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September 17, 1963
The City Commission or the City o~ Clearwater met in special session at
the City Hall, Tuesday, September 17, 196) at 1:30 P.M., with the following
members present:
Robert L. Weatherly
Herbert R. Fields
Amos G. Smith
Joseph K. Turner, Sr.
Cleveland Insco
Also present were:
James R. Stewart
Herbert M. Brown
Willis Booth
Max Battle City Engineer
City Manager
City Attorney
Police Chief
The Mayor called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by the
City Attorney.
The Mayor announced that the purpose o~ the meeting was a public hearing
on the 1963-64 budget. Mrs. T. H. Heaton, 607 Oak Ave., asked various questions
regarding the budget. Mr. A. D. Finch, Attorney, objected to the budget and the
resultant millage. He spoke o~ the increased cigarette tax and the increase o!
real estate assessments, and suggested reducing the millage for special improve-
ment projects and for the Pension Fund. He expressed the belie! that taxes could
be reduced from last year's rate by one mill instead of adding one mill. Mr.
Leonard C. Merrell spoke in objection to the Publicity and Promotion budget par-
ticularly relating to the Chamber o~ Commerce. The Mayor stated that the Charter
specified the millage for Publicity and Promotion. Commissioner Turner moved
after hearing no valid objections that the action taken in approving Resolution
#63-103 on September 13, 1963 be reconfirmed and the budget as set out therein be
adopted. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried unanimously.
In response to Commissioner Smith's request, the Mayor read certain Sections
of the Special Act creating the Fension Fund and its later amendments, with par-
ticular emphasis on Section 3 relating to the monies constituting the Pension Fund.
The City Commission no~ adjourned as the City Commission and Acting as Trus-
tees of the Pension Fund heard the City Attorney report that the City had increased
their contribution to the Pension Fund from 4 to 6% and that action should be taken
to increase the rate the same Cor the employee's contributions. Commissioner Fields
moved that the contributions oC the City employees participating in the Pension Plan
be increased from 4 to 6% to match the City's contributions and this to commence on
the pay period beginning October 5th, 1963 and continue until further action by the
Trustees or Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried unan-
The Mayor asked that the record show that the Legal Department be instructed
to prepare the Ordinance requiring the annual actuarial study.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 3:10 P.M.
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j:~~;~i:, :::.':,\"~"~;,}~;:~X1;}S:~::(2t:,{:;'H,onorable Mayor and Members of City Commission ' ;~: ':~:i,~~{
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:J., The City Commission will meet in Special Session. on Tuesday! September'}?,..", ::;
'."1963 at 1:30 P.M. in the City Hall Auditor1unl to hold a pub 1c hear1ng:on.~~>"\;:
:the 1963-64 Budget. " , ,. ',.' , ' '", : '<:;.
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September 17, 19�3
The City Commission o:£ the Gity af Clearwa�er met in special session at
the City Hall, Tuesday, September 1'], �g63 aw 1.3c� P.M., with the folTowing
members presen't:
Robert }�. Weatherly Mayor-Commissioner
Herbert R. Fie�ds Commissioner
Araos G« Smi�h Commissioner
Joseph K. Turner, Sr. Cpmmissioner
Cleveland Insco
Atso present tvere:
James R, Stewart
Herbert M. Brown
Willis Booth
Max Battla
The Mayor called the meeting to order,
Czty Attarney,
City Manager
City Attarney
Police Chief
City Engineer
The invocation was given by the
The Mayor announced that the burpose of the meeting v�as a public hearing
on the 1963-6�. budget. rr�rs. T. H.�Heaton, 607 Oak Avee, asked various questions
re�arding �he budget. �Ir. A. D. F'inch, Attorney, objected ta the budget and the
resultant mil,lage. Hn spoke cf the increased cigarette tax and the increase of
real e'state assessments, and suggeste3 �educing the millage for special improve-
ment projects and �or the Pension Fund, He exgressed the belief that taxes couid
b� reduced from last yearts rate by one mi11 instead of adding one mill. Mr.
Leonard C. Merrell spoke in objection to the Fublicity and Promotion budg�t par-
ticuZarly rel:�ting to the Chamber of Comme.rce. The rdayor s�ated that the Charter
gp���.�zea tn� mzllage fcr Publicity and Promotion. Gommissioner Turner moved
a�ter hearing no valid objections �hat the action taken in approving Re�olution
�63-103 on September 13, 1963 be reconfirmed and �he budget as set ou� therein be
adopted. Motion was seconded by Commzssioner Smith and carried unanimously.
Tn resgonse to Cammissioner Smithfs request, the PQayor read cert3in Sections
of the Special Act creating the Pension Fund and lts later amendments, with par-
tzcular emphasis on Section 3 re3�atin� t�o the monies constituting �he Pension Fund.
The Gity Commission now adjourned as the City Commission and Act�ng as Trus-
tees of the Pension Fnnd heard the City �ttorney report tixat ihe City had increased
their cont�ibution to the Pension Fund from 4 to 6� and that ac4ion should be taken
ta increase the rate the same for the smployee�s contributions, Commissioner Fields
moved that the contributions of the City employees participating in the Pension PZan
be increased from 4 to 6J to match the Cityts con�ributions and this to commence on
the pay period beginning October 5th, Z963 and continue untiZ further action by the
Trustees or� Commission. NIotion was seconded bp Gommissioner Smzth and carried nnan-
Th� h2ayor asked that the recc+rd show that the Zegal Department be instructed
to prepare the Ordinanae requiring the annual actuarial studp.
There being no further business the meeting adJourneci at 3:10 P.M.
� � .���
G' Clerk
Septemiaer l�, 1963
September 16, 1963
. F�onorable Mayor and Member5 of City Commiss�on
City o.f Clearwater
Clearwater, Florida
The Ci�p Commission will meet in Special Session on Tuesday, Septeniber 17,
1963 at 1:30 P.M. in the City Hall Auc4itorium �o haZci a public hearing on
. the 1963-64 Budget.
Sincerely yours,
James Steivart
City hSanager