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February 11, 1963
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at the
City Hall, Monday, February 11, 1963 at 1:30 P.M. with the following members present:
Robert L. Weatherly
Herbert R. fields
Amos G. Smi th
Joseph K. Turner, Sr.
Cleveland Insco
Also present were:
James R. Stewart
Herbert M. Brown
Max Battle
Willis Booth
City Manager
City Attorney
City Enp,ineer
Police Chief
The Mayor called the meeting to order.
The invocation was given by the City
Commissioner Fields moved that Commissioner Insco be excused from this meeting.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried unanimously.
Mr. Harold Briley of Briley, Wild & Associates, Consulting Engineers, read a
letter signed by him making recommendations on the bids received for process equip-
ment on the incinerator project. Commissioner Turner moved on the recommendation
of Mr. Briley, concurred in by the Purchasing Agent and City Hanager that the bids
of Affilia-ted Incinerator Corp., Detroit, Mich. and American Incinerator Corp., Detroit,
Michigan, be rejected as not conforminp, to or meeting the conditions, requirements and
financial status desired by the City of Clearwater. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Fields and carried unanimously. Commissioner Turner moved upon the joint recommendation
of Briley, Wild & Associates, Consultinp, Engineers, concurred in by the Asst. Purchasing
Agent and City Manager that the contract for the new incinerator process equipment be
awarded to Plibrico Company of Chicago, Illinois, for $369,913 less a $25,000 Change
Order to delete patent license fee or $344,913 for 300 tons per day capacity or if
desired to reduce the~mediate plant capacity to 150 tons per day, the alternate bid
of $215,027 be accepted, less process patent fee, which is the lowest and best respon-
sible bid and the appropriate officials of the City be authorized to execute said con-
tract which shall be in accordance with plans, specifications and bip, and that this
authorization of the execution of this contract be contingent upon any and all necessary
patent releases having been received and approved by proper authorities of the City of
Clearwater. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. Mr.
Briley further reported that the bids for the building are returnable on February
26, 1963.
The Manager reported the application for a second hand store license by Dan
Shidler, as Manager, had been withdrawn.
The City Manager announced that those desiring recapture of the Clearwater
Airpark were heard at the last Commission meetinr. and requested the representatives
of those desiring to keep the ^irpark, be heard at this time. John Bonner, rep-
resenting the proponents to keep and improve the Airpark, presented petitions to the
Mayor, which Mr. Bonner stated contained 1,417 signatures. Commissioner Turner moved
to receive the petitions presented by the proponents of the Airpark. Motion was sec-
onded by Commissioner fields and carried unanimously. Mr. Bonner continued by stating
among other things that the Airpark has existed for 20 years with a safe record; that
the homes neArby have been built comparatively recently; and that he also represented
a client who wished to lease a part of the property and a proposal would be submitted.
Among others who spoke in favor of retaining the Air?ark were: Mr. George Routh, Attorney
representing Clearwater flyinp,: Co., and Charles E. Shinp,ler; Col. IT. M. Ranck; Lloyd
Phillips ~ Attorney; Leslie Scott, Scott Hetal Finishing Inc.; Herbert J. Frank,
Aerosonic Corp.; and Herbert S ternmle, Highland LRke ItJa ter Co. Among those again
speaking in opposition were William Goetz, Karl Rehbaum, Harold Harpham, William L.
Gray and William Wensley. Mr. Joe Fletcher a licensed pilot and former owner of an
Airpark suggested moving the facility to the Memorial Causeway Area where the flight
pattern would be allover water. The Mayor pointed out the Airpark area on aerial
photos, the growth of the City and indicated where the proposed new runway would be
situated at the Airpark. Commissioner Turner moved not to make a decision today and
try to study the situation and come up with a worthy answer. Motion was seconded by
Commissioner FieldS and carried unanimously.
The City Attorney requested instructions regarding a suit against the Airpark
owners and the City. Mr. Lloyd Phillips, Attorney, explained the Clearwater Flying
Company status on the suit. By consent, the City Attorney was instructed to take
whatever action necessary to defend the City.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned
a t ~: 5 5 P. M. '.
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The City Commission will meet in Special Session on Monday,
at 1:30 P.M. in the City Hall Auditorium for the purpose of
following items:
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February 11, I963
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in specia]. session at the
Czty Ha11, 1�londay, February 11, 1963 at 1:3D P.M. with the following members present;
Robert L, kleather].y
Herbert R, FieZds
Amos G, Smith
Joseph K. Turner, Sr.
Gleveland Insco
Also present were:
James R. Stev�art
I3erbert M. Brown
Max Battle
Wi],lis Booth
City t�Ianager
City Attcrney
Gity Engineer
Police Chief
The Mayar called the mee�in� to order. The �nvocation was given by the City
Commissioner Fields moved that Cammissioner Tnsco be excused �rom this meeting.
Motinn was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried unanimousiy.
Mr. Harold Briley of Briley, Wild & Associ,ates, Consulting En�ineers, read a
letter signed by him making recomme�dations on the bids receive�t for process equip-
ment on the incinerator pro�ect. C�mmissioner Turner moved on the reco�r�mendation
of Mr. Briley, concurrec3 i.n by the Purchasing Agent and City Manager that the bids
of Affiliated Incinerator Corp., Dt.troit, Mich. and American Incinerator Corp., Detroit,
Michigan, >- rejected as not conforming to or meeting the conditions, requirements and
financial s-��tus desired by the City of Clearwa.ter, Motisn was seconded by Commissioner
Fields and carried unanimously, Commissioner Turner moved upon the joint recommendation
of Briiey, Wild � Associates, Consulting Engineers, concurred in by the Asst, Purchasing
Agent and City Manager that the contract �or the new incinerator process equipment be
awarded to Plibxico Company of Chicago, Illinois, for $369,913 less a$�5,0-00 Change
Order to delete patent license fee or $344,913 for 300 tons per day ca�acity or if
desired tc reduce theimmediate plant capacity to 150 tons per day, the alternate bid
of $216,027 be accepted, less process patent fee, which is the lowest and best respon-
sible bid and the appropriate officials of the City be authorized to execute said con-
tract whieh shall be in ac��ordance with nlans, s�ecifications and bid, and that this
authorization of the execution of this contxact be contingent upon any and all necessary
patent releases having been received and approved by proper authorities of the City of
Clearwater, Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fie�ds and carried unanimously. Mr,
B�iley further repo�ted that the bids for the building are returnable on February
26, 1963.
The Manager reported the application for a second hand stox�e license by Dan
Shidler, as Manager, had been withdrawn.
The City Mana�er announced that those desiring recapture o� the Clearwater
Airpark were heard at the last Commission meeting and requested the representatiues
of those desiring to keep the Airpark, be heard at this time. John Bonner, re�-
resenting the proponents to keep and imgrove the Airpark, presented petitions to the
Mayor, which Mr. Bonner :stated contained 1,417 signaturEs. Commissioner Turner moved
to receive the petitions presented by the progor,ent� of tha Airpark. Motion was sec-
onded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. Mr. Bonner continued by stating
among other things that the Airpark has exis�ted for Z0 years with � safe record; that
the homes ne�rby ha��e been built comparatively recently; �nd th�t he also re�resented
a client whn wished to lease a part of the property and a proposal would be submitted.
Among athers who spoke in favor of retaining the Airpark wer�: Mr. George Routh, Attorney
representin� Clearwater Flying Co,, and Charles E, Shin�ler; Col. J. M. Ranek; Lloyd
Phillzps, Att�rney; Leslie Scott, Scat-t Meta1 Finishing Inc.; Herbert J, Frank,
Aerosonic Corp.; and Herbert Stemmle, Highland Lake Water Co, Among those again
speaking in oppos�.�ion were William Goetz, Karl Rehbaum, Harold Harpham, t•Jilliam L,
Gray and Wi7.liam Gdensley. DYr, Joe Fletcher a licensed pilot and former owner of an
Airpark suggested movinp the facility to the Memorial Causeway A.rea where fihe flight
pattern would be all over water. The Mayor pointed out the Airpark ar�a on aerial
photos, the growth of the City and indicated where the proposed new runway would be
situated at the Airpark. Commissioner Turner moved not to make a decis:.on today and
try to study the situation and come �n with a worthy answer. Motinn was seconded by
Commissioner I'ields and carried unanxmously.
The City Attorney ;c�eques'ted instructions x�egarding a suit against the Airpark
otaners and the City. Mr, L�oyd Phillips, Attorney, eMpiained the Clearwater Flying
Company sta.tus on the suit, By con�ent, the City Attorney was instrueted to take
whatever action necessary to defend the City. �
Tttere being no furthex+ business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned
at 4:55 P,M.
i��? ;
Attest: � �
T2a or-Commzss3on
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Ci 'lerk
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February ],1, 1�J63
February 8, 1963
-- Honorab7,e Mayor and Members qr City Commissipn
City of CTearwater
Clearwater, Florida
The City Gommission will meet in Special Session on Monday, February 11, 196?,
at 1;3Q P,Pi. in th� City Hall Auditorium �or the purpase of cansidering the
following items:
1. Incinerator - Bids
2. Second Hand Store License - Dan Shidler, Mgr;
3. Airpark
4. Such other business as may be presented
Sincerely yours,
James R. Stewart
City Manager
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