79-66e r1" ri'»?.!:xra.. r ••.y=. .n 'r•M?{<•i'.VYC''S?lg'hY,i..+eN,Sr^"i?Ml'k"7v..?p!{"i!^5 :•., 'r:'I`;'y`i `ley 4i 3%• ...z"N is fv xt'+.?r.'.',`J'?'' 9;; ,?' ''i. ,r t;•5',."yv%,. ;Ya? ?: "a ??:...§i ^`'_3, r?ti"li `{?.':?3T????'???s .'ip `?ti 1 CC] i.p•. 7; t f' ???`.??i. ?i?'^',•' .Y. s.i::•,? ?'."i.11;,',Jtir i:r. ?'''? rr,;. C:,re,,a ."?!+r ? ,? •,.??.••..} r. r ,r .. af`• ?`r-•'?.'! YF,t '' ?'t ,?:;. i.;,+;r'1rry ?YS:. Ftr, ,1xy.:..;r:?,{:•J;r. ' ?• }i.=' ..fn` <µ ,,4°:lr, n y:'a'`t,, ?? r•.a i•,.;•'sati :;???. Y'? .?{a 1;' .r•', [. „s. :.S'?.i. '4;?•"s a; };'.;.,`:.?•Yr.:' u.n'.•'?•,-s; •?a"'. e: ?'. :i?•.j'te^e,?Ld},}rk yw"•i:,'+??'%ky? K.• ;r{r„>?t:Gd?V,':..g: .r., s':° •?bf. ':i:'t;r %,S°€. ;.i' },?2;rC;i°y ?t ?,.,. y,'?.':->t,•at. 11i ?`, i?',?.r?" #'i •s. ? NI IS.?`t.'Ro`)'1?' :sit°i ??•?;`,?'. `''. ;r,.` y.:i?., :i«P'. "'yS :?,•2_e };" .7. - 2, y, L°:.;r"FV:'?..t >,•;i•. o-i°`.'r%'-,'I. %+ty,....•A..v !, ! + t .1 ,• %.a 4? ?? 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P .o r.Y. 0. f . i' o?'. .art' .r':' N.E• "' i .''^ e't+!,."' ?{:} r: 1? y??^.....?- ?S;pii?'E?' • ;, :;A:l"??:i ,i; dos.,.:?: 'l:+?` .e"" t`f ?,.•:;-,,,[!• `yp "''..,?.: ^?tSif<•; .s':?;, y. a. <r*a y 'e }1. r1y-?'?s.R'? ; a., i ?_. .,, 1. i'.x,' • s?;'..' : t. ; t?•. ' ,1.:, . Y '?!. f-'`';tt»;.;' yy(t? ` ?' ?. ?? _•??• •i. 1? .f(f'o?' ??' 'S, ?:y.•.6 .'A,' Ap???. :. ?v:?i; II.?•, ,'S ; ?K'. ?.7,• is1:?, ,7AIr i.iYS;?y.: siP:. •t: a:, '1•• `sCh r..,?,4s .? '4`,!.y:, _"q> >.• ,;: ?tr?' .z :'. i; :1!'`?. r M.1: ?:-?` .7, r , ?;?,.St.r?'7(.;i ..': J.` ? 1 a r ICS:.f1'?'-r??jjy'.}n a'C?'.".r.j?,.t?? `i. '..r::??j,e ''}s .r•i';" c ,.?''y:''Lt... :ti. ?:.•'er:"?fc ,n-`:;?:.s; .a?o S?•.`!+ ' 2+,: ?di', 'rJ. '-il' ?•d `; ^.?''z.. ?.ytsr=:.. ,y... .y_ ${• ,.?'r.'?Si>}'+FG ;ti. rsi.:li `Y.. ',?s:tL'rt?'i•. •,:.'? ' ,•f:?. ?i•?! }:{...t' w :?"'?r .5' .?.5?°:}: k: .r'? •4. /' `tf.nrr „!d k,;:imp' t•s :r. •.i,,,?;,r'• ?is; ''s '+'s~'ryx':•-?. ?'"1.. ?rf! 7.?5',=sr,.?,r i{:•:"'' '?rr: •:..!: {q: ~?i'.";?_-,?. ?s. NS L41;. r2a: 1? . ,A, to ,' c f R E S 0 L D T I O N No. 79 - 66 t r A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C02II01ISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, ASSESSING THE OWNERS OF PROPERTY THE COSTS OF HAVING :SOWED OR CLEARED TEE PROPERTY OWNER'S LOT. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, by Resolution Noe. -- 78-93.- 7S_ia9y78=1?.lr_...:...: - passed on 8-17-78 9-21-78, determined that for the purpose of promoting•the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens and residents of the Cit,r of Clearwater, and in accardance with Section 128 of the Charter of the City of Clearwater, that certain lots, parcels or tracts a{ land within the corporate limits of the Cit7 of Claar;rater would be cleared of weeds, rubbish,dcbris, including debris resulting from fires or storms, or the demolition of buildings or other structures or otheriise, and ariy noxious material"'of an7 kind which tend to be a breeding place or haven for s:.akes and var=:n of all kinds and character, or which tend to create a fire hazard endangering the lives and property of the citizens of Clearwater, or which tend to create a traffic hazard; and WHEREAS, after proper notice, the Cite Cona;ssica held a public tearing on 9-7-78, 10-5-7B, 11-16-78,: ..? confirmed the passage of said Resolution and demand was saut in writing to the owner or owners of the affected properties noti!7- ing and requiring him a= them to clear said properties is accord- ante with said confirmed Resolution within fifteen (15) days :.ew the data of such notice or the Cit7 would clear said properties and cha costs thereof would constitute a lien against saic prep- ertias; and "'EEX:AS, certain a: the ossme:s a! the affected properties failed to comply with the City's written demand to claw= said properties within fiftaaa(15) days from the date thereof, and the peso. 879-66 8/2/79 .. !t'f«'3 ?k??{e. ? a'?CY.n?lin•: w'•'_ t,-.,, sc. 7,.,...` ? ? ? .. ti .... Y, '.? ,. .. i';s i i5,ir3er?. i ;>•r. v`q'l.,r"`,.... +'"`.''", ',<.i°'YS„cam i,?.?,,.•.,r Z.^';r.. t.'F,. •:? ?;T t?. aj ? j -? a :,,?,.«I i fit: ?«., e;?axxy.y-±r??,r>, .. w.•,h::?t•+ •.a ..r !1P"v 1 •,?;i. I w % 4 r j„;.;? i. t, ; ?' `' f•. - ,..' ?,a;.4y ti': ;'S;!, i?lh :F µ "e .,3. 1..i.k •?{?. r?,''? 1;F. fl" ? e rCe.4. ?, . -'i: ( ['41 ? ?[ t ? i?' ,1:., vi ?,.: y ? ?:, 1 +?t.'?l ;" t}`<•? r;?cri >'.,? :c•b use;.' ,S'. c??" ??} _}F."-' Pik; ''?;iTJ'_ 3?f,•yr?.C?f?-? .'Fey }i •,T ?t" 4.?. ?f: .?f,7 °???p.A?, #.Xtx,,}??'.•' ??q • <:: r w«• ?'«YI:. Si: :w°4%, •.. '.w'?. ;t ?i,<•'. #, ,s• ' 'f' -• .::), I ry;. s??,'. #`;.f:?.;. ?, ^?.,,,t'' ;•. .K 3y ,?:?.'` Yi; eF!y .1 r... ?G .?. r'?`?i,?•• [?•!` ?r r: ?•t t', r ?'f.. t+ J;' r?..... i'-t `??"?! ? 1L?'+.. .Y t?F : '. ;' M" tv .. .; :,:' t'Y'+sr?? fr,'•r• {" ; 1'+ >"' ??.v 33 •iu ?y,. ?,?,rg?,?'?' ask '? s•ri• :?F.;'????? r;ea`.r',e?,.+;,•:t'•. 'SY-«i,i?%.t ••w,. z'.',.?P.?•?. w1A??.. Yd-?-%?'l ;' 4«v???,'?A r:i '?'?,i'<?tis:.•:}. °f?',#? •lx?lw,?6.a'+c?'>?i ,,t] :.?? *'r'?';'• :4-,'-'->.: ??-::? k,,.l;Ydwxl,", f? "r?jr. Sir ?t• ? '.lp': ?w}}?t?•?t?.f}.?yy}?asl ..'iSt+-+?t?°": s???? .;f .???e(., •`c'?s ,}.c. !4•. 't:?a?_"4tt; eeY;., ±3er?l:???,?..d,. ?'?..,? ? ? e.. di. ?Fi •i A !: ?"?43' ?i•'! .i .y.?1:• {. r•,?.ryy? e ? ?.l ?r ??.,?: ?1'^'"'4?.'' iA S-r ?lu_y? '?, lrt b+...+` +? C?r ? +.L•.'e1' •?a ? r R :' - ?. },'" +, kl are na:i?. 'L 1 ?:1 ?(1?7-* ;i'•°.?i c q?a" •,3 ?t. ?.. :.t :s• lr:>'' Y 7:;+, .??,j,.,.,,., 1?4i^^•SS# ia4°r "`?,l`^ ••? .'tLr.??.Fre.•':a ?!.151,?1?'3.t .o .r.?. _ V` 'ry?ak?:?;°• :?l?r' •^?.•s': ;1??'t'tJ'I?, .;:•vt•`.e:t?'-?:'??« ir. }?^rTa1, ?y}'••?"t? '?7 .(t'? r a y '.>,t? 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'r?;•'?.r,:.;c:}; ; x i??'•"`''r,? ?i;"` y. s,.?i f:+'?'L'?+?'` ?i='F' i?y{J'.? ^lr tr.u Ff ,5 p'.4. r1.?°„r., ,j•'t:'. ?.. :,:' yS" i5. '{i, ?%. ?E5'.' ?`; 1.': .[s'. .: °Z?'? t,}y' ?"4?t w. ,•b. :.?'r .'Y is ?:'-.'.?.. •.r'. e5a ;i ... . .'l,• )?-: t4 t ?tiN-e•.i h'l`il 'A _"1,f??. . i••'i ??'t??'' ::Ir,`: ?,4.: A.''E','?; ti: t>' .t: y,iF-:• t.?' ??,i`...: .r•?'t?`:•r:? ?" ?' • +' :''r "_t:'="A'?J?:.: ,{•.?•: s 7?a?".ti, .?.['?':;,. ,xt y 4, ., .9 -:7:Y d l f"•'-7 ?.:?.a s t ja. ,tt ?L•iS.fiil?l".1' .1?'. yi.' -_iPt_'_..1M?..il I.F::,.,!s:? _S':?1'_:'i ... .. .. S'•.• r??f''y _?r."' :?;,. ,. ?iLK: ) n7 ?/ • J Citq of Cled`:irater did thereon clear said gzapertiad the ?; ? lx a costs of such clearance should now be assessed as a lien on •/Y??T;nil.?r of°`= behalf of the City of Clearwater against said properties; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY ' TER, FLORIDA, COMX:LSSIO,i OF THE CITY OF CLEARWA IN SESSION DULY AND REGULARLY ASSEMBLED, AS FOLLOWS: 1. Pursuant to Section 128 of the Charter of the City of Clearwater Florida and after public hearing thereon and ' s? , , written notice, certain owners of the real property listed in "leu?,f.S • : <?,} 78-93, 78-109, 78-124 Resolution Nos. y _ Passed o-1 8-17-78, 9-21-78, 11-2-78 , and confirmed on 9-7-781 10-5-78, 11-16-78 , having failed to clear saki properties in accordance with the •if ?4r'r, ? :ei requirements of said Section 128 of the Charter, and the City of Clearwater, having now completed said clearance, does hereby assess a lien on behalf of the City of Clearwater against said ?f land for the cost of said clearance in accordaaco with a schedule, -0r ?A to ?. tsarked Exhibit 'A't, attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2 Th Cit h b Cl k i di d i . e y ere y er s recte to prepare not ces f °`?' YY of'liau against said,properties and to file tae sa=e in the Office of the Circuit Court of Pinellas County, Florida. 4 ??.•? 3. This Resolution shall became effective i=mediatel:r ?r wt upon its adoption. x PASSED 0D ADOPTED this 2nd day of August 19 79 Hayor - Coz=issioner At tas _. City Clerk S/2/ ' Reso'... 79-66. 79 4 .i si: •:,?,, .b .:a i?di:7•?i'r'Y :.,..i Y'••.7 a:: :'?-.,?5.1 ?y>." • .. .. Y .. .. . i??a ?'Y.•?MS h? t?'y'yyy AiYI / LOT MOWING LIEN ASSESSMENT 1978 - 1979 PROPERTY OWNER LEGAL DESCRIPTION LIEN AMOUNT LIST # 7 - Ran. #78-93 Constantine Farms, Inc. Skyerest Unit 10 Subdivision $ 100.00 Liquidation Tr., at al Block L 2140,Gulf to Bay Blvd. Lot 1, less W 105 ft. b E 10 £t. Clearwater, Fl. 33515 of Lots 2-7, incl., less W 105 ft. LIST # 9 - Res. #78-109 Jessie H. Yarn Greenwood Park #2 Subdivision 125.00 1717 Fulton St. Lots 28,29,30 Block D Clearwater, F1. 33515 LIST #12 - Res. #78-124 ? Thaddis G. Clay Palm Park Subdivision 25.00 Rosetta Clay S 4 of S h of N h of Lot 29 1018 Pennsylvania Ave. Un-numbered Block Clearwater, F1. 33516 Nick Sagonias Pennsylvania Subdivision 75.00 113 N. Spring Ave. Lot 3 Tarpon Springs, Fl. 33589 ` ` '-e;"" i,le:v"",'l` -'{? at'tachment` =r Reso.- -u#79-66 - 8/2/79 . ?lk"t r.' I'•zSr"r_?-`???• r,, -sti.,;'?;%.. r.s s?=r' • .. - ... Y Y e ? 'L a .?. ? .. 'aE ., f:.=?i ?. •?1 . • > '. - .,..;.z ?i'v i .? _ ?r..? ?: i[ ? > f ` , .F,.,1'.? E.s 1.+. Yt i , :1? !]. r?l r i r. s?.' , tt??'ff' ?w'? F?'°y ??'? S?'? ? ? ? i -•M _ ?,•, ? •r «? 'r• ? - t ' 1,T!':e? q.??? i'I )?? fS6,3 i{t?.1 i'.. r1 17? ??t Y••l-'.? i? . `§