01/26/1977 ~~~: +,,!,,:/ ,'~ ~.l~~ . '.: .' ... __r'......u~ .__ ..,..- , . c r _ ____ .....-~---' CITY COMMISSION MEETING January 26, 1977 The ,City Com_ieeion of' the City of Clearwater met in .pecial ....ion at the City Hall, Wednesday, January 26, 1977, at 9130 a.m, with the following members present: Oabriel Cazares Karleen F. De3laker Xaren Martin Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commiosioner Abaentl Jo.eph Carwise Darwin S. Frank Commissioner Commissioner Also pre.ent were: Picot B. Floyd Thomae A. Bustin Hax Battle Frank Daniels City Manager City Attorney City Engineer Police Chief The Hayor called the meeting to order and announced two .tudent representatives from Clearwater High School were in- vited to the National Prayer Day Service in the White House at Walhington, D. C. He presented to Leah Burnett, one of the otudantCl, a letter and a Key, to the City for President Carter, and made her a special ambassador to the Hayor and presented her with a Key to the City. ' Thft City Manager read a Corrected Notice of Special Heeting, and a Waiver of Notice of Meeting was presented to the City Clerk. The purpose of the meeting is for the Com- million to consider and take appropriate action in connection with Proaecution of Municipal Ordinance Violations and to hear a presentation of the Downtown Plan Evaluation and a . panel meeting with the International Downtown Executives As- .ociation. The Mayor reported a special request from the students of St. Petersburg Junior College to waive fees for the car- nival to be presented January 26th through the 30th. Th~ City Attorney, in reply to a question. reported that an emer- gency item could be heard even though it was not on the agenda. Commissioner DcBlaker moved to concider the request of the students from the college. Commissioner Hartin seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Edward Dakin of Phi Theta Kappa reported the purpose of the carnival was to raise funds for a scholarship. Their request to conduct the carnival had been approved by the . Commission on' January 20. 1977. but the fees will approximate $3,000, which is more than they ~xpect to make. He aske~ that the CommisQion reconsider and waive the fees. The City Kan- aBer reported that the students had been advised to have the carnival operator responsible for the license fees but they bad neglected to do so. If the. students themselves had oper- ated the booths there would have been no fee. but if the carnival operator runs the booths the fee is $25 per day per booth. Mr. Dakin reported they were unable to have the con- tract changed at this late date. '." " .' '. " ,;' " '.':\ " _:1~26~7 7 1" ., ./.' " j .: t ,,' Thl prlli.inar, dlvalop.lnt, .chadulinB and coat e.ti- ..ta. over a period of approxi.atlly fiva y.ar. "for ,tha pub- lic ..ctor ..ounta to $6,100,000. The .ati.ata. of tha pri- vatI I.ctor urban rldev.lopment totala approximately $50,000,000 ovar a 9-y.ar plriod. To. Wall, of Glad.tone A.aociatea, in hia review .tated ha had ....in.d tha .arklts for private land uee. in the can- tr.l bUline.. diatriet, the retail offic. hou.ing, transiant leeo..odationa, hotal and motel uses. Th. Plan identifies whera buildinSI can b. built by tha private sector and the bulldlnl. nra aealad to the market they have analyzed. He atatad thar. .uat ba . profitable return for private invest- .ant. Ha diseua.ad the pro1iminary figures for the four areas that were analyzed and stated they were subject to modifica- tion. The report for condominium apartments indicates this i. a fea.ible project, rental apartments, not feasible, and the ratail entertainment io a reasonable proposition, and in the offic~ building area, public participation will probably be nacesa.ry. The hotel/motel operation looks favorable, howaver, thore are more figures to be obtained. Uatna the figures available from the plan, if all of the improvements in land and buildings are made, the Clearwater tax bace would increase by $44,000,000, which would equate to $240,000 in ad valorem taxes to the City. Imp1emontation strategy must be designed, priorities set for the 33 proposed development projects and a decision made for funding from a public and/or private sector. There is a po..ibility of available funds from Public Works Grants, Com- munity Development Block Grants, federal assistance through s..ll business loans, and some City department budgets could be used to finance projects. Elderly housing special assess- ment districts could be set up. He also noted Downtown had too many small parcels of land and suggested public involve- ment through eminent domain to acquire larger pieces of prop- erty which would be more acceptable to a developer/builder. He stated these are some of the techniques they have begun to analyze. Don Moore stated the Panel waB quite impressed with the Plan and felt it was conservative but realistic and probably verymrkable. He stated the City must invest toward an in- creased tax base in order to carry out the plan. Dan Sweat'noted that Downtown Clearwater needs rehabil- itation but all cities are in the same boat. The Plan has laid doun guidelines which should be used to work toward the objectives. Public and private sectors working together can accomplish much. William Hill stated the 1980'target date is not really a8 far away as it seems. He too felt that the first step in the process was to set a priortiy list. It is a practical and realistic plan containing considerable imagination but with the joint cooperation and working together of the public and private sectors. it can be implemented. The Plan contains flexibility and gives the City facts with which to work. The problems ,are indentified and the relationship of economic data to:epecific fact~ is an invaluable aid to progress. I " Incentives will be necessary to attract private invest- ~ent c.pl~al to the Downtown ,area. Industrial development ,'iapoae., r'equiremen'ts for se,wers, schools, etc., but commercial . . , " . ~ : ~ " 3~. " ,1-26-77 ' " . r" ,'I.' "",' . ,i';"26-77: ' ,,',. .. . .i,;>..6;;f!~ . .' da~elopment 1a nore p~ofitabla. 'Althoulh industrial davelop- .ant provide. 'tha job., commarcial development (which alraady has public servica facilities) i. an incantiva the City ha. to offer to developar.. Ha recommanded improvins Claarwatar'. .any aa.et. and tha total product that i. offered Downtown. The public would ra.pond to . .ode.t inve.tmant in landlcap- ing, a. a augsa.tion. All of the improve.ant. racoamandad will make a good i.pra..ion on developar.. He pra.criba~ proceeding rationally and .lowly over the next faw y.ars to create the environment, market and inve.tment climate. The City Manager eugge.ted five member. of the Downtown De~elopment Board be appointed to a Redevelopment Agency which would have the authority to sell bonds to set this re- development started. Dan .Sweat reported Atlanta had created, a private non-profit commie. ion of public and private individ- uals which lends strong leadership to their program. He sug- gested Clearwater start their program with the farmers' mar- ket. The Mayor asked for information on a convention center. Tom Wall discussed the convention center and stated that in a city'the 8i=e of Clearwater it would be very difficult to justify an investment that would exclusively serve a conven- tion marKet. Convention business is a very competitive mar- ket and in order for a convention center to be financially feasible, it must cater to convention trade and civic func- tions and have a combined use. A hotel and motel tax imposed on all hotel room sales would help support a convention/civic center. Dan Sweat discussed various methods used by Atlanta to finance th~ir commitment in joint projects and he also stated there is a cost to the City if nothing is done, which must a180 be considered. The net fiscal income to the City from new d$velopment and the relationship of the costs of extra police, fire. sewer. etc., was discussed, and also the advis- ability of dropping the assessed values for downtown property and the impact on the tax base. George Pillorge stated the mall has been a part of the strategy from the beginning but it is viable and can be changed. If the redesignation of State Road 60 does not become a reality, traffic could be channeled off the street, but they do feel that one of the redesignations will be accepted. Some design improvements can be made whether the redesignation is made or not and would have to be done outside of the right-of-way of the street. The difference in the assessed valuation of Downtown property.d property in Countryside was discussed. The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 p.m. Attest: ~~~' . "ayor-COmm1soion~ cfY~ ~ .~, , '/ ' tt,. T ~'j , ," . " 4~ " .,' . r, ' '\, >~: \\". ": ~ ' -:, l,,' :' i .. :!' ! .'\f,' . . ,I . " '<' ~ . ; ./J' ,'.\ '" ..... , ~ ~ ,.", . I " '~ . ' ' . " ~; " ..) , ,1 ~~ ,,~~~' ~..f. ...... "...... .~~..:..-.? ""....J.: M~ ,./' ;'.''" I~ <" 'Y ~"l ' + it,,,~... ..'" ""~,.' . + .. ,'" , ., . , . > , ~ ~ .. - ~. /. ~ . 1 'J'; Ii. .. I \, W AlVEll 01' NOTICE,OF MEETINQ .J The undel'11p.ci City Commi..ionerl of the City of Clearwater.. Florida. , hereby waive notice Of a .peeial meetillS of the Commt..ion to be bald at .,' 9:30 o'clock, A. M.. or 81 soon thereafter a. the mQetiD. can,be' conveed. 'on the Z6th, day of Januarv 1977 , 'I I, ~~ " ' Mayor..Co IS 011 r .. ' '\ . ! ~ .; f4>Cl tJ~A~ ..... , /( , " , "~ "'.~' ',~l/~f4.~ 7: .14~' " , :' , " :'):," .', !', !' ., .' ,,~.......-.. > c.. .'t. ; ,'It. ....-.. , , ,. ,<,' , '",.1, -. , " '\' " , .~ ~~ f ., " :: I 'Ie '\ , " ,~} \ , , . ',d_c 'i' ", 'J ~~ut/~. f'~). "~MP>>-::~ ' <f' "L : ~'.. , ~ I " "', \' '/, ...., :1 ',' " " , !,,' " '. ' " , , ' , ' --."".;... '. ~ ,,' , i,\ ; , ~' ,J: " I , .. . , :(, ,I,.: , 'c ~ ! . , I . I. .. ' I '......: 1 'I; I' " \' 'i I:' ;'. ~.~' ~ \ . T \' I ~ ~": \.' \< " . r'L'.' " ~"" >' " . , 1 , ," , ..'. I ::, ; :': '. ~ J., ,':, ':'::', ,("" " ." , , ~.' ''\ , .. ,r ~, ' ' ,,; . " ,~ ,: ~~.";:,:,;,:::;\ ;,; '..,.. :.t , . \ ,\ AG, ,..', (' ."S,'..,.J<<,<,:, ' , i . ..~ ' ;) , ~ '! > .: ~ , ~.': c,' '. 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