00-24 RESOLUTION NO. 00-24 .~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE PROPOSED TIME WARNER INC. AND AMERICA ONLINE, INC. MERGER; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance 6108-96 adopted November 21, 1996, the City of Ciearwater has a cable franchise with Time Warner =:ntertainment .- Advance/Newhouse Partnership, doing business as Time Warner Communications, a subsidiary of Time W2rner Inc.; and WHEREAS, o,n F~bruary 7, 2000, Time Warner Communications submitted documents to tl1f3.City()r.plecU'~ater announcing the proposed merger of Time Warner Inc. and Amer',~'~h!ir.~V:'I'pc.i:!an~, WHER~I?:;':~;~'~:~~J~~I~'~~~ with Section 14(8) of the cable franchise orbrh'ance, Time Warner is requesting the City's approval of the transfer of control of the company; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: ,:) Section 1. Pursuant to Section '14(B) of Cable Franchise Ordinance 6108-96 with Time Warner Entertainment-Advance/Newhouse Partnership, the City of Clearwater hereby consents to the proposed merger of Time Warner Inc. and America Online. Inc. The merger approval request and applicable Federal Communications Commission application documentation is attached to this resolution as Exhibit A and is available for inspection upon request in the City Clerk Department. Section 2, This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of _ June ,2000. Approved as to form: Attest: ~ \/ ,~/ ('I!L Pamela K. Akin, City Attorney C' \. / ' ~. . \l..,<.~,. L . .^"',.J,.,!.\.!;..... Cyrlt ia E. Goudeau, City Clerk '....1 ....,I Resolution No. 00-24