74-66:w.•, •''4•+.i`?'-•a.'a;i ^.".,'ytit.rw"...yyf( •.E§...?.a.r3'^t,Y..•3?'%'• }'-,:a`n"?.1;4';a'•.S;!1+?P?r...,.r .,??..•.-.?.yd'? -F••"hyrL i*>s:mw•r..-..yy'.-..1ri?^`, '"5`?, i?••- ?"'4trr . i - ? t _ :i•i. L i> .r-e "rV ? j'" •` v;', ?',=jE.•t'' ,,!i. `fi ?•.;yy?.?±',<iyE ,.?*;4'°}r?,'S N:=%y .?.? ,. y. ,,?e.x.?{??,.,t?,`?C{.:..T;:?iaS.,: ?''. `??r`i n?S S.?'?ti',n.?:;; (:.irb•S+?':?:.-,L°: i?g: ?.e7-t 'e?lt'+ ?,7 f';s}-; ;? : '?i' }?' ='r:s a, .' 'rfi., 'l'.:?;,? .'e:'q,S,.• a:!j --•?.? {, ? .,?ii' k . ,`°j"!?g"`Yx,<i.:` YQ''w?'t,:'•' t ,•.i;t.'2 =.=s r?."r;m? "!;,c{??, .+?•+?, .??.;>'s :,? :#i°,'"~:"'i•'..;^, '? '•^,?ir r?s)?,.?:' 1'7?'??t?,i?-'?;`?. ?? ?. i?t,? ?."?-:;wah';????2`?"'? ? Tla `Y""•`Cr'"?"'?`??:l:?tf#°."s,;x.' - r?' '1'r 'rr; y2t:•:•?"?"^?S?`!'??..it .? ?..i,' Y ;«a??1:• :I• '?'}c"v. ?'a-??u. ?°''?' +'( ?e}, i' I i,ie- ''• t; -y'rt-ya ?i. r; ??6'j'?'•r:s•;s' ?'_,j;t' 3'sala: ,?D a..,?? .s?r i rw, ?S? ?1ti' r:.' ?'x,sY'4' ':r??,=r:. a$C:s,1? 'ti :?• `s: "°1'`'}' e ?r?b'e'?it;• rY;Tx' Yy' E?'?,r,; .t`.ii ??z"? ???'1, ?z ;e;.?'.?' i ??'4 ?'e'?yFf'?"???'.i7ii,??:._, fitit ' 'y:N ?r;: ?re?-4?:a?.?l..i?;t.t7?? ?','`5<}`3?iyt""'{ u?'t:.?-'.i???ti.?•+.s,?';???:??'??`"'?:?.',?':i;,Y» ?:?e '.?fn R `.:, 'YG: •,' f.. •t ecr',J ?`' ', '•7:c ?.? .--s.? f?}.?l'l; i:.''• `•-?w-?'.? "`I'i5'"' ?Ii: `1.', tt5. .. :•t" Jry'•r. ..1:'.-"'i.ti,.= .w wi:,,?,?"?.''''•? .?:?F 1••t. ji?:. ?? ?'?ri.;.i. ,..:'i t•ra ,Y, -n`: ?•t:'T??rY r[ti•;: s,,?11?.? 9.°?:'°.i.Yi ,t!''?`;? `E.'?',`5!'3 •;»:"a', r'ye' `fir„? i ' f .iii-l?'f...?.:"J•';''• '''b -"''_. i3 ?:'?.'. ., •.J l?' ?„y,? „ y^?'i;i,iei•??"?Se•r,y,'i.?..i'?k'?`-it:3,:, s.f"'l''?"'?'?,?•?i?5":i' '4•°?`?i aL.;sx?9i..?f?1.?Qr5?'•a.el,'#.': i::.r'.i.c:s.v:la•:'` -?" ; ?F'. ..1? : :i.'. .?.{.? . 0 01, No, 74 . 66 RESOLUTION • i=?r. I;. rl.? is Y,l,r '.;! ia•?t, xiiq'h 11 •,Nt1-? ? i= 11 'J- L `• i•.,t.>.'?_. - 0 WHEREAS, the City Commission has previously approved the alignment for the extension of Pierce Boulevard and passed Resolution No. 74-11 on grr January 28, 1974, authorizing condemnation proceedings to be filed against the property owners whose parcels had not been acquired by the Clay of Clearwater` for such right-of-way purposes; and WHEREAS, the alignment previously approved has been ascertained as not the most feasible routing of traffic, and negotiations have been conducted with property owners and Pinellas County officials for a more suitable alignment; and WHEREAS, an agreement in principle was reached with Pinellas County officials on a revised alignment wherein the City would sell and convey certain property to Pinellas County in consideration for right-of-way over certain County-owned property; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to approve this new alignment as recommended by the City Manager and authorize the purchase of said right. of-way, including condemnation if necessary; and WHEREAS, the City Commission also desires to repeal in its entirety said Resolution No. 74-11, passed on January 28, 1974; and WHEREAS, the City of Clearwater has the necessary authority, as well as the necessary finances to acquire said fee simple title required for right-of-way purposes for the extension of Pierce Boulevard within the City of Clearwater, Florida; and WHEREAS, considerable effort has been made by the City of Clearwater in order to acquire fee simple title to the said property and it is now apparent that condemnation proceedings must be filed against the property owners whose parcels have not been acquired by the City of Clearwater for said purpose; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, IN SESSION DULY AND REGULARLY ASSEMBLED, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the City Commission hereby repeals in its entirety Resolution No, 74..11, which was passed on January 28, 1974. 2. That the City Commission hereby approves the new alignment for the extension of Pierce Boulevard as recommended by the City Manager. 3. To forthwith acquire and appropriate the fee simple title from High Point Corporation, c/o Norman Bie, Attorney, 301 Pierce Street, Clearwater, Florida 33516, of the parcel described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, and designated as Parcel 1 thereon. 4. 'ro forthwith acquire and appropriate the fee simple title from American Baptist Service Corporation, c/o Elwood Hogan, Attorney, 16 N. Ft. Harrison Avenue, Clearwater, Florida 33515 of the parcel described in Exhibit B, attached hereto and made a part hereof, and designated as Parcel Z thereon. ,'. 'peso.', 0,74';..66 6-17-74 rs, • ,':`!:•' '? ' ' : yA S.{C/y,C:t;:Ct..ll.- *r??%; 7??''. irt+G c.crd 4: ','J' •?l ' l ! ??e ."°a: •?da?tY. ?t??,';1«iY. `,}riT''??ast??&' v a ??. ?Rr FM.;•.„,.,-?"'.x+¢.Y: : ,. .L: .. r _.- .- r..r .,Aj •1?1'!.ur..iai'e.. .... v. .? e.. 'Fa t",.?: .'1.'e f?.: ? . r S. To forthwith acquire and appropriate the fee slmple title from East Cove, Inc. , c/o Norman Sie, Attorney, 301 Pierce Street, Clearwater, Florida 33516, of the parcel described in Exhibit C, attached hereto and made a part hereof, and designated as Parcel 3 thereon. 6, The purpose of said appropriation being for right-of-way for the oxtennion of Pierce Boulevard. 7. The City Manager shall cause written notice hereof to be given to the aforesaid owners in accordance with Section 139 of the Charter of the City of Clearwater, Florida. 8. That the proper officials are hereby authorized to execute any and all instruments. necessary for the acquisition of all necessary right-of-way, including condemnation, and to obtain appraisals on privately owned properties, and for'the sale and conveyance of City-owned property to Pinellas County as set out in the City Managers recommendation. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _ 17th XzJune, A. D 1974. Attest: Clerk 074=66 6"17-74 7 ?f ..1 rtia.u.?i o' • rJ ?f f?. ?/1 •.4$]f h.}4??,?py?. vi4iw: ??i `i?;?I?S; •?r?/r• J. ;?,?e? _'? ? 'f,• ?, ?.f •.l :i. ",yt''?i'. ? .t?!^?,n.}.gi??? ,. ,.ter ?.??'"???",?. ?'. ;.a r. ?' 6•. rM ?}???7??{?r Slc:?y?re" '?'?•g? i , .' M 1 r s F PARCEL NO. 1 -HIGH POINT CORPORATION That part of Section 16, Township 29 South. Range 15 `East, in the City of Clearwater, County of Pinellas. State of Florida, being more and particularly described as follows, to wit: Commence at the Northeast corner of the aforesaid Section 16-29-15 and run West along its North boundary 1320 feet; thence South 1526. 16 feet along the West boundary of the East half (E 1/2) of the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4) of the aforesaid Section 16-29-15 to an intersection with an tasterly projection of the centerline of Pierce Street; thence run . S 890 45' W-418 feet along the aforesaid centerline of Pierce Street to a projection of the West line of Osceola Avenue as extended across Pierce Street; thence South 20 feet along this projection to a cross cut in the walk at the Southwest corner of the intersection. of Pierce Street and Osceola Avenue; as it now exists, thence run S 88. 18' 4211 West 653.03 feet to a cross cut in the top of Old Seawall for a point of Beginning. From this located Point of Beginning, continue S 88' 18' 4211 West 80.00 feet; thence S 0' 581 0211 East 149.80 feet; thence N 88' 18' 4211 East 80.00 feet; thence N 00 53' 0211 West 149.80 ft. .to Point of Beginning and containing 0.Z8 Acres more or less. EXIUBIT A i,bi r • ' , .S , 1fCAr'?.T.e ?Y''t t-T . .'r:. A'. . ? 'S`.t n?? `` s. .... .. , ^ ' 1 ' :; ?I:?.l`. ? '. . . . . ? J : '. + . ' /e?? 55 • ? ??" ?- ? " ? ' - • ? - 1 ,1 ' r ,? + r . ^?? ww}.?7 y ^ +).`: L:t: ' 3 ."("•' ft. , (i .4? :.?...'1b`T•!`r1. AIIa l.S .. 'l': 1C 1 p v _ i. ,.. l.. , 4r .. •1. r??'1+k ?,,{SFw e-x45 . ,tt1, ?. rf. 1 ? ? • ( „ ? t ' M1 ; ' - ? '[r ' 'rl?.. NSF ?? i` a'3a' '' ;? <,y?i. ,i: ti• ? ??",SIB '' '? ? ? .+t ,? ' u E , ?s`••rr? a??t; ••• ••},'.; 1.`fi'r? ??!;. "?. -•'.S. f. ? ? ? ? s .L LS c ri ?.5. 4? .._ ...-- .... ...,:-:..;•s?r_?:,,..?_...t'?:t.F.`•r???i?3:,.??.?"?r.?i?r?'Sn??,?."?s???l??;y_acw?4?t+C`?:?Aa? . PARCEL NO. Z - AMERICAN BAPTIST SERVICE CORPORATION That part of Section 16, Township 29 South, Range 15 East, in the City of Clearwater. County of Pinellas, State of Florida, being more .and particularly described as follows, to wit: Commence at the Northeast corner of the aforesaid Section 16-29-15 and run West along its North boundary 1320 feet; thence South 1526.16 feet along the West boundary of the East half (E 112) of the Northeast quarter (NF 1/4) "of the aforesaid Section 16-29-15 to an intersection with an 'Easterly projection of the centerline of Pierce Street; thence run S 89' 45' W-418r•feet along the aforesaid centerline of Pierce Street to a projection of the West line of Osceola Avenue as extended across Pierce Street; thence South 20 feet along this projection to a cross cut in the walk at the Southwest corner of the intersection of Pierce Street and Osceola Avenue; as it now exists; thence run 5 880 18' 4z" West 653.03 feet to a cross cut in the top of Old Seawall Whence run S 0' 53"02" Fast 149.80 feet to a concrete monument for :. Point of Beginning (P. O. B. ). • From this located P. O. B. continue S-0* 53' 0211 East 132.10 feet; thence S 86' 36' 14" West 80.00 feet; thence N 0' 53' 0211 West 131.69 feet; thence N 88' 18' 4211 East 80.00 it. to the Point of Beginning and containing 0.24 Acres more or less. .i , 1 kl . 1 1 ' { 1 , . "+ . X1 . !r z ::1 4. tl • 1 i= si.l .1 "4 Y ? i % 'xliibit" I3 of ;Reno. #)4-66 ; TYF: '? 7'``?' -:<t•;E ..£S'. `.yll, " ., .. 77 ?F •f ?;???4 ^".'?`.`I: .i6.irs Ii`4Rn`'??: 441,` fk' L,i! . . r4 ," , 1W_ 1711 ,..;: ?'i .•.?????„`-.. .. ,.._ .3....,.,.?,??:??s.....:`Ixel'??????:?a:y;?`;??;;;uF.?.f'?•isd?.z:?:'.,s[.?+??.':3?'.d.z=a`.??v' r g ;',,may PARCEL NO. 3 - EAST COVE, INC. That part of Section 16; Township 29 South; Range 15 Enst; in the City of Clearwater, County of Pinellas, State of Florida, being more and partic- ularly described as follows, to wit:- Coaience at the Northeast corner of the aforesaid Section 16-29-15 and run West along its North boundary 1320 feet; thence South 1526.16 feet along the I-lest boundary of the Cast half (El/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of•the aforesaid Section 16-29-15 to'an.intersection with an Easterly projection of the centerline.of Pierce Street; thence run S.89045'W-418.00 feet along the aforesaid centerline of Pierce Street to a projection of the West lane of Osceola Avenue as extended across Pierce) Street; thence South 20 feet along this projection to a cross cut in the wall: of the Southwest .corner of the intersection if Pierce Street and Osceola Avenue as it now exists; thence run 5.88°18'42"W.-653.03 feet to a cross cut in the top of an old Seawall. Thence run S 0°53'02"E.-285.30 feet to a cross cut in the top of an'old Seawall for a Point of Beginning (P.O.R.) From this located P.O.D. run S.0040103" E.-49.01 feet; thence run N. 88°58'33"E.- 4.50 feet; thence run S:0°08118" W.- 98.52 feet; thence run 36.76 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 104.50 feet and a chord bearing S'.4050115"E.-36.59 feet to a point of compound curve; thence run 61.11 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 45.00 fee: and a chard bearing 5,42°59145" E.-56.52 feet; thence run N.87°55'45"E.-87.97 'feet; thence run 5.30°50'33"E.--29.90 feet to the North right of way line of Haven Street; thence run S.89050127"W.-225,87 feet along the aforesaid North right of way line of Haven Street; thence run 14.0°53'0211W.-246.45 feet; thence run 11.88°36'14"E.-80.00 feet to the P.M. and containing 0.55 acres more or less. EXHIBIT C ,t. J, Exha.b3 t C of Reno. 674-66 k }' ' ? '?E?.. i' 'Y., ,hStF Y. '."ti•?.'. J11:'_`'3?:'f; ..., ??%? ?'" ..t'??,Y3 t'r°}'•?'?Y+ ;. 'a".`y:f f ?« ' •f