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J.. ??".,. .)P 1 t)!t1 8???45??4"` .'I'.R..a§•? ?k., .,:,?.?<,}•: ,??';:.'.,,+a•.•.a'? s '-. ,r?•4'r?: ?•!°? `?, c•r f ?.?' t,Tiff?;; sir.rlr?ll?M?i``Fiwiisi.:wr'.r:r• .+..:,;a J,ip'>x:`»4.::.st.:.is?.i..f;r<v:'?:.J.?;..•',.o'+:? ?i..?.?'i:,?l+3w:i?$iiils?.:.?,?.(???`ir??.r.+S???.i ly RESOLUTION -- -' No. 76 -110 K r ???_IIIIRRII A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING AND RESTATING THE kx CITY COMMISSION'S REQUEST THAT THE BRIDGE OVER STEVENSON CREEK BE REPLACED WITH A BRIDGE - HAVING A CLEARANCE OF 12- FEET AND THAT STATE OR COUNTY ROAD FUNDS BE UTILIZED FOR RIGHT.. OF.-WAY ACQUISITION. WHEREAS, the Stevenson Creek Bridge remains, as listed by the Florida Department of Transportation, in critical condition and is scheduled for construction in the 1977 -1978 fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the City of Clearwater after reconsideration, continues to believe that the Bridge should be rebuilt with a minimum of twelve and one-half feet (1211) actual clearance in order that boats can pass the bridge area; and WHEREAS, additional boating recreational areas continue as a need for the citizens of this area, and the Bridge, if reconstructed with the added vertical clearance, would allow the development of a useful recreational waterway; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Clearwater wishes to request that the Florida Department of Transportation and Pinellas County so design the Stevenson Creek Bridge that an additional boating recreational area becomes a realityfor the City of Clearwater; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, IN SESSION DULY AND REGULARLY ASSEMBLED, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the City Commission of the City of Clearwater again officially requests the Florida Department of Transportation to reconstruct the Bridge over Stevenson Creek with a minimum vertical clearance of twelve and one-half feet (IZLI) and to utilize State or Pinellas County Secondary Road Funds to acquire any necessary right-of-way. -1- ?Rcao. -'176-110 1077-76 ?" T t'tifi?'M?la?r;.3xg`r.? ':•a:.s?:;.?)Ef::::?.;,?•,;•'k ..;,:'. 'i.' . . <' : .,.. '`.Qit;. 11 ?':'? AF•?S'td :'.i.t, `_: Ja,!, r, ?r Y.. ' c •. :.: •. s•• .----...? ----'-- - - -- --- ?r.•arrY??V.fr?sw?rllii' ?fY'?t??? . r Z. That a certified copy of this Resolution be forwarded forthwith to the Florida, Department of Transportation and the Pinellas County Conxmi s o lon. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th 'day of October, A. D. 1976.. Atte : Mayor-Cammiesi r Clerk 1 1. 7 I I I 1 1 - a { pRiS, `•4'31= i 1,. '!• ! ':6-• ' ? .. ? ' f? ? :? •11 .. ytj?j+='ir ?: ``; _ ?r• .? i "'2.+. i'.x'? ?'1' f' ? ? 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