06/05/1990 (2) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION !rnM A. Approval of minutes of May 15, 1990 .. .....". .............. ::.-;::::....<, ..,..': "." ACTION AGENDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MEE'I'll'lG TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1990 - 1:30 PM // i., ;' ~' ",I " .'. :~II:' :~. . ~ " , " " ACITON Continued to 6/19190 , , ....~ '.. .....,..,. ~ , CONDITIONAL USES. ANNEXATION," ?:Q~G.",~ND USE PLAN AMENDMENTS. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE TEXT AMEND~'J;S. AND LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REVIEW: THE BOARD FOLLOWS THE PROCEDURES OUTLINED BELOW. ALL'I'ESTIM:ONY FOR CONDITIONAL USE REQUESTS IS GIVEN UNDER OATIL __.. ~'n .._.'.... ,.. co. ur-.....'; c__.', < 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. " 9. . . h 10. . . 11. 12. 13. The Cb~erson reads from the Public Hearing Notice each item as it is presented. The staff report and pertinent background information are presented. - 5' minutes maximum. Staff presents any supporting writtcn documents. . Staff presents any opposing written documents. The applicant or hiS representative presents his case. - 5 minutes maximum. Persons who support tlie application speak - 3 minutes maximum for each individual; or spokespcIson for group - 10 minutes maximum. Persons who oppose the aPJ?lication st>eak - 3 minutes maximum for each individual; or spokc:spcrson for group - 10 mmutes manmum. , Persons supporting the application (other than applicant) may speak in rebuttal - 3 minutes mRnrnnm Persons opposing may speak in rebuttal - 3 minutes maDmDm. The applicant bas an opportunity for final rcbuttal - 5 minutes maximum. Public Hearings arc closed. DiscussioD by the Board. The Board makes a decision. \ '"", FLORIDA STATUTE 286.0105 STATES: ANY PERSON APPEALING A DECISION OF THIS BOARD MUST HA VB A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS TO SUPPORT SUCH APPEAL. B. Conditional Uses: 1. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION M&B 31.04. Sec. 30.28.16E (2612 US 19 N) National Operating Limited PartnershiplPbar Mor of Florida,Inc. CU 89-83 , Request -3 PS (Packa,se Sales of Alcoholic Beverages) (NEW LICENSE) Zoned -CC (Commercial Center) Lots 1-10. Blk. C. Bnyside Shores (735 Bnyway Blvd.) William & Donna M. Kebort (Sharky's) CU 90-33 Approved 6 month extension 2. Approved subject to the follo~ ~nditions: 1) The business shall close at midnight; 2) The kitchen shall remain opc.n to within one hour of closing; and 3) There shall be no outside speakers. Rcquest - For 6 month review of the approval of on-premise conswnpuon of beer, mne nnd liquor Zoned - CB (Beach Commcrcinl) -' 1'1',\ ''1 1,::3G ,,)U\. <, P & Z ACflON AGENDA 1 6/05190 . " , ' '. C ! T . ~ L.. .... . '--"........ - 3. Part of Lots 8 & 9t City Park Sub. (56 Causeway Blvd.) City of Oearwater (Beach Diner) CU 90-34 Request - To p,ermit on-premise consumption of beer and v.ine Zoned - CB (Beach Commercial) 4. M&B 11.05, See. 19-29-16 (19660 U.S. 19 N) Veta L. Gillenwater Trust (Kenyon Auto and Boat Sales) CU 90-35 Request - To permit outdoor retail salest displays and storage Zoned - CH (Highway Commercial) 5. Part of Lots 5 & 6t MoseU Acres f f51B6 Drew Street) .......<~ 'chard W. & Martha J. Anderson bAnderson Industrial Supply) U 90-36 Request - To permit indoor storage! warehousing Zoned - CG (Gener~ Commercial) 6. Lots 1-20t Blk. 5t Revised Plat of Brookwood Terrace (1315 Cleveland Street) Michael E. Lewis, Trustee (Brasfield Properties, Inc.) CU 90-37 Request - To permit indoor storage! warehousing (mini-:itorage) '.- Zoned - CG (General Commercial) 7. Lot 1, Raddison Bnyside HOlel (1201 Gulf Blvd.) Anthony A. Petrarca (Sand Key Pack~l;. Liquors) eu -38 Request - To permit package sales of beer, wine and liquor ",.. p & Z ACI10N AGENDA 2 Approved &Ubjcc:t to the fonowing conditions: 1) An ~ license most be obtained Within six (6) months of this public hearing &, ~~ ahaIl be broughtln1O c:ompliancc with , 4PProvcd subject to the following conditions: lr ' There shall be no outside storage of parts; 2)St~~y shall be on ~ved areas only. not in any d~81U1tcd landscaped areas or rightS- of-way; . . . 3) No nOlsc gcncratcd scmce, such as cngmc testing shall be performed bctwccn the hoors of 6:00 p.m.. and 7:00 am.; 4) Except for the driveways as shown and approved on the site plan, the asphalt and curliliJg for dclctcd drivcwa shall be ~ccd with landscaping. si~ and new curbiDg parallcl to the adjacent street in accordance With at}' standarlJs; S) The app'licant shall apply and obtain ~rovaVcertification of an amended site nlan; ~) :rm: b~ ~ be ~ ~ time limitations of tfu:: certified site plan; and 7) The applicant shall prcp3!C and have ~ ~taff a landscape plan ~cd to e'immllt~ the . to ,t;rnIayautomobileS., boats and similar . wiib.'fu. the landscaped area. Approved subject to the following conditions: 1) The~licant shall submit a landsca~ plan for appro Staff in accordance with the Citis Land D opment Code; 2) The continued maintenance of the fence on the north side of the property shall be required; and 3) The ~e bw1ding permit bcirig obtained Within six (G) months. Continued to July 3. 1990 Approved subject to the following conditions: 1Y The applicant must obtain approval by the City Commission for a ,wiancc to the minimum distmlce separation requirement of 200 fL to allow alcoholic beverage s31cs zero (0) fL from a similarly licensed establishmcoL 2) The a licant shall obtain requisite building pennit wifmn six (6) months of this public hearing. 3) The hoors of operation shall be restricted to thc 6/05/90 - . . ~ ',,-., , ~..~.I Zoned. B (Business District) (per 1J4/'irT settlement stipulation U.S. Steel vs City) c. Ann!!Dl~t1 ' . Land Use PIan Amendment. Land D~ Ten Amendment. ana Local P_~cvicw: 1. Lot 8, Blk. 2, Ackers Sub/Located on the southeast side of S.R. S80 opposite Countryside High Schoo~ approx. 1200 ft. northeast of Charles Street Doerner A 90-06, LUP 90-07 Request . Annexation and Zoning, OL (Limited Office) LAND USE PLAN: FROM; Unclassified TO: ResidentiaVOffice Lot 7, Terra Alto Estates, Located at 1457 Otten Street Lobil BuildinR Co., Ine. A 90-7) LUP90-8 2. 3. Request . Annexation and Zoning, RS-8 (Single Family Residential) LAND USE PLAN:, . FROM: UnclaSsified TO: Low Density Residential Lot 8, Blk,' F, Unit 1, Oak Acres Add. Located at 1192 Norwood AVe. Bachman A 90-8) LUP 90-9 Request. Annexation and Zoning, RS-8 (Single Family Residential) LAND USE PLAN: FROM: Unclassified TO: Low Density Residential D. Cha..innan's Items E. Director's Items F. Board & Staff Comments P & Z AcrION AGENDA hours rcqucs1cd in the application; 10:00 run.. to 9:00 p.m. Monday thrOugh Saturday, closed Sundays. 4) The a licant shall obtain an occupational license ~n six (6) J1:Ionthl: of this publichcaring. 5) Thc.rc shall be no deliveries between the hoors of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. any day of the week. Denied. (Rationale: The protJOSCd site plan does not conform to the CitYs LandDcvclopment Code rcquircmcnts in the following areas: parking. front area open space; rear sCtbad; and cxa:eds pennittCd floor area ratio.) Approved Approved 3 6/05/90 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (...' , INVOCATION ITEM ACTION ~ ' AGENDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1990 - 1:30 PM A. Approval of minutes of May 15, 1990 CONDITIONAL USES. ANNEXATION. ZONING. LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENTS. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE TEXT AMENDM'ENTS. AND LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REVrEW: THE BOARD FOLLOWS THE PROCEDURES OUTLINED BELOW. ALL TESTIMONY FOR CONDITIONA.L USE REQUESTS IS GIVEN UNDER OATH. 1. The Chairperson reads from the Public Hearing Notice each item as it is presented. 2. The staff report and pertinent background informntion are presented. - 5 minutes maximum. 3. Staff presents any supporting written documents. 4. Staff presents any opposing written documents. 5. The applicant or his representative presents his case. - 5 minutes maximum. 6. Pers<>ns who support the application speak - 3 minutes maximum for each individual; or spokesperson for group - 10 minutes maximum. 7. Pers<>ns who oppose the application speak - 3 minutes maximum for each individual; or spokesperson for group - 10 minutes maximum. 8. Persons supporting the application (other than applicant) may speak in rebuttal- 3 minutes maximum. 9. Pers<>ns opp<>sing may speak in rebuttal - 3 minutes maximwn. 10. The applicant has an opportunity for final rebuttal - 5 minutes maximum. 11. 'Public Hearings are closed. 12. Discussion by the Board. 13. Tbe Eoard makes a decision. (; " (".k .' FLORIDA STATUTE 286.0105 STATES: ANY PERSON APPEALING A DECISION OF THIS BOARD MUST HAVE A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS TO SUPPORT SUCH APPEAL. B. ConditionallJ~: 1. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION M&B 31.04, Sec. 30-28-16E (2612 US 19 N) National Operating Limited PartnershiplFhar Mor of Florida,Inc. CU 89-83 Re.quest - 3 PS (Package Sales of Alcoholic Beverages) (NEW LICENSE) Zoned - CC (Commercial Center) 2. Lots 1-10, Blk. C, Bayside Shores (735 Bayway Blvd.) William & Donna M. Kebort (Sharky's) CU 90-33 Request - For 6 month review of the approval of on-premise consumption of beer, wine and liquor Zoned - CB (Beach Commercial) l L,", P & Z AGENDA REVISED S/31/!)O 1 6/05/90 Zoned - CB (Beach Commercial) .1-.' (', L;',' ' '": ': 3. Part of Lots 8 & 9, City Park Sub. (56 Causeway Blvd.) City of Cleatwater (Beach Diner) CU 90-34 r, ., Request - To permit on-premise consumption of beer and wine 4. M&B 11.05, Sec. 19-29-16 (19660 U.S. 19 N) Veta L. Gillenwater Trust (Kenyon Auto ad Boat Sales) CD 90-35 Request - To permit outdoor retail sales, displays and storage Zoned - CH (Highway Commercial) 5. Part of Lots 5 & 6, Mosell Acres (2186 Drew Street) Richard W. & Martha J. Anderson (Anderson Industrial Supply) CD 90-36 Request - To permit indoor storage/ warehousing Zoned - CG (General Commercial) {,;:, :; ..,',',' '. , ,;. "" .."." ,."",.' 6. Lots 1-20, Blk. 5, Revised Plat of Brookwood Terrace (1315 Cleveland Street) Michael E. Lewis, Trustee (Brasfield Properties, Inc.) CU 90-37 Request - To permit indoor storage/ warehousing (mini-storage) Zoned - CG (General Commercial) 7. Lot 1, Raddison Bayside Hotel (1201 Gulf Blvd.) Anthony A. Petrarca (Sand Key Package Liquors) CU 90-38 Request - To permit package sales of beer, wine and liquor Zoned - B (Business District) (Per 2/4/87 settlement stipulation U.S. Steel vs City) C,.,,' P & Z AGENDA REVISED 5/31/90 2 6/05/90 Request - Annexation and Zoning, RS-8 (Single Family Residential) " , C. Annexation. ZonilU!. Land Use Plan Amendment. Land Development Code Text Amendment. and Local Planning Agency Review: t'" 1. Lot 8, Blk. 2, Ackers Sub/Located on the southeast side of S.R. 580 opposite Countryside High School, approx. 1200 ft. northeast of Charles Street Doerner A 90-06, LUP 90-07 Request - Annexation and Zoning, OL (Limited Office) LAND USE PLAN: FROM: Unclassified TO: Residential/Office 2. Lot 7, Terra Alto Estates, Located at 1457 Otten Street Lobit Building Co., Inc. A 90-7, LUP 90-8 Request - Annexation and Zoning, RS-8 (Single Family Residential) LAND USE PLAN: FROM: Unclassified TO: Low Density Residential 3. Lot 8, Blk. F, Unit I, Oak Acres Add. Located at 1192 Norwood Ave. Bachman A 90-8, LUP 90-9 .f':;- ,-., '" t ,,' 'tt\L y LAND USE PLAN: FROM: Unclassified TO: Low Density Residential D. Chairman's Items E. Director's Items F. Board & Staff Comments ., l.: '" . ~....,..} -.' P & Z AGENDA REVISED 5/31/90 3 6/05/90 MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1990 t'~'" 'I. Members Present: Vice Chairperson Nixon, Messrs. Mazur, Schwab, Ferrell, Hamilton and Gans Members Excused: Chairman Johnson Also Present: James M. Polatty. Director of Planning and Development Scott Shuford, Planning Manager Vice Chairperson Nixon outlined the procedures for conditional uses and advised that anyone adversely affected by a decision of the Planning and Zoning Board, with regard to conditional uses, has two weeks from this date in which to file an appeal through the City Clerk's Office. Florida Law requires any party appealing a decision of this Board to have a record of the proceedings to support the appeal. ITEMS ARE LISTED IN AGENDA ORDER THOUGH NOT NECESSARlL Y DISCUSSED IN THAT ORDER. 1. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION M&B 31.04, Sec. 30-28-16E (2612 US 19 N) National Operating Limited Partnership/Phar Mor of Florida, Inc. CU 89-83 Request -3 PS (Package Sales of Alcoholic Beverages) (NEW LICENSE) Zoned -CC (Commercial Center) Mr. Shuford presented a letter from the applicant requesting a six-month extension because the space le.:'lsed by Phar-Mor for the utilization of this Conditional Use had not yet received a Certificate of Occupancy. (,__ The applicant was not present. No persons appeared in support of or in opposition to the above request. Discussion by the Board ensued over the absence of the applicant lmd whether applicants should be present when seeking an extension of Conditional Use. The Board concurred that the applicant or a representative should be in attendance to answer questions that might arise. It was suggested that this be noted on the application form. The Board also instructed staff to answer all letters from applicants requesting extensions advising that either the applicant or hislher representative must be present at the public hearing. They further requested a policy change in the agenda format by putting any requests for extensions at the beginning of the public hearing before Conditional Uses. Motion was made by Mr. Schwob, and seconded by Mr. Gans to grant the above request for a six-month. extension from the date of this public hearing. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). 2. Lots 1-10, Blk. C, Bayside Shores (735 Bayway Blvd.) William & Donna M. Kebort (Sharky's) CU 90-33 Reque..c;t - For 6 month review of the approval of on-premise consumption of beer, wine and liquor Zoned - CB (Beach Commercial) l .,' Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted. in writing, the staff recommendations. The Board '.w.,' questioned the interpretation of the six-month time frame for renewal and whether there was a change of ownership. It was agreed the six months ran from the time applicant was granted an occupational license and not six months P & Z MINUTES 1 06/05/90 In opposition, Mr. Marvin Ruvin, 851 S. Bayway Blvd., #605, spoke to the increase in seating from 80 to 150 seats. He felt a doubling of seating would cause additional parking problems and might create a situation where drugs could be sold. When advised by the Board that it was a State requirement the restaurant maintain a minimum of 150 seats, Mr. Ruvin withdrew his protest. ,""'" . f from the time the Board last ruled. The license hud been granted in December and thc original application wns now up for review, including all provisions. Mr. Shuford explained thc business owncrship name had changed, but the original applicant, Michael Hamilton, had authorized Torrey Cooper to act for him. The ownership of the property is still in the name of William and Donna M. Kcoort. Mr. Shuford further presented the following to the Board: I) copy of Agent's Investigation Report dated 2/3/90; 2) petition signed by five property owners protesting extension of operating hours beyond 12:00 Midnight; and (3) copy of record of visit by Florida Division of Alcoholic Beverages & Tobacco agent indicating a warning had been issued that they were not in compliance with the SRX requirements, as 80 seats had been counted and 150 were required. The report also indicated that a recount had been ordered for approximately 3/15/90, but the results were not known. Mr. Shuford further advised he had been in contact with Elise Winter, representative of William Kehort, who indicated there may be an eviction of the current tenant in process. She was not sure what position Mr. Kebort wished to take in this matter and Mr. Shuford hud advised her the owner might want to attend the public hearing or send a representative. Mr. Polatty stated to the Board that the staff's recommendations were based on the fact that the conditions are necessary to resolve issues of incompatible land uses since the location is surrounded on three sides by residential. l' I tj; Mr. Torrey Cooper, 107 Waterbury Drive, Tal'pon Springs, FL, representative of Michael W. Hamilton, President of Sharkey's of Clearwater, Inc., stated the staff recommendation is exuctly what they would like to do and concur with all other recommendations staff has made. He further stated: I) With reference to the citation from the Flori~1 Division of Alcoholic Beverages & Tobacco agents, they now comply with the 150 seat requirement; 2) They have applied for the Responsible Lender Program, which gives a course to management on prevention of problems regarding age, identification and licensing; 3) Since the Febmary hearing they are serving 60% food and 40% liquor, due primarily to expanding their menu to include seafood dinners, and to serving specials to the Coast Guard Club and the Yacht Club; 4) The business will be open until 12:00 Midnight; 5) The management needs to respond to the food issue and they are promoting a lunch menu similar to Frenchy's; 6) They have installed double doors at the entrance to collect sound, have added additional plants in the interior as well as fish nets on the wulls, and have ordered new drapes in an effort to reduce noise; 7) Additional film has been applied to the windows to keep light out and to insulate them from the residential neighbors; and 8) They are not aware of any citations and still supply two security guards any night there is a band. The Board inquired whether the signs in the windows were permitted and whether they took up more space than legal. Mr. Cooper stated the signs had been taken down, that they have a temporary permit and that application has been made for a permanent permit. No one appeared in support. In opposition, Mr. Herbert W. Ll'Onhardt, 706 Bayway Blvd, presented a petition from residents opposing the extension of operating hours beyond 12:00 midnight. He stated the newspapers Illld indicated this was up for review nnd they wanted to be sure the closing time would not be extended beyond 12:00 midnight. The Board assured him the 12:00 midnight closing condition would remain. The Board, having heard this request before, had little discussion. It was noted the applicant had responded by increasing the food service and was adhering to the 12:00 midnight closing. Motion was n1l1de by Mr. Hamilton, and seconded by Mr. Schwob, to approve the above request subject to the following conditions: I) The business shall close at midnight; 2) The kitchen shall remain open to within one hour of closing; and 3) There shall be no outside speakers. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). 3. Part of Lots 8 & 9, City Park Sub. (56 Causeway Blvd.) City of Clearwater (Beach Diner) CD 90-34 Request - To permit on-premise consumption of beer and wine t"" Zoned - CB (Beach Commercial) P & Z MINUTES 2 06/05/90 Zoned - CH (Highway Commercial) Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted in writing, the staff recommendations. (,', Mr. Nicholas P. Christou, 757 Harbor Island, appliclmt, stated he was there to request a conditional use to permit a new 2-Cop alcoholic beverage license for the Beach Diner. Mr. Christou stated he has lived in the Clearwater area for 15 years and for the past three years has lived both in his home town of Jackson, MI and Clearwater. He stated they will operate as a family restaurant serving lunch and dinner and eventually breakfast if the City approves. He stated the alcohol service will remain the same as the previous tenant. Mr. Christou stated they have applied for a sign permit and wish to be in full compliance with the City on everything. They want to renew their lease when the time comes and desire a long lasting relationship with the City. He further stated it is their intention to operate the Welcome Center for the City, that this has been incorporated into their lease, and that they plan to do a good job of it. Mr. Christou stated they would like to extend their hours on Friday and Saturday to 12:00 midnight. No one appeared in support or in opposition. Discussion by the Board centered on the hours of operati<lD. They concurred the restaurant could operate any legal hours with City approval. Mr. Shuford advised the staff had incorporated the hours of7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. into the conditions because it had been a request in the application and they wanted IulY self-imposed condition to be included in the motion. He said the staff would not have a problem with a motion that would eliminate any reference to hours. Mr. Shuford further stated should time ever become an issue for enforcement, they may have to go back to the application submitted by applicant and assume by inference that the Board was acting on the original application if the Board did not include hours of operation as a condition. The Board stressed the applicant be actively engaged in operating the Welcome Center as II condition of approval and that it be enforced. Motion was made by Mr. Schwob, and seconded by Mr. Gans, approving the above request subject to: 1) An occupational license must be obtained within six (6) months of this public hearing; 2) The signs shall be brought into compliance with City codes; and 3) In accordance with their lease the site will be actively used as a Welcome Center. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). R: t "::.", 4. M&B 11.05, Sec. 19-29-16 (19660 U.S. 19 N) Veta L. Gillenwater Trust (Kenyon Auto and Boat Sales) CD 90-35 Request - To permit outdoor retail sales, displays and storage Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted, in writing, the staff recommendations. Mr. Jim Baxter ot' Baxter, Rinard & Haas, P.A., 1230 South Myrtle, Ste. 301, represent.'ltive of applicant, presented a site plan and a picture of the premises as it used to be. He also presented photos showing various views of the building and premises as they exist today. He stated they had modified the site plan and presented it to the Board stating: 1) Changes have been made in the configuration of the middle parking area by moving back the parking area; 2) The access road, which is presently the Kenyon Boat operation, has been changed to the middle; 3) The driveways have been changed to rearrange traffic flow; 4) A sidewalk has been supplied for use by residents of Tropic Hills; 5) The green space has been increased to 10,000 sq. ft., the exterior perimeter has been increased to 7,000 sq. ft, the paved area has been reduced to 9,700 sq. ft., and the building area coverage has been reduced to 550 sq. ft.; and 6) They are in agreement with the staff recommendations except for the letter of credi t condition, which they feel is demeaning and insulting to an old established family and a business in operation for 60 years. III answer to a question by the Board, Mr. Baxter stated there would be shrubbery for a buffer and that a fence runs along the entire length of the property. No one appeared in support or in opposition. c_ P & Z MINUTES 3 06/05/90 ,. , r,~. Zoned - CG (General Conunercial) ",......,... t Discussion ensued by the Boaru with regard to the landscaping and the need for a letter of credit in th~ amount of $5,000. In general, the Board voiced disagreement with the staff on this condition. Th~ Boud felt it did not have the authority to set an amount and that it would be difficult to enforce. Mr. Shuford advised thnt the amount was a reasonable deterrent amount and not a punitive one. He felt it was a valid condition, but did suggest an additional condition requiring three written notitications from the City before cashing the letter of cre<1it under this condition. The Board realized the staff was trying to arrive at a tool for the City to use to eliminate prDblelns existing at the majority of boat yards and used car dealers and this was not directed toward the applicant personally. The Board concurred they did not want this condition, but rather that a landscape plan be submitted to tbe staff for approval. Further discussion followed over the angled parking on the North side of the egress and there was some concern on the use of the driveways. However, Mr. Shuford pointed out the Traffic Engineer had revic\vcd the site and had no objections. Motion was made by Mr. Mazur, and seconded by Mr. Schwob, to approve the above request subject to the following conditions: 1) There shaH be no outside storage of parts; 2) Storage/display shall be on paved areas only, not in any designated landscaped areas or rights-of-way; 3) No noise generated service, such as engine testing shaH be performed between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.; 4) Except for the driveways as sh.own and approved on the site plan, the asphalt and curbing for deleted driveways shall be replaced with landscaping, sidewalks and new curbing parallel to the adjacent street in accordance with City standards; 5) The applicant shall apply and obtain approval/certification of an amended site plan; 6) The building permit be procured within time limitations of the certified site plan; and 7) The applicant shall prepare and have approved by staff a landscape plan designed to eliminate the ability to display automobiles, boats and similar vehicles within the landscaped area. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). 5. Part of Lots 5 & 6, Mosell Acres (2186 Drew Street) Richard W. & Martha 1. Anderson (Anderson Industrial Supply) CD 90-36 Request - To permit indoor storage! warehousing ,I' Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted, in writing, the staff recommendations. Mr. Thomas J. Graham, Graham Design Associates, 3005 Sllite Road 590, representntive of applicant, stated the owner is proposing to build an adjacent structure attached to the existing building, Wllich is a one-story warehouse and office building. He presented a site plan showing many mini warehouses along the rear and on the east side of the site. Mr. Graham stated Mr. Anderson has been in business for 23 years and has operated at this site for 12 years selling industrial supplies to other businesses in the area and throughout the state. He stated initially they looked into the need for a variance and found that where they are building, the setback and coverage requirements have been met. Mr. Graham addressed concerns of the staff stating: 1) They will do more landscaping along the front, but were not aware of a problem along the East side; 2) There is a small 20' strip which currently has sod and his client would be willing to add a hedge; 3) There are two nice oak trees in front and his client would be willing to work with the City on landscaping; 4) There is a fence along the rear of the property and it has been well maintained; and 5) The dumpster has always been in its current location and he would like to keep it there as it is easy access for the dump truck. Mr. Graham further stated his client was not aware of any problem with the dumpster location until now as they have not had any complaints. Mr. Graham stated Mr. Anderson is asking to expand the present use of the building in conformance with City regulations. ~ 11..., In support, Mr. Richard W. A.nderson, 1442 Blanton Lane, owner of the property, stated l1is business has been broken into three times and that putting in more shrubbery would be detrimental to the business. He stated there is not room for more shrubbery near the driveway as there is a 2 ft. gully there, and putting more in the front would hide anyone trying to break in. He explained that he stores very small, expensive electronic parts in the warehouse and wants to prevent more thefts. Mr. Anderson stated he plans to install a light over the comer where the two buildings meet; that the building will have two doors in compliance with the fire standards and that he will install an automatic light above them. He further stated he had received many compliments horn residents on the landscaping. P & Z MINUTES 4 06/05/90 Request - To permit package 5.1les of beer, wine an<lliquor No one appeared in opposition. r-. I In discussion the majority of the Board felt the dumpster snould remain in its present location for easy access by the dump truck. It was also noted that no one had appeared in opposition to the dumpster location. The Board thought quite a number of trees had been requested in the landscaping condition Rnd asked Mr. Shuford to address the landscaping requirements. Mr. Shuford stated that in the near future the staff would be proposing new landscaping standards which would focus on the street frontage of the property. He stated this was a comment the staff would like to start making in Conditional Use permits as the street frontage area makes the most impact and the current regulations are not substantive enough in that regard. Motion was made by Mr. Schwob, and seconded by Mr. HanliIton, approving the above request subject to the following conditions: 1) The applicant shall submit a landscape plan for approval by staff in accordance with the City's Land Development Code; 2) The continued maintenance of the fence on the north side of the property shall be required; and 3) The requisite building permit being obtained within six (6) months of this public hearing. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). 6. Lots 1-20, Blk. 5, Revised Plat of Brookwood Terrace (1315 Cleveland Street) Michael E. Lewis, lrustee (Brasfield Properties, Inc.) CU 90-37 Request - To permit indoor storage/warehousing (mini-storage) Zoned - CG (General Commercial) Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and subnulted, in writing, the staff recommendations. He also presented a letter from Curtis DeYoung requesting a continuance until July 3, 1990. Applicant was no~ present. i: ' f ~". No one appeared in support or opposition. Discussion by Board indicated there was not a problem wi th approving this request for continuance since this was the first time before the Board and tbe applicant had contacted the staff in an attempt to work out any conflicts. Motion was made by Mr. Hamilton, and seconded by Mr. Schwob, to continue the above request until July 3, 1990. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). 7 . Lot 1, Raddison Bayside Hotel (1201 Gulf Blvd.) Anthony A. Petrarca (Sand Key Package Liquors) . CU 90-38 Zoned - B (Busine.ss District) (Per 2/4/87 settlemellt stipulatioll U.S. Steel vs City) Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted, in writing, the staff recommendations. He also stated they had received two letters in opposition, one signed by Mary Lcuise GaUot 1301 Gulf Blvd., Apt. 106, and one signed by Francis J. Smitht Jr. and Violet M.Smith, 1301 Gulf Blvd., Apt. 201. \~ "..ui Ms. Margot Pequignot, 400 Cleveland Street, representative of Alfred Deratany, applicant, advised she was standing in for Harry Cline who could not be at the meeting. She said they were seeking a Conditional Use to authorize the sale of off-premises alcoholic beverages at the Shops of Sand Key. Ms. Pequignot presented a letter received in support from Pick Kwik Food Stores, Inc. stating they bad no objection to the package liquor store. She further stated: 1) They meet all the standards and criteria for the Conditional Use; 2) They will occupy only 900 sq. ft.; 3) Their plans are for a package store only, including Ute sale of beer, wine and liquor, and they have no plans for on-premises seIVice of liquor; 4) There will be no adverse impact on this area as it is already a shopping P & Z MINUTES 5 06/05/90 / center; 5) There 'Will be n() additional noise or light; 6) There is sufficient egress and ingress; 7) The parking meets City requirements; ~nd 8) it is consistent with the land use requirements. Ms. Pequignot slated Mr. Deratany ran a similar establishtTl.ent in Michigan for 35 years and also had Bel Air Produce in Bel Air Bluffs where he sold beer and wine, and has DO citations against him. She stated Mr Deratany feels the stafrs conditions are fine and asks for approval. No one appeared ill. supp<>rt or opposition. Discussion ensued by the Board on distance requirements. Mr. Shuford advised the City Development Code regulates distance l>-etween package stores and that is why a variance must be obtained from t:l1e City Commission. Ms. Nixon was concerned about the lack of people in opposition to this request. She stated the reason might be tbat an earlier discussion regarding alcohol at the Shops at Sand Key implied they would only allow one package store tbere. She further stated she was firmly against putting another liquor store in the complex. The remaining Board Members concurred this was not in conflict with Pick Kwik, the difference being that liquor VJould be sold as well as beer and wine. Motion was made by Mr. Schwob, and seconded by Mr. Gans, approving the above request subject to the following conditions: 1) Tnea.pplicant must obtain approval by the City Commission for a variance to the minilllllm diswnce separation requiretnent of 200 ft. to allow alcoholic beverage sales zero (0) ft. from a similarly licensed establishment; 2) The applicant shall obtain requisite building permit within six (6) months of this public hearing; 3) The hours of operation shall be restricted to the hours requested in the application; 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through SlI.turday, closed Sundays; 4) The applicant shall obtain an occupational license within six (6) months of this public hearing; and 5) There shall be no deliveries between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. any day of the week M otioll carried 5-1, with Ms. Nixon voting "nay" as she felt there should not be anotner liquor store in this shopping center. C. Annexation. Z()ninJ:. Land Use Phm Amendment.. L~lRd Develonmel1t Code Text Anlendment. and Lo~1 Plannini! A~Ency Review: i l' 1. Lot 8, Blk. 2, Ackers Sub/Located on the southeast side of S. R. 580 opposi te Countryside High School, approx. 1200 ft. northeast of Charles Street Doerner A 90-06, LVP 90-07 "-., Request - Annexation and Zoning, OL (Limited Office) LAN!) USE PLAN: FROrvl: Unclassified TO: Residential/Office Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted, in writing, the staff recommendation. The applicant was n<J1 present. N' 0 one appeared in support or opposition. J>.. 'Ii, ~f'''''~1 Discussion by the B<Janl ensued over why the applicant was not present as it bas always been the Board's policy everyone must make an appearance except for single family residences. Ms. Nixon stated Dr. Doerner told the City Commission he had to have this amendment in order to have sewer and he was blatantly not meeting any of the City requirements since he was developing within the County. Mr. Shuford explained that the Board would basically be annexing him as ifbe 'Was in non-conforming use. He swted the Board should regard the project as huilt and it would not be subject to City regulations unless the permit lapses. Mr. Shuford further advised that it the Board did not hear this request, lbe City Commission would have to continue it at their next meeting. He stated the City Commission's policy has recently been restated: no annex.ations for vacant properties unless they are built to City standards. Mr. Shuf<lrd also stated the staff had followed up on that by sending to the County an explicit one-page form stating what is Ileeded to get Ci ty sewer; and if annexation will be requested do not build to County standards and expect to get a sewer letter from the City. He stated approximately 300 sewer letters were issued in the last five years and 25 of them have been from commercial developments which did not meet the City Code. Mr. Shuford stated this is one of those things that happen when a community wants an aggressive annexation program P & Z MINUTES 6 06/05/90 '. . : ,. ~.' t. '1 ..,:. . . I .' , .'. .. ' . .' . ~ I,.,. '. . . . Motion was made by Mr. Schwob, and seconded by Mr. Gans, to deny the above request, since the proposed site plan does not conform to City Development Code requirements in the following areas: parking, front yard open space, rear setback and it ex.ceeds the permitted floor area ratio. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). ~, f;;' ~ and at the same time has better Land Development regulations than the local governments where the properties are , located. The City Commission is basically saying no more of these requests, and in the future they will most likely have very explicit development agreements attached to them. The City would then be able to negotiate some trade offs. The Board indicated that it wanted to use this request as an example. 2. Lot 7, Terra Alto Estates, Located at 1457 Otten Street Lobil Building Co., Inc. A 90-7, LUP 90-8 Request - Annexation and Zoning, RS-8 (Single Family Residential) LAND USE PLAN: FROM: Unclassified TO: Low Density Residential Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted, in writing, the staff recommendation. The only discussion by Board was to question whether they needed to include the open space recreation fee requirement in the motion. It was determined this was not needed as it is paid anyway. Motion was made by Mr. Mazur, and seconded by Mr. Gans, to approve the above request. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). 3. Lot 8, B1k. F, Unit 1, Oak Acres Add. Located at 1192 Norwood Ave. Bachman A 90-8, LUP 90-9 Request - Annexation and Zoning, RS-8 Single Family Residential) LAND USE PLAN: FROM: Unclassified TO: Low Density Residential Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted, in writing, the staff recommendation. There was no discussion by the Board. Motion was made by Mr. Schwob, and seconded by Mr. Ferrell, to approve the above request. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). D. Chairman I s Items Ms. Nixon brought up tile confusion with Sharkey's making another application while in the midst of their trial period. She requested the Board set a policy to prevent this from happening again. The Board concurred and made the policy statement that applicants must complete their trial period before bringing any other applications to them. E. Director's Items - None F. Board & Staff Comments e ~'it.~:". Mr. Schwob stated in the interest of efficiency, the Board did not need to have Article 137.011(d) typed on staff recommendations. He stated they have their books and can easily refer to it. The Board concurred to have this 'deleted from further staff recommendations. Mr. Hamilton stated that the cold beer legislation had gone before P & Z MINUTES 7 06/05/90 .' .'.' " '. ". , ..,.,'. 1 .' . " . .'.. . . , , -'., '\. fl-~. .' (.....\ ." the Regulated Industries COIl1D1ittee. He urged the board members to bring this to the attention of residents in the community. He stated Doc Meyers is the Committee Chairman. Mr. Gans brought up the parking memo with regard to alcoholic beverage establishments and thought it was to be discussed at this meeting. Mr. Shuford advised that the staff wanted the Board to review it and they would come back to the Board with an ordinance amendment addressing the issues. Mr. Shuford stated the June 19 meeting would be fairly short and perhaps this could be accomplished at that meeting. Mr. Hamilton advised he would not attend the July 17, meeting, and Mr. Ferrell advised he would not attend the June 19 meeting. Mr. Schwobe stated Munchies is in full operation at Northwood Plaza and still has not come before this Board. It was also brought out that Britts is in a new location and is giving away free beer until they apply for a Conditional Use permit. It was stated they obtained a building permit and occupational license through DeAD and that DCAB had granted a variance of two parking spaces to allow them to go in there. Mr. Schwob mentioned the Sandpiper across from Cleveland Plaza has a new name on it. Ms. Nixon asked that Lokey and Stone Buick both be checked on by staff. In response to when staff recommendations should be received, Mr. Shuford stated they try to get them to the Board members the weekend prior to the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p. nl. r", J y~~ ! j ,I I I ,!' \y~ t" , , . ,'~;J ';)' P & Z MINUTES 8 06/05/90