11/23/1964 ~~~;;=:<::~:::::::'"~C':'""""."'''',"'~"~~~:;h::'':='::~:::~'.:<~:::':::::;;~&~~~. 4t,S CITY COMM[SSION MEETING November 23, 1964 The Ci~y Commiss~on of the City or Clearwater met in special session at the City Hall, Monday, November 23, 1964 at 1:30 P.M., with the following members present: Robert L. Weatherly Cleveland Insco Herbert. R. Fields Amos G. Smi~h Joseph K. Turner, Sr. Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Conunissioner Commissioner Also present were: James R. stewart lIerber~ N. Brown Captain Lomax City Manager City Attorney Representing Police Chief The Mayor oalled the meeting to order. The invocation was given by the City Attorney. The Mayor announoed ~hat the purpose of the special meeting was to hold a publiC hearing to consider variolls zoning map changes and zoning ordinanoe changes. ITEM #1 was the request of G. Patrick Iley for Lots 1-6 incl., Block G Hibiscus Gardens Sub'l to be changed from R-2 (duplex) to R-4 (multi-familyj. Mr. 11ey explained his request further and cited that the adjacent property is zoned R-4. Connie Jenkins, representing her motherl Jennie Muscarella, spoke in objection. The Clerk read a letter of object~on from Fraw{ J. Muscarella, Jr., Attorney. Commissioner Insco moved, having heard no valid objeotions, that the request be granted and that the change be included in a zoning ordinance to be prepared by the Legal Department, refleoting this and other changes. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields a.nd carried unarli.mously-. ITEM 1ke was the request of Bertson, Inc.1 for Lots 20-27, incl., and Lots 66-681 incl.1 Sunset Ridge Sub. Unit 1, to be changed from R-lE (single family) to R-4 (multi-family). Mr. Frank C. Logan, Attorney, represented the applioant and explained it was not saitable for single family residencel and therefore asked for . the change ~o R-4 to baild apartments, so designed that there would be no backing onto Union street, the property would also have a turnaround space, and a sidewalk on Union Street. Robert A. Reese~ 2088 N. Highland Avenue; Mrs. Donnegan, (next door to Mr. Reese); Mr. Appleford~ 2018 Plateau Roadl and Mr. Wm. B. MacLean spoke in objection. Miss Jane Ranckl 2076 N. Highland spoke in objection to a 2 story building but did not objeo~ to a duplex. Mr. Al Rogers showed a rendition and spoke in favor. The Olerk reported a letter of objection had been received from Jane Ranck. Commissioner Turner moved that the request be denied. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fi.elds and carried unan~lDously. ITEM #3 - The Clerk read a letter from ~~. William J. Castagnal AttorneYI with- drawing the request of Rose Oarol Mann for Lots 6, 7, 8, 9( Resub of Block 191 Milton Park, to be changed from R-4 (multi-f'anlily) to B (business). Commissioner Turner moved tha~ the letter be received and made a part of the reoord and withdrawal be granted. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously-. ITEM ~ was the request of Dr. Richard E. Dugan for Lot 11 Lembo Sub., to be changed from R-IE (single family) to R-4 (multi-family). Dr. Dugan explained that he had a contraot to purChase the property if granted, and presented an affidavit of support, with 11 signatures, whi.oh the Clerk read. He proposed to build a one story professional building. There were no objeotions. Oommissioner Insco moved, having heard no valid objections that the request be granted and that the same be included in the zoning ordinance to be prepared by the Legal Department reflecting this and other changes. Motion was seconded by Co~nissioner Turner and carried unanimOUSly. ITEM #5 was the recommenda~ion of the Planning & Zoning Board for all of ~look 0, Lots 1-8 incl. and Lots 16-36 incl. Block P, Hibiscus Gardens to be changed from R-2 (duplex), R-4 (multi-family) and B (business) to PRS (professional & related services). Carl Kish, o'~er of Lots 9 and 10, now has a business on Lot 9 and proposes to enlarse it on Lot 10, and therefore objected. Mr. Jack Wolle, Planning Director, explained the reason for the reoommended change, whiCh would upgrade i~s use. Mr. John M. Weis, representing Mr. C. E. Koehl asked the Clerk to read a letter from tnem. The Clerk read the letter which stated that they have no objection to lots on Santa Rosa being rezoned to PRS but do object to lots on Court Street being rezoned from B (business) to PRS. Mr. Dana Johannes, architect, stated he was in favor of' tne PRS zoning particularly for portion fronting on Santa Rosa. Mr. Otho H. Smither objected to the rezoning of Blook 0 as he plans a business building on his property in tha~ Block. The Clerk reported also receiving a letter of objection from Mr. Smither, and then read a letter in favor from Robert W. Wilson, AttorneYI wnd another rrom Frank J. Muscarella, Jr.1 Attorney, objeoting to the recommendation. Commissioner Turner moved that in this partioular item that all of the property that is presently zoued R-2 and R-4 be rezoned to PRS and that part whioh is now B (business) remain as B (business). Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields ~d carried unan~mously. ITEM *6 was the recommenda~ion of the Planning & Zoning Board for changing fram M (manurac~uring) to E (business) ~he following property: Lots 6-16, incl., Mattison Square Sub.; Lots 15-26, incl., & vacated street, Plat of' Lot 2, R. H. Padgett's Sub~ (Pl. 4, pg. 41); the ~ 300 ft. MOL of Lot 3 and the W 300 ft. MOL of the N 150 ft. MOL of Lo~ 6, revised map or R. H. Padgett's Sub. (Pl. 4, pg. 32); Lots 14-18 inol., Mao Dixson's Sub. and Lots 1-6, incl., Block 1" Moase & Harrison Sub. Amos D. Lewis, owner of Lots 4 and 5~ Moase & Harrison Sub.1 Blk. 2, objected to odors from Gulf Maohinery Company foundry even ~hough his property was not involved in the proposed change. ; .'~' - .,: /.. "".,..,...,:.',.;, r;:~1~J-!~~~lt \.- ,., .,,,.,,,.,...>.-1'1['. "~~If:l~l~;~% ! ,. . '. >. . ...."''''.~''',.." ,:>':,":'-:::!.:;P:;,~V1~~:; , t)"~l~!~lr.~l!; '~~~:~.~~::~g_~g_na~.~~n~~_~~:~-~-~.=:_~ j-l~ ~ -2- CITY OO~nSSIVN MEETING . November 23, 1964 I (Captain MoClamma replaced Oaptain Lomax at this time.) Various residents in the surrounding area asked questions regarding the proposal. The City Attorney explained that the area was being upgraded by the request. Mr. Donald O. MoFarland, Attorney, representing the Gulf Machinery Company, and also Maok Hart, Hart Electric Inc., requested postponement, and asked the purpose of the change. Mr. Jack Wolle, City Planner, explained the purpose was to upgrade the area and prohibit M (manuraoturing) after the Gulf Machinery Company moved. Mr. McFarland stated that the Gulr Machinery Company had not oompleted moving, but when such moving is completed that the rezoning would hamper the sale of the property. Thererore, his two olients wished the M (manufaoturing) zoning to be retained. Charles Belcher, partner in .Gulr Machinery Company spoke in objeotion. ~ftke Thomas, owner of a welding machine Shop in the area, for building truok bodies, trailers, et cetera, said he could not expand his business ir the request was approved. Commissioner Fields moved to deny the request and refer it back ~o the Planning & Zoning Board ror discussion wi th the property owners. Motion lias seconded by Oonunissioner Smith and carried unanimOUSly. ITEM #7 was the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Board to ohange from M (Manufaoturing) to B (business) Lots 6-10, Block 5; Lots 8-14, Bloclc 6, all of Block 7, Lots 1-8, Block 12; Lots 10-18, and vaoated alley, Block 13; Lots 1-5, Block 19; Lots 6-10, Block 11, all or Elock 14, Lots 1-8, Block 17, all in Magnolia Park Sub.; Lots 9-16, Block 12, and Lots 1-9, Block 13, Court Square Sub.; Block 5, Wallace Sub.; Lots 12-17, Tack & Warren Sub.; all or Blocks 9, 10 and 15, Aiken Sub. It was suggested that ITEM 8 all of Block 8, and Lots 1-5, incl., Block 11, Magnolia Park Sub. be changed from M (manuracturing) to HB (heavy business), be considered with Item 7, as it was in the same area. The Clerk read letters of objection from H. H. Baskin, Sr., and st. Clair Equipment Company. ~~. Donald MoFarland, Attorney, representing Smith-Sweger Construction Company and R. M. Thompson, Jr., registered objections to the B (business) in Block 17, but indicated he had no objection to HB (heavy business) classirication. Mr. Milton Jones, Attorney, representing a Franklin Street rirm ravored rezoning ~o HB (heavy business) but not B (business). Mr. John Bonner, Attorney, representing City Fuel Oil Company or Clearwater, Inc., and others stated that their use is now M (manufacturing) with part or property under Item 7 and the rest under Item 8. He also expressed the opinion that the heavy business classification is not adequate between business and manufacturing. ~1r. Arthur Kruse, Ohairman o~ the Planning & Zoning Board, indicated opposition to manufacturing in the central business district and said that the Board was attempting to prohibit the expansion of mwaufacturing in the area. ~~. George McMullen, of the Seaboard Airline Railroad Company opposed the change. }1rs. Albert straner, owner of Lot 15, Block 13, spoke approving the change. Commissioner Turner moved to deny Items 7 and 8 and rerer them back to the Planning & Zoning Board. Motion was seo- onded by Oownissioner Fields and carried unanimously. ITE}l #9 was the recommendatlon of the Planning & Zoning Board for Lots 1-7, Blook G, Fairmont Sub., to be changed from R-~{ (multi-ramily with limited business) to R-2 (duplex). The City Attorney explained that Items 9, 10, and 11 are all to have zoning changed to what its use is now. There were no objections. Commissioner Insco moved having heard no valid objeotions ~hat the request be granted and that the change be included in the zoning ordinanoe to be prepared by the Legal Department reflecting this and other changes. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Sndth and carried unani- mously. ITEM #10 was the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Board for Lots 1-14,incl., and Lots 19-32, incl., Block A, Lots 1-14 incl., and Lots 19-32, incl., Elock B, and Lots 1-14, incl., and Lots 19-32, Block C, all in Greenwood Park Sub., to be changed from R-M (multi-family with limited business) to R-4 (mul~i-family). There were no objections. Oommissioner Smith moved having heard no valid objections that the request be granted and that the change be included in the zoning ordinance to be prepared by the Legal Department reflecting this change. Motion was seoonded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. ITEM *11 was the reeo~nendation of the Planning & Zoning Board to change rrom R-M (multi-ramily ,dth limited business) ~o R-4 (multi-family) the Collowing property: All of Blook 2, Lots 1-5, incl., and Lots 12-16, incl., Blo~c 3, Jackson Sub.o Lots 7-12, Block B, all of Blook C, Lots 1-5, incl., and Lots 12-16, incl., BioCk n. Lots 1-6, and Lots 17-29, incl., Lot 33 and the W 1/2 of Lot 31, Unnumbered Block, ~ll in Pa~ Park Sub.; Lots 6-15 incl., Greenwood Manor Sub. ~~. Solomon Rutledge opposed ~he rezoning. Oommissioner Smith moved to de~ the request and rerer i~ baok to the Planning & Zoning Board. Motion ~as seconded by Commissioner Insco ~d carried unani- mously. I \ :" , , I I . . I ! ! J .,", ! The City Manager reported that Items 12 and 13, recommendations of the Planning & Zoning Board, had been withdrawn: ITEM #12 - Amend Section 26-2, Definitions, by adding thereto definitions or the following: Planned Unit llevelopment--Residential Planned Unit Developmen~--Commeroial--Industrial or Combination ITEM #13 - Expanding the requirements and regulations for Planned Unit Developments and alloldng them as permitted uses in all Use Distriot Classifications, except MH (Mobile Home Park District) SC-A (Shopping Center--Neighborhood) and SC-B (Shopping Center--CommunitY)1 subjeot to certain requirements. ::~""""~~"'..,.~~" "',".....,- . ... "'~"'''''''''..~ III~:. . , ., 1 wlo. -__~.d>.... ..._ I_~ 1-' ~, 0 CITY COI�lISSION' MEETING November 23, 1964 The City Commission oP the City of Clearwater met in special session at the Ci.ty Hall, Mor�day, November 23, 1964 at 1:�U P.M., with the following member� present; RoUert L. Weatherly Cleveland Insco Herbert R. Fielrls Amas G. Smith Joseph K. Turner, Sr. Also present were: James It. Stewart FIerhert ?i. Brown Captain Lomax Mayor-Commissioner Comnu.ssioner Convnissioner Conim3.s si oner Commissioner Qity Manager City Attorney Represent�.ng Police Chief _ . ... ��� The riayor called the meeting to carder. The invocation was given by the City Attorney. The Aiayor announcec� that tllo pu�pose of the special meeting caas to hold a public hearing to coias•��er various zoning map changes and zoning ordinance changese IT�rt #1 was the request oP G. Patriek Iley ior Lots 1-6 1.nc1., Block G Hibiscus Gardens Sub., to be changed fro� R-2 (duplex) to R-4 (multi-family�. Mr. Iley explaine� his r°eques'� further and citecl that the adjacent nroperty is zoned R-4. Connie Jenkins, mepresenting hes mother, Jennie Muscarella, spoke in objeetion. The Clerk read a leiter of objection Yroni Franl� J. Muscarella, Jr., At`tozney. Commissioner Insco moved, havin�; heard nu valid o'�je�tions, that the request be grar.ted and that the ahange be included in a zoning ordinance to be prepared by the Legal Departmen�, re#'lecting tiv.s and other changea. riotion was seconded b� Commissioner Fie3ds and carried unanimo�zsly. ITETi #z was the request of Bertson, Inc., for Lots 20-27, incl., and Lots 66-68, inc1., Sunset Ridge Sub. Unit 1, to be changed from R-1E (single fa.mily) ta R-� (multi-fami.ly). rir. Prank C. Logan, Ottor.ne�, xe�resented the appliaant arid explained it was no� suitable z o: single family residenee, and tlierefore asl�ed Por the change tio R-4 to build apari;m�nts, so designed that �there would b� no ba�king onto Union Street, the pxo�erty would also have a-turnaround space, arld a sid�walk on Union Street. Robert 4. Reese, 2a88 N. Hi.ghland Avenue; :�irs, Donr�egan, (next door to Mr. Reese); Mr. Applefbrd, 2018 Plateau Road, and Mr. Wm. B. DiacLean sp�l�e in objection. Misa Jane Ranek, 2076 N. HighTand sp�oke in object,ion t� a 2 story bullding but c�.d not object to a duplex. Dir. A1 8ogers shacued a renditi�n ancZ spoke in favor•. The Clerk repo�ted a letter oP objection had beer. received from Jane Itanek. Commissioner Turner moved that the request be denied. bfotion was seconded by Commissianer Fields and carried unanimously. T7�EM �3 - The Clerk read a letter from �ir. William J. Castagna, Attorne�, with- drata3.ng the request of Rose Carol hiann for Lots 6, 7, 8, J, Resub of Block I9, Milton Park, to be changed from It-g (multi-famiily) to 3(business}. Gommissioner Turner vioved that the letter be reoeived and made a part of the record and withdrawal. be granted, M�tion c�as seconded by Qonunissione» Ir�sco and carried unanimously. ITEhi �4 was tha �e�uest of Dr. Richarcl �. Dugan for Lo�t �, Le�bo Sub., to be cliangecl from R-2L+' (si.ngle family) to R-� (multi-family) . Dr, Dugan espla7 ned that he had a contx•act to purchase the property :if granted, and presented an affidavit of support, with 11 signatures, which the Clerk read. He proposed to build a one story professional buildi.ng. There «�re no objections, Commissioner Insco moved, ha.ving heard no valid objections that the reqt.est be granted ancl that the s�.me be included in the zoning oidiziance to be pre�ared by the Legal Department reflecti�; this and other char�es. Niotion was secondecl 'hy ComnLi.ssiQner Turner and carried unanimou�ly. IT�M �5 ��as the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Board for all of Block 0, I,ois 1-8 iiicl. and Lots 16-36 incla Block P, IIiiaiscus Gardene to be changed froni R-2 (dxzplex), R-4 (multi-famil.y) ancl B(business) to PRS (professiona7. & related serJiezs). Carl �ish, owner of Lo�s 9 and lfl, now has a business on Lot 9 an�3 proposes to �nlarge it on Lot 10, and tlierefore objecterl. Air. Jar,k Wolle, Plannin� Director, explained the i•eason for the reconmienrlecl change, whi�h ;�ould upgrade its use. rfr. J'ohn ;L �aeis, representing Mr. C. E. I{oeh, asi�ed the Glerk to read a letter from them. The Cleri� i�ead the letter �ahich stated that they hav�e no objection �to lo�ts on Santa Rosa beuig rezoned ta P�S but do objec� to lots on Court 5treet being rezoned from B(business) to PRS. rir. Dana Johannes, archi.tect, stated he was in favor of the PRS zoning particularly fbr portion froiiting on Santa Rosa. Mro Ut$o Ii. Smi�her� objected to the rezonxng of Block 0 as he plans a Uusiness buildin� on l�is property in: tYia� Block. The Cleri� reported also reoeiving a letter of objoction f.rom i+ir. Smither, and then read a letter in favor i'rom Robert �si. Wilson, Attorney, and another from Franl� J. MuscareZla, Jr., �ttorney, objecting to iche recouunend�tion. Conunissionor Turner moved �hat in this �articular item tha.t all of the property that is presently zo�ed R-2 and R-4 be rezoned to PRS and that part sahich is iiow B(business) remain as B(business). Aiotion �aas secpnde4 by C4nunissioner Fields and carx�i.ecl unaniinously. J_TEM #6 �Jas the recommendation of tho Planning � Zonin� Board for changing from Ai (manufa+eturing) to B(busi2less) the follo�a�ing pr�perty; Lots 6-16, incle, biattison Square Sub.; I�ots 15-26, ina�l., �@ vacated street, Plat of Lot 2, R, Ha Padgett's Sub., (P1. 4, p�o 41); the W 300 ft, riOL of �,ot 3 and the 4� 300 ft. DI�I, of �h� N 150 ft, MOL of Lot 6, revised map of R. FI, Pad�ett's uub. (P1. 4, pg. 32); I,ots 14-18 incl., riac Dixson's Sub, and L�ts 1-6, incla, Block 1, rioase & fEarrison 3ub. A1ll09 D. Ze��.s, owner of Lots 4 ancl 5, rt�ase Rc IIarrison Sub., Blk. 2, objected to oc3ars from Gulf Maohinery Company foundry even though �is proporty was no� invoived .in the �roposed change. � I�� _2_ ,CiTY CODQffSSTON DIGETING November 23, 1964 (Captain PSaClamma replaced �aptail� Lomas at this time.) Various resideizts in the surrounding area asked questions regarding tlze propoaal. The Cit3* �ttorney explai�ned tl�at the area was 7seing upgraded by tlle request. Pir. Donald 0. TiaFarland, Attorney, representing the Gult' rtachinery Company, and also riacl� �Iart, iiart Electric Ina.y requested postponomezzt, and aslcod the purpose of tlxe change, rir. Jack �Jolle, City Planner, explained the pur�ose was to upgrade the area and prolii.bit M(manufact�u•ing) after the Guli Aiacfiinery Company moved. Mr. McFarland sta�ed that the Guli' Diachinery Company had not aompleted moving, but �alien such moving is eom�leted tlzat tl�e rezoizing �aould l�amper the sale of the property, Thorefore, his two clieizis taishad the M(manufaaturin�) zoning to ba retained. Charles Belaher, partner in :Gulf riacshinery Company spolze ln objection. rfilte Tliomas, owr►er of a weldiizg u�aclii.ne shop in the area, for buildi.ng truck bocliss, traiZers, et cetera, said he could not expand his business if the request was approved. Conun3ssioneY• Fields moved to 3eny the request and refer it back to the Planning � Zoning lioard for discussion ��rith the property oc,mers. riotion �aas seeonded by Conmiissioner SmitYi ancl carried wlanimously. IT�rf �`7 was the recoumiendation of the Plannin� & Zoning Board to cha.iigo froin �i (pianufacturing) to B(business) Lots 6-i0, Bloolc 5; Lots 8-14, Blocic �, all of Block 7, Lots 1-8, Block 12; Lots 10-13, and vacated alley, Block 13; Lots 3-5, Block 19; I,uts 6-10, Blocli Il, all of Biocic 14, Lots 1-8, �locl� 17, all in ASagnolia Park Sub,; Lots 9-15, �lock 12, ancl I,ots 1-9, Block 13, Cour� Square Sub.; Block 5, Wallace Sub�; Lots 12-17, Tack �e Warren Suba; all of Blocks 9, 10 and 15, Aiken Sub, It was sudgested that I`PEri 8 all of BZock 8, and Lots l-5, incl., Block 11, Magnolia Park Sub. be c�anged from rI {manufacturing) to HB (heavy business), be considered with Ite� 7, as it was in tl�e sa,�e area. The Clerk read letters of objoction from H. H. Baskin, Sr., and St. Clair Eqlxipment Company. Mr. Donald McFarlancl, Attorney, representing Smith-Sweger Construction Company and R. ri. Thompson, 3r., registered abjeetions to t�e $(business) i.�.l B1oci� 17, but inciicated he had. rn objection to HB (heavy business) classification. Afr. Piilton Jones, Attor7iey, representing a Franklin Street firm faaored re�aning to HB (heavy Uusineas) but not B(business). rlr. 3ohn Bonner, attorneg, representing City F`uel Oil Company of Clearwater, In�., anct others sta�sd that �heir use is now ii (mtanufacturing) wi.th part of property undei Item 7 and the rest under Item 8. He also expressad the o�inion that the heavy business classification is not adequate betc�een business and manufacturi.rtg. hir, Arthur Iiruse, Chairwan af the Planni.ng � Zoning Board, inclicated op�osition to manufaeturing in the eentral business distriet ancl said that the Boarcl was attea�pting �o prohibit tha expansion of manufacturing in the area. Mr, George Mc2�Sullen, of �he seaboard Airline Railroad Company o�potsed the ehange. Tirs. AlUert Straner, owner of Lot 15, Block 13, spoke approving the change. Cammissioner Turner xioved to deny Itens 7 ana 8 and refer them back to the Plann:ing � Zoning Board, Niotion ��as sec- onded by Connnissioner Fields and carr�.ed �.uzanimously. ITE.ri �`9 was the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning I3oard for Lots 1-7, Blocic G, Fairiuont Su'b., to be chaizged from It-At (multi-famil,y with limited busiiless) to �i-2 (duplex). The City Attorney egplained that Items 9, 10, and 11 are all to have zoning changed to �ahat its use is now. There were no oUjections. Commissioner Inseo moved havin�; heard no valid objeetions that the rsquest be granted and that tiie change Ue includecl in the zoning ordinafzce to be prepared by tl�e Legal Lepartment refleeting this ancl othei� changes. Motion was secoilded Ug Covunissioner Smith and carried un�.ni- mously. ITEyi �10 was iche recommendation of 1;he Planninb & Z�ning Board for I,ots 1-14,ix�cl., and Z,ots 19-3?, incl�, Block A, I,ots I-14 incl., and Lots 19-32, inel., Block B, and Lots 1-?4, incl., and Lots 19-32, Block C, all in Greenwood Pa,rk Sub., to be changed from R-M (multi-famil� �,�ith limited business) to R-� (multi-family). There were no objeetions. Commissioner Smith moved having heard no valid objections tlzat the request be granted anct that the ehange be ineludecZ in the zoning orcliizance to be y�repared by the Legal Department refleeting this change. Motion coas seconded. by Comnu.ssioner Fields and carried unanimously. ITEM �11 ��as t2ie recommendati�n of the Planning & Zoning Boar�l to change from R-2�i (multi-family �ai.th limited business) to R-4 (multi-family) the following property; All of Block 2, Lots l-5, incl., and Lots 12-16, incl., Bloclz 3, Jac2ison Sub.; I,ots r-12, B1nek B, all of Blocic G, Lots 1-5, incl., and Lots 12-16, incl., Bloek D; "�ots 1-6, and Lo�ts 17-29, inc7.., Lot 33 and the W 1�2 of Lot 31, Unnwnbered Blocl�, all in Palm Park Sub.; Lots 6-15 incl., Greenwood bianor Sub. rir. Solomon Rutledge opposecl the a�ezoning. Convnissioner Smith moved to deny tlze r�eques� and refer it back to the Plaaining & Zoning Boarci. M�tion was seconded by Commissioner inseo and carried unani- mously. The City Manager regorted that Items 12 and 13, recammenclati ons of tho Plann�.ng & Zoning Bowrd, had been withdra��n: ITE�i �12 - Amend Section 26-2, Definitions, by add�ng tliereto definitions of the following: Planned Unit Development--Ftesiclential Plann�d IInit Levelopment--Cominercial---Industriul or Combina,tion ITEb1 �1� - Expanding the requirements and regulations for Pla:nned IInit Developments and al� o�,*i.ng them as permittea uses in all Use District Classi�'ica�ions, eseel�� MII (Mobile ryIome Park District) SC-1 4Sha�ping Center--Neighborhood) ai1c1. SC-B (Shopping Center--.,ommunity), subject to certain requirements. _3,_ QITY CObII�SSION MEETING November 23, 1964 IT�rs �i� was the recoumiendation of the Planning & Zouino Board to amend Section 26-11 (11) pertairling to lot area and width reqizirements, allowable ex- ce��tions and exemptions, for the purpose of cla.rification th.ereof. Connnissioner Smitlz moved that the recluest be approved ancl tYiat the recommendation as submitted by the Pl.annin� & Zoniizg 13oard be includecl in an orclinance to be prepared and presented to tnis Board for further action. biotion �aas seconded by Commissioner Fielils ancl carried unanimously. ZTLT3 #15 was the recommen�lation oc the Planning & Zoning Board to amend Section ?•6-11 (7) Schedule of Lot and Building Regulations to establ�sh minimum �round floor builclin� area rec�uireinents for structures in R-4 (multi-family), R-hi �multi-family and limiteci business), PRS (Profeasional and Rel.ated Services) Use Districtse Convnissioner Smith movecl that the req�a:est be ap�roved and that the recommendation as submitted by the Planning & Zoning Board be included in the ordi- naiYce to be pre�ared and presented to this Baard for further action. Motion was secondecY by Gdnunissiotier Pields anc� carriecl unanimously. ITEht �16 ��as the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Boarcl to amena Secticn 26-5F Parkway Businest? District by changing the uses nermitted therein. Commissiouer 3mith moved that the request be approved and that the reco�unendation as submitted by the Planning � Zoning l3oarcl be includecl zn the ordinance to be prepared and presenteci to thi.s Board for further action. �io�tion �vas seconded by Couunissioner Turner and ca.rried unanimously. ConLmissioner In�co recommende�]l tliat the students ancl general public be urged to coaperate ixi stopping the def..acing of city property. Tlie City Attorney recoa�mended that zon�ng itetns Ue talked over wi�h i>he City Commission prior to finalizing and aclvertising. Tllere being no further business the meetin;; adjourned at 4:55 P.h1. Attest: .-/ ;/ i� �G �� :�.� i ,�* er - ! � . ��%� 1 y�: - _ or:mnn:ssianer 0 !l. / .� GITY CqNI�4ISSIQN MEETIAG ATovember 23, 1964 November 20, 196� Niayor and Members of City Commission City of Clearwa}er Clearwater, Florida Ger.t lemen : The City Commission will meet iri Special Sessiorl on Monday afternoon, November 23, 1961� a� 1:30 P.N1. in the City Hall Auditorium to hold a public hearing on Zoning Ordinance Amendments. Sincerely yours, /s� James R. Stewart City Manager � 0