09/11/1967 , ' .- . ;jt~>;'~""!'f.:"t~~)1:~:-:1tj/.~.~~-;'~~i'~~\:'):;o.1;f\:';~'f'":;ir;;J;":'r;(.\":I:~";:i'"~-:','_;"'.:..1:'~": ,-:~?,/('...,;,~."lr;::~fi' "'~ ( ';_): ~: J~ i'!, -.: f::;;f:"t;io~ ,".<ol . . , .' ..... ,. . . " .'. L"~ 1. . . > It :. . \" ..." ,,"":"'!'\";:,';':-: ",' ':,~~..,.., ',::,:,' , . ", <" ':';:, ' .,;~;: ''.~,'J,~JL,:'.',( t,~;<,~, l !'&t' , 'Jf,'O},1~~flll'#:f>fr:':~,1;1&Yj'Jt'~~t ~".'i"~':!ik,"'~f~~~Yi"'" ,;I"~",,',,,'!r,~:l.tf ' i "''l')''f\''.'~Jl'''''';~f{i:ui~'r.tl~''r;''~~1ifI'........,' , ',";,"m~~{~P\:' 'r,'~'~;" ;;'t'?Nt'i:":';~i~i;<,I~~,\~.~"\lJ',;",,~:'i:L:,;;i~~:~I;;.;,.i.~~:~~t:~~).~i~;;~jii~2,~Dd~~:j.i~~!.:~~!:it:0Ii~;;:t:;i<~il,;'~ ,':'L'~3.;~::.~"~~~~~~ :.:,~ ,':,~~~2i~C:j.Ji:~.:,;.L., :', 'l{i CITY COKMISSION M~ETING September l~, 1967 The City Co~ission of the City Qf Clearwater met in special session at the City Hall, Monday, September 11. 1967, at 1:30 P.M., with the following members presen"t: H. Everett Hougen Clifton Stephens Geo. R. Brumfield Donald S. Williams Cal Blackstone, Jr. Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Also present were: James R. Stewart Herbert N. Brown Kenneth McCreary Asst. Chief Wallace Mackey City Manager City Attorney Finance Director Representing Police Chief The Mayor called the meeting to order and announced the purpose of the meeting was to hold a pUblic hearing to co~sider the approval of the budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1967, and ending September 30, 1968. The invocation was given by the City Attorney. :Mr', Joseph F, Desmond recommended abOlishing the Sea-O-Rama but suggesting in its place an aquarium for live specimens and estimated the building and equipment would cost about $100,000.00, which he would like to see in the new budget. Mrs. Dorothy Beers stated that we need better and more ~olice and compared police pay at $2.14 per hour versus a school bus driver at $2.50 per hour, She also recommended beautification of Edgewater Drive by filling in eroded areas and planting trees. The City Manager replied that an increase for all employees ~las included in the budget and that the Edgewater project had been estimated at $75,000.00. Mr. ~eon PQulopoulQs, Conductor of the Clearwater Symphony Orchestra, requested a cont~ibution of $500.00 per concert be included in the budget. Mr. and Mrs. L. H, Clark recommended keeping the Sea-O-Rama as its educational value is high, The ~ayor recommended eliminating the $500.00 appropriations to the Pinellas High SChool band and the same to the Clearwater High 'School band boosters under the publicity and promotion fund, and increasing the public relations budget from last year's figure by $1,168.00 with other appropriations remaining the same. Commissioner Brumfield moved after having held this public hearing on the budget, that the action of the City Commission on August 28, 1967, approving Resol~tion No. 67-B1 be reconfirmed and that the budget as set up therein be adopted as the budget for the City of Clearwater for the fiscal year October 1, 1967 through September 30, 1968, with the amendments in the publicity and promotion fund appropriations as recommended by the Mayor. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Willians and carried unanimously. Commissioner Brumfie~d moved that the City Manager study the Sea-O-Rama operation to phase it out on or before July 1, 1968. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stephens and carried unanimously. Commissione~ Williams stated that even if the Clearwater High School and Pinellas High School bands were left out of the budget that if trips were necessary they would be considered, The Mayor recommended the appointment of Leroy Smith to the Housing Board of Adjustments and Appeals. Commissioner Brumfield moved that the appointment be approved as recommended. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stephens and carried unanimously. The Mayor recommended the follQwing terms ox office for members of the Housing Board of Adjustments and Ap~eals: Dr. J. M. Stem and Richard G. Hamrick for one-year terms; Leroy Smith and Forrest E. ~atson, Jr., for t~o-year terms; and Herbert Blanton, Jr., for a three-year term. Commissioner Brumfield moved that the terms of office be approved as recommended. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried unanimously. Mr. Joe Turner, former Mayor of Clearwater, commended the City Commission on the budget, Mr. C. Ed~ard Meginly stated the Sea-O-Rama got Clearwate~ on Florida Development map. Commissioner Blackstone moved that tne meeting be adj Motion was seconded by Commissione~ Brumfield and carrie Attes1:: .. ", ' ".,.." '., (' , " " If1/- ~ . ',. '., :, ." .,'.....