04/26/1978 ..'T' .. . .. 'p " CITY COMMISSION MEETING April 26, 1978 The City Commission of the city of Clearwater met in special session at the City Hall, Wednesday, April 26, 1978, at 11:30 a.m., with the following members present: Charles F. LeCher Karleen F. DeBlaker Karen Martin William Nunamaker Richard E. Tenney Mayor/Commissioner Vice-Mayor/Commissioner conunissioner conunissioner conunissioner Also present were: Anthony Shoemaker *Thomas A. Bustin City Manager City Attorney *Mr. Bustin arrived at 12:30 p.m. The Mayor called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by the City Manager and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Nunamaker. The City Manager read into the record Notice of Special Meeting dated April 25, 1978. A Waiver of Notice of Meeting was presented to the Clerk. The purpose of this special meet- ing is to consider the actions of the City Commission relative to closing the sale of the utility Revenue Bonds, Series 1978, and the related Special Obligation Bonds. The City Manager reported the attorneys were delayed in St. Petersburg. The new reglations of the Internal Revenue Service related to invested sinking funds will be published in the near future. The changes in the regulations will probably prohibit the use of invested sinking funds, which is the method used for refunding and refinancing our Utility Revenue Bond Issue and a saving to the City of approximately $3,500,000 over a period of 25 years. As the regulations could be published Friday, April 28 1978 and the City has completed its negotiations to such an'extenf the Underwriters and Bond Counsel recommend an earlier closin~ date than originally scheduled. . Commissioner DeBlaker moved to continue the meeting to 12:30 p.m. Commissioner Nunamaker seconded the motion and stated for ~he record, unless Borne other factors were presented to t~e Comm1ssion he was in favor of executing the advanced c1os1ng and,he woul~ be unable to return for the continuance. Motion carr1ed unan1mously. Commission reconvened at 12:35 p was absent. .m. Commissioner Nunamaker The Mayor called the meeting to order and turned it. over to the, City Attorney. ,. . c . . .' . . .' . ,,'''.'''. ,..:....:. :.:.::.'y.: . .. .,". .,'.; ". .:.....~ ~.;:.:';-.:..r::;:;,\' ;: .,'. ". ., " ..:'. ,-:4/26/78. ..:....' ;,,",{';. " .' !- .::' ,'; - ;.:;'.<~'.' ,.~:':':;"~:':');:,::,.\.';',,;.t :<..>...~::.;:-'~..;,~ .:>~:)~[;.~:i5; The City Attorney presented to the commission two resolu- tions and an ordinance that, if passed and adopted today, will allow the City to proceed to a temporary closing. The tempo- rary bonds that are issued will be exchanged for definitive bonds on May 4, 1978. Basically, the earlier closing will secure the savings projected for this bond issue. Dan Livermore, Bond Counsel, reviewed the resolutiono and ordinance. The City Manager read into the record letter from E. F. Hutton & Company, the City's Financial Consultants, dated April 25, 1978, recommending the City close this bond issue early. First and Second Readings, Emergency Ordinance #1783 - Amend- ing Ordinance #1761, authorizing the refunding of $24,637,000 of presently outstanding utility Revenue Certificates of the city providing for the issuance of not exceeding $28,000,000 utility Revenue Bonds, Series 1978, to be applied to refund the principal and interest to the presently outstanding ob1i- ~gations to provide for the use of moneys in the revenue fund as applied to subordinated debt of the issuei to require ap- proval of the City Commission for deposits into the Renewal and Relacement Fund and to renumber existing paragraphs~ and declaring an emergency. The City Attorney presented Emergency Ordinance #1783 for first reading. Commissioner Martin moved that Emergency Ordi- nance #1783 be read and considered by title only on the first reading by the unanimous consent of the Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Tenney. Upon roll call the vote was: "Ayes": "Nays": Absent: DeBlaker, Martin, Tenney and LeCher. None. Nunamaker. The ordinance was read by title only. Commissioner DeBlaker moved that Emergency Ordinance #1783 be passed on its first reading. Motion was seconded by commissioner Tenney. Upon roll call the vote was: "Ayes": "Nays": Absent: DeBlaker, Martin, Tenney and LeCher. None. Nunamaker. The City Attorney presented Emergency Ordinance #1783 for second reading and stated he would read by title only unless there was a request to read in its entirety. The ordinance was read by title only. Commissioner Martin moved to pass and adopt Emergency Ordinance #1783 on second and final reading and to authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. Commissioner Tenney seconded the motion. Upon roll call the vote was: "Ayes": "Nays": Absent: DeBlaker, Martin, Tenney and LeCher. None. Nunamaker. Resolution #78-53 - Amending Resolution #78-36 relating to the' sale of utility Revenue Bonds, Series 1978 and Special Obligation Bonds, Series 1978Ai authorizing the issuance of . . 'temporary bonds pending delivery of definitive bondsi authoriz- '. ",., . :',ing t~e execution and delivery of. an agreement re cancellation 'S;.,.:." ..,' .' --.' of :bond~~sale, and a' letter amendment to a Securities Purchase D/:';';~:~\~:<<,.~~" ,,~reenient betweeim the City and Community Bank of pinel1asi ''!.}::'::'';',:,,:~':/; ;..'X.;.,:a,uthQrizing appropriate ~ction to transfer funds held for the ~ir'~~;,"i.')'"::,,, ",.,~:',~b:8nefit,. of' .the' holders of the refunded' certificates to be :r;:~~;t~'~~~~~1 ~~:??~: .; ~'. ~ ;~. / ~;:~:~,' .'. ~ ,~. .' +' . . ... 't~;;~t..~!:';,;/..;k., ~",;,\,:~,.".t:1'1:"'".~":,,, '.0' .,~ :' :. . .,' ..' . Itv.,lr~~'.l"f<. '",,~,., '"",' .. '" .,,', ..',.... .'. . , {f~~~~_lf''''''~m'\.' ....it~~."; .a....'-.-4...~\.i-> "oh~'."'." t; t.~ " ,',") .", ~ ',' , '~ . ~~~S~~ + .';f:;;1~J~1;~~.,~~:~/j~'i':::~.,l;"~,~~:,~,;,: .~~. '~I :.,i'.i'~ :'./ r';' -',2. " / <FJJ ~{ii\;-d' ,,';'-"'1~ ,-..;,( " , .,..."..1 " '.. . ,., ." :'. .,,;. ~\:W:."..~~ . < ~."':t" J....t. ,>, ,. '" -: ' /J; . 4/26/78 . ~ ~ \": , .' T . , l '. ~ ~_. .,) transferred to corresponding appropriate funds and accounts for the benefit of the holders of the refunding bonds. The City Attorney presented Resolution 17a-53. Commis- sioner DeBlaker moved to pass and adopt Resolution '7a-53'and to authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. 'Com- missioner Tenney seconded the motion. Upon roll call the vote was: "Ayes": "Nays": Absent: DeBlaker, Martin, Tenney and LeCher. None. Nunamaker. Resolution #78-54 - Providing for Redemption of certain of , the Outstanding utility Revenue Certificates, Series of 1969. Commissioner Martin moved to pass and adopt Resolution #78-54 and to authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. Commissioner Tenney seconded the motion. Upon roll call the vote was: "Ayes": "Nays": Absent: DeBlaker, Martin, Tenney and LeCher. None. Nunamaker. Commissioner DeBlaker moved to authorize the appropriate officials to execute all necessary documents associated with the temporary closing of the utility Revenue Bonds, Series 1978 and related Special Obligation Bonds, Series 1978A, on April 27, 1978. commissioner Martin seconded the motion which carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m. ~. /"-:=F~cJOA M yor-&nun1ss1oner -- , oil " . > \ :! ~ . ; : ; , A:t'te'st: '," 'd.' ~ I ' . [;' :. / . , iI. ~/.-':' ~~ :' :'. Deputy City Clerk '" "'J ./ . " ~ .f, , " ',l. .. , . ~. . '. c ~ . t.~ :\".'~. . .... ~~'\.~:~"I':' ". ,~.: ., , . '