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Tha Houain. Staff il currently workin, on tha critlria
for the prolr.. which will ba .Itabltlhad when tha fundft be-
co.. availabl.. Ha alia Itatad when federal dollarl are uI.d
to rehlbilitate . hoae it mu.t b. brousht up to Itandard.
which creat.. a probl... So.. applicantl ar. able to repay ,
$2.000. but it the ho.e require. $5,000 to brins it up to
Itandard. h..ay b. un.bl_ to 1II..t the larger pay..ntl., A
co.bination grant and loan would aelilt the applic.nt in luch "
. c....
Mallie Cac.res, .pI.king for Clearwater Neishbors and
the Human Relaurcl Committee of the League of Women Voterl,
spoke in support.
Jerry Hill dlecussed land acquisition and t%affic con-
gestion on Missouri Avenue in the vicinity of Sunshine Mall.
Commiseioners discussed a loan program and the neeeasity
to establish criteria for regularly scheduled repayment, even
if in small amounts. However, the administrative coste would
have to be considered. There were no other citizen commenta.
Commi.sioner Martin moved to approve the Staff recommenda-
tion for the Third Year Community Development Block Grant
~ro8ram 40 follows: (1) Rehabilitation Loan/Grant Program
for HomeDwners. $200,000; and (2) Land Acquisition to provide
a site for low-income housing for the elderly, ~100,OOO 2nd yr.),
$200,000. Commissioner Frank seconded the motion. Upon roll
call the vote was:
"Ayes": Cazares, DeBlaker, Frank, Martin and
"Nays": None.
(3) Utilities and street improvement project in South
Greenwood area (census tract 258), Phase I, Paving Improve-
ments, $174,807; Drainage Improvements, $116,432; Sanitary
Sewer Construction, $78,492, and Phase II to follow when fund-
ing is available. Census tract 2SB is between Lakeview Dnd
Belleeir with the east boundary line on Stevenson Creek and
Indian Rocks Road on the west.
Mr. Jass reported Staff would like their application tu
include Phase I to be completed this year and Phase II to be
completed next year. They anticipate approval of the entire
program. The Phase II portion is more costly than Phase I,
but it is estimated Clearwater will receive additional Com-
munity Development Funds next year.
Com~iosioner DeB lakeI' commented that the City has a sewer
and paving assess=ent program and all citizens should be
treated equally and those receiving improvements under Com-
munity Development Funds should pay something toward the costs.
Mr. Jass reported the engineering plans have been cOm-
pleted for this eligible area and the needs are there and
should be met. This will be an assessment/grant prograM and,
repayaent will be required of those with incomes above the
e.tablished criteria.
Jerry Hill questi~ned the cost figures and Buggested'
future price increases be taken into consideration.
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Loil Cor.i.r dilcu...d pavins for ..varal .tr.at. and
a.k.d for clarific.tion about the ........nt a. the citlaan.
do not exp.ct to be ...e...d for the i.prov...nt.. Jo..ph
McF.t. report.d in thi. gr.nt progr.. the ownlr of the prop-
.rty su.t bl a re.idlnt of CI..rwatar. Wh.n the public haar-
ing notic.. .r. ,Int out thare vill .110 b. . .'.orandu.
.ttachad Idvi.inS citiaenl th.y .ay apply for . grant to cov-
er the a......ent if they are eligibl.. Therl war. no othar
citiz.n co...nt..
Co..i..ion.r Martin movad to .pprove (3), Uti1itia. and
Street Improv..ent Projects in the South Gr.enwood .r.., ..
outlined. Comm18s10ner Prank seconded the motion. Upon roll
call the vote was:
"Ayes": Cazares, DeBlaker, Frank, Hartin and
"Nays": None.
By unanimous consent the Commission agreed to consider
(4), (5), (6), (7) and (8) collectively.
(4) Construct a coin laundry facility at Condon Gardens
(1,352 square feet) to accommodate 28 heavy-duty w.shers and
14 gas dryers; washers and dryers to be installed and uain-
tained by a route agency with a contract to pay for the util-
ity operating expenses, $32,500.
(5) Construct a ball field at the City-owned parkland
east of Condon Gardens, $20,000.
(6) Fund the street tree program for Condon Gardens snd
Wood Valley. Condon Gardens--l03 trees and 32 pal.s, $2,100;
Wood Valley--268 trees, $5,400.
(1) Administration, $20,000.
(8) Contingencies and local options, $54,761.
There we~e no citi~en comments.
Commissioner DeBlaker reported the residents of Wood
Valley wish to reglster their disapproval of the tree program
4S suggested in the Staff recommendation and would prefer
lighting for a ball field, construction of a shelter, parking
spaces and recreational play equipment. They feel they have
been discriminated against and other areas are receiving more.
Commissioner Hartin questioned the availability 'of' funds
for utility bills at the Condon Gardens coin laundry ,facility,
which will be handled by a contract. The lessee will pay the
Commissioner Martin .oved to approve the staff recommenda-
tion for Third, Year Community Development Block Grant Program
Itema (4) through (8) 88 outlined. Com.issioner Prank Deconded
the .otion.
> ~ l
Co..is_ioner Nunamaker returned to Item (3) to Buggest
aD as.ess.eDt lien be placed against properties of citizens
unable to pay for the improvements. This as.esement lien
will be interest-free snd when the property 1s sold the City
will recov.r the co.t..
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