IF ?
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R E 5 0 L U T I 0 I1
NO. 74.-65
00 .
..WF:r?'.:S, it has been determined by the City Commission
of thY City of Clear.._tcr, Florila, that for the purpose of
promotin7 the health, safety and eeneral welfare of the
citizens an! residents _.° the Cit.. of Clear',ater, that the
I her._^_ftsr aG3:__bCl l^.._, parCc^:i5 or tracts of !a^.!
within the corwsr oz limits ov the Cit•, of Clear•?ater
Pines' a$ 7- it shoal' be o pare:' of ?ecd5
rubbish and labris:
C31=53:71 37 :'.: CIl'f OF FLORIDA,
1. That for the p-jrpcsa of pr nmot_ng the health,
safety and gereral walf re of the citfzans and rest.-lanos
of 'the City of Cle_r.•_ter, and in ac= 3raance with Section
123 of the Charter of the City of Clea•?a:3ter, that the
fo?lowina described lots, parcels or t-?aets of land within
the corporate limits of the City of ^_1 oar--rater should be
clear al of weeds, rubbish, lebris, An LudinQ debris
renal tins from fire or stor°ts, or the lens ition of
buildii ;;s or other : ir:1_tures Cr otherwise, and any
noxio-as matersa'_ of any kind which tend to be a breelirr
place or havcn for wakes and vermin of all' kinds an!
character, or which tend to create a fire hazard endangering
the lives an!'aroaerty of the citizens of Clearwater, or
cr;tiich tend to crc.tc a tr_ffic hazard:
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??5q' fi.#YriW' M+,RM.+W?.?M,k?Jlli „•?i :.i.:J.?rin'n?.Fity+•Ait?wwr
Juno 1,974
T._ 0 , Owner Preineri v ilc 5cription Ad jre Goat
kt sell,
A. L E Ruth Poinaotte ?4. E 13 (20-1)
Back of 3118 Park-,ray Dr
ti?E ?t• 2484 Roberta Street L 400' of N 1/2 of S 112
`;""-r•. Largo Fla 33540 ?' ?Y?s?,l,a . :• 'r:;r
Of S14 ]/ of 1Jla V's or
s T= r 11ti! 1/+?, Sec. 16-29-16 $ 74,00
Via, ? r q?r `E? Louise W, Sha-lman iota 47 E 48 1527 $
Myrtle Ave
', ohawk Street Block A
?:=tS§.l,':y Clearwater 33515 Belmont 2nd Addition 25.00
t•, '',1'?' {•'.,Z Byars v. Corp Lot 18
;???.,?'.a,>?-.?'• 1360 Boylan
1210 Culbreath Isles Dr. Boylan Sub
Tampa, 33609
:t? fa,RdS fs 25.00
rr y ;7 K `, •-,?'F - Sharon S 6 H. E. Vance,Jr. Lots 441-444 Car San Bernadino E
"r?,tls, •,, 1513 Price Cir Ue1 Oro stoves
Clearwater 33516 35.00
Neva M. Cinquanti Lots 1, 2, 3 Cor Canterbury b braid
P. 0. Box 176 Block 1
Whitney Pt., N.Y, 13862 Druid Park 58.00
; ? l f ?•r..' L. 14. E Dolores E, Slye Lot 25 less N 70' 207 14. Highland Ave.
3615 Pine Crest Rd. Glenwood
Rockford, Ill 61107
Margaret Heye Lots 6, 7 518 Park Street
?s ; rM ^`.:'°Fh.. 902 Druid Rd Block 4
s?erk $fE;'„ Clearwater 33516 Gould E Ewing 2nd
x; rfrF ? E { y'. Talmadge Rutledge Lot 33 1111 No Greenwood Ave
# ? F k;;
1111 11, Greenwool Block F
{.r§Y Clearwater 33515 Greenwood Park #2 25,00
Clear Island Holdings Ltd Lots 23, 24, 25 344 Larboard Way
c/o John R. Brat-in, Atty Unit 5A
" Harrison Ave Island Estates 40,00
16 No Ft. Clearwater 33515--
}{j G. is Zeitz Lot 68 510 island Way
AyB 655 Shadowlawn Unit 6D
? ,i Dearborn tits., :Mi 48127 Island Estates 35.00
C E Diony,ia Partazes Lot 2 351 Harbor Passage
9271 - 13th Ave Unit 7A
{t? :4ontreal, Quebec, Canada Island Estates
R'. 35.00
F R. E. E Kathryn Stevens
Lot 16 667 Harbor Is1iand
` - La'Malfa Rd Unit 7C
Dover, N.J. 07801 Island Estates 35.00
1 Elainc 6 B.M. Kallauner Lot 92 642 Harbor Island
1328 V. Belt Hwy Vnit 7C
St. Josenh, Mo 64506 Island Estates 35.00
'M. E. Burket Lots 3,4,8,9 3013 - 3019 Grandview Ave
Rt 4 - Box 75 Block H
Benton Harbor, iMi 49022 Kapok Terrace 58.00
L. L. E Barbard Bortles Lots 5,6, 7, 10 3001 - 3011 Grandview Ave
205 S. :`tars Ave Block, H
Clearwater 33515 Kapok Terrace 58.00
Lee :Craft Lot 11 Car Kingsly 8 Ti.oga
-c/o Marie Anderson Block (3,
1474.Gulf to Bay Lakeview HGts 35,00
Clearwater 33515
` E
Reso. #74-65
=Ca..,.. .1-47 S'•;. {
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h n }• • t 0y is jw.. •F°, '• ?,' A ^S^'F^•,.JF' °13i?.? li ?!?i. Lit l.?k??r!• ?
. t.'+. ..t +` :?f :?r:ti,+,:r?. .=L,`.r.:p-.'?'?a.,i?, t yr ''c ::i ?r.. »t ?.; ,k..,` a: r...??{?i?.?• ?. 4 ?• f't at?r+;S•. +,? f.i, ¢r1, ;?? R?'." ? ?? ;la
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£'r'rSt- to.
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?. I•. 1.
'C?`..4??'4r::.?;r `?: r:-.i' ;.5? ?4` ?'t,1„'?_^ ' ,y.??•y?'?.,• %- 1, '?' '?6:,.'ifhr•?c?J i'?}'?.Tf': F`.,{iA ?(•?k+`??`,-f'`,.?''k?5v +?i„ .7`.?f...5? k 1
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:.?' L .?.'1h F.c.>?r•' ?jl, 5. ?`., rk"'.' 3` r iir s ¢
,¢' y ? r ^ri M1,"?•' f: .?. t aaF y. ? et.t... rU'.,: 5'r?•s r!. k :r.,+e
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.f ? 4. C4 ,,.. ::''•'f,:,' "1' [}. '''E '•eij': ?"' _j ':5?. i. ?!•% '• ?'? ?i 'tr ?j'? ^,?.?p ??
^t?' ? ?"tl II?k;.,:.{ i. }}.?`'_`:.ra"?.3?i:.?:y_i:::3?i. +? !.•?;;:,`,... .. 'T' .? r?.4:??.....:?1`.°t
., r.'_f?? '?•t_t;?.L 'ti } -- '9`.t.?:r::? :n'„i?•?'. a ?.e'r:.•.- Y'-- t l0.+.
- V.
Frank larchinelli
910 Lantana Avo
C1carviater 33515
Fred U Renton E
Derward K, Trent
725 Tiamilton Bank Bldp,.
Knoxvilln, Tenn 37302
M.T E Loss McKnight
2132 lc'lullcn Rd.
Larpo, 33540
.:4-4`. (?`d?•?:f.C? ale;, .:'g'+
Proncrty Description
,June 3, 973 r
Addreon ° CVOt
Lot 7 6 8 Car Kipling P1 6 Bruce
Block 46
`landalay $ 25 , 00
Lot 9 604 Poinsettia
Block B
!landalay Replat of 5 40,00
rr SW car of L50 run 1990 Highland Ave
E 951, SE 41.51, SF 58,7'
S 501, 14 1501, N 75' to P.O.B.
and fr S:'! car of L50 run S 75'
for a P,O.B, th E 1501 S 70'
'd 1501 N 70t to P.0,B.
Sunset Highlands Unit I 40,00
Beatrix McBriarty Lot 25 1780 Overbrook Ave
c/o Walter J. Reinhard Block F
P. 0. Box 98 Sunset Pt. 1st Addition
Clearwater 33517 35.00
Emily M. Keesecker Lots 2, 3, 1; 1874 Sharondale
P. 0. Box 216 Woodmont Park
Berkeley Salts 14. V.25411 58.00
Beard, Koch Cora. Lot 5 1862 Sharondale
222 Citrus Ave. Woodmont Park
Dunedin, 33528 25,00
Edna L. Johnston Lot 5 705 Bruce Ave
705 Bruce Ave, P.--O. Drawer 29 Block 26
Clearwater 33517 Mandalay $ 100.00
Karl M. Onkla Lot 10 918 Narcissus
1110 F. Street Block 48
Anchorage Alaska 99501 Mandalay 75.00
ld. E Vanella Norvell. Lot It 821 Pinellas St
7132 li.chael Block 15
!4iddletown, Oh 45042 Milton Park
Lot 1, Georgas 1251 Greenwood S. 50100
Jessie G. Karelia Lot 36•-11 10' of L 1029 Iroquois
1029 Iroquiois L41
Clearwater 33515 300.00
Lela Boykin Lot 5 1028 N. Missouri.
1028 11. Missouri Block 2
C1caru,ater 33515 'Spr-,nrfield # 2 75,00
1??Ss?'`? 7?j X41. $,; g ?£'ig~?•?t±?f ,?. ei???T i ' ? -r. 'M Yi +4
S?-t1?i?,4;t3•, .:t?'j''+:'rbi. ::5: :1
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u,1'Y.}:.W ?I,Ei ..r• '`%'..a t> ;.y. t ';, F•?tLt
fivl?nN1i};.r...a;•f?;.,....,wr :'.' ^?::ti'`?..',:'l. Star.ta?}
_.S•:.._ _•{:''w-_L?^ 1.'f,:'+'7.vf:: °I..°.r?'Y.?YS=!'• Ksa.2?ff"fr:i,?
'?sac?? •PFi? ? x?w?:x ..??y,.?. ...;F 4i :;rr:::?«..y.,.y... ,.t:,.?.+?:?..:.v.rcri- f•„?•!
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°r }''".? !? R3'"p: "S a...p: ?_ .v = X; ?'",'• . afi ,t tit.'t •"-;?? "z • fF.FF 4, .? }
r • ? °? i.i (i .?? k,, , f r.. Si+e '.' tit:; 3 ''' f r M?.
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?`SSYY F _ 'k r':4 t? ?S rt.. r,K ;??;. E": ?• :e?!'•si4•:,.??'.? a.? };',G';va- 3.=?'+: :d.. }
'aft .J ,? is ,t v. f??.{? :. A', a•rJ y.t 1;.,`..r .yi.s:._,...' ??°°
yet, §#' ae.. a- t hr r rJ.?`:r3 a 7r ,r r. s-1., .
oily + s{ {''?,^ :t•?t ?z?,"ra,??..?.,
34X1J:"k+`.`1 ?,11? 5.•"I,rr}.f,. ??*'.?. >?'firv.'.'r:'ti, to"., rrr?/ .'•i? r£?,, •t} rs,}?y,
„f}l$I SF ra??.? ."?•%'•i?!r, :iQ s•e.,?';>'••;?_*'?:: '3 i;..,.; $?,w°°?!^??=t.'S::15P ?}`i ._??'i;r:f:h"'.
'^•?!-i. yc!.. ;?'.;'' °?ta:fit ` ?'t?" s , ::; ;.'': . t;-aF't•it?:: .Y'•?': ....r?. < <ibhs•, My
rs?y(?? r. ?.T .t?nt,';S'-r;•:c+ r. =a?`.,..., }°.=,'i.°.:' y r .
. Ttl?yt`r'¢?.w..'''•'••'a411i?tirl111'Y?t?rr
2p That the affected property owner or owners of said
property shall, bn given notice in writing of the adoption of the
Resolution;, together with a copy of the Resolutiono and that on
... June ]??. u 9,,,.7 _ at 1,30 nfi --a public hearing
will be hold at the City Hall Auditorium in Clearwater, Floridav
at which the affected property owner or owners will be given an
opportunity to present to the City Commission his or their
objections to said Raso'iuv i.one
3u That at said public hearing the City Commiasi.on shall
determine whether the affected properties should be cleared for
one or. more of the above specified reasons or conutitute one or
more of the above spewified hazards, giving due consideration to
all evidence paresenteds and if said Commission so determines
said Resolution shall, be made effective by confirmation thereofe
4e Thereafter written demand shall be sent to the ormer
or o hers of the affected properties, requiring him or them to
clear Said property in accordance i-rith the confirmed Resolution,
and if said demand is not compiled with within fifteen (15) days
from the date of notice, said property vi.ll be cleared by the
City and the costa thereof will be assessed as and constitute a
lien against said property.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day o, June l9 70
46 '? C y
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??Y=????; .; •:9',.ti;'', •?.; .? II;• ? .. .???- ! ? 1. `
Mayor-Commissioner ??
,7 1 Reso.''.074,65