July 17, 1963
_._-~-~.-.- ....---
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at the
City Hall, Wednesday, Ju1yD, 1963 at 11:00 A.M. with the following members present:
Robert L. Weatherly
Cleveland Insco
Amos G. Smi th
Joseph K. Turner, Sr.
Commis sioner
Commis sioner
Cornmis sioner
Herbert R. Fields
Cornmis sioner
Also present were:
James R. Stewart
Herbert M. Brown
Willis Booth
Donald Beachler
Ci ty Manager
City Attorney
Police Chief
Representing City Engineer
The Mayor called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by the City
The City Manager reported receiving an advertisement for bids for property
to lease to the Post Office Department for improved Clearwater Beach postal facil-
ities. He recommended that part of the Marina Building occupied by the Sea Orama
and relocating the Sea Orama to another suitable location. The terms of the ad-
vertisement for bids stated that the Post Office wishes to lease facilities for
a basic period of 10 years with four 5-year renewal options, with the bidder to
make improvements as requested by the Post Office Department. He stated that
bids must be submitted postmarked no later than midnight July 17 and requested
authorization to submit a bid. Commissioner Turner moved that the City Manager
proceed with a proposal to the United States of America for establishing a Post
Office in the Marina facility as outlined in his report and the proper City
officials be authorized to execute the agreement to lease, and that it be post-
marked prior to the deadline, midnight, this date, July 17, 1963. Motion was
seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried unanimOUSly.
The City Manager requested permission to be a~ay from the City for a short
vacation from Friday, July 19th, 1963 to lJuly 29th, 1963. Commissioner Turner
moved to grant the request and that Mr. Gerald B. Weimer be appointed Acting City
Manager during the City Manager's absence. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Insco and carried unanimously.
The City Attorney reported that the necessary material from the validation
proceedings of the City Hall Revenue Certificate issue had been received and was
being forwarded to the New York Bond At~orney. with the sale of the certificates
scheduled for ~he 6th of August, 1963 a~ 2 P.M.
Commissioner Insco moved that members of the Commission be granted permission
to attend the American Municipal Association meeting at Houston, Texas. August 10th
through the 14th, 1963. Motion was seconded by Conmissioner Turner and carried
unanimous ly .
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 11:20 A.M.
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July 17, 1963
rhe City Commission of the City of Glearwater met in s�ecial session at the
City Hall, Wednesday, July 17, 1963 at ll:OQ A,M, with the followino members present:
Robert L, Weatherly Mayor-Commissioner
Cleveland Insco Commissioner
Amos G, Smith Commissioner
Joseph K. T.urner, Sr, Commissioner
Herbert R. Fields
.Also present were:
James R, Stewart
Herbert M, Srown
Willis Booth
Donald Beachler
The Mayor called the meeting ta order.
City Managzr
City Attorney
Pol.ice Chief
Representing City Engineer
The invocation was given by the City
The City Manager reported receiving an advertisement for bids for property
to lease to the Post Offine Department for improved Clearwater Beach postal facii-
ities, He recommended that part of the Marina Building occupied by the Sea Orama
and relocating the Sea Orama to another suitable location. The terms of the ad-
vertisement for bids stated that the Post Office wishes to lease facilities for
a basic period of 10 years with feur 5-year renewal options, with the bidder to
ma.ke improvements as requested by the Post Office Department, He stated that
bids must be submitted postmarked no later than midnight July 17 and requested
authorization to submit a bid. Commissioner Turner moved that the City Manager
proceed with a proposal to the United States of America for establishing a Post
Office in the Marina facility as outlined in his report and the orope.r City
officials be authorized •to execute the agreement to lease, and that it be post-
marked prior to the deadline, midni�ht, this date, July 17, 1963, Motion was
seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried unanimously.
The City Manager requested permission to be away from the City for a short
vacation from Friday, July 19th, 1963 ta July 29th, 1963. Commissioner Turner
moved to grant the request and that Mr. Gerald B. Weimer be appointed Acting City
Manager during the City Manager's absence, I�Iotion was seconded by Commissioner
Insco and carried unanimously.
The City Attorney reported that the necessary material from the valiaation
proceedings of the City Hall Revenue C�rtificate issue had been r�ceived and was
being forwarded to the New York Bond Attorney, with the sale of the certificates
scheduled for the 6th of Augu�t, 1963 at 2 P,M.
Commissioner Insco moved that members of the Commission be granted permission
to attend the Amer.ican Municipal Association meeting at Houston, Texas, August lOth
through the 14th, 1963. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried
There being na further business the meeting adjourned at 11;20 A.M.
Attest: M or-'ommissione
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Cit ler
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July 17, 1963
The undersigned City Cor.lmissioners of the City of Clearwater, Florida, hereby
waive notice of a special mePting of the Commission to be held at ll o'clock,
A.M. , or as soon thereafter as the meeting can be convened, on the 17th
day of July , 1963.
/s/ Robert L. Weatherly
Mayor- ommissaoner
/s/ Cleveland Insco Jr.
/s/ Araos G. Smith
/s/ Joe Turner, Sr.
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