12/11/1967 S-3f! CITY COMMISSION MEETING December 11, 1967 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at the City Hall, Monday, December 11, 1967, at 1:30 P.M. with the following members present: H. Everett Hougen Clifton Stephens Geo. R. Brumfield Donald S. Williams Cal Blackstone, Jr. Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Also present were: Merrett R. Stierheim City Manager Herbert M. Brown City Attorney Max Battle City Engineer Willis Booth Police Chief Jack Wolle City Planner The Mayor called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by Chief Booth. The Mayor announced that this meeting was called to hold a public hearing for the determination, establishment and/or reestablishment of zoning and fire district classification of Imperial Park Subdivision and adjoining areas. The City Clerk reported that the affidavit and notice of public hearing were in order. ITEM 1 - Request for B (Business) zoning and Fire District #1 clussification for the easterly 400 feet of S 1/2 of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Sec. 24-29-15. The City Manager read the final report of the Planning and Zoning Board recommending B (Business) zoning and Fire District 1. Mr. John A. Curtis, Attorney, repre- senting Imperial Homes, Corp., introduced Mr. Charles Rutenbergv President of the corporation, who is also president of Imperial Land Corp., and Imperial Square, Inc., which corporations own a considerable amount of the land under discussion. Mr. Rutenberg explained the master plan of the area and requested reestablishrnen~ of B (Business) zoning. The City Attorney reviewed the laws and changes in 1963~ and cited Ordinance #964 which annexed the property to the City, dated April 1, 1963, according to Sec. 171.04, Florida Statutes, 196~. He cited the Supreme Court case known as the Auburnda1e case which invalidated part of Sec. l71.0~, so this public hearing was being held for reestablishment of zoning. Mr. Edmund Whitson, Jr., attorney for opponents of certain parts of this matter, stated he objected to the proceedings as a whole and that the Planning and Zoning Board hearing was not properly called with sufficient notice for a public hearing with expert witnesses. Commissioner Brumfield moved that ~he zoning and fire distric~ classification of real property described as Item 1 in the notice of public hearing of this meeting be determined and established as B (Business) zoning and Fire District #1 and the City Attorney be instructed to inc1ude this in an ordinance amending the zoning ordinance and zoning map of the City of Clearwater to be brought back to this Commission for approval as soon as possible. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stephens and carried unanimously. ITEM 3 - Request for R-4 (multi-family) zoning and Fire District No. 2 classif~cation for South 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 24-29-15, less Easterly 400 ft. The City Manager read the recommendation of the Planning G Zoning Board that the area above described be zoned R-4 (mUltiple dwelling) and Fire District #2, Mr. Charles Rutenberg described the location of the property and said his company is presently constructing a group of 8 apartment buildings, 20 apartments in each building. There were no objections. Commissioner Brumfield moved that the zoning and fire district classification of real property described as Item #3 in the notice of public hearing of this meeting be determined and established as R-4 (multi-family) zoning and Fire District #2 and the City Attorney be instructed to include this in an ordinance amending the zoning ordinance and zoning map of the City of Clearwater to be brought back to this Commission for approval as soon as possible. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Blackstone and carried unanimously. ITEM ~ - Request for R-1D (single family) zoning & Fire District No. 2 classif1cation for the following: From the SW corner of the NW 1/4 of the SE 1/~ of Sec. 24-29-15 as a point of beginning, run N 0019'15" E, along N-S centerline of Sec. 24, 2230.32 ft. thence S 88042'56" E, 1335.90 ft.; thence S 0008'46" W, along forty acre ~ine 912.57 ft. to the NE corner of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Sec. 24, thence S 0008'46" W, along 40 acre line 1317.87 ft. to SE corner of NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 24, thence N 88042'56" W, along a forty acre line 1342.73 ft. to to p.o.a. (Imperial Park, Units 1,2,3,~,5). The City Manager read the recommenda- tion of the Planning & Zoning Board that the above described area be zoned R-lD (single family) and Fire District #2 classification. Mr. Charles Rutenberg described the location of the property and requested R-ID (single family) zoning. There were no objections. Commissioner Brumfield moved that the zoning and fire district classification of real property described as Item #4 in the notice of public hearing of this meeting be determined and established as R-ID (single family) zoning and Fire District #2 and the City Attorney be instructed to include this in an ordinance amending the zoning ordinance and zoning map of the City ox Clearwater to be brought back to this Commission for approval as soon as possible. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stephens and ca~ied unanimously. ~. :--:- ~ . ,." ", "'''4 --~,_""", v.. ." '...:7' ~ ~.' ". V.':,. .l,' ~,: 1. '.',. . ..,,,.,' , . .:J~l . .- ~~, ,)j~:~:rf)~i?,,:;f:~\~f:t\~~',~.:":,:.~;:::~:"~~.,';..;:i~':"~;'~;."';'-'j. '.' ;~~i;~~~' ....;;:7 ,.:t'.",); T,";~:r'~:~:~;~~i'~ \;t;,','7'~::~j~~!;~~?!'~~f~~I',:;~:::~'~::~}2..~."r-,~~:72~~~~~~.~;,'?' :' '; '.:<;..... ,",~~ <'>":>~fX~'~ "'.:~" 539 -2- CITY COMMISSION, MEETING December 11, 1967 ITEM 2 - Request for R-~ (multi-family) zoning and Fire District #2 classi- fication (or property as follows: From the NE corner of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of" Sec. 21f.-29-15 as a point of beginning, run S 0008'48" W, along a 40 acre line 425.79 ft.; 'thence N 88042'56" W, 1335.90 ft. to point on N-S centerline of Sec. 24, t~ence N 0019'15" E along N-S centerline 4l7.6B ft. to NW corner of SW 1/4 of NE: 1/4 of SeCl. 24; thence S 89003'4~" E, along the 40 acre line 1334.50 ft. to P.O.B., less any part of Imperial Park Unit 2, and Imperial Park Unit 5. The City Manager read the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Board that the above described area be zoned R-4 (multiple dwelling) and Fire District #2. M~. John A, Curtis, attorney, stated the development started early in 1963 with a master plan which has been followed. Mr. Clifton Lees, 896 Ulmerton Rd., owner of" property on the NE corner of Lakeview and Hercules, said he had no objections and would donate right of way for Lakeview Rd. The City Engineer reported the City has already acquired one half of the south portion of the needed right of way for Lakeview from Hercules to Belcher; that there has been tentative discussion with other o~ners; that the delay was due to the problem of muck in the proposed right of way. Mr. Charles Rutenberg offered his portion of the right of way. M~. Lewis Homer said the people were on notice as to zoning if they had cared to cneck the matter. Mr. Wm. Albrecht, land planner, stated Lakeview has been pro- posed as a major artery since 1955. Mr. Rutenberg stated the project was being started with one building on the west side of Hercules while the land to the east of Hercules was being reclaimed. He estimated the reclamation costs at approxi- mately $20,000.00 per acre and stated the area was not suitable for parks or recreation, He presented 8 letters from home owners in Imperial Park immediately south of the area who were in favor of the continuation of the project. Mr. Edmund ~itson, Jr., attorney for the opponents, objected to the procedure and presented petition and lists of 336 names within the City and 250 adjacent to the City in objection. Austin Fairbanks, Col. Geo. Biles, Mr. & Mrs. Joe L. McClung, Rev. Edw. C. Chalfant, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Thomas, Lucille Moskowitz, Elizabeth Easley, Mrs. Gus Stavros, Jas. Conley, John Humphries, Mary A. Hager spoke in objection basing their objections on devaluation of property. traffic situation and infornation that the area would be a park. Frank J. K~amer and Henry Rogner spoke in ra~or of the project. Mr. Richard Stewart, attorney for the opponents, p~esented affidavits from Helen A. Wynans and Raridolph M. Williams, Jr.~ stating tney did not know the construction of the lake was contingent upon construction of the apartments. He also showed a County zoning map indicating the area as A-2 (single and dlJplex) and stated Judge McNulty had ruled the City zoning was not legal and if ~here was zoning in the area, the County A-2 classification would be in effect. M~. Jas. Clayman, real estate appraiser, compared the apartment versus single fanily residence population and cars for the area in question. He gave his opinion the a~ea should be continued single family or recreational as it otherwise would devalue the single family residences. Mr. Harlan Merhige, Sales Manager of Inperial Homes, showed a large aerial photo indicating the apartment area. Commissioner Brumfield moved after having held this public hearing and studying tne report of the Planning & Zoning Board and listened to the arguments pro and con after having viewed the property, that the zoning and fire district classifi- cation of the real property described as Item 2 on the notice of the public hearing of this meeting be determined and established a: R-4 zon~ng and Fire District #2 and that the City Attorney be instructed to include this in an ordinance amending the zonLng ordinance and zoning map of the City of Clearwater to be brought back to this Commission for approval as soon as possible. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stephens. Upon the vote being taken, Commissioners Stephenss Bt"'umfield, Blackstone and Mayor Hougen voted "Aye". Commissioner Williams voted "~o". ~otion carried. The City Attorney ruad in full on its first reading Ordinance #1139 determining and estabLishing the zoning use district classifications and fire district classi- fLcations for portions of Section 24-29-l5~ including all of Imperial Park Sub. Units 1 through 5, inclusi~e. Commissioner Blackstone moved that Ordinance #1139 be passed on its first reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Brumfield and carried unanimously. Conmissioner Blackstone moved Ordinance #1139 be read and considered on its second ~eading by title only with the unanimous consent of the Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Brumfield and carried unanimously. At this time the C~ty Atto~ney said Mr. Rutenbcrg would be willing to put a restriction on the land, file the same and have it run as a covenant with the land that there would be no building p~aced ~~ the tract described as T~act 2 (in the public hearing) highe~' than 3 stories thereon with the restrictions to be recorded. The ordinance was read by title only. Commissioner Blackstone moved Ordinance #1139 be pnssed on its second reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Brumfield and carried unanimously. Commissioner Blackstone moved Ordinance #1139 be read and considerEd on its third and final reading at this meeting of the Commission by unanimous consent of the Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Brumfield and carried unanimous~y. The Ordinance was read in full. Commissioner Blackstone moved Ordinance #1139 be passed on its third and final reading and adopted and that the app~opriate officials be authorized to eKecute it. Motion was seconded by Commissione~ Brumfield. Upon the vote being taken Commissioners Stephens~ Brumfiel.d. Blackstone and Mayor Hougen voted "Aye". Commissioner Williams voted "No" . Motion carried. :' ,- t...lIi--- 11 '~-__""""" --Ll..-.....~ _~~_ __.J'--'" l~ ' ;, .~ , ... ," ~.",., 1'......-. ...... .. -.. \~~..t" i' , ~ \" ~ -~, ,... 'l 'i'f '. '.' . ., .... 'f r, , ,; '? ";~ .... '.,. ~ :~:'ii'f:':'/<':f::~h:.;;(;","'l"', ','" "'CITy' :COMMISSION . MEETtNS '.," "":,~,, .' "~~,' :',,' ''.'.;<::1:':.~ ',': ,;~.;,;-.~.::-!..~.]:::"~'\" ,':;~r:';.'\:~', . '. \ '.. '.: . :"_' .." .,:~. ',.' ",-'...' I -'.~.({t;'~"::>".~'~" ~.-, ,,-,,,-,, . ,.',TO"'-' ,,':.','" :', - i' ' c, December 11, 196 7 ' " '.. ...':.! ,-,"., ' ,.~l';" . .:t4i:!;,~1,;.}.;:;:.: v f. .. r ' . .;"., ~ l = ~""i1 i;;:~:::':'!.~,,~,. ,~?)~ih:"t~,:,;."., ,:',':": . :.' '.', :' : ..' "".".:'''.:/:;'~~:'tfi~", 'I:~; ,X'(':~".~,:' '" , '~;'J,:.1'",' '.'"'N.". < ~he C:L ty Manager suggested "the regular maet ing of January 1, 19 68 l?e;,~.;.',;;lff:i, :!'" , .:,' 'J'.'~~:::,:,',::':::f.!;"';-',,:'de'feI'I'ed to JaJluaJ:'Y 8, 1968, and the next regula.r meeting of the 15th be . .../.,,:/,~, , ".;:'i'>.;?:;'Y ,;= :: deferred' to JaJluary 22, 1968 because of the noliday and intervenin.g t.ime'~ ", ,.>.:.!:~':~;" ;'i .' ,'.; i;-'~/'" -;, '. Commissioner Brumfield moved the changes in tne lI\eeting da.tes be a pproved"as "" :"S:!:l? '''''';,; >:: ::: ':::'. ;:, 'outlined. by the ~ity Manager. Motion was seoonded by Commissione~ St,ephens ."::~ (:~{;. , '." :::.:':~,~;, ,and carr3.ed unanlmously. ' ','. .':~:;,.'\,: "-- ,:'> <:':;.(; ..... ;',.' Commissiona~ Williams asked by oonsent of, t~e Commission af~e~ testimony.,:. ,-;~:t:'9 ' ..":~ i.\:':,\;\-;....~..., 'today that the Clty Manager come up with an opJ.n.lon of the traffJ.c problem .,:,:.'~ ~!.I' ,::;!' " , . . . . ~ n ..t, " .: ,'\:",G,: ~,' .! <t, ,~.1n thJ.s area aJld have 3. t resolved. , ",,:'.:',::f~:- , ," ".:~.;,":: '.: .' . . , ;:".,'" '. "~:',;~'r'"'; :~,(::;>:,~,;.,'. CommissioJler Brumfield.Jno,:,ed that1:he meeting be.a~j9U~ at 9:15 P.M.' ...::V~ ,',,;,',:':','-:}i):\'c ':::':>~f;;,~ot3.on was seconded by CommJ.ss:Loner Stephens and carr3.e~~J.JnjOU;clY. '",.<<,::?:' ", ':';/-,:,:::';" .~.. . . / / /"":. ". 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