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".?,,:??.t?.i',n_', ?°•,.:?:,,,.a,,,?„My ,zFL?x„ `',.';: ,.???r's??. ;?.??p. ?4 t': s;`,.;t i::?:'t,-?x-, s;lj v?,. •,t?s ,,??+%.?y? ;. t? • • L: •h #lhe4 T'C:Z'_,.m`_?'?'l'.'?'L!:!lCitFr'rs+Mgl( T" ter..... 9•v d X"r YIfJ{? ?4,?•;? ; j}s _RES0iU„T,1O N y?k???!sk No , 77.. 86 H ry. i+?'u?'?.{s ?;;{r?, ', HEFXAS, it has been deter=Lined by the City Commission ???ii,? ?}tK k• :ly.r? t of the City of Clearwater, Florida, that for the purpose of yl' TG I•?'i + « promoting the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens and residents of the City of Clearwater, that the hereinafter ?.tuid• ,. p.• a: '..'•.; described lots, parcels, or tracts of land within the corporate limits of the City of Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida, should be cleared of weeds, rubbish, and debris NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT. RESOLVED BY 'I'II CITY r k CO:?SSZON OF THE CITY OF CL,EARMATER FLORIDA, IN SESSION DULY AMID REGULARLY ASSEMBLED, AS F:{ FOLLOWS : 1. That for the purpose of,promoting the health, safety, and general welrfare of the citizens and residents of the ' City of Clearwater, and in accordance with Seat-on 128 of the n>4 Charter of the City of Clearwaterg that the following described ? a {' lots, parcels, or tracts of Land wi.thia the corporate limits of the City of Clearwater should be cleared of weeds, rubbish, debris, fir, f r including debris resulting from fire` or storms, or the demolition of buildings or other structures ar, otherwise, and any noxious T L` material of any k,-L-id which tend ' c be a breeding place er haven for snakes and vez+min or all kinds and =ha-racter, or which tend to create a fire hazard endangering the lives and property o, the citizens of Cleas-,iater, or which tend to create a traffic hazard: Re so;, 7786 ?',Y S • 3 ti --qqqm 01-4119-1 ? -?? s { ??':i; '?:?,ur;'r ?i•1"?:'4?A=.=?? '.:;'' :s?" ,i:. ,fir`, 5-1-77 1 ' _ _.,_ ...-. ?.. ?.. °s ?+' °•a t?vt, N? .,FFxe•?w, ,? a••p..,r.Jt ti•,» et,•;•' % ' d,1 _. ': xgk:;skr ,hF,..,,b??,•.s'7,Jr •P?n'•'?da„t .?.. f, 'l .. - ,. :S .?i. .M. - ' , • ,?` c- r.. r ?. ' ? ,Y SL'.J. t! ?'>'-?r4J.i r>;, ; t, . .j' .^7 :;?. •.e'.- .°.f: '?,.'Y, `S. :7h?`Y"?t;?ti'it.„°xi'.+?<?? .?i;, = V' • :=%` 1^1.'S ?•"3R{' ,. '? : ,.+ °ti?.d'' 'pf.. z ti:F'.;?, ..tt-i.Yf't>: ';:rt •. ??i? .-?'^ r. r31?7 *. ?. r. :I `. ?s' ty. a•,?'? 4,•7,fi:•.. :tr:..'. •-F7:'-4.. ?• ter, ? s,' *"r'• ??{ <S? '.d,.: «-::?.+,.. h. -'1';.' •y+s'? °'•;'?.-?. ,.?. T x.'k".:'r'•..- :tz..`3:.,?`??r;:'q,:?..;•»?.;5 S?Lr .t. .e " f J9i .x: •}"'• '•z'. : r ,'i:. , rr., A:'?q -,7 r}Ai'',a. 'ir . .?*' G. ?l k",,1? r; iq. .,s? 'rle. ;!•w .a •l. ,:: .••«',a t ? ,.? ? !«:,':".-::.a•:t`dt':I-. s:::y n P d `s?Yit ?`? !S :'t. '•.?5•" .f, C. .h .Y"a ?t?u. _r?^7="","''?••'1oY, , .a••r 4 J+' »1+t•'• ? is .1 J^ •r•F'ii!' ?,'.3".t `i ,1>F',% ':F• _ ,,i' •"s r}.?: .!9:??.?; ,'J. ?,ii? c'; 7r. r' j ,.,. '?`s. 1 l,ali, ya 'f'?''i ?',sti'?•'?;»"`:.r •.t t ,} -?'' ''?'-., .J .,?.%1'';V'ig, Y. 4a'is.t+,'R and`-i:i. ,,}..d.'?? .•/6._i'G':".'+??;C7t>:il`„tf???i! S '7s ..f' 'f}r 1,., .?' ':f: 1 'ih°'^ :'• _ _ ?: ?t.Y T„/,s ti,r?r:: .,?: L ,i.: t:iwl .:r;s. k. z:x•r a}=,?i ?'•} {, ?rr?" Y?'1, r#'$!: rr «,?" ',??' .'f::' •f•.:ft. ?.#! ,.a..:?'., ?.,''?' A,Zy'i'.•;Y ,?,??, .;. •r Yn .4 ?7.-,lt„, ..i?r .` "tl t ..€. S. ry',. .r' z}. .S.?r.! '.t•`,. `f?? -)-.." =. ?s fx'.. ,t-., ...s i•Y.:,.i':`J, ,'.?f,l a,,ha yy ..aa,,},l; r'r.,. f? ',i '.e?. •rs'.- .•?: ,, :•?il, r{'.•;? ,t'; .? :'.i }' ..r_:''w •,.r u t:"??F, <'.r,';E'. f fi :y lyc `1T ` . €'?:,t". r't.• ^•, . •"':+' ',ti;' .,?.., r'S}:=; ';,t„ ;?? • Fr r? r 7.' - 'S •'. S• «s t ;,7. zh'1:},t. '';F v ""t- r? r C5ve?"?, .y. :?:t"' .1 i?,"s' s(,.,,r,Y ;:;`t .•a'{:t., _ r,'. ?'••r. •r•a±?!• -Y.•:r?. .'?(.5.}t t? x ?•yta' :?.•.zl? .q?. q. 6'?:.`y•. ?s" _ -'1 ' .?.: ..f't?,? °•r ? •?" •? h` .i•.y. i'i 'ti-w •: i. .71°, 4 .?" ?i ip!` "::e .w E 99 t'•.+? ?'s:.,. L a?'? .•,..1'v.,', T .1 ?e'ni-'?• •?D '' 'rk_k•, ''Fyi: sw'v .•I4:v? "t: '.s ,., rr:! ."'2,t t+?:" ,$ ''7 .4'.Z.w"?••i „'41, ``<' t: .iY' g r':'•'S?'1`?°,t'4'•°`•.,''?•?.,',•}!;. '?' "?t•.i s .?;` 4 . 3.y, '.,; ? , i. .•.: ?.':) } i. ?'ry«; ,' ,., :i? ,.3 .q Sh ?rst,3.?,•. l• ?,) r s,r?y1J:? ?s£?`::t _ ..r. `` -^'i:'t' •? {T.. ?.}.,'ar3?{•e. ts? vl•r.; .+r. q? ?,. jt i?7 S.Jki, Jy „[, 4. ': q? 4, '?3•." ''.i'`i ,II•'t '°'hj',:i ,b 1. ¢.,V h.v51?ty'?y' p ,.. f:'4• ,•'?:. Ir.s?!t .1.'T 7'•i \ •Se` •?I" Sr r.k.., .n• .,,gtv'i'i"' 'i,. '. •''4. ',f M{? 1,.. .?a {'. ??'?,? 'p";: .i. .F', •'x:';= ,.i'. +..',:. .?,? s«?.????': .'fir 1, Y= ?yi' y'J,r. T?•?aV 1 :} Flr? u s;t x? d1 . !.Y ?,'; 1..I 3:° .il.' .i;.. - '.J'' ^ 1°'?' J.. ..l.z.R r.(, . •?rt? F ",,Y, - y, S,ff:, .,. ,t •w. ''ai ,:{? t'? '3'•°, :?i;a, ? Y,?,r .r`j:?.+Y ?: F ref °•?':' f 1 ,: ? . C S .'s i'3 e :'f,A.:G?y.?;.,:::cY"'.+'1;•. ?.ry*.'a1:?:Fix..'".d,e:?k;4c?rx.rixi4bfJi.Ai..e?4ti+:xrtf:w+ci;.».a..?:e+?«:.:, _...._;,.i:':..:.'..,..:.:.`I,..wt.k:,.w,iar..S„?,},? FI ?. Y;dr r- t? S c ?,j,, J5??} a1j. LOT MOWING LIST 11 - SEPTEMBER L 7 y'1.r3, s°,? w d qf, PROPERTY OWNER LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDRESS COST j' Co Giragosiam Mates b Bounds 8 1405 Sunset Pt. Rd, $ 35/00 Elizabeth Giragosian Section 2-29-15 ? 1`'+• { ?r 3i 3203 NW 89th Ave. Coral Spring) F1, 33605 Lokey Motor Co :fetal b Bounds (35-10) 2170 Cleveland St, 138.00 " x<tJ* 2340 Gulf to nay Blvd, Section 13-29-15 f';'t)/ry' `}°` t Clearwater, F1. 33516 + ?F f ?°tr(.?!??i :,fie :,l•?k•y 't' `:f.,11?]?FV ?1, ref ?y???..r1,5"i•5`?'. ,, :. : t',": ?: '• ".L Roy E. Strickland, Tr, `fetes b Bounds (38-5)' 2150 Gulf to Bay 150.00 1411 At Cleveland St. (38-3), (38-4) `'tj!>V•°? y'y. Clearwater, Flo 33515 Section 13-29--S I Y :V? ,dr.u Jl? .y1i•'yS .fl:. S'. 1 .`7'Y. i::q. n'% J rFillxup Systems Inc, Metes & Bounds (19-A) 1181 Court 5t. 35.00 P•O• Box 114E3 SaCdoA 15""29..15 t /17 sTS?"}K 'V, AS`.L ; a? -,t,=•` Pompano Beach FL, 3 000 :E Syda+k1'?'+?,•Sf' ;? to '?,• .., ° ' .: ' ?'! f, u.'..,fl} : a 14 ?'?•:>I``. z+?; vt. f, .*>•• Herbert 5chleman Mates 6 Bounds (27) S.R. 593, North of 250,00 alh ;?irrs ??C'c 700 Beach Dr., N.E. Section 9-29-16 Drew Extension" Apt. 704 200' around the area St/ Petersburg, F1.33733, ` 7'`71. L)1 :+; G9????',,,4,$$$?g S.. ":?!.: r ••,;?95;ti oF; ?1??q, ?! .f tU?;K,y?; tTr:"tj ?.`'' r i'>•?;Si+?-rY.,, '4 ti ?'? ss`? l '41',,5"-1• r .r; ,, i'4 4.?.. ?'' i Southeast National Bank of Belleair Subd. 506 "E" St. 50.00 ,:xg,rr?.?'+sr•Mg., Dunedin Lots 10,11 Blk 16 a •'yv ;. ` ?:ll?`?' t? f> 2494 B.ayshore Blvd. L 6' h,.J} '• V-`T:?-: Duaedln, Fl, 33528 Bernice Irwin Belmont 2nd Addn. 904 Belleair 35.00 t ?x• ` Xr 902 Belleair Rd/ Lots 24, 25 `•* h` " Clearwater, FY. 33516 Block G Noll C. Outland Buena Vista 1401 1403 N. Ft. Now. 25.00 1401 No Osceola Ave, Lot 5 Harrison C1. 50,00 =°{;t ?t, Y Clearwater, Fl. 33515 ?" 0111 ' *,:George N. Karny Columbia Subd. 423--441 Hamden Dr. 58.00 tray? J Y b?1604 Indian Rocks Rd. Lots 4,5,6,7,8 .. ? ?r,Clearwater, Fl. 33516 Block 5 v „ice 'Jl'Stj.Vhery Martin Janie Daniels Subd, 107, 111. Madison 35,00 r?°. tYill S. Madison Ave. Lora 5,6 cNNW -Clearwater, Fl, 33516 dm• Bixby, Pres. Del Oro Heights 3332 Sam Jose 35.00 "".;. .g Bixby Mineral Into Co, Lots 71,72, & P.O. Box 198 West 1/2 of Lot 73., phraia, Wisconsin .54211 ktl? °ti??r? ?; Bank of Clearwater, Ex. MacDixson's Subd. 401 S. Greenwood 25,00 t„ Est. of Bessie Gibson small lot l8 (cor of Gould) : 00 Cleveland St. (needs clearing) •y learwater, Fl. 335151 _rcf:d HO TEs FOR TRIMMING OR DEBRIS R9140VA1, THERE WILL RE A CHARGE. OF $15,00 PER HOUR, PLUS THE COST OF MOWING. FOR TREE REMOVAL, A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE # 1623, Reso. #77-86' `t, . . 9-1-77 .tY;k ,' i^ 4- ..: r - r .. w.r• f ;5'. yW11 r .t??w.r..'ay,i .,fr.! "x,•.ryr.t'.<a" ".. 'r?l^'.'y-r"?•ry :t..,?f`-.tfa.ry tt• :r.. ?, ?•hc,+.4.i»,....s... ?,:'n ai?x,-..r?•.r ? ,,. • • ? i ,. , y:":: 04?" .. `• .. ?' '?: ?. , _ ? ? ,f: •r. ? '.'c ii: ,, l4 ', SJ .ak•?,St •,'ay.C•'?' . RiL!'??y..?. 93: '.t r;' x?;: d+ka v.? ,{_ ?fy 4 _ fp f1 L' ` r k'.C? •'{?_?^ ?'? ,.r f , a•, ' sr.; ''?^:'i??'t'?4:' ?%r.• ,.??.?, . ie`i y'.? v')???.-'y?,?•??"'s +e?:ara?f?°:'45?t? r ?'?, ?I.?ir;• •''? ?.'1?' '.!''l'a ??1. ? •: c',3:. ?. }, .?!?: `?..?Y,-aw ff'F? ? ?' yr :'. .)^'?7a.irli?i`?i. r ' 1'?1 ?hi??4?$r??y 'S. 7C?1 4? ` ? ?iir ,~S. ? ?•+: ,i', t'l .f. !: ? ? .?? $)? .ih'? 1 •?• it Ifr ? 'a? a.•. {.:' f` ` „r:•y'?.. ??' .;. . Vii: ?. ' ?,.; ` F.,.. , °., trf '3?„tf?? is s fir, S?E. 7:'a' _ .'"?s: s:`?i'.a}' .?.'... ?i.?.$ U'i •s v7-)>. t +.tP• ?'.? •.?F'1 S 1 ;..Ssy:. ,;4'?; r. •'i%L ?.;i, ?l r ,^ t?f , rti'. ?., f'ek ri?i.' ?hY'?S6 w'`??F??',P,1'fY . ,4:r??.v, dpi}:?.4?? :r r. 'a, ->a,t??. '.t,'''?:' ?+`c?? .'? r'+?;sc'?4>:' -?,..?x???'?''M,?~_ .y? ?}?•t?.l. .3 1, tP! ., •;,1', ,fi .+a :.tip': .•1,. '. {. .`,,r?• .'f<• h; ?S.'•:J v.??'.M•.•aC. . , z.+i?? str , e ??,•,v L:ly i ;n.C: ..r. ,.1F. _ - ,n? •`??±:, y. r'l:w. ?a?i c+. .St,} <SJ'•...:r. J'a'ry?-t p?f {.?4y?'• ;i ??'t:.•',?'S: r? q , .('o ?`fi;`•}` .t?; P . rs?.:: ?1 .Y°'? :?; ,. .t: . ?' hsei: i,;`'?. 1. ? trt' .f Z.., .ya i.7rSJ,F .g,r •??.•- T.fj`<',t, i. - ?', :f 4.1'ii'ic` .i.`'`,",j r. .. :is.is..: ?d•al• ttRt, tt;, y y. j`r a?i'iy .: ?'" .;yvf}?•, •J•f;I`d ',;e •T' •':• "t:'. :^e•1, •? ;€:'. .'a'1':t r??: °.. ?.. .,r.,; •J??Twr?, 9, 43F. •"YR?X` F y . : 'ita ?.. i/ 4`GJ;` .f tN ..' - f `f.? Ft^.k {',.._ :. 3.. .. ,at ra :ti?nA ?E S, t..?. S' i1'.t _• `?. ;'I:• , t.. ?:? ;?i?3 `., 1 . r.'" (? :a x• : ,?nC*: ?J?S v?f6,Y v: r ?r?t w,,.:i. y?..';?? ;?: :.e,.??i• ="?.;'??. x?i';Sr: ^tl.'• ?.1' S''''ara'?'r ,{ i .?'" `?:st,4?' <r FU `,,, >T,•.ir: Y? , Li '1? ,..j `;i.;' ..tw {i-, . ,f.'Y C. . ?: ??i: hP t,??.•;!1L1' , ?,yrrsla•°MP}-:?d'tit' 'e:..r.?'.E., i5i5.i' -'i.# ? `'', .'t'fti:•t.' "?• ?F- + '"i?:F' `'i r, '.{?y, 1?. ?•?•.«K?, V?7 1'J'j!, ). ;s.1s?i'j; v`,' ':t ?r?'• ,?i •' <. r..' ?ir• ,'tee .:'h>: ;.t`°.`tl'. ::??.i?'?":+ ',{i' a,e s.! •°e; /'r'• ,h f1.{re.;sY; :,b _(, ,.?? ,. ,S:':??1, to Y'?'' ,'-';•';:. '. ?.':, Yr ` Ana ? s:i, ? € `?.".?? ;`i,}.gRf?;?3E? '.Ft{,.?.i.d-.=.T°'r„i. ..4, i.?? _ 'jr' .,?t.•°•rf,'a e; ",- )li:?n:;7 ?a rt.? s:t;??f'k'? ? ,vf C;k; .a>'3r.?r. :f y1;.{.' ..l.;n; t'tr.xyy,rx •,?. "-?. f,? ',?-? .yter, ..5,. ?`q":; -f.?.?h'??73.f,? '? .? `L.'- .:}.?'•t '1r,?;•tff`' :F' "x`vY ..a'. ? i .I€: .. =i 'r? y ?'\?'?. ?•a',' S:'7•i rr: uy.«?' .or,:}• F•?{J'r..t,ix •:t ' ?'' `.?,: ,ref i•,..?t's,' ?i- .F t•.r,, .4! +'''..:t,!r' ??),i?????6)eoeif?Iin.W?._.. ?t!?.;><.....t....i3sr?o._.?_ .-•`°'. ?.....__,.,a.,;;kR...?.,?.._..._ ..__. _ ., ?r? .:?':'t:'°?)?:? ?1 jlk ' '"} 3 PROPERTY Oi1NER Atty, W.H. Wolfe Box 1640 P#Oo Clearwater, F1. 33517 LEGAL DESCRIPTION HaeDixson's Subd.• Lot 15 (Tree to be felled) n ADOME SS 1113 Gould St. LIST 11 ` PAGE 2 COST F. G. 6 ?'Mary Rusch Druid Hills Subd. 525 S. Highland 35.00 525 S. Highland Lot 14 Clearwater, F1. 33516 Plumbi.ag By Peck A.H. Duncan Subd. 1448 S. 'Missouri 58.00 'y}?I 4311 U. S. Hgy. 19 North E. 1/2 of A.H. Duncan's Lr. Palm Harbor, 71. 33563 Subd. Lot 11, less 125' Frank E. Nadine Enghurst Subd. 1305--1307 N. Ft. 50.00 1403 N. Ft. Harrison Lot 2 6 3 Harrison Clearwater, F1. 33515 Moosehead Realty Corp. Gunn's Addition 400 S. Guam 35.00 Christopher J. Do Maio Lots 6,7 Blk A . 1112 Flushing Ave. Lots 8,9,10 elk A 2077--2085 Cornell 58.00 r Clearvat:er, F1. 33515 Richard Flowers Greenwood Park # 2 1110 Engman St. 25.00 1110 Ezsgnan St. Lot 38 B1k D Clearwater, F1. 33515 Lily WhiteSeca Benefit Assoc. Lodge i7 43 Greenwood Park #2 1112-1114 Bugmaa 35.00 c/o Marganner Harrison Lots 39,40 Blk D 1131 Marshall St. Clearwater, Fl.. 33515 WENCO, Iaa. Harvey Park 1477-1499 Tioga 68.00 1479 S. Greenwood Ave. Lots 1-12 Clearwater, F1. 33516 Blk B E. J. Zeitz Island Estates Unit 6D 510 Island day 35.00 651 Shadowlawn. Lot 68 Dearborn Heights, *Mich. 48127 Waller A. Smith Jones of Nicholson's 516 Drew St. 35.00 Eva V. Smith iT 55' of Lot 3, 5 E 525 N. H111crest 15' of Lot 3 & W 40' Clearwater, Fl. 33515 of Lot 4 Block 5 Stave and Rose Ratona Keystone Manor 1675 Laura 25.00 c/o Pinellas County Title Lot 11 Blk F 641 Court St. Clearwater, F1. 33516 3sia oard Coast Line RR Cos 11agoolia, Park 605-621 Druid Pd. 75.00 r + ?dr. D.S. Blair, Road master Lots 3-11, incl. 206 E. Ave. S Blk 29 ) t Clearwater, Fl. 335 16 t . w • n NOTE: FOR TRIMMING OR DEBRIS REMOVAL, THERM. WILL BE A. CHARGE OF $15.00 PER HOUR, PLUS THE COST OF MOVING. y - t FOR TREE REMOVAL, A PSUI'T :MUST BE OBTAINED, xN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 1623. ;r.;? :°Rega. 77-86 9-1-77 t r?'iJ?Y'Y5L`.?L4 sil ,E?,IR.-.SJ:: f r • 1 " ' . SRF L.?' .. j. i. ... .. ' + r•?' `. r - . `"i]a, ??ai.`.'ry: ' ti 1_ ?• ? 'v'ia fJ;?iY ',at. .2 f' f• ?3• F. i ?? ..3•t r} . I ' 1' • i .. : t , - i l f r . • _ F .,p+r: ..a,t.K'(., :r.«,..rt• y-r,:?'.?..???.??r...:. ,vro'••;;•i+r.sib!rru F• . ,..?np ,;a^ •f rt i? f1a,rr. • 1 *?w• ' •. .,•.a 74a r IF?'j"t'!&.. -t ?,' ' • ?: ? P ,'.tic t. . •,'• .,71 's'»'' .:i?.e .:-?;r,'. pis "s y+"f•: .,._..f',.'r?''?e•L '.`al`.S?S.:? ,ti a.,r,? !? C. f p e Ste', 1 '• ?, rY. .F ? e L? F" •f ? 1:+: N•".,4" r"'si t i ?,'!?y Y .?' `»'v:: .?',?.??,;i; 'r. ,. r'' ;• i`?.:?9r.•iis l: ":?d, °, c ^?` ,=t':: ,ZF.3 g:.+r.'`?i;v?'. !.?^?3k -?Si+4r zL,+.:i.'??,t'; '? 1'?:. ''ri?i:??..?,?-: +'..r?t}t?, '+?'4'?. ?AAEE. a _:>?r:' rt" .y `' ''° 1-? ? '. ° ? da ? ??. ? 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't` '-?.'c ?«?,lft ?l Y.Si?,'.'.Fri. :Nl`.,C°•'? ,Y. .r f .r'. •7,•°•• y,' + ?'q ??f:?-r':"- .i (sye `?? sr ir• ti';r,r $r fi" 3 ?.r, Y r?... i?yYal;^'s',??? .re 9t •? S 2`?r .7 . 1 i',• :!'» ^? '. t?4te': ??? .:.;'?.,? ?r;;?'a _.?.;1 ra.Y^i 3';?.x; ?, .z- ;F•. .f .'1.it`'iI ? ?'t;7i' '?•K%-?,;,;.:,..;.,i:.t:;i ?.,. '? ?f. ."?...• c.,-c. rys> iu?, { r°,kx• 'z. .,^J:v: v±'. s''? a :xt:_ w!'?, ti?'sr.?.:•:t rl->,ii.?'"r.`" °??:,, ,'s?' !.: ? }?, ?i?y'C ? s; ?n; r*s: a7 '1: •°'y.; r,r;, •` .? t?"Pa 1 S.}• .span .,4 ,fi r '°.S? p`rr',, fn ..k+ ?o ?}• ?t ='i 3`,Z .:rt r "',' 'r.: r •-r1:i==?•a ?: }.,:; '? i;? . 'Y'roc "t °Y t < k.? :°? j.? •t;};:GIs ',?: `{ ?i`.? ;1. '-' ??+'?• '. 1. a.?1??' ? Ei..::?:<.F...f?,`rr <`??•:.aal??? n?? a??f;,tis ?i.?. !ss{' > yy ?c' °, • (:•'r. " a«.• v'?rrr:l,,sr" - x i r 3•iY'Al?ri' y}sr i'?4 yYti ?" .:a'; (•'?' fr1•'•''?'i3:I 'tis +;,'F. 4°„• `?.?•., - ,'?'a'%r?`::: ?,'f, Y 3 } _ <: "`p•1. ? k .r'yr,4 .; t$?'f:; '1:•`'r' :f.: ..:;.. `'i, °;1.'?i tr?lr•t.+. t'tsWi x>?aP F?; #,v l;.:f?P +?'7. 3}'•2`•t ? ?'°;4t' ?? ??:l::.;,? ; c:Y;: .`a''i.i : 1?1?' . ?: ` ?!%:.:;a, :rti?.rl'• :`.::::: v.'.Sa"? q?., .1 •: .'ay.l, ,T 1'.it ` x W . , ?? }rsF •?F r'u t'?.q+'?? ,ir. r' . #?,t`. ??; ,.i,+r'N-' +,tr, ,r... ar. ?rr.;; v,?.; •? r?y.:?4?a"'i-'?: nl ?';,???.i'1'? ?., F i9 ?':: a? '?i.?R?'OT5•`, ••. :a S: .:r.z,.: .,.i!•.<"' i='s: i,., .?Y: 'i...Js.nz31. ,+.1?,3^'?? f` ., ty ';i:. f y??';,1:'•?.;;.'":.; _ ?qy,'...+;: .s ;l:? ;•r `s• 'Pf i - - s,.'.i,si _ ? •i , r..y.t'.., f ? qr''i r. 'f(a Mt :3r ??x' .1 ?7 ,i'???i:: 'n:• 'S':f.:.•+'.t •i .7, :'f'L a• v:rr' .n:r.?fS+c7,.,iAS?,t??5??}}-- 'ty?, f?" .,j'"?- ;?;s` .Pr "P '-? °.1, ..,i ,t..R„ .;.?.p v7•? ,lr ,f }'"l"''. Y;;yy,,,,d C'?' Y ..4 .31 vp: ?.' V•iI?°: ? r?,, . - s .?, ?. f.? ;S ..t r { .?-f.! ?» / '?."?;?r[`p$?;r)°' ?:: t:,f•X yi,•- '?i• ,.i, a.t'.' :'s c' :?'t: ':ti... f=,?`1 r?? - t ,+ I?t i '`,?3 ire '.l'... p, 3,7... r '4y *.` , 4 _ .. ., .. ,'•F'• ? 'f.>'t'???i i.??e ) ???,E(' yy,, ?a "£?. <l, f`T. !i:' J .. ^'[°?. . ._<-.... .,a_..,. v. .. . `'1'•, o. , .. .. ._ •IT>3•Y.e w t?'Wt.. PROPERTY OWNER L 0 If, Inc. 2106 4th St. N St. Peterobur3p Fl. 33704 J. Szavczyk 160 7th Ave. N Largo, Fl. 33540 Hargaret Heye 902 Druid Rd. S Clearwater, F'1. 33516 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Magnolia Park Lots 4,5 Blk 39 E,A. Marshall's Subd. Lot 8 Milton Park Lot 1, less T & CCRR Lot 2 E. 40' of Lot 3 E. 20' of Lot 12 Lot 13 Lot 14, less T & CCRR Block 17 Seaboard Coast Line RR Co. Milton Park Pinellas, East Ave., 50.00 Mr, D.S. Blair, Roadmaster Mock 17 to Tuskawilla Clearwater, Fl. 33516 The West 16.7' of Lot 3 All of Lot 4 Lot 12, less the East 20' St. John Helping Hand Soc. Moaae & Harrison 1110 Brownell 25.00 1114 Brownell St. Lot 4 Blk 1 Clearwater, F1. 33515 Marvin J. Levine 245 Russet Rd. Stamford, Conn. 06093 H.B. Anderson Rt. 6 Box 227 Lenoir, N.C. 28645 Dorothy Clark 361 Hancock Dunedin, F1. 33528 Sara Sc. Clair 1282 Palmetto St. Clearwater, Fl. 33515 Milton P. Rooks 1139 E. Pierce St, Clearwater, Fl. 33516 Nick Sagonias 113 N. Spring Ave. Taxpon,Spriugs, 71, 33589 John'Cs rardner P,O. Box 2137 Clearwater, F1..33517 Navajo Park Lot 31 Blk J to.- 1,2 Blk K Navajo Park .Lots 32,33 Blk 1 Norwood Replat Lot 1 Blk A . Lint 11 Page 3 ADDRESS COST 500 Jeffords/ $50,00 cor. S, Ft, Iarrison 1501 N. Ft! Harrison 25.00 Pinellas, East Ave., to Tuskawilla 90.001.1 1721, 1727 Apache Trail 75.00 1723 Apache Trail 65.00 614 Marshall Norwood lot Adda. 701 Marshall Lot 1 Blk A (Should be buLldozed) R.H. Padgett's Subd. of 1160 Could Original Lot 2 Lot 10 Penn. Subd. Lot 3 1.000 Blk of Pennsylvania Ave. J.H. Rouse Subd. Lot 13 Blk 2 701 Eldridge 35.00 45.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 HOTE: FOR TRIMMING OR DEBRIS REMOVAL, THERE WILL BE A CHARGE OF $15.00 PER HOUR, PLUS THE COST OP MOWING. r , FOR TREE REMOVAL A PERMIT MIST BE OBTAINZU, IN ACCbRDANCE WITH 'ORDINAITCH # 1623. Reap "'A77:-a6 e p 'r ¦'. f?'?^?:{Fn??}.N.Ir_•.y.?p„yes`.7?1•, ;: "?" .F.s., .c.si•,? ,,•r, ,, „,,..Y,<'sa?a•,•?}?k.r r,'.tr.d.r>.'.e•{'a,; >'='i `:!t:; ci::.•>?, y' ..?.. 1.? ..-?. .,tvs »; ,t.(N^}Id'.??'4?.yp'?'.;?" ?• ,:(?;f'. ?M1.•, r! .. „ cc'' !l• r r ?•' ?7.- .:. d;ti '•Eii???., iMyr Y?i •: ril•=.?' 14. ,a "t : { "?M1' 'i. ,;yi 1. 1 -.?.' ,.Y .?y.•:yr9,kii:'[?e?it:•1?yS?O s•`.S W_ •?aV t.r ?{`F.. ? ?:""" r ?.'•: t'`[,p.r F' ',f?+•l l'" ?.. :•,Y ?'i?.r' ? S r p, i? -r., -,`? ???: ' ? 4•t. ..?: r ..5' ,(s : ,i" ri .` -,? '"?.a -•? ?lie,+' ? t_ ??. ,.F t. : ?? ? 'i '1.?; 1?. h..zC`?.'•', 'i,1.-51:7=`?n ',? S;i, ?t+?-i t:Y,4? SS}?k';`4°?:?? ?:c ,ew. ??'P.?y'rI?2•?>r14i•!'?..+r`:.:axS .s..x:; ? :i•'' I°i,?,?;ar4 r:j..?:ir,"v.t.-. ,.S.Y i t?, .y; ..°i? `.! q?siY. ,°?,.J ?'' .4.p.h`. l'Fi. .•f ,7 `,F tl,°'.. r?r.•: s*. Ft:r IFS. y'.''T".C.i. (=` _ ck._ a.'y.c ?Sp.,..1 r? `;;" ?w3 :2 Fy , Z r . : Y,",'..: + f ?Sv .4' +aZ° (' i=?'t , :,'?,. :'", .^Y iF ?q:4'` i -'S'•. fr '.F „ S.-y7,,.ft_ .rE tz.lit'i: ',A s'T'•? ?, !? ?, y. 1` r, ?'?+, wi: ff ?i .I.. .,r :.'r 'Et*..'f' t1 rc• ,.d. e4t.'b, ..fi,,.. k:. ???;., :'t;??', '?.r??•y t's. 5%J• F' `. ?`;".' ,.f;; .°x° ,? C'•.1',• w;a': •!'•r,! '!.. ';??r5.'r?'• n- ,rair'e .:t •.?:v. ;•{. ,u,?,_:';. .%i'' '.i: ? -,r:.'.,$r";,, :e-?'?5Y'?':t:?.y. 1'. =.it• •! i` ";`Cw:4 ?lko1?;,'? l,a ?f.:L...ta?'•. rt:l r?, ?'Sr ?,.._> •'S ?:.r•..a ??.... .?,.?..::.• '?. a; J?. ?-r'. {.?:??:' _ j 7. y?r.k ;.r! ,•{:.?` ',}°. "`.!,':r:?Pe3i;,r ,?11i .t .r,•,j3:y}...;'t,?-r.,§" "-:? ,?..'??'?•. "}?. 1?, *?1;?''?;, .e?'4.i •r'F '?°., _ tf ?":? ? e;;??•.?..?? .'?: ,t' ;,F'.,.,.Y::.`^? •?;. ,r ;p'x..,c. a ?-' •2, t4•.(?°: lk.. .F:.; 'r:' ..f •F:?i'.s. .ui-'??:?.•,'?';:.?,,r:',l;r, e`'`'• ?' ±"i ??/:?` 7?c. < ° >r=:? S; ?'t.• .=u4. a , t.'n'; ".L't. 'i' •if:, -,?.?- , ?•,-',. .7 •."?:?i"•«'."?` p"s dk.... :1.•c'i?...1 'k .J ?`. i':? 0.Y„ .'•q. rr _j,'°•t";i r's. •4 "'??a?ai-ar?t ? ..i • 1C• •.'!'.? • •'?.+'e ._ ..r. ? t ,? ?? .?:`eiT r-,s?-Ss.?t.r '1?= j' ?i !', f+?,. ;1 •_.2w•- ,r'q .r-.:.j. :,?:,,`.?'3,:>''i. ?'f i ?•. rier•.?t,.1?ie'7;'_3a..trFt+, •:r: •;;:,':?: _.c.'. 't'.' r.r ,'S`.,.-:` ?'??.?..r'-i?e%3s }8x?•i;?`,{ 4 • ?`1 .,?•. .e„ fi•,Y'>p ?l' '.I;,?v?, r,c: i:r=` t: ;.p ..1,., •? ;}::" '"?t._.'?zil;'. k.. j.4?:°} •wl.sa-.?t+'?E. ?r. "}_ 'w?.- .'a1;a, .{.•,.'?' ,,'r?, ?j. .r, ''.4• •?E ta, '•=r?' 1? y, ISr ./ a.j;>`;?,:.c :i !i 1.:. C?? ;rV .?..:l??e •%y .Yk .yy.yy `` .fit s ^ ?n-. : s.G.3>' o',, l+ r?.s.?(" , c(' ,F. .s''. >.1 ?:;.. +? r .•.f:, F'` . 14R, R Y It l .kL. f•x ,, A.?r ?+.: 'k 1, y}•(' "? ,4, `f.r r'l..1:?•'r?y b. tS ..J.•'?? -[i' 1. ? (!_' .I:[f : 'iS 'S. ,.? of •?,kl' , f S k -k. .?.c?l .•.t- *S?: '?s'? :f'r'`•? °'r. er:; 'Ifs`tl sr . xf \?': ?` .t ,'?,? sy S, ?.?i, ?.V„ .p•;,•?.?a.C,• kart av. 1laf •. L. .? ay.?• ?:' >':q,: ,.p. ,?..,,i' ,if?? ar,tt t? `•:;1>, ..?i' ? 1'r Ir% ?.? „? , Vii, A??-n".ife. .e" f? ..f'.•i.? f- ?'r,'i :4. . s>.,. :Y , ,'i•? e ., ? :`;r. ?r 4. y; }, .'1. 'p:.'` .C: r '7?,,t?3:a 'ta'i, j:'•' ar t•1'•.;k?. .E v .`w1?d•k ° • 4 yr?3Y, ?. ? h .L, 4,. ,.t EY. 'F.'t: aa 11`•,'.7_ , a, .. . 1 .. 7a ? S t ? r "e - ' 1r:y.? ?::?4. d..• 1..: 714.','.• ???,?I;; "?,., +4.iw,,r.«...?..:.,....p..m:....?.r••:.+.??rcx?>e?+sctiy+exfv?isriy:aim?ta'Arva.•r?r.4k?+?»aa.d....ws....,.s.r..u°?rLnrt?i?lai.oe "itls ? 141st 11 Page 4 PROPERTY Ol'IlIEiL LEGAL DESCRIPTION AD 11REIS;COST Saville Condominimums An area running :forth 150 feet from $122.04 f; ( 2611 Saville Blvd. the Borth borderline of Japa ?F .•??•i?,gS';'<?.;:,;;? seen Gardena Clearwater, Fl. 33520 said Japanese Gardens facing Butterfly 1?3, ?i yr: Drive for a distance of 1200 feet, running r?1,,4-'t{',,;e East and bast. Eliba Frazier . >, -. ?`s"-; :.• ,' , Springfield Subd. 1009 Madison Ave., N 25.00 2300 26th St. S Lot 11 Blk A St. Petersburg, Fl. 33712 ,? yFFrt ie . f r,,i.' •'i 3.St J. Propa rties, Inc. Suburb Beautiful Cor. Duncan & Turner 106.00 "i't'•f•,? r:?,;r... =_ 14 Amblealde Dr. Blk D Clearwater, FL. 33516 R.A. & Dorothy Leuders Sunset Highlands 1471 Flora Rd. 95.00 3293 N. 52nd St. Lot 125 4ilwaukee, Wisc. 53216 B1k 4 " ?n?z •'?s;:*t;' ;° W.W & Gertrude Caterson Sunset Pt. lst Adda. 1837 Overbrook 25.00 1141 XcCarter St. N 1!2 of Lot 24 Dunedin, Fl. 33528 Blk E L. Ye ttaw, Gdn. 'r''?'y4e'`•t,',:'i"3 Abby llalkar Sunset PC 1st Addn. 1869 Springtime 25.00 1857 Sylvan Dr. 11 1/2 of Lot 11 Blk E 'y ,•. t,". Clearwater, F1. 33515 Elizabeth Preston Sunset Pt. 2nd Addn. 1645 N. Washington 25.p0 .. t? . h.:-. 3115 79th St. Apt. 32 Lot 18 B1k C Jackson tits., N.Y. 11372 2707 V4iBowd & Hargaret Piedler Westchester of Countryside Westchester Dr. 35.00 ¦ r?fi 1877 Forrest Wood Dr. Lot 12 4aufs{?v' r.t ' Clearwater, Fl. 33519 f ?i John & Josafa Nadal Westchester of Countryside ''F t 1950 Souvenir Dr. r ?• ?'k`.`?s??. Lot 13 2713 I•Tes;.chester Dr. 35.00 Clearwater, F1. 33515 Samuel & Maxine Arbital Westchester of Countryside 690 Park Ave, Lot 14 2719 Westchester Dr. Huntington, L.I. N.X. 11743 John F. & Elinor Haller 14529 102nd Ave. N Largo, F1. 33540 Westchester of Countryside Lot 15 2725 Westchester Dr. Thomas & Diane Borree 2437 Timbercrest Cir. 7 Clearwater, Fl. :33515 Westchester of Countryside Lot 16 2731 Westchester Dr. 3ichalas & Helen Alfonso Westchester of Countryside 370 Palm Inland SE Lot 17 2737 Westchester Dr. Clearwater, Fl. 33515 NOTES FOR TRX.SMING OR DFi31IS REMOVAL, THERE WILL BE A CHARGE OF $15.00 PER HOUR, PLUS THE COST OF MOWING. FOR TREE REHOOAL, A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED, IN, ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE ¢ 1623. 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 r i , Rasa. 077-86'. 9-1-'77 l yy r.rl•.PF•I !•'?t flMilln '/' Son `t>I:?? •fa r°,°?`", •r? .. .i , .. ? > - e.. , :; )'i yq yi,. ??:d' ?=33'x,. ??. ?? ??^. :'?.r•'j ?1? • , , ,.S >. w. . ir?."->?',.,...i.M :.•'-".?. M1 ... a .. .__ ........... i ws ;. av. wdvy.r.,:r••..re;. .+tt?s'!+.i?k,. ..±1+?r?-«q:»aru;.y,S`h-.S•???.?......?''i r.5', °?..t;f'_'r.. ,?, ,..4,M' ? °;y'?•,. !?.!}. .. i...W,Z''t-, i.'' i,???l.> ; K? ( -ie?'.?."a•. ... .. '; S F vi " .F ). ? '- ? ?.. ... ?•k C x-.2'.' ;'. .'i`" •?`r{'`•' at Fi S: ?tf'F.J st^a?? '7?.?, Xl : '+r ,?'tx, ', s.i .?+.? t• ? ??J r`2'y' a"hRrF.": •?A.??•t!' ";r! ?t., '? '?` s!'?'i},`, ,q?; f5htl- ?i. ?'r'•.. f',t ?I'w". r` ! ?? 7z.i?` w.,' vf'.erY• '.5:,. ?'='.°:' t f' ?`. ay., '?"f r! i' ? itr f !gaa!,ie?r;»?". 7k :<z? ^',:.?. 'r ,i'- a ?i 4ae???5? ?4 's?: b:;'::r- f 4.•;. s. ,y'? ?# ?.,l,r' ,?, y a tlt• . {`s ? s.: :.3+, : F.,'? ui r.. • 4' 'aa, + : :C- , •:jfiw?sg7.: a. ? ?. 1 > >_? °. .• r. v.= .l t ? r »•?:< ?s? {' '. q4y?? -i}. ., ?:f'l .ti (A?`' S!'' ?;','1;?.? yk,- .y.?>??: +ky">h4?` a1? ':r` ,ii`' .t3s•T??Y' %t.?r• ':yt::ss i'v: ?:;' m 'S• ' ,'.5..y4'., i , ?.ys?,?"?{?Z;43:?:-"'`f:'4. :. e1:S?'i?ti.3 .st '{. rl ?t s ?q:`''•'.r'4???+t?1 ? ''':=sars?.•:,r?:,}i?.i?4'k, F; r. :.7,e` F'?`mt'v.'r;' '?` ?N=;a:.._..:?,j,.,f_ i'.:r. ;; ,,;?'!,'' ,`sV-..:$.i•l,?s?i.i;,z?...?'.>?.;•,?3J?•?t?.,, } „?, '?,??? ,,I,s.:.rS.:d '? '•$.T",' :?????' _ ?".'P.,ky=w?e'. c.,.1V.; ...t'.'°• "" ,t.str??,°tis. y. a.t'?,;??° Yi >a j l.r V ?.r'K:?:'.'e-, >.?? •. .s5,•. '. :.:,`..., :,1 i`` :.F %P,:"?`.lq ??=t ?''?C?, .?i ?" c7.3..•,., ?,ht!t?t+-s'G?;: <?CZ; .,re ?ir,.'•e,'w 'i,rr, •< Nt_ "j'?'b`•: ?' :'ii'r4. ?'F ::; r' t? #•,#'? '+' ?• a'i Bch ,??,,;?4;' r?4'# ss+ o'S.,-ssn yaj;p .?,' .?• 1. .t ?.ry ? )' ,'f'• ?• ,.f', •`: 4'+.L"..? Z?i ,i'?i.: C?.t i--w ?Sir!}??h •# r X : .?.:`; +:?;:aa' '"S.i. S?' .Sr, '+, .:?`:>?. ?"` `: az%r? y'.:- "r'.w <`!"•" £ tom' "rye . ?.• .{,! :.r' i?: v?ti 1'' .i t :, s• , ?" • ' i• ,y' b:?9 `'. e `' +; !ice', ? {i;? ! +yi [L ?+?^, ,; "G Si?? 1 ?,'`?. .:1;?? ?'??':"" e?.:1? t,:° `f :.??rs '}1s Y,?2:.,?r s ?P.rL. ?Ti' .t/.e; ...}?, .::.h.. S?,•.f???' •i.. c: r.:?;'r ;t 4: 7}2;.., ?r: r?d? ?3 CT:?j ?-6:J ;1N?:? y.tl..'').S?Y.J" ? R}} r;-'4 1 s'E3:r' i?. •S`', 1 ., ?. t.' ' rr'.k? u,'?:;?S?, #. '5..?++?. St?t.r'?,;?q?<<%'.'s• 411; t f;!' l;i•:s?{' , ..it„ :,? 1, :t".Z,"j? '' '?."-?.: . •+y:.t;. ` =J'°3'ra °,.i'+;.r";'[1}{ti ;5';.b';{31'.'t" 5'f,jSt`?;s. 1 ?.>•±,?;,,? ?t,r.:?;.? s _?'y?ci ,{ "?, ?b: t+tr,?;"..3 , f.;F,. 'i'p'c 1'_.{mss t.s Ses fS vi.{ ,ti t.A fl.t:.k:k.;?rb.r.,,rj..i,? a ?er??t?S;„?y?_,'?:;1,1, ? =y',?•, :'`t hq, ??,''` . , r+, }ff,.?.1,3,....i s "?,F.•T ? ?',=r 'l-;i'.=asl4. f???fF. ?. r,??{': j?. ?'F s a2 3rd}'S !. ;L "?t--N ti'iw?F.i'k r+._ ?1 .•• .'S`'.-1"' :• ? j .a- (•'ae f?•1??5?.. •?.a S?Ls'. f '`4 ?? _?? :i ?'tF.i?+s ?rat, .°?' ;7 '.,(' 6.5'?,pt..F?? t ;e. „j.'.y. y. ,?{:},':w,?''.j:';`•E+c ,si.•. 'iy h?...???, Lj', ,:.?'ti ;?y'';S;ai?•?4! i?;'•,r,..34^ d. .'r:, '.;;` •s}i?„"+t:r? 's?,i''inle; .;'.,'•`E:S:.;i„>t?s.Z?I'?e1rl •6,•, 1 '7 S: *, ,r;` ,i,s,,. .t ?., ,i i ":`; . °t ,; ti.- ,:': .. .-- •1, r?4!S ?r;;s?`4° ?_,;? •i.W..tv,:.... ei.,i i•? ,..?r.+ivr.wKfw.u?=wi,cNd?IMA?F 5'i?i.f{?•'° ,-,?, s PROPERTY 0W121ER Anthony & Ruby Rarzak 4600 Clarandon Ave, N Chicago, Ill. 60640 Ronald & Judith Mackfassal c 1241 15th CC., SW Largo, Fl. 33540 Anthony & Joan V. Cocco 2360 Campbell Rd. Clearwater, F1. 33516 rwhti = Frank H. Kehnert Frank H. Mehnert, Jr. 2011 Douglas Dr. Tawas City, Mich. 48673 fdv Theodore & Janet Lis 2109 Academy Dr. Clearwater, Fl. 33516 Pearl. G. Anderson 0". 2152 Paddock Circle -''E Dunedin, F1. 33528 Edgar and Doris Warren 1335 Jambalana Lane Int. Myers, Fl. 33901 Imperial Land Corp. P.O. Boa 5068 Clearwater, Fl. 33518 Wendall & Mary Watkins 1618 Leisure br. Clearwater, Fl. 33516 6?:,.yfnra List ll Page LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDRESS COST Westchester of Countryside Lot 18 2747 Westchester Dr. $25.00 Westchester of Countryside Lot 19 2742 Burning Trae Lane 40.00 Westchester of Countryside Lot 20 2736 Burning xrae Lane 35.00 Westchester of Countryside Lot 26 2737 Burning Tree Lane 35.00 wastchester of Countryside Lot 33 2780 Westchester Dr. S 25.00 Westchester of Countryside Lot 34 2770 Sea Pines Circle 25.00 Westchester of Countryside Lot 45 2740 Westchester Dr. 25.00 Westchester of Countryside Lot 67 2769 Westchester Dr. S 25.00 Westchester of Countryside Lot 90 2873 Pine Circle CLEARING Donald E. McOormick 1009 Treemont Rd. Wilson, N.C. 27893 Michael Plunkett 205 S. San Remo Clearwater, 71. 33515 Clam Bell Linda G. Bell 1167 Howard St. Clearwater, F1. 33516 Bidwell's Oakwood Lot 12 Boulevard Heights Lot 16 and Part of 15 Blk D 611 Osceola 205 S. Remo 40.00 35.00 50.00 Carolina Terrace Lot 1 Blk F 1167 Howard St. Donald,R. &. Patricia Kendall 515 N. Highland Ave. 1305 Maple S ' t. Cor. Highland & Maple 3Cle arvater, F1. 33515 Glenwood Subd. Lot 9 MOTE: FOR' TRIMMING OR DEBRIS REMOVAL, THERE WILL BE A ,CHARGE OF $15.00 PER HOUR, PLUS THE COST OF MOWING. l ATiD FOR TREE. REMOVAL, A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED IN ;!_. ' Rcssa 077-86 ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE # 1623. 9-1-77 0 F 50.00 25.00 t ? ?' s ` ;a as: CLEARING - cont'd PROPERTY OWNER LEGAL DESCRIRTION Dorothy J. Clark Greenfield Subd. P.Q. Box 479 Blk 3 Clearwater, F1. 33517 Lillian i1, Russell Mandalay Subd. 979 Eldorado Ave. Lot 2 Blk 62 •• Clearwater Beach, Fl. 33515 Natalie Gangloff 1003 Drew St. Clearwater, Fl. 33515 Earl & Margaret Harris 2488 Nursery Rd. Clearwater, Fl. 33516 Cara & Wilma'Johnston 1101 Grant rood Ave. Clearwater, Fl. 33519 Cheryl A. Herman 1048 Hollywood Ave. Clearwater, Fl. ?3519 ?`? `List 11 ?i Ps go 6 ADDRESS COST Seminole St. 1/2 $75.00 block E. of N. Green- wood 979 Eldorado 35.00 Sarah McMullan's Subd. 1003 Draw St. Lot 4 less 'Rd. ROW Blk 1 Pinellas Grove Subd. Lot 12 Less Rd. Woodvalley # 3 Lot 7 Blk 14 Woodvalley Unit # 4 Lot 21 . Blk 13 35.00 2480 Nursery 200' South of the S. 90.00 Border of Lots 475,476,477, `[orningside Ests. 1101 Grantwood 25.00 1048 Hollywood 25.00 t. q . 1 ? } 1. + ? ? T`?`t ,xrL?; ?4?1. ? ,, [;FRe s o 86' i?? ,? 1 l- ? ' ?; ? ? ?? t . .. r . • , .1. ;,y? r.•,. ? -??; ., _.,. ,,, : 9-177 -f e<`r )f". ,?, rh• •%% `,?-t a'•A.t.:%' ?1;' 'r- f,t::;:..--; .. ; '?;•!^? i:ti?,? . rii rR.- . t _ °.; 3" .;.y ?- t1 - k- i t y .. - .;?.:?.- -.ti•:?;' •?Yr?:: st::', ]`;:i;?:•??: yy ?Y tf, h y. F ,; ` -S l r ..' i, t' ' 3{st t{?i]f?? ?t?.F.Ih{?LJ 'v'.-i' •'e'..`,.i ?. :'t"' .??r } ? V 7 . „'? ?,? . if.`, n,.tit?-•).,. .i`:.. :,? ` , .. ??.}?[:?M,yl'.'*rS:3.?_L:J'. ? t• °•? ??: '7.i?sxt ?•' ; S t . ? k' iF; ".T: " r ? : 'v• :I e ;. f?,?.'' 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Y.?xw g v#• •, f- ?'r? x+?'?',w +?. n$,, ?-?,?.aw {. ry; , y ?„ ,U .3 r } i r. ?5 ty?;? r•: r. ?•r• r' Rr'?, 'J ^?'r.4 y1 .i r?i C.fia- l..'l ?! 'YI??st3? N ?iyx Y `?•,rl' J. ?•. a tSPJ`.» L ,.. fi"fkk Sir}"r: : ""?'7rf• t`?" t ?¢c?jbt1?` ?'"'i,?r , 3. 3. r £r ¢???, rsr3, apt .? , $?+?.. v,61t S'x ?•,gg,,?" 1.?.? {/}} u ?,y ?, .? •»;rv sty f r,,.ib •. i,<.", r+ f.` .? t ' ?'? s "` ?,?ea, r,sa, ?"'B ?•?ir• ?`?' ' ?`? ?r ri?ye'+ ?. ?iT fey{ ? t `ny.?? -C 5? , t Y:??,?(y.,??{t'cl.'r}L ??';`97rl,?r is4;Y,fk;:,';:la1r°.?,?'r 1. !3 ?..?.?i?y?.?r'I"3S?b ?ik5.??+, ?+or ????wES vt•,-' 'r. ?.? ?? •'?4?1, sk4"2",l:l'?,x,'? I•'ti,._.?.?*?S:;'. ';?p aytirl' _;?:?? .?'ti,?r,?t'????s??a+a?`?;,?: ` "• .. =a.??w?2Y ''?+?. ,? :?? f" `« "`? :#r., ??f,t?. v.?r` v'F, .ym?'a?>f?'? ?1??a4.ll£.t(?3': z ?Yt,.??"e'?,•!'x;, .? ;?rl t• a: t? f ?;,?ti,i??' 4}g Pxs 7ir:'. ;.ice' ;?<: ':?n .?,rs t' ,',xa. C?nsgb'. S?,!, C 7l<,[: Ya•i.. t' .l?y??y }.i4- Yet ?' f: w yam, tk ,} ' ?. ¢ ' r 'i •?: a; t i (? t, .? i ? ?.?.''?jy k.?.fn;:} c..:. y'?`ss?,'il d. §. ?'- i.''7,. u^?.r. a?'S l.e ?.?ry,^:3k.•.? !. r} k a?t ??;s t?'i?r?t -sr.?,L. `l, 33w Lt.:: ? :.t+?s '?9. S'? y?'?e^?'? ? ?irr- ?r+'?? ,iY?+/ ?a? i, 7i' a' y #? •. , ? ?? r A:?fY ,q-? f / a`,a" .r' '.;, Y?1: g' 1, ?'=`t3. 9: vM. rrS ,Y'. ?p.?h 41< L`?•.CSf ?. +? •Lff' . "i .7+`}`r S • t3 rt? • -a. S, r.. k` .:j?....1' , i4 L-t r , d?,?'1 .?.^' ?., 5....,ry.7,...,, ?iy ?? : k?', : ?..?: .s=S,'.i:a(;";?t.n .+.' -, a'l gin'' ?.e. vY'•r•*.'•,cv*r t'ft,;,i 'z? ti a 2. That yhe affected p=operty awnar, or ownora of said property shall be given notice in .6.-n& of he adopt:j'n of the Resoluwicn9 together tlith a copy of the Reaolution, and that on September 15 77 1200 P.m, r +? At - -- --a public hearing will• be held at the City HaIL Auditorium Ln Clea-r-wa.,er„ Florida, at 'which the ai f acted property owner or aunezrs will'' i D@ given an opportunity to present to the City Commission his cr their .Objections to said Resolution. 36 That at said publit haaring the r:.ty Com:tiaajan shall determine whevher thO affected proparzies shtuld be _Ieared for one or more cf the above specified aaa:1a ct cnnxtitax+:?, one or more of the aabctie specified nazi dap &I-vIng 8'ue conaidaration to all evidence presented, and if said Commission so decarmtnes said Resolution shall be made effoCtive by confirmation thereof. 40, Therea ter written demand shall be sam: to the owner or owners of the affected properties, raau:.ring him or them to clear said pr'operty in actordarce with the confirmed Resolu.ion, and if said demand is not :amplied w:.th ts:,thi'1 fifteen {l5} days from the date of reties, said property tril i be ela,are3 by the City and the costa ;hereof will be assessed as and constitute a lien against said properly. PASSED A[JD AIiDPTID this st day ri ,,.,,Sa„pz;,,?-m 19 77. Mayor-Commlestoner Atte y: C ?r Clerk, ! ? ,r:? r,¢,. r {? xw Eli.{i?_•^t.. x. Sri :[ a 'iU ? '? 7T nb •.#'1 ?b c v r),? a:'s' .. ' , f. 42t.aSr?r's'L°`«j.s,4 ,y `??yif??4; 7.F^.I.?.l?A??r;-• r?.ls '?, r..}'. _ 'p ? '?. 9-1-77 9