03/31/1978-----.. , .1 � ,� , � .t - � CTTY COMMI55zON ME�TING March 31, 1978 The Ci�ty Commissi.on of the City of C�earwater met in gpecial sesaion a� �he City Hall, Friday, March 31, 1978, at.. 1:30 p.m., with the �ol�.owing members preaen�: Gabri�l Cazar�s Karleen F. DeBlaker Karen Martin William Nunamaker Richaa�d E . Tenney Alao presen� were: Jeffrey Butler Thomas A. Bustin Ceci1. Henderson Fxank pan�.e�s Mayor/Cammissioner Vice--Mayor/Comm�.ssi.oner Commiasioner Commissioner Commissianer Acting Ci�y Manag�r City A��arney Assistant City Engineer Po�.ice Chief The Mayar ca].7.ed the meeti.ng to order. The invooation was g�.ven by Fxank Dan�.eJ.s . The P1.edge of Allegiance was led hy tihe Mayor. Letter dated March 29, 1978, No�a.ce a� Spea�.ai Meet3ng, was r�ad into the record and a Waiver of No�ic� of M�eting was presented to the C1.exk. The Acting City Manager reported the purpose o� the mee�- ing was ta eonsider �he purchase proposal ��om Wi.].la.am R. �Hough & Co., re Utilities Revenue Bond Seri�s 1978 (�o refund all outstanding util,ities xevenue certi�icatesy and to provide $625�OOQ o� new financing for constaruction of water/sewer im- pxovemen�s. He reviewed the Commission's ac�ions tv date a.n appo�.nting a refunding team and the following representati.ves were present: John Kranfeld, of E. F. Hutton; W�lliam Hough, rPpresent3.ng hi.s company; Bruce Sampson, of Pierce, Wulbern, Murphey Garpazation; and 37an Livermoxe as Sond Counsel. Wi.iliam Haugh made the presen�a�ion for the Underwx3.tezs and s�ated the re�unding wil.l be af aI.1 the City's Utili�y Revenue $onds and wiZ1. be accamp3.ished by the "Full Cash de-- Eeasance" method i.n combina�ion wa.th ar� "Invested Sinking Fund." The Bond Program includes $24,790,000 new Uti.l.ity Revenue Bands of which $23,950,D00 are required for accamplishing ttie Re- funding and$8�40,000 �or new utili�y cons�ruc�ion. �n addition, $20,3B5,U00 of Special Obiigation Sonds will be marke��d and will be payable from U.S. Treasury Bond �ncome genera�ed fram the Esc�ow Account. The Invested Si.nk3.ng Fund Supply Agreement will be placed with the Communi�y Bank o� Pinellas for the purchase ot 7--7/S$ U.S.� Traasury Sonds at 98.375$ over a 15-year period for the C�.ty'. •:. . The net savings over the life of the issues is projected .�. to be $ 3, 6].6, 080 . Shou].d the . Ll. S. Treasury redeem or ca�.1 the � �� bonds in 20Q2 the sav�.ngs would 3�e reduced.to $2�599,000. t.. , -. . .�� ', .� A Con�xact of Purchase wi�h Suppl.emental Schedu3es was � ;�,.�. � dis�ributed and reviewed. Commisaion questioned the Alioca�ion . � of Estimated Expenses (Schedule 15) and discugsed the savings ;..; s�':. :''.; ;.� �o be generated by the refunding. � :� ;:�r":; �;:: i`�',;;;'t:' ; ' . � . _ . . �r3''~'�'�'ilf�`.1 ��7i4,'� �,• . ' F : . • . �` , 4 . . � � ' ' . . - . ��(; r�;,�i�;•.(��^fy....'Pt� ' . ' . . 3�` �•1y. P �r f`'�.��, ''' :'v� � � r,'..:E i. �L�'�� i'.::ii ,s.r ,/, . �. i : `t. , ... . . . , .`, .... . ��j'�/4�. d 1 {�. �!^ r.V,Sa..'�.��5.� '.. � � ' ,.. . R'� �rSMal,.%��i� ��rT/����'�lhJi�i���ri „4�;. ;,'.••f. Z:'l �F.. . ' . . ' ' . . . , �. � ' ' .. . . �i E J4Y�.5� 5 �7 ��t ,1���'�'.r��• � 'f • + `�'y yy'�•.� r ��'j': .� "�, / � ��t�'� ��. �Y� :���.:���#;;���3�:;� 'r�'��;xt: '��� :.,� •�• " : ,. • .. � 1. . . 3/3].`/7$_. � �'•. . .:, � �;�: ��': � � ��,- . , `�/.,•;";•.�•"` ,,,'' �j�` ��'• �� q,� jl� ����y i5 Z� ' ] �' _ _ , 'Y��' _ _- . __ _ ' � L�'. •:i r. . 1f��ii�=�r i ,r. �:��s.'J'itSii'�;!![:(';':la� �`'1 - • '_ �`'__ ' _: " ' �� , ', . .. • . ,. • . , � . � :.. . .��i7'?'•;x•; �N -`.,�,•.,;. :t.F,� - - •L<�-�J.� ... � ..�� �-• „i :� >r. � � ��.'�'���R:. }E.� .%i+,'�' .. '�7+tq, ��`. f:'�`: ' ' :�.i�. �'.,i:.. . M ..': A,t'ky_�°�F'�::a.;w�t�,�v�,�{+`��si.�,�..•;�;1s.� ��n�`• "'""1';e;:Iici.T"'': t ik ,�. . t�x=�,�_ �.,rtt;`+» .k �. h5� c..,fi's�.�.ika�'!C "i ;. : c°��� •'.` '�'!'��4^;"1�,jF1�� �"-+:: % j' �.�G , �. .�::'�•�:'���,.���� ..� •4f� a� 'fi+��� �, R'.Mt!'"[.�`{,�.,�i �4=� .• �� , � . . . � . �_.� .. ' � �� The Acting City Manager reaarninended �aking��he saving� of approxima�el.y $�.00,000 each year ir►stead of a lump sum at the � Fronti end. The psaposal by Wil,�.iam R. Hot�gh & Co. r�ss�me8 the ' annual savings. • � ;, John Kronfeld read 3.nto the recazd lettar o� Maxch 31, 1978, re Econamic Fe�tsi.bil3ty Report an the Advan�e Refunding o� �he City's $24,637,000 OuCs�and�.ng Bonds and reported preeent market conditians are hazardoue but he felt tha� �he fees were' E xeasonab�.e and comparable. Dan Livermore, Hond Counael, reparted the Contract of Purchase had heen rev�.awed a�ong w�.th the computer schedulea' and i� 3.n legai tarm with �ypical con�3tians, and a closing date of May 10, ].978. A13. the estimated expen�es o� $511,730 as l�.sted in ScheduJ.e 15, wi�.l be pa�.d ou� of the Bond proceeds. Digaussion ensued on �he es�imated expenses. �he Ac�ing City Manager racommended Resolutions �78-36 and #76-37 be adop�ec3 and the p�oposal. be accepted as submitted. Reso�u�ion #78-36, a resolution fixing the da�eg, ma�uri- , ties, mandatory Sinking Fund ins�al�men�s, interes� rates and redempti4n provisions £or $24,790,000 Util.ity Revenue Bands, S�ries 1978: fixing the date, matur��ie� and interest rates for $20, 385, 000 Special Ob�.iga��.ans Bonds, Serie� 1978A; aancel].�.ng $3,710,000 principal. amoun� of sa�.d 1978 Bonds and �3,615,000 �principal amount of said 1978A Bonds; approving a contract oF purchase and awarding said 1978 and 1978A Bonds; authorizing �he use af preliminary official sta�emen�s for said 1.978 Bonds anc3 1,978A Bands. (Wm. Haugh and the Pierce Wu].buxn Muxphy Carp,)� Co�nmissioner DeBlaker moved to pass and adop� Resolu�a.on #78-3G and.to authorize the appropriate oEficiais to �xeaute same. Commissionez Nunamaker seconded the mo�ion. Upan ro1.1 aa3.1 �h� vo�e was : "Ayes": Cazares, DeBZake�, Mart�.n, Nunamaker and Tenney. n N�yB s' : None . Resolution #�78-37 -- A resolution au�horiza.ng �xecution o� S�cura.ti,es Purchase Ag�eement Eor the City's 2007 �erm Bonds Sinking Fund Account relati.ng ta the City's iltility Revenue Band�, Series 1978. (Commun3ty �ank o� Pine�.Zas}. Commissioner Nunamaker moved to pass and adopt Resoluti.on #78-37 and ta authorize �he appropriate officials to execute same. Commissioner AeBlaker seconded the ma�ion. Upon ro1.l aa11 �he vote was; "Ayes": Cazares, DeBZa3ter, Martin, Nunamakez and � Tenney. "Nays": None. D�.scussion ensued on the appoint�ent of a Pay�.ng Agent �and Eecr�w Holcier. Consensus was to consider at a�uture date and evaluate the �ses. .' Bob 03.ive, �� the Underwritera, pres�nted a gooc� faith check in the a�t�ouat af $112,937.50 to the Mayor as security ;��. �az the performance by �he Underwritexs oE a.ts obligation ta ," �, accept dalivery of and pay far tha Sands as praviousiy provided, :� . ' ;,:� .�� The meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m. , . � . .', , e,;�-.;^�� �'r'�'� - � - s . . .. . • '- ' . . f ;`��`�:s; `�gi';�"'�y� ., .� `,� . ° � . ,. , � M or�Co�nm ss oner � � a � r;>;��;f�,�„��;���:` �Atit��st: ' • . � , . . . Y�fk�u �F r ?�:s`'.;�;:,�:': -i .. .; . � - � . ' • . �.. , �.i' . • ' ' • • r. ' _ 'p A ' , ' .. � ' : . . . ' ' 1 �'�. . . ,. . � . . .khi �� 'i'�i :.l.,t• �.� . .:I1r � .. �'ti �;.... ' ' . . ,,, r .. , •.' t.''!�z��s'�" .i� ,�;'.It : t.,J �.. �,>G`` . It : i:.: `�, � �y�*iy�'°�5�i:;�2lt1 -�...�,i�'yL�3.`�'��'1 �yr��'�' . •�.� .... _ � :�.���,''�:�3%31/78,' �i.:���'�' 't'rF:y:,�'���, ����.�%�,`i�1�7;��.ir', _ ____ _ __ __ _ ___ - • '1:.....i,.'a., �� '.�,c,.:i,. �... . .,_...irt� '�Zi��SN °...�.�k•S� �3•��.i� ' `�,�':'y�' ,:� ' i.j,:"i•�•.l•.':�'e::'..,.•.�'H'i5;���1Q".:..;-�'i:`.�'✓t � �.� F- f r�' ����[: � ..,:: {._.:� ��1 �i� ''�. ;.:q;..rs: �..�r i 'E"1�rir.'�:,� �`n�;4t !� ^r•� �`��F ��-5;,Ye rts-y1tU'��! ".+�i,f{ �,-s� . ` � �.. 1' �J: H.:3 _7.�.xJ `+�4.. S ,�I.Y...-S�i:.,�; tir 7 ��;�'... : {��1•'.� �I�jf'ii"{.✓i ! F �. ���5, l�xR y r'�j����Y�yi,��t,'Jy�.��}5 `„]♦ �'"°it�.s};.��•�sk�: _aiV�:?�..� ^�'�iz.xJ.���n.f��'M�,r� ; � � 'Z:f �' '►i } . ti .i�:�A• i. }� t � -; i�. },v"f" 3 't^"�'e..� .+ 4s �' +` i�y..1 °. .1 _ 1 � ,h7 f .. Z� .�`isne`ti�, ;: . � � „i� 4_1..`.''• . ' til�y L�4;;''-' j �''�t+t1��.�, +��'�i�?: :.�. . .� ,..'^. r:�.�';?t' .f . , +',;.v yr. ,y-:.��� ,.ti, .f; �`,�'� . o,;�� , `r w }€' �3; . � •�