06/07/1963 . ~ " '. I "'~{.m;:;~~J~lz:~~~~~:':,:.~~~\,i\',:;,.',._',~',',,,:,','," '.:~~';: :,: . .'.t;~ .;':. 'j'~";'.:~;'...", ';:,':;,f; .; p:..IU..'I'"~..l~ ~ ~ :.' .,;.. ..._h .....W.;.......j,..:....,....:~.;.-l.:....,l..........It.~~........\...oI'",._. '_",~ :".;:......,..,,' / f3 .,:.'..:: ~' ": ~>..;<'f::;.~!?r~ i....I.:~,'.,.>~.T.:.... .' ' ........:..,.~&~;;;i:;;~~;,::;'~F~:~ I · ,_:...:.:....:,;..;,.[:.;:...'~~..:,..;.."" .. , .-:.f.~I~:,...~;:..-::~~..,,:f,,:;,f,":lI'~"'t dh..,I'J.~..... ,v... .~. ....4 ~'. 1 i . I ", CITY COMMISSION MEeTING June 7. 1963 1he City Commission of the City of Clearwater m~t in special session at the City Hall. Friday. June 7, 1963 at 10:00 A.M. with the following members present: f ~' j ~ Robert L. Weatherly Herbert R. Fields Amos G. Srni th Joseph K. Turner, Sr. Hayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Absent: Cleveland Insco Commissioner Also present were: James R. . Stewart Herbert M. Brown Max Battle Willis Booth City Manager City Attorney City Engineer Police Chief The Mayor called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by Chief Booth. The Mayor announced the first item on the agenda was to consider a request from the New York World's Fair Committee for funds. Mr. Byron Shouppe, Chairman of the Committee, spoke stating that the County Commission had appropriated $60,000. providing St. Petersburg gave $60,000 and Clearwater $30,000. He stated there was no opposition at the County meet- ing or the St. Petersburg meetinp,. Hr. Wallace Blackburn, President of the Chamber of Commerce stated there was a resolution passed by the Board of Governors of the Chamber of Commerce, with only two dissenting votes, which endorsed the request that Clearwater appro- priate $30,000 over the next two or three fiscal years, which would be over and above the amount of the Chamber of Commerce budget, and he requested the funds be appropriated. The City Attorney reported that the Charter required an annual tax levy of not less than 1/10 of 1% on all taxable property within the City limits for publicity purposes, but recommended that if the Fair Committee's request is granted, the monies should go to the Chamber of Commerce for them to expend it in the direction indicated. The Mayor read a telegram re- ceived from Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Heaton, 607 Oak Ave., in opposition to the request for funds, and a letter with a counter-proposal was received from Sidney Knight. Mr. James C. Pidgeon, 1236 Wellirlgton Dr.; 11r. Leonard Merrell. representing Clearwater Resort Association; Mr. Leon Whitehurst, Attorney; Mr. James Novotny and Hr. Sidney Knight, a potential resident, spoke in opposition to the request as presented. Mr. Joseph Cornelius, President of the Bank or elearwater, Mr. John Lake, representing the St. Petersburg Times and Evening Independent, and Mr. Dudley Jewel, representing the St. Petersburp, Chamber of Commerce spoke in favor of the request. The Mayor criticized the attitude of some of the motel operators. Commissioner Smith moved that the request as presented be rejected as the pro- ject is directed to a limited number of our citizens. Motion was seconded by Commissioner FieldS and carried unanimOUSly. The ~layor suggested that the Commission consider a $5,000 or $6,000 appropriation now with the balance of $14,000 or $15,000 over the next two years to come out of Chamber of Commerce funds, making a maximum appropriation for this purpose of no more than $20,000. Commissioner Turner suggested a meetinE of the Commission with the Executive Committee and the Advertising Committee of the Chamber of Commerce. The Hayor spoke about the racial policy of the City and stated that riots and other trouble would not be condoned. He recommended a liaison committee to work with the Better Relations Committee and the City Commission and recommended for membership on the Liaison Committee: Mr. Lloyd Phillips, Attorney, as Chairman; Mr. Wallace Blackburn, President of the Chamber of Commerce; Mr. Ezra Bobo, representing the Merchant's Division of the Chamber of Commerce; Dr. T. H. l'lonnier. Jr. Chamber of Commerce and Hr. Arthur Kruse, Resort Association. They are to make a "voluntary attempt" to curb any racial tensions. He also complimented the Better Relations Committee for their past actions. Commissioner Fields moved that the Liaison Committee members be appointed as recommended by the Mayor. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried unanimOUSly. Resolution #63-5~Awas presented authorizing condemnation proceedings to obtain per- manent and temporary easements for sanitary sewer line over land belonging to Charles R. Anderson, located along the south boundary of Lots 13, 14, & 15, Brown's Subd. of Bay View. Commissioner Turner moved that Resolution #63-59Abe adopted and that the appro- priate officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner FieldS and carried unanimous ly. ' Resolution #63-60 was presented authorizing condemnation proceedings to obtain per- manent and temporary easements for sanitary sewer line over land belonging to Barbour N. Thornton located along the south boundary of Lot 16, Wm. Brown's Subd. of Bay View. Commissioner Turner moved that Resolution #63-60 be adopted and the appropriate officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanirnously. Resolution #63-61 was presented authorizing condemnation proceedings to obtain per- manent and temporary easements for sanitary sewer line over land belonging to Rudolph Jacobson, located along the south boundary of Lot 11, Wm. Brown's Subd. of Bay View. Commissioner Fields moved that Resolution #63-61 be adopted and the appropriate officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried unan- imously. Resolution #63-62 was presented authorizing condemnation proceedings to obtain per- manent and temporary easements for sanitary sewer line over land belonging to Metz & White, Inc. located in the SW 1/4 of Sec. 19-29-16. Commissioner Turner moved that Resolution #63-62 be adopted and that the appropriate officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimOUSly. .........1 --....... > .. ot } ~', : "";,ti',',,,,,,,,t', I ,:I~jl!ll,'~ ~;;g . P\~~, '~ ~~~ \, ;:;}~ Kl . . . .. J ". . ".,. , '. ~~.'t . ~,' ..~i"t;'.' ~ '. . 1 '.. ~tJ~;J~~~'\!~;t(.;~~. .It'. '9....:~.... ...~ im.~ ,". .~"'~. . ~ ~~i'?M. ',~"l.1i.~I;,.'~...:t;.. . .' 1\.1~~'tt9i ~~)~~~~AJf~L;j!~~\~f~," '''!'>i''L~'''!I~rH ,~,p, ~ ~~ ""J.;~""".,., ~~~~~';""'~;-;:'')':'',S,: t"'j;i;\k'~~ili;i,1giil1f&O"";':~"iJi:~~..~~~~~~ikf~~:a~;ii~Ji~~Jii~~\~^.i 2. CITY COMMISSION MEETING June 7, 1963 Resolution #63-63 was presented authorizing condemnation proceedings for utility easement of the W 5 feet of Lot 1, Blk 27, Mandalay Subd. on land belonging to Elmer W. Crouch. Commissioner Turner moved that Resolution #63-63 be adopted and that the appro- priate officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The City Manager commended the people who gave easements to the City for installation of the sanitary sewer line in connection with the Clearwater East project and recommended a vote of thanks and recognition by the Commission. The Mayor recommended that Resolution #63-64 be prepared and adopted to thank each individual property owner who donated an easement and a copy of such be sent to each owner. Corrunissioner Turner so moved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The City Attorney stated that the property owners involved in the condemnation pro- ceedings will all be served with a copy of the resolution which is full notice of action taken by the City prior to court action being filed and they will be given an opportunity to make final settlement with the City if they so desire. The City Manager announced that June 17 was the regular date for the next Commission meeting, but a short course for Mayors, City Commissioners and City Attorneys would be held on June 16 through 18, and therefore recommended the next City Commission meeting be held Tuesday June 25, 1963. Commissioner Turner moved that the City Commission meeting of June 17 be cancelled and the meeting be held Tuesday, June 25th. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. Commissioner Smith moved that the expenses of the Commission be paid to attend the short course. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The City Manager stated that the Legislature had passed a special act authorizing the City Commission to make zoning changes after due public hearings, et cetera. He sug- gested quarterly meetings for this purpose, recommending that the Commission instruct the Legal Dept. and the Zoning and Planning Board in setting up the proce~dure to take note that the Commission would not hold public hearings at each meeting. Commissioner Smith moved to approve the recommendation and request the Legal Dept. and the Zoning and Planning Board to give the Commission their recommendations. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried unanimously, ' There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 12:15 P.M. Attest: ~- .,' ~ cf# er \ ,...,.....~.. \o"'~.~-''r''''~';l"~.''''f.')t''''I:'''';''IlWN';'~,;~\,,,,'.:.t.~.,','i:' "~'..J.....}! ,..;-,.._~_~!....;~\~~k~:",~',':-'/r ......H ,." . .'. . 1 . ~~ ...,: """':"., '., ,.' _ " ~ .j.-:~~.\_, ,.' . . .... ;,"", :;~":":' . ',. '....v......;tt'::....~ 01 , '.. ","~:~"" ~, ~~~t~y~l.tl{J~r,\~~~~fi~~~j~~'~i.{:"r~;~~~~:~:~~i~;1::' :'h~:;?':/.*~~~ri';~~;'l.~}~"~a~f;:1:' ::lt~,7.~~'~,~J.~. '~'~~~.S;:'""../Y'e\~n~~:/f~J.ft;t~~1~"I,.~"~~;t~~~~~~t\~~ f srt12~~~. ,.::m.~: .,', ~::.1:~::LS~i1t:;;i~'~i~:,":~1~~'~::!~:~~~~:;i,~~,.i:~::~~dL~~~~~~:~;~1;~~g:~~~~~:!.~8:j:1~~~Jji~J~~&~; ,'..'..., CITY COMMISSION MEETING June 7, 1963 -----------------------------------------------------------------------~---------- June 6, 1963 Honorable Mayor and Members of City Commission City of Clearwater Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: The City Commission will meet in Special Session on Friday, June 7, 1963 at 10:00 A.M. in the City Hall Auditorium for the purpose of considering the following items: 1. Request of World's Fair Committee for funds. 2. Recommendations regarding Condemnation - properties for Clearwater East Sanitary Sewer. 3. Such other business as may be presented. Sincerely yours, Is/ James R. Stewart City Manager ---------------------------------~-------------------------------------------------- WESTERN UNION TELEGRAI1 1963 June 7 AM 8 13 Mayor Weatherly and City Commission City Hall DLR Before 10 AM Clearwater FLO Why should Clearwater and St. Petersburg be singled out to pay Worlds Fair. We give the Chamber a fortune every year. We Pay and now we're asked to pay a third assessment for this booth. amount from allotment to the Chamber or turn it down cold. for Pinellas Booth at ta~es to the County Lets deduct this : ,- Gentlemen: Re: Proposal for Contribution of $30.000 for New York World's Fair E~hibit It may be helpful to the Commissioners if there is provided a summary presentation of other views regarding the proposal for a Contribution of $30,000 for a New York World's Fair Exhibi t. Accordingly a constructive counter-p~oposal is outlined below with reasons supporting it, for consideration of the Commissioners. Following this, the reasons against contribution to the World's Fair E~hibit are summarized. COUNTER-PROPOSAL If the Clty Commissioners believe there is money available $10,000, $20,000 or $30,000 for additional promotional activities in the next two years, it is suggested that such" moneys be assigned and used for additional newspaper advertising to promote the coming of summer tourists to Clearwater in 1964 and 1965. . Reasons for Counter-Proposal 1. There will be a real need for additional tourist promotion in 1964 and 1965. The competitive counter-attraction of the New York World's Fair with its highly publicized special eXhibits (General Motors dia~ama, etc.) will inevitably take away some potential summer tourist business from Clearwater. 2. To meet this competition, additional promotion is needed. It should be directed at those specific geographic area sources of summer tourists where its influence will be most effective in causing visitors to decide to come south to Sparkling Clearwater. 3. The most effective medium should be used. It is suggested for example that the travel sections of the large city Sunday newspapers would serve to inform and persuade an already interested and attentive public about Clearwater facilities and their attractiveness. Reasons against Contribution to New York World's Fair E~hibit 1. This promotional exhibit will not help Clearwater to regain in 1964 and 1965 the summer tourist business lost to the New York Fair. 2. Any long-term promotion value of the Fair Exhibit to Clearwater in increased tour~sts and new retirement residents in }966 and beyond is of doubtful need. ,The ,growth ,of Clearwater is already the fastest in the State of Florida. The Comprehensive ,',!Pl,an estimates for urban Clearwater a population of 130,000 by 1980. T6 force this', :,gr~th 'still further will jeopardize the sound future of the City. Mr. and Mrs. H T Heaton 607 Oak Ave Clearwater Flo ------------------------------~-------------------------------------------------------- The Honorable Robert L. Weatherly, Mayor Cleveland Insco, Jr., Commissioner Herbert R. Fields, Commissioner JoseDh K. Turner Amos'G. Smith, Commissioner 1818 N. Fort Harrison Clearwater June 6, 1963 . -,. :' : . . (contin ued,)/,;\'f~t;~;~1111 <',1 ':', .',01"";" .:; .." .>" t,':: ~''':.'\'' ,_l '; :.:':,'*'~""!:...(l'~.'r.a::O..~....~t' ~) .;"'-",.-...<..,,,.........~.... '''";;"'''01::-r.''ll''''. ...4. . ----~ - :_ . -;"', "<~4""'fT.'~'\"~,!,j;',~(~,!",......,,.~~.1W'~U~~ .\1.r 'C'l~~~"f':""~~:w'",!\~!.~)F,r.oA"'''<.:' ~Il"""'" �s . , ^�; f f� . �� r��� .�. . . � . cr � � CITY COt�IMISS20id MEETItJG June 7, 1963 The City Commissian ot the City of Clearwater met in special session at the City Hall, Fxiday, June 7, 1963 at 10:00 A.M, with the following members present: Robert L. Weatherly Mayor-Commissioner Herbert R. Fields Commissioner Amos G. Smith Commissioner Josepl: K. Turner, Sr, Commissioner Absent: Cleveland Insco Commissioner Also presen�t were; James R,'Stewart City Manages F3erbert M, Brown City Attorney Max Battle City Engineer Willis Booth Police Chief The Mayor calJ.ed the meetin� to order, The invocation was given by Chief Booth. The Mayor anriounced the first item on t7ie agenda was to consider a request from the New York World's Fair Committee for �'unds, rlr. Byron Shouppe, Chairman of the Committee, spoke stating that the County Commission had appropriated $60,OQO, providing St. Petersburg gave $60,000 and Clearwater $30,000. He stated there was no opposition at the County meet- ing or the St, Petersburg meeting. Mr, Wallace Blackburn, President of the Chamber of Commerce stated there was a resolution passed by the Board of Governo.rs of the Char�ber of Commerce, with only two dissenting votes, which endorsed the request that Clearwater appro- priate $34 J0 over the next two or three fiscal years, whicn would be over and above the amount of the Chamber of Commerce budget, and he reque�ted the funds be appropriated. The City Attorney reported that the Charter required an annual tax levy of not less than 1/7.0 of 1% on all taxable property within the City limits for publicity purposes, but recommended that if the Fair Committee's request is granted, the monies should go to the Chamber of Commeree for them to expend it in the direction indicated. The Mayor read a telegram re- ceived from Mr. and Mrs. H, T. Heaton, 607 Oak Ave., in opposition to the request for funds� and a letter with a counter-proposal was r�eceived from Sidney hnight. Mr. James C. Pidgeon, 1236 Wellin�ton Dr.; Mr, Leonard Merrell, representing Clearwater Resort Asseciation; Mr, Leon Whitehurst, Attorney; Mr. James Novotny and Mr. Sidney Knight, a potential resident, sDoke in opposition to the request as presen�ted. �ro Joseph Cornelius, President of the Bank of Clearwater, Mr. John Lake, representing the St. Petersburg Times and Evening Indeaendent, and Mr. Dudley JeF�el, representin� the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce spoke in �'avor o� the request. The Mayor critioized the attitude of some o£ the motel operators. Commissioner Smith moved that the request as pressnted be reject�d as the pro- ject is directed to a limited number of our citizens, Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Mayor suggested that the Commission consider a$5,000 ox $6,000 appro�riation now �aith the balance of $14,000 or $15,000 over the next two years to come out of Chamber of Commerce funds, making a maximum ap�ropriation for this purpose of no more than $20,000. Commissioner Turner suggested a meeting of the Commission with the Executive Committee and the Advertising C;ommittee of the Chamber of Commerce. The t4ayor spoke about the racial policy of the City and stated that riots and other trouble would not be c�ndoned, He recommended a liaiso� committee to work with the Better Relations Gommittee and the City Comnission and recommended for membership on the Liaison Committee: Mr. Lloyd Phillips, Attorney, as Chairman; Mr. tiaallace Blackburn, President of the Chamber of Commerce; Mr. Ezra BoboP representing the Merchant's Division of the Chamber of Commerce; Dr. t. H, Monniex, Jr. Chamber of Commerce and Nfr. Arthur KrusE, Resort Association. They are to make a"voluntary attem�t" to curb any racial temsions. He also complimented the Better Relations Gommittee for their past actions, Conunissioner Fields moved that thz Liaison Committee members be appointed as recommended by the Mayor. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried unanimously. Resolution #63-59Awas oresented authorizing condemnation proceedings to obtain per- manent and temporary easements for sanitary sewer line over lar.d belon�;ing to Charles R. Anderson, located along 'the soutr boundary of Lots 13, 14, � 15, Brown's Subd, of Ray View. Commissioner Turner moved that Resolution #6�-59� be adopted and that the aporo- priate officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by C�mmissioner�Fields and carried unanimously, Resolution #63-6D was presented authorizing condemnation proceedings to obtain per- manent and temporary easements for sanitary sewer line over land belonging to Barbour N. Thornton located along the south boundary of Lot 169 fr]m. Brown's Subd. of Bay View. Commissioner Turner moved that Resolution ��63-60 be adopted and the appropriate officials be authorized to execute it. Motion c�as secondec� by Commissioner Fields and carried unaninlous ly . Resolution i�63-6Z �vas presented authorizing condemnation proceedings to obtain per- manent and temporary easements for sanitary sewer line over land belonging to Rudolph Jacobson, located along the south boundary of Lot 11, Wm, Brown's Subd. of Bay View. Commissioner Fielcis moved that Resolution 1�63-61 be adopted and the approgriate officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried unan- imously. Resolution �63-62 was presented authorizing condemnation proceedings to obtain per- manen�C and temporary easements for sanitary se�aer line ov.;r land belonging to Metz � White, Inc, located in the SW 1/4 ot' Seco 19-29-16, Commissioner Turner moved that Resolutian 1R63-62 be adopted and that the appropriate officials be authcrized to execute it, Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. Ir�' 2. CITY COTIMISSIQN riEETING �7une 7, 1963 Resolution #63-63 was pre�ented authorizing condemnation proceedin�s tor utility easement of the W 5 feet of Lot 7, Blk 27, Mandalay Subd. on land be].on�in�; tu �Zmer W. Croueh, Commissioner Turner moved that Resolution #63-63 be aclo�ted and tha�t the appro- priate officials be authorized to execute it, T•fotion was saconded by Conunissioner Fiel�ls and carried unani:mously. The City Manager commended the people who gave easements to the City tor installation of the sanitary sewer line in connection with the Clearwater East project and recommended a vote of thanks and recognition by the Commission. The Niayor recommended that Resolu�tion �63-&4 be prepared and adopted to tnank each individual property owner who dona�ted an easement and a copy of such be sent to each owner. Cammissi.oner Turner so moved. Mot�,on was seconded by Commissioner .tields and carried unanimously. The City Attorney stated that the property owners involved in the coz�demnation pro- ceedings will all be served with a copy of the resolution which is .�ull notice of action taken by the City prior to court action being filed and they will be given an ugportunity to make final settlement with the City if they so desire. The City Manager announced that June 17 was the regular date for the next Commission meeting, but a short course for Mayors, City Commissioners and City Atterneys wauld be held on June 16 through 18, and the:�efore recommended the next City Commission meeting b� held Tuesday June 25, 1963. Commissioner Turner moved that tne City Commission meeting of June 17 be cancelled and the meeting be ileld Tuesday, June 25th. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. Commissioner Sn�ith moved that the expenses of the Commission he paid to attend the short course. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields ancl carried unanimouslyo The Gity Manager stated that the Legislature had passed a special act authorizing the City Commission to make zoning changes after due public hearings, et cetera, He sug- gested quarterly meetings for this purpose, recommending that the Commission instruct the Legal Dept, and the Zoning and Planning Boarc� in setting up the proce�dure to take note that the Commission would not hold public hearings at each meeting. Commissioner Smith moved to approve the recommendation and request the Legal Dept, and the Zoning and Planning Board to give the Commission their rec�mmendations. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried unanimously. i�ere being no further business the meeting adjourned at 12:15 P.M, Attest: � >� Ci Clerk CITY COP+INIISSIOTI I�IEETIII� June 7s 1953 June 6, 1963 Ilonorable Mayor and Members of City Commission City of Clearwater Clearwater, Plorida Gentlemen: The City Commission wil.l meet in Bpeci.al Session on Friday, June 7, 1963 at 10:00 A.bi, in the City Ha11 Auditorium for the purpose of considering the followin� items: l. Request of World's Fair Committee fcr funds. 2. Recommendations regarding Condemnation - properties fer Clearwater F,ast Sanitary Sewer, 3. Such other business as may be presented, Sincerely yours, /s! James R, Stewart City Manager WESTERDt UNIOid TELEGI2A?�1 19 6 3 June 7 AA1 8 13 Mayor Weatherly and City Commission City Hall DLR Before 10 AI�i Clearwater FLO i�'ny should Clearwater and St, PEtersbur� be singled out to pay zor Pi.nellas Booth at G1c�rlds Fair. We give the Chamber a�ortune every year. We Pay taxes to the County and now we're asked to pay a third assessment for this booth. Lets deduct this amount from allotment to the Ghamber or turn it dozan cold. Mr, and Mrs. H T Heaton 607 Oak Ava Clearwater Flo 1818 V. Fort Harri:son Clearwater June 6, 1963 The Hanorable Robert L. Weatherly, Mayor Cleveland Insco, Jr., Commissioner Herbert R. Fields, Commissioner JoseDh K. Turner Amc:;� G. Smitn, Commissioner Gentlemen: Re: Proposal for Contribution of 5309000 fo•r ve4z York World's Fair Exhibit It may be helpful to the Commissioners if there is provided a summary przsentation of other views regarding the proposal for a Contribution of $30,000 for a i�de*a York World's Fair Exhibit. Accordingly a constructive counter-pro�osa2 is Qutlined below with reasons sup�orting it, fo� considaration of the Commissioners. Following this, the reasons against contribution to the World's Fair Exhibit are summarized. COUNTER-PROPOSAL If the itZ' y�`-ommissioners believe there is money available $10,000, $20,000 or $30,OOQ for additional promotioz�al activitie� in the next two years, it is suggested that such moneys be assigned and used for additional newspaper advertising to pronote the coming of summer tourists to Clearwater in 1964 and 1965. Reasons for Counter-Proposal l. he.re wi11 be a real need for additiqnal tourist promotion in 1964 and 1965. The competititre counter-attraction of th— e i�lew York Wcrld's Fair with its highly publicized special exhibits (General Motors diarama, etc.) will inevitably take away some potential summer tourist business from Clearwatex. 2. Tc meet this competition, additional promotion is needed, It should be directed at those specific geograpric area sources of summer tourists where its influence �,Till be most effeetive in causing visitors to decide to come south to Sparkling Clearwater. 3. The most effective medium should be used. It is suggested f��)r examDle that the travel sections of the large city Sunday newspapers would ssrve t_o inform and persuade an already interested and attentive public abou.t Clear�vater facilities and their attractiveness, P.easons a�ainst Contribution to New York i��orld's Fair Exhibit 1. This promotional exhi it will not help Clearwater to regain in 1964 and T965 the summer tourist business lost to the Ivew York Fair. 2. Any long-term promotion value of the Fair Exhibit to Clearwater in increased tou�ists and new retirement residents in 1966 and beyond is of doubtful need. The growth of Clearwater is already �the fastest in the State of Florida� The Comprehensive Plan esti;nates for urban Clearwater a population of 130,000 by 1980. To foree this growth still further will joopardize the sound fl�ture of the City. � (continue�) � �� CITY COhiMISSTQN �1EETI;dG June 7, 1983 ( contin�.�ed ) 3. A small e�ibit (22 feet by 18 feet) for Pinellas County in a three and a half acre State of Florida Exhibit in a World's Fair should ue questi�ned, as it wou1.�1 appear to be an ineffective medium of information and persuasion about Clearwater, 'I`he lok* cost claimed per capita for the people to be reached by this exhibit is based on an estimate of 7.8 million people seeing the Pinel].as County Exhibit. �o achieve this exaosure during the 450Q hours the exhibit �aoul�l be open to the public duri:ng the two years would r,equire that about 4,000 people would pass by every single hour �- on their way to some major attr,action. This is a lot of �kraffic - twelve persons passing every ten seconds. But the impact of the Pinellas exhibit will be weak; it �aill be lost in the multitude of other bigger impacts on the mind of any Fair visitox - even those who may stop to look, ask and hear about i.learwatex, 4. So far there do not appear to be any authenticated endorsements irom the recognized leading commercial and resort business associations in favor of this method of spend- ing taxpayer's monev by the "Special. Committee". 5. Other municipalities have not been requested to contribute. 6, It has been stated that the total cost of this Exhibit taill reach $250,000, of whieh $100,000 would come from other than local government sources, Hcwever, it appears that no firm commitments have been made by commercial and resort businesses which would di- rectly benefit from tourist busin�ss, or fram land deve3o�ers� contractors and real estate agents who would directly b�nefit fx�om new resident business, 7. Other arguments were developed in the two articles in last Sunday's Clearwater Sun, If the City Commissioners should conclude that the New York Gdorld's Fair is not a"good buy" for them at this -kime, it is sugges•tad that they can so decide with a good conscience on all counts. a. They �aill not jeopardize the exhibit, tor its bud�et can surely be sqeezed down to $220,000. b. The $30,000 will be w�ll s�ent on the "Counter-Proposal" - or on science books for the Library (badly needed) or for one of,the purposes listed in the Clearwater Sun article, Very truly yours, /s/ Sidney Knight n �' ��''"'° f a j ; � S.. ' � � '