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2. That the affected property ouner or owners of said
property shall be Riven notice in 1,tritinB of the adoption of the
Resolution, tOBether .~ith a copy ot the ReRolut10n, and that on
April 16, ,19 73 at 1:30 P.M. a public hearing
will be held at the City Hall Auditorium in Clea~Jater, FLorida,
at 1~hich the affected property ouner or owners will be given an
opportunity to present to the City Commission his or their
object.ions to said Resolution.
3D That at said public hearing the City Commission shalL
determine whether the affected properties should be cleared for
one or mor.e of the above specified reasons or constitute one or
more of the above specified hazardst giving due consideration to
all evidence presentedt and if said Commisoion sa determines
said Resolution shall be made effective by confirmation thereof.
4. Thereafter l~itten demand shalL he sent to the owner
or owners of the affec~ed propertiest requiring him or them to
clear said property in accordance with the coniirmed Resolution,
and if said demand is not complied with within fifteen (15) days
from the date of netice, said property will he cLeared by the
City and the costs thereof will he assessed as and constitute a
lien against said property.
day of April
, 19..23... .
, Reso. 73-.~3
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