:;.7'".......5<. ',' ,';, ,'" d. .' . \'~'~;:~:' ,....:'.~t...?~.f~~:;t}?~~1'~?~~~~~~~{ I. . : :.' ,.,' . . .' .,", , . .:< . ..:.:;,;~L.;;.,.~~"..:.;..;::;".,._;.~..~,;.~:;.;::.-:.-!,;.!;:::~.:.:i:"',:::,,,-~ ";;.,"'~;.;~.,.;~.j,;!;iJ:.c~_.':,'" "....;;;~,..,;..";.,"'~.,,.:;.;,il~~Lt:l~J.~i~~~~:.~~~~~~s;;.j,J~~;~; . .:.~".~~~~.~~"~.~.~t.~.~. ~~;":<~'" ~;::~1~~:.:..~~:,!.~.~,.;..-.;.JL: ,~: 4::"~"::.;:__: .~.~. 53 1 , . /~~~ ~.~ Mr. Ma.:rsh o:1':rered the :fbllowing resolution: "BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission assemblid that it 1s the opinion of the City Commission that Cameron & Barkley Comp~ of Tampa., Flor111a. whose bid on Section "I". One Motor Driven Gas Co~ressor. :ror $4,011.00 as alternate. is the low bidder ~d suoh bid is aocept ed and Construo t10n Contraet awarded to said the Came:ron &: Bark1ey Company ot Tampa. Fla. such aooeptenoe and award, however. being subJeot to the approval of the state Direotor of PiA and also subJeut fo fundfJ beooming available tor suoh oonstruct1on." Upon ro~l oall the :rollowing vot es were polled: Ayes: Mr. Green Mr. Baker Mr. Batohelor Mr. Marsh Nays: None. PaeseQ and adopted b7 the City CoDmdesion o~ Clearwater, Florida this 13th da~ ot January. 1936. (SiBned) ~ E. Green ayor . Attest: ~. E. Satter:1'1eld City Auditor & C~erk Mr. :Baker offered the fo~lowing resolution: "BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission assembled that It is the opinion o~ the Bity Commission that C. I. Tenney Eng1- neeX'ing Company of Minneapolis, Minn. whose bid on Seotion "F" One washer-cooler of 50,000 cubio feet o~ gas per hour oapaoity. in amount of $2.265.00. is the low bidder and such b1d is aooepted and Construotion Contraot awarded to said O. I. Tenney Engineering Com- pany of Minneapolis. Minn. euoh a~ceptanoe and award, however, being subJeot to the approval of the state Director of PWA and also su.b- ject to funds beoQm1ng available for SUell construction. n Upon roll oall the fb 11()w.1ng votes were polled: Aye s: Mr. Green Mr. Baker Mr. Batchelor lJr. Marsh Nay s: None. PasseQ and adopted by. the C1 ty ColllID1ss1on o~ Ole arwater, Florida this 13th da~ ot J~uary. 1936. ( Signed) Ray E. Green :Mayor Attest: 3. E. satterfield C1t,y Auditor & C~erk There being no further business. the meet1~ was thereupon ad- journed until. FJ: ~O P. M. January 13. 1956 ',' ,', ..' : '.' I',:::':. ""'~' ',:": . '\')' !..:..;. -.... --~-------~------- Meeting re-assemh1ed on date of Januar,y 13th, 1926 at 7:30 P. M. wi th the following members present: R:> E. Green, Mayor R. L. Baker D. O. Batchelor J. A. Barry The City Attorney reported to the Comndssion his progress in the matter of PWA proj ects for Water and Gas ImprovEJllent s. aJ.so program of negotiations in Bond Holders Commitfee in regard to refnnd1ng the Cit.1's bonded indebtedness. The folloWing letter was read: Ja:nUB.17 10. 1936 Board of Commdss1oners, City of Clearwater, Clearwater, Florida. Gent lemen: In accordance with your request, I have nade a general survey of the books and records of the Flor ida West Coast BroadcaBt1ng Company for the ourrent :fiscaJ. yea:r with a view to determining the cost of an audit of those phases of the company's operations whioh,involve the interests of the City under the terms of the present operating oontract. I submit herewith a schedule of .specifications of such an audit. to cover the f1scaJ.. year ending January 31, 1936, and I sbould agree to perform an audit in accordance with these specifications upon the 1'0 llowi ng terms: A per diem ch8.1.ge o:f' ~12 .50 for each junior a.ccountant; A per diem charge of ~25.00 for my services; The total cost of the audit not to exceed the sum of $400.00; Settlements to be made weekly upon the basis of the time . spent on the work, less &. reserve of 20%; Final. payment to be made upon delivery of the au.dit re- port to the City. ,'" Yours very t:ru.ly, ., (Signed) H. M. Turnburke Certified Public .Accountant Spec1fioationsof an Audit of the Books and Records of the Florida West Cost Broadcasting Company for the Fis caJ. Year Ending Jan. 31, 1936, Submitted with Letter dated January 10, 1936 to the Board of COmndss10ners, City of Clearwater. - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - " Veri:ry cash on hand and in bank as at Januaxy 3l, 1936, and re- concile oash receipts for the fisoal yea:r with cash on hand and in bank January 31, 1.935 as mown by audit report of Swe my and Meighen II Certified Public Accountants, dated March 11, 1935 addressed to the Florida West Coast Broadca.sting Company, and wi'th cash d:isbllrsement s fo r the f1scaJ. year. Verify individuaJ. charges to advertisers' accounts by t eat- cheoking from original daily log of broadcasts. Verify the terms and rates of advertising charges by a test- check of contracts am orders for advertising, and by examination and ..... o. ': ! . ','1- ,'~~:.".: ,. i.~:.:.;<,:'.)r~:~.(~';::~:::"~.)?~~r!~~tr' 54 . 'f~~~~?;;.:t.;qi:~t';::':" , .t ,T).;.{.'.:..'J. ")~""'''I''1 ~ .f;'~~~~~i)r: ,~... -"' ~," f,;. :.,::'. >', ". 'j Ayes: Mr. Grmen R. L. Baker Mr. Batchelor Mr. Barry . ,1"0' ~~.':':~~;:~~~.:'!~~;$~;~. . . . .;;,., ~-;f~~;;~l\:~':::::':: '~::"":"'" ;,., '..~~i~~~:~ti,1J.~t}:~t...;.~:~;;:f~.L ~ :::u..,:.,.::;...;.'. ',;. .;:..~!.~'~. ..':. :.,,~; ~ ..>~:;_.~.'.; "."; ,"" ~ ..~: .~~~. .~. ;,<::-,...;/::''',:." r' r' \.h) '(, analysis of statements end oontraote with the National Broadoast1ng Company. Segrega. te the oolleotions of acoounts reoeivable which "ere outstanding on Jsnuary 31, 1935 as shown in the mdit report ot SWeeny and Meighen reterred to above. Veri ty by t est-oheok oonfirmat ion the acoounts reoeivable out- standing on Janu.ary 31, 1926, and. 8peoifioally oontirm the Nat ional Broadoast ing Company account. Reoono 1le acoou.nts reoeivable tor t he year bY' tekir;g into aooount the opening and closing bal.ances and total chargel!J and oredi ts for the yeul'. ,. , I r. , ; . :.;. I. J , 't"'" '. '/"~"" " Veri~ the 00 rrootneas of transactions involving the ini; erests of Radio Station WSUN. insofar ae these transactions oom ern the Oom- putation of advertising charges or the reoeipts thexoefrom, or con- cem the purchase or replacement of equipment owned bY' the City of Clearwater. Ver1~ and examine any other transactions or phases of the oompany's ope rat ions for the f1 soal :~ 9~ whioh in the opinion of the auditor affect the City's interests as established in the contraot between the Clearwater Chronber of Commerce, the Florida West Coatt .... Broadcasting Company, am the City of Clearwater. dated January 17, " 1935. As used herein, the term. "test-om ck" means a verifioation at approximately 20% of the clnss at transactions involved. unless in the opinion ot the alo.i tor a greater :peroentage should. be ver1fi ed in order to establish with reasonable certainty the correctness of the class o~ transactions. Make a general. survey of all of the accounts t and prepare a statement of profit and 108 ~ and a balanc e sheet there:from. state wh~ther or not the system of accounts is aoceptabl e to the City, as required in the contraot referred to ~ove, and if not acoeptable, in the opinion ot the aud.itor, don what respeot the system should be changed. - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - " Moved. by Mr. Batehelor, seconded by Mr. Baker and ca.rried that Mr. Turnburke's proposition be accepted. Mr. Batchelor introduced the :following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City ot Clearwater, Florida that the :fo11owing re-allooation of 1Unds bUd- geted for the t1soal year J.9~5-36 be made: Transfer $500 tram Street Cl.eaning and Repairing (Co[e B) to Sewers (CodelO). !Ltransfer $500 from Fire Depart. (Code 6) to Dooks and :Bridges (Code 1.1). Transfer $300. from Fire Depar'tment (Code 6) to City Hall. (Code ~). Transfer $500 :f~m San1 tat ion l Code 21) to Inape ction (Code 7). Upon ro 11 ~ 1 the f'ollowiD.8 vet as were polled: ~. t' N~es: None. '.'''' '..; ...' ". :",', '.~~~:~~;.~;~:;:?~;~~'.';~:;~~7~.~:-~~L\~:):~" ';., . f~"'>;,,' I,!t .~:., .,~~'~{;~t..i.~i;;,~i:":~""';'';"~~''.;:~~:'';''''':~:-7: ':.,~-l';'~:;.~.."" I' '. . ','~ ' ,\'~.. . ..... , :" ~;:"~ :'., ;-- :' . "0:,~~'t'~f'.f;.~;~ ~:(~':; .:~: ::-:'.~~~iF~,'!Y:~~{~?Ii.';:).,:?~~I:.1~.,~;~ ...:....~..--'...~~~.:....!.;.;,~.::..~..: ..:":,;i:;~; ~,:",",.';":~,l;':';;,~'. . '"" ,:, :,",:,;;, t,l..'.i;\i".,. C'~"';'';;l...-;;-."_:.,.;:''::,i,::::'' :',.<,. . ," ~;; ",",.i,:;:';;"111' ,;v'U1,;-~~~~.l~.~~2;' -;,,; ._~" Passed and adopted by" the City Oommission of CleBl"'water, nor 1da this 13 th d~ at Jen.uary 1836. (SiB11ed) Raz E. Green MB\V' or Attest: J. E. Sat terfl eld C1t y Aud11nr & C).erk There be1rg no fu.rthe:r b1s1ness>>o 1;he meetjng was t he~\lpon ad- Journ6d. ~. '&.~~ or J..ttaat: Cl~~