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No. 70 - ~`~
WHEREA5, the space shuttle--a reusable law-cost rocket far ferrying
men and materials back and forth between earth and space stations--is the next
big essential piece of hardware far the U.5, space exploration program; and
WHEREAS, the Kennedy Space Center is khe most modern and complete
spaceport in the world; and
WHEREAS, almost $1 billion is already invested in the extensive
facilities at the Kennedy Space Centcr; and '
WHEREAS, these facilities include extensive assembly, pre-launch
checkout, cryogenic hydrogen and oxygen storage, launch and support
capabilities; and
WHEREAS, dawn range tracking (after launch) capability exists at the
nearby Eastern Teat Range facility; and
WHEREAS, a 10, 000 foot runway for landing and returning the booster
and orbit stage is in existence; and
WHEREAS, a highly skilled team of 18, 000 operations, maintenance and
assembly personnel are at the Cape; and
WHEREAS, the launch of space shuttles ovex the water add immeasurably
to the safety of development flights of the system; and
WHEREAS, advantage can be taken of existing facilities for assembly of
vehicles after delivery and refurbishment of behicles after each flights; and
WHEREA5, Cape Kennedy is easily accessible by all modes of trans-
portation; and
WHEREAS, construction costs in the area are cheaper than other areas
of the country which might be possibly considered; and
WHEREAS, there axe huge tracts of government land available far
expansion if needed; and
WHEREA5, the educational support and opportunities provided by highex
educational institutions in the immediate area and throughout Florida have and
will cnntintse to contribute significantly to the success of NASA and industry; and
WHEREAS, the Kennedy Space Centcr offers a unique aggregate of
facilities which axe not available at any other possible site for development and
opexational flights of the space shuttle system at minimum cost to the U, S.
taxpayer; and
WHEREAS, the House Science and Astronautics Committee in its report
on the Fiscal lg7l Budget stated that "maximum use should be made of existing
facilities to support the space shuttle program" and that "the extensive laucich
and checkout capabilities apt the Kennedy Space Centcr.... should receive early
and most careful consideration";
•, ~' Reso . x#70-39 - ~ x+/20/70 -
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1. Thai the City Commission of the City of Cloarwater, Florida,
hereby officially.rnquests the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
to designate Cape Kennedy as the operational bsse for the space ahuttln
2. That copies of this resolution be forwarded to the President of
the United States, the Director of the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, President of the United States Senate, Speaker at the
United States House of Representatives and to each member of the
Appropriations and Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committees of the
United States Senate and the Appropriations and Science and Astronautics
Committees of the United States House of Representatives.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this ZOth day af~April, A. D. 1,70.
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