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June 21, 1963
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at the City
Hall, Friday, June 21, 1963 at 9:20 A.M. with the following members present:
Robert L. Weatherly
Herbert R. Fields
Amos G. Smi th
Joseph K. Turner, Sr.
Cleveland Insco
Also present were:
James R. Stewart
Herbert M. Brown
Max Battle
Capt. Premru
City Manager
City Attorney
City Engineer
Representing Police Chief
The Mayor called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by the City Attorney.
The .Mayor announced that the purpose of the meetin~ was to present an amended lease
on the Airpark submitted by the Clearwater Flying Company, and that the Federal Aviation
Authority had agreed to a delay, until noon of this date, for notification that applica-
tion for Federal Funds would be filed. He also announced that the court had ruled that
the present lease was legal and valid. Mr. William Goetz, Mr. Rene Crouch, Mr. Sidney
Knight and Mr. \oJi lliam L. Gray spoke in opposition to the proposed changes. Mr. John
Williams, Aviation Committee Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce stated that it was not
a question as to whether the AirparJ< will remain or not, but whether improvements pro-
posed by the Federal Aviation Authority would be made. Mr. Charles Ware, Attorney, stated
that the Airpark would remain second class without the improvements through Federal Funds
which would go to another City if Clearwater did not accept the proposal. Dr. T. H. Monnier
representing the Junior Chamber of Commerce, also spoke in favor of the proposed Airpark
improvements. Commissioner Turner stated that the Commission had voted in April not to
accept Federal Funds at this time and therefore moved that the Commission reaffirm their
stand not to accept Federal Funds for improvements to the Airpark at this time and that
the City Manager be authorized and instructed to Botify the Federal Aviation Authority
officials in Miami to that effect. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields.
Upon the vote being ta}~en Commissioners Turner, Fields and Smi th voted "Aye". t1ayor
Weatherly voted '!No". Notion carried.
The Mayor stated that the Airport matter had been brought up again based on a new
document presented by the Clearwater Flyinr. Company, whereby more public lands would be
released to the City and suggested the possibility of a golf course on the released land
to give a further buffer strip between the residential area and the Airpark.
The Mayor announced that he had been requested to appoint a committee to coordinate
a bell ringing on July 4th at I o'clock to sound the "Bells of Freedom". He recommended
the following committee: Willis Booth, Clearwater Chief of Police, as Chairman: Dr.
Robert E. Coleman; Rev. O. E. Burton; Rev. E. Armster; Mr. James Beardsley of the
Clearwater Sun; Mr. Frank Reid of WTAN; Mr. Gene Allen Robinson of WAZE; Mr. Thomas
Scott, President of the Junior Chamber of Commerce; Mr. Bobby Kinder, American Legion
Commander and Mr. W. W. Blackburn, President of the Chamber of Commerce. Commissioner
Turner moved to approve the appointment of the Committee, recommended by the Mayor.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimOUSly.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:20 A.M.
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June 21� 1963
The Ci�ty Commissi:on of the City of Glearwater met in special session at the City
Hall� Friday, June 217 1963 at 9;20 A.M, with the f�'�owing members presents
Robert L. Weatherly IKayor-Commissioner
Herbert R. Fields Commissioner
Amos G. Smith Commissioner
Joseph K. Turner, Sr, Commissioner
At�sent •
Cleveland Insco
Also present were:
James R. Stewart City Manager
Herbert M. Brcom Cit;� Attorney
Max Battle City Engineer
Cap�. Premru Representing Police Chi��f
The Mayor cal�.ed the meeting to order. The irvocation was given by the Git� Attorney.
The Mayor announced that the purpose of the meeting was to present an amended lease
on the Airpark submitted by the Clearwater Flying Company� and that the Pederal Aviation
Authority had agreed to a delay, until noon of this date, for notification that applica-
tion for Federal Funds would be filed. He also announced that the court had ruled that
the present ?ease was legal and valid, i+Ir. 47illiam Goetz, Mr. Rer.e Crouch, Mr. Sidney
Knight and Mr. William L. Gray spoke in opposition to the proposed changes. Mr. Jchn
Williams, Aviation Committee Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce stated that it was not
a question as to whether the Airparlc will remain or not, but whether imDrovements prn-
posed by the Federal Aviation Authority t•�ould be made, Mr. Charles t•lare, Attorney, stated
that the Airpark would remain second class wi:thout the improvements through Federal Funds
whieh would go to anothes City if. Clearwater did not accept the proposal. Dr. T. H. Mon�ier
representing the Junior Chamber of Commez�ce, also spoke in favor of the nroposed Airpark
improvements, Commissioner Turner stated that the Commission had voted in April not to
accept Federal Funds at this time and therefore moved that the Commission reaffirm their
stand not to accept Federal Fiznds for improvPments to the Airpark at this time and thai
the City Manage� b� authorized and instructed to notify the Federal Aviation Atathority
officials in Miami to that effect, Metion 4ras secon�3ed by Commissioner Fields.
Upon the vote being taken Commissioners Turner, Fields and Smith voted "Aye". Mayor
Weatherly voted "No". Atotion carried,
The Mayor stated that the Airport matter had been brought u� again based on a new
document presented by the Clearwater Flying Company, whereby more public lands would be
release3 to the City and suggested the possibility of a golf course on the released land
to give a further buffer stri� between the residential area and the Airpark.
The Mayor announced that he had been requested to ap�oint a eqmmittee to coordinate
a bell ringing on July Rth at �. o'clock to sound the "Bells of Frezdom". He recommended
the following committee: Willis Booth, Clearwater Ghief of Police, as Chairman; Dr.
Robert E. Coleman; Rev. 0. E, Burton; Rev. E, Armster; Mr. James Beardsley of tne
Clearwater Sun; Mr. Frank Reid of WTATJ; i�Ir, Gene Allen Robinson of WAZE; Mr. Thomas
Scott, President of the Junior Chamber of Commerce; Mr. Bobby Kinder, American Legion
Commander and Mr, W, t9. Blackburn, Preszdent of the Chamber of Cnmmerce. Commissioner
Turner moved to approve the appointment of the Committee, recommended by the Mayor.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carriad unanimously.
There bein� no further business the me'eting adjourned at 10:20 A.M.
Ci C er
M yor-Commissione
�;,, ~ � ��:,
June 21, 1963
17une 2 0, 19 6 3
Honorable Mayor and Members of l'.ity Commission
Citv of Clearwater
Clearwater� Florida
hiayer Robert L. Weatherly has called a sgecial meetin� of tlle City Commission
at 9:00 A.M. Friday, June 21, 1963 in the City Hall Auditorium, to discuss
proposed amendment to Airnark lease,
Sincerely yours,
/s/ James R. Stewart
City Manager
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