08/24/1964 " ,"'" .... . ':. " :. ,-". ."', : ',r' ,~. '.. . .~' '.. ' '.' " " '" ,~,,,,,~,~, :\Ii -" , '. ' "'..., ;~~~~~'~~<J"~:'1:&~~t1h1!'f."'~""" ~~,:."l'" ','''' :;!r:':iW;~.:;,;~;\;',:;~\:;:~;; :,;.;,.,' ,,:")('i:~ .,:i;:";:;~;',,;,,!t;j,~:;>:},d~.~,, h;>;:.~'1(: ~~ ,':~*/\ ;:. \; , ., , ,;:::.; :i;:'~ ;~; CITY COMMISSION MEETING August 24, 1964- The City Commission or the City of Clear~ater met in special session at the City Hall, Monday, August 24, 1964 at 1:30 P.M., with the following members present: Robert L. Weatherly Mayor-Commissioner Cleveland Insco Commissioner Amos G. Smith Commissioner Joseph K. Turner, Sr. Commissioner Absent: Herbert R. Fields Also pre sent: James R. Stewart Herbert M. Brown Willis Booth Kenneth McCreary The Mayor called the meeting to order. Chief of Police. Commissioner Insco moved that Commissioner Fields be excused from this meeting because of being on vacation. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried unanimously. Commis sione r City Manager City Attorney Police Chief Finance Director The invocation was given by Willis Booth, The Mayor announced the public hearing on the budget for the fiscal year be- ginning October 1, 1964, and ending September 30, 1965. Judge Robert A. Freeze, appearing as a taxpayer asked if there were any funds in the new budget earmarked ~or the lighting of the P.A.L. ball fields at Ross Norton Park and was informed that nothing was allocated at this particular time. Judge Freeze stated that the P.A.L. Boosters organization was willing to help on the cost ot the lights and to pay any service charge or rental the City may have. Mr. C. A. Hysell, P.A.L. Boosters PreSident, stated his organization had raised $1,;00 of the total estimated cost of $9,;00 for the lights. He presented a letter from Mr. Earle W. Brown, Clearwater Hi~ School coach, and Mr. Hugh B. Kriever, Largo High School coach, on the value of the P.A.L. program, and a petition signed by 79 persons asking conSideration for a loan on the lights for the P.A.L. Judge Freeze stated if the City would assume the cost ot $7,000 he would be able to secure $1,000 additional. The Mayor recommended the City Manager be instructed to do everything pOSSible to find this amount of money in the surplus from this year's budget and regain some ot the money by rent charged and have an agreement to pay it back over a period of time. Mr. R. Bickerstaffe, Mr. Joe Schultz and others spoke in support of the request. Commissioner Smith moved to go along with the recommendation of the Mayor and instruct the City Manager and the Finance Department to ~ork with these people to see if there is not some way that we can come up with the estimated am.ount of $7,000 to go ahead' with this project without jeopardizing any other City funds in so doing. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried unanimously. Mr. Paul Kimball, a new resident, asked questions concerning the appropriation of part of the Publicity and Promotional Fund to the Greater Clearwater Chamber of Commerce. The Mayor explained that Section 87 o~ the City charter required a certain amount be assessed for publicity and promotion. Commissioner Insco moved that the act~on of the City Commission approving Resolution #64-120 on August 17 r 1964 be reconfirmed a.nd the budget as set out therein be adopted. Motion was secondea by Commissioner Turner and carried unanimously. There being no further business the m.eeting adjourned at 2:50 P.M. Attest: / ,: '<-F.,(/. r :' . I" ',~ ," . . . ,.~' . .' , 1. . ,: /~,~~.. ,~. , ,',' ;1~"~" ~~::l"""'~' rI:.trl\............1.'::;~h. .:':' ~~~- ~. ~.~\. h,""'q.'Jf~,,..t"olll!,,!(!n"i"^~...,~...,,~~to"'~"'~~H~...-n'7"~;m:~~~"\..':I~~ . '12-1> v". ., ::" .c:cc'1."::P':" ,I .' c,,', , ,<.J' C, '; ".,>,> '. ;';>':i.' , :': ,.:~ ',> : ,,'.:)'''' ; ":', , .~ ':" :..\;:;,:. '. ;' , '':')i . ::' '; "~:;~~ ':]),;: : ,:'>..;;: .'::"c.:> .:::~ \i';' .. , , : I.. " .'.,;. - (:.,>,:~;:;" .....,..~::(; 'i'J;~Jg; ;~;:/:~~;~:;{ f~: }1~':..j', . ,1 ~ i_ ' 1[\. :1':' !.:.~:: ~~; j;j(f;;1;~;f ,.[.~~~:> ~~~~~. "',I if; I" ,. r Gentlemen: Tne City 1:30 P.M. 'Budget. Sincerely yours, > :", ''''; ": c,r' ~''''C ':..; . '.f ..' '" ~r,!"~'~ft 0~iit , : , '.. "\, "'" .:~~ .:;: ..,t,n"j -~~w.'t)~:"~ ::'t'*l~>'" .',.~~ )I. ::t,;I!L: ",1~1: t.;t., :t,::-..,; " ,", .;!~,::,~....tft-:....<-.-l~.. .:',J/., !e~":~i.~;E~~~'~;\':: ~':'.~ "., ' '\:::, !' ",:\.".\' ,',' -.\i." ..'" F~, t;'~' ..~ "j~~/:r~:1~:..,~f"l, I ,," .....: ~>:'I~ .~. . " . '''':'", ;:, :) ,..' ::' ~,l,~r.:'I.,:: ,.,; :',:;~:{?.;';v:~. .,~,;;, '::":.."'!'; ~f~'t'~.:, .;,",~~,,;~,.)~i1~~~,~A . " I ~1~; ,)".. :1.,'0 l~ ~ ,1" ;.... "".. .~. ;:; , '>",.... ;m.}~ ~~i "i." .f :~~; ,,' ,~:- "!.!;'I <?;.-', ~"t::::iJ ~~};,.:).~~:. ,<J' '~. ~:~i~~;/::':,} :.5f~Oi~'~~ ..:,: '".~;~{~ t,"'.t" '''''.,. .~ p;t ..~ , f~ 1;i'<4: ,::,\ ". , .; { . , ,~ " , ~ .'. \~ ',.'f!' "I '. , \ J ',1 ~1 :~ ':1 ',~ ~ .. � CYTY COMMISSION I�IEETING August 24., 1961� Tha City Coinmission of the Ci�y of Clearwater met in special session at the Ci�y Hal],, Monday, August 2�., 1961� at L•30 P.M., witYc th� folZowing members present: Robert L. Weatherlp Gleveland Insco Amos Go Smith Joseph K. Turner, Sr. Absen�; Herbert R. Fzelds Also presen�: James R. Stewart Herbert M. Brown Willis Booth Kennetn McCreary Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commis sione r City Manager City Attorney Police Chiei Finance Directar �2 � The Mayor called the meeting to order, The invocation �aas given by Vtillis Booth, Chief of Poliae. Commzssioner Insco moved that C;ommissioner Fields be excused irom this mee�ing because of being on vacation. Pdotion was ssconded by Commisaioner Turner and carrzecF unanimously. The Mayor announced the public hearing on the bud�et for the fiscal year be- ginning Qctober 1, 196y., and ending Sept;ember 30, 19�5. Judge Hobert A, Freeze, appearing as a taxpayer asked if there were any funds in the nevr budget earmarked for the lighzing of the P.A.L. ba1l fields at Ross Nor�on Park and was informed that nothing was allocated at this particular time, Judge Freeze stated that the P.A.I,. Boosters organiza�ion was willing to help on the cost of the lights and to ���. any service charge or rental the City may have. Mr. C, A. Hpse11, P.A.L. Boosters President, stated his organization had raised ��,500 of �he total estimated cos'c of �9,5�a f'or the lights. He presented a let�er from Mr. Earle GT. Brown, Clearwater High School coach, and Mr. Hugh B. Kriever, Largo High School ooach, on the value of the P.A.I,. program, and a petitaon signed by 79 persons asking �onsideration for a loan on the lights for the P.A.L. Judge Freeze stat ed if the Citp w�u1d assume tize cos�c of �7,000 he would be able to secure �;1,000 a�lditional. The Mayor recommended the City Manag�r be instructed to do everytlzing possible to find �his amount of money in the surpl.us from this ye�r7s budget and regain some of the monep by rent charged and have an agreement to pay it back �ver a period of time. Mr. R. Biakerstaffe, Mr. Joe Schultz and others spoke in support of the request. Commis�ioner Smith moved ta go aloag with the recommendation of the Mayor and instruct the City Manager and the Fin2nce Department to work with these people to see if �here is no� some way that we can come up with �he estim.ated amoum o£ �7,�00 to go ahead with'this project without jeopardizing any other Gity funds in so doing. hiotion was seconded by Couunissioner Turner and carried unanimously. ' Mr. Paul Kimball, a new resident, asked Questions concerning the apgropriation �f part of the Publicity and Promotiona� F`und �o the Greater Clearwater Chamber of Gommerce, The Mayor explained that Section �7 of the Cit�' charter required a certain amount be assessed ior publicity and pr�motion. Commissianer Insco moved that the action of t he City Commission approviag Resolution �64-zao on August 17, 196l� be recon�irmed and the budget as set out therein be adopted. Metion was seconded by Goramissioner Turner anc3 carried unanimouslp. There bei,ng no £urther business �he mee�ing ad�aurned at 2:50 P.M. A�test : '�/ ,�' ` r ��"� i ity,�� er � L ����a�'� -'�F Mayor-Commissioner ,� �� .�' "� � , � �� fi �„ CTTY COMI�IISSION MEETIPIG August z4, 196�. Aupus� 20, 1964. Hqnorable Mayor and Members of Gity Commission City of Clearvaater Clearwater, Florida Gentl.emen: The City Commission will meet in Special Session on Monday, August 24, 1961� at 1:30 P,M. in the City Hall Auditoriwn to hold a public hsaring on the 19b4-65 Budget. Sincerely yours, Jame� R. Stewart City Manaoer PETITION We Lhe undersigned, feel that our "Police Athletic League�� program is deserving af aZl righ�s and considerations that you may bestow on us (concerning) �he I.oan for our lights. Signed by 79 persons � �� � ��:� , � ' ,-:--. .,\ � .' �