, '
, '
, "
roll call the vote WASJ
"Ayealll" Cazares, DeBlaker, Frank, Martin and
"Nay''', 'None.
John Krumfeld of E. F. Hutton, and William Hough responded
to queDtions of the Commission on the refunding procedur.e. ,
The City Attorney presented Ord!nance, 1761 for second reading
and' Commisftloner Mar~in moved to amend Ordinance 1761, page 2,
Paragraph G(4)lines 2 and 4, '1:0 add "or authorized investments"
after "Federal Securitie".lI Commissioner DeBlaker seconded
the motion. Upon roll call the vote was:
"Ayel"l cazares, DeBlaker, Frank, Martin and
"Nays"l None.
commissioner DeBlaker moved to amend Ordinance 1761, page
6, Paragraph E, to change "SO" to "52" million. Commissioner
Nunamakor seconded the motion. Upon roll call the vote was:
!lAyes", Cazares, DeBlaker, Frank, Martin and
"Nays"l None.
Tho City Attorney presented Ordinance #1761, as amended,
for lecond reading and stated he would read by title only un-
les. there was a request to read in its entirety. Theordi-
nanca was read by title only. commissioner DeB1aker moved to
pal. and adopt ordinance *1761, as amended, on second and final
reading and to authorize the appropriate officials to execute
seme. commissioner Nunamaker seconded the motion. Upon roll
call the vote was:
"Ayes": Ca2:ares, DeBlaker, Frank, Martin and
"Nays": None.
Citizens spoke in. support of using the aavings for an
expanded library and for upgrading the water and' sewer systems
and retaining the savings in the Utility Fund. ,
Commissioner DeBlaker reported the March 16, 1978, 'city
Commission Meeting is in conflict with the Fun IN Sun Festival.
Tho City Attorney reported the swearing-in ceremony will
be held on March 2, 197B.
Commissioner Martin moved t~e swearing-in ceremony be
held at 6:00 p.m. on March 2, 1978. Commissioner Nunamaker
Beconded the motion which carried unanimously.
Commissioner Martin moved the ci,ty Manager ,establish a
time convenient for the parties interested for the swearing-in
ceremony on March 6, 1978. Commissioner Nunamaker seconded the
motion which carried unanimously.
, "
Commissioner DeBlaker moved
< ,. " . acheduled on March 16, 1978, and
:. ,', "t tad to limit the agenda items as
~eetin9 of Ma~ch 16, 1970.
The meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m.
the Public Hearings be held as
that the City Manage~ be 'instruc-
much as possible for the"
ayor-Conun sSJ.onert7 '. :
, '
. ,1,
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