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'-iy,•,"_?i' .t,},' '•+.,:: ,?r:'ii.?:••'?f,1:s` t:<.?YYee. •..? 41 'xt ?S? •.?? {- r' i :_ .,.i,r.a `f ?•.1?:. f•i ?"?? ,, f?', ?; . i S?•j N..? ,. 6N11":1-}.:.1?'? 11: S f2•'+/,? ? i ?1 i'1.•f• ?T•?". •\' I I "?I L r??':. f' Y?•. ..,, yr'?• ?.y, •-M.I,?i t !LI .;•1i. •lt,- °: .)e ? n',f,' ":....??-.?-..-•1-.'_-..??.......?? .t'[ ?•;.. +, :.F•=' 1 <, ?7,?-.?'??'. z1' y:'?•• -? + •''e1.,'~zsf.`r s .Y'.ay.??/.,•;?`a wi:w?.w.,wa?` .?..Il.w3:..?? .,t:.g-??..?5:..?i?twi?iriiilidE$. ?",i?„?Jr G.; ?, f.'}} °P:r.Y L>~ s 65 17i) I r RE903,0T10N , No. 73 - 110 4 1. WHEREAS, as't'er public' hearing on than 20th day of ovembe 1972 , the City Commission of the City of•Clearwatw•, Florida, determined that certain work and improvements hereinafter described should be. done Mild made; and, WHEREAS, pursuant thereto said improvements have been made as .follows: \ Constructing paving, cu#bsl and drainage in Shore Avenue, Lakeview to Dempsey Street; Dempsey St set, Shore to Ewing Avenue; Ewing Avenue, Dempsey to Lakeview Road. ' The properties facing and abutting these improverncnta are deemed to derive, T special benefits t:lierefrom; and. ; WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 123 and other pertinent provisions of the City Charter, attar said improyernents shall have been com- plated, the City Commission sball adsess the cost thereof against the properties .facing and abutting said receiving benefits from said improvements so made; and * WHEREAS, certain parcels of real estate facing and abutting and in.the vicinity of said improvements have been benefited thereby and the pro rata cost thereof shall be assessed against such property; X NOW, THEREFORE, 13E IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWA TO R, FLORIDA, IN SESSION DULY AND REGULARLY ASSEMBLED, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the above described improvements in the area of ' Shore Avenue, Dempsey Street and Ewing Avenue, Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida, ' be and the same are hereby accepted and approved as having been. completed. 2. That ilia following described properties facing and abutting and in the vicinity of the ;aforesaid improvements arc hereby deemed to havo been benefited. by said improvements in the following proportions Of the cost theresof, and ilia same are hereby assessed in accordance with the following acliccl?tla: Rasp. 473-110 a-27-73 S? ttR,`It'[ti ?•?..i '?nll??r/.}•,?/:41'?: #•' .. 'i?4' .1 r .. ... ,'.1'. ti' Y '•?AM 1T ?' F',?y ? fl1sMPSEEY, SII0II s d, )E',V: NG I'AVlXG, CUIIIUS, MIAINAGE Totnl Cost 7.6, 159, fits City Share - 9, 520. 48 (Drahiagou $6, M. 50 •i- 2, 691. 98 -City Share Assr.stiable 16,639. 20' of Assessable Ann. ) Cost per front foot 12.00 Uniform Assessi-nent Corner Lot Credit 1,200.00 City awned p roperty 1,200.00 Total Assessable front ft. 1, 386. 6 L. F. P110IIEEIITY 0UNIEEII AMOUN'T' LAKF 13E:1.1.1:VI r;W AI)DT'E'I0N F1% Ft g. City Share ' Prop. Owner BLOCK I Lots l thru 4 II.k,M ullins 100 600 ,00 600.00 1780 norchaater ltd. ]CO 1200.00 C]earwatcr, Fla. 33516 Lots 5 d G Violet M.Iloyt 50 600.00 935 Lakeview Road Clearwater, Fla. 33516 Lots 7 thru 12 • Donald Olsen 2049 Diplomat Drive, 150 1800.00 Clear'wator, Fla. 33516 Lots 13 thru 16 C. L. Smith 69 828.00 921 Lakeview Road Clearwater, F1. 33516 Lots 17 tliru 22 Harlan & Barton Eng. Lab. Inc. P.o.13nx 2552 140. 1200.00 Lakeland, Fla. 33603 145 600.00 1140.00 1)I.0{;K 2 Lots .1 Dowino Poole 140 1200. 00 839 Lakeview lload Clears ator, Fla. 33516 ni.OCK 6 Logs 1 t1iru is W.A.Infini;er 100 1200.00 931 Dempsey St. Cloarwat:er, Fln. 33516 Lots 5 thru 7 William S. hall. 75 900, 00 925 Dampacy Street Clourwnter, Fla, 33516 Lots 8 thru 12 Eiizaboth C.Lovmtt 177.6 2131.20 915 Dempdoy St. Clearwater, Fla. 33516 Lots 13 A 14 nary E. nompney 50. 600.00 901 Dempsey St. Cloarwater, Fla. 33516 Lots 15 thru 17 R.A.Dumpsoy, Jr. , 901 Dempsey St. 70, 840.00 Clesrwator, Fla, 13516 Rosa, Norton, Park City, oit Clearwater 100' 1200. 00 , Re so'. 073. 3110. 8-27-73 yeas;`:,;' ,'..` .r '. F: •sy??•, ,, ,'tt t r .y k'. 4 ' 3. That if assessments herein made are not paid within th;.sty (30) days from the date hereof, the City Treasurer is hereby directed to lai.4ue and sell certificates of indebtednoss under Section 1241 of the City Charter,, which ' certificates shall bear interest at the rate of eight per cent (876) prr a-•T,;im against the foregoing properties for the assessment s horeLn made immediately upon the expiration of the foregoing thirty day period. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of , Au ust , 1973. Attest; ' C Clerk r ? Ir t . ' „•. ., •.? : .w 73' H.i rs' ?f Re6 0:` ? ' ? r 8-27-73 . ..E ` -? ? _ ' '? ? ' g f : } ? , , ' t ' eI' •i '?? 5: F', k; s ? ?. :1 r??i???, `i:+ a ? + ? : f:f' + . r` , i' ' is3?"• ?' ?', a?fe i?; tt; .• ,P.'- ? 4is.! ?,'c. -"?.'-t .•:k...? k FL"r4S :, a ?. e k.l .x ..?.. !'? . •.E?•j'? ? '4' ?` •3 ? ?? 1 ? ... ?, _ .. ? ... ?. ??. r'rr•u F ', . J+ . , -F. „ ?e 5S `•?• `'?`,4?aS'? s. ` '.;A " 4 r ?~? . ?,