06/29/1962 ---------~_.---- CITY COMMISSION MEETING June 29, 1962 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at the City Hall, Friday, lJune 29,1962 at 1:30 P.I1. with the following melllbers present: Robert L. Weatherly Cleveland Insco Herbert R. Fields ^mos G. Smith Joseph K. Turner, Sr. Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Also present were: James R. Stewart Guy L. Kennedy *Herbert M. Brown \'1. Booth City Manager Assistant City Attorney City Attorney Police Chief *Absent at first of meeting. Came in later. The Hayor called the meetinf. to order. The invocation was given by Chief Booth. The Mayor requested the Lep,al Dept. to prepare a resolution to present Commissioner Smith with the Clearwater medal for his achievement in better Latin- ^merican relations. Commissioner Insco moved that this resolution be prepared as su~gested by Mayor Weatherly. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The Mayor announced that the meeting was called to hold a public hearing to consider the interim budeet coverinr the period from July 1, 1962 through September 30, 1962. The budp,et was pre3entec1 by the City Hanaeer. After having held the pub- lic hearine and having heard no valid objections, Commissioner Insco moved that the Interim BudEet for the City of Clearwater, covering the period of July 1, 1962 through September 30,1962 as submitted by the City l1anaper, which ....Jas the subject of Resolution No. 62-80 passed by the City Commission on June 25, 1962, be approved and adopted as the Interim BudRet for the City of Clearwater coverinp the period above stated. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried unanimously. The City l1ana~er reported that the annual budr.et for Parking System Fund, in accordance with provisions of Ordinance 821, had been advertised for public hearing. Commissioner Fields moved, u?on recommendation of the City Manager, that the budget for parkinr. System Fund be approved as set forth in Resolution 62-81. Notion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried unanimously. The City J1anaeer recommended the low bid of $1,360.00 from Griffith Roofing Co., Clearwater, for the re-roofinp of the Boy Scout Hut. Upon the joint recommenda- tion of the City Engineer, the Asst. Purchasin~ Apent and the City Manager, Commissioner Turner moved that the bid be awarded the Criffith Roofinp Co. for the sum of $1,360.00 which is the lowest and best responsible bid, and that the appropriate officials of the City be authorized to execute said contract which shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications and bid. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The City 11anager recommended the low bid of Florida Sewer Pipe Co. in the amount of $2,367.40 for 500 feet 12 inch clay pipe, 1,000 feet 8 inch clay pipe, 2,000 feet 4 inch clay pipe and 50 4 inch bends, for the Public Works Dept. Upon the joint recommendation of the Public Works Superinten~ent, the Asst. Purchasing Aeent and the City Manager, Commissioner Fields moved that the contract for clay pipe and fittings be awarded to Florida Sewer Pipe Co. for the sum of $2,367.40 which is the lowest and best responsible bid, and that the appropriate officials of the City be authorized to execute said contract which shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications and bid. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried unanimously. The City fvlanager recommended the low bid of $966.00 from J'lc.Y'ris Electric Supply for 4,000 feet #12-8 conductor control cable for the Fire Dept. Upon the joint recommendation of the Fire Chief, Asst. Purchasing Ap,ent and the City Manager, Commissioner Turner moved that the contract for 4,000 ft. #12-8 conductor control cable be awarded to Morris Electric Supply Inc., St. Petersburg, for the sum of $966.00 which is the lowest and best responsible bid, and the appropriate officials of the City be authorized to execute said contract which shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications and bid. t1otion ....las seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The City Manager recommended the low bid of $1,521.88 from Baker's Windows, Clearwater, for 46 aluminum awnine type windows for the main Fire Station Building. Upon the joint recommendation of the Fire Chief, Building Maintenance Supt., Asst: Purchasinp, Agent and the City Hanager, Commissioner Fields moved that the contract for 46 aluminum awning windows be awarded to Baker's Windows for the sum of $1,521.88 which is the lowest and best responsible bid, and that the appropriate officials of the City be authorized to execute said contract which shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications and bid. r1otion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried unanimOUSly. ~":,...' ~.... . ......'.. .,...",.).., """0'<'" .. .:,....,..,',....,"~::7 ;","."..',,~.., ....~lpL- ..: " i:.....~,....;J~o..:.... . , "~ "-'~' - ",.. ~" j(,~ "~~ " .' .. . 1" . . .~. , .', ,,' , . ., ".. . , ,;/ ill, "I,.. ~ ' ',"' . . , .~~,,,. 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Purchasinp, Ar.ent and the City Manar.er, Commissioner Turner moved that the contract for insurance ~nd extended coveraee, including vandalism and malicious mischief on a 90\ co-insurance basis be awarded to Bruce Taylor Insurance A~ency, Clearwater, for the sum of $28,785.76 which is the low- est and best responsible bid, and that the appropriate officials of the City be authorized to execute said contract which shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications and bid. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. Commissioner Insco moved that a vote of thanks be ei ven to Gerald 'tJeimer for his fine survey work. Motion was seconded by Commissioner rields and carried unanimOUSly. The City Manager reported that the Industrial Committee of the Chamber of Commerce recommended that the City agree to sell W 1/2 Lot 20, Industrial Park to Electronics for Industry, for $5,906.25 with an option on the E 1/2 of the lot for 2 years with $500 additional posted for the option, the City Manaeer concurred therein. Commissioner Smith moved that the recommendation be accepted. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimOUSly. Dr. T. H. Monnier, President of the Junior Chamber of Commerce requested a donation of $1,000 from the City to operate the Welcome Center to October 1st, and stated that no permanent improvements are included in this request. Mr. Donald McDonald, President, Clearwater Beach Association and Mr. Hal Schacht of the Resort Group of the Association recommended support of the vJelcome Center. (2:50 P.M. City Attorne Herbert Brown arrives Asst. City Attorney Guy L. Kennedy leaves.) omm~ss~oner F~e ds move to contrlbute , towar t e Je come enter, w ~c would be the final donation. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith. Upon the vote being taken Commissioners Fields and Sr.1ith voted "Aye". Commissioners Turner and Insco, and Hayor' \'1eatherly voted "No". Notion did not carry. Commissioner Insco requested the feasibility report of a second causeway at Sunset Point Rd. be reviewed to determine whether the report could be brought up to date. Commissioner Insco moved that the feasibility report be reviewed and determination made as to whether report could be updated. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried unanimOUSly. Mr. Gonzalo Garcia, President of the Memorial Civic Center Association re- quested the dedication of the West 1/2 of Lot 5, City Park Sub. to the Civic Center. Hr. Arthur Kruse spoke rep,ardinp beautification of this property. It was indicated that a sugp,estion had been made for temporary parking on the West 1/2 Lot 5 City Park Sub. The City Attorney stated the property had already been dedicated for public purposes which includes use by the Civic Center. Commissioner Insco moved that the City ~1anager be instructed to confer with the Traffic Division for a recommendation for reeulated parkine on the lot East of the Civic Center. Notion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried unanimOUSly. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 3:45 P.M. Attest: c~~~ ;. ,..," .. 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The invocation was given by Chief Booth, The Mayor requested the Legal Dept, to prep3re a�esolution to present GomMissioner Smith with the Clearwater medal for his acniavement in better Latin- American relations. Commissioner Insco moved that this r�solution be prepared as sugg�sted by Mayor taeatherly, Motion was seconded �y Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The I4ayor announced that the neeting ��as called to hold a public hearing to considei� the interim vudget covering the period from July l, 1962 through September 30, ],96i, The budget was presented by the City Manager. After having held the pub- 1ic hearin� and having neard no valid obiections, Commissioner Insco moved that the Interim Bud�;et for the City of Clearwater, covering the period of July 1, 1962 throu�h September 30, 1962 as �ubmitted by the Cit;� 1lanager, o�hich was the subject of Resolution .io, 62-80 passed by the City Comr�ission on June 25, 1962, be approved and adopted as the Interim Budget for the City of Clearcaa-ter c��vering the periocl ab�ve stated. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carrie� unanimousl�. The City P4anagex reported that the annual bud�et for Parking System Fund, in accordance u�ith provisions of Ordinance 821, ha� been advertised for �ublic hearing. Cammissioner Fields moved, uaon recommendation of the Ci:ty Manager, that the budget for Parkin� System Fund be approved as set forth in Resolutian 62-81. Motion was seconded by Cor,imissioner Turner and carried �:nanimousTy. The City Manager recommend2d tne 1qw bid of $1,360,00 from Griffith Roofing Co., Clearwater, for the re-roofing of the Boy Scout 'riut, U�on the joint recommenda- tion of the City Engineer, the Asst. Purc'�asin� Agent and the City Mazager, Cummissioner Turner move� that the bid be awarded the Griffith Roo�ing Co, for the sum of $1,360,00. which is tr�� lowest and bast responsible bid, and that the appropriate officials of the City be autnorized to execute said contract which sliall be in aceordance with the plans and specificatians and bid. 2•Iotion was seconded by Coanmissioner Fields an� carried unanimously. The City i9�na�er recommended the low bid o� Florida Sewer Pine Co, in the amount of $2,367.40 for 500 feet I2 inch clay oi�e, 1,000 ieet 8 inch clay pipe, 2,000 feet 4 inch clay pipz and 50 4 inch bends, for the Public Works Dept, Upon the joint recommendation of the Public Works 5unerintzn'dent, the P.sst. Purchasing A�?ent and the City i��ana�*er, Commissianer Fields moved •that the contract fon cley pipe and Fittings be awarc�ed to Florida Sewer Pine Co, f.or the sum of $2,367.40 which is the lowest and best responsible bid, anc3 that the appropriate officials of the City be autharizzd to execute said contract sahich shall b� in zcaordance with the p].ans an3 s�a�cifications and bid. :Iotion was seconded by Gommissioner Turner and carried unz:nimously. The City Manager recommended tne low vid af $966,00 trom ricrris Electric Supply for 4,000 feet #�12-8 conduc•tor control ca31e tor the Fire ,�e�t. Upon the joint recommendation of the Fire Chief, Asst. Purchasing A�ent znd tha Gitv 1`Sanager, Commissioner Turner moved that the contract tor 4,000 ft. ¢r12-8 conductor control eable be a�aarded to rl�rris i.lec�tric Sugply Inc�, St. Petersburg, for the sum of $966.00 which is the loweat and �est rasponsible bid, and the appropriate official.s of the City be authorizec3 to execute said contract-which shall be in accordanee with the plans and specifications and bi�i, rlo�tion c�Tas s�conded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The City Managc:r reeommended tha low bid of $1,521.88 i-`rom Baker's Windows,. Cl.earwater, for 46 aluminum awning type �oindews for the main Fire Station Building, Upon the joint recommendati�n of the Fire Chief, Buildin� rSaintenance Supt., Asst, Purchasin� Agent and the City MaZager, Commissioner Fieids moved that the contraet for 46 aluminum awnin�? windows be a�rarded to Baker's iaindecus for the sum of $1,521,88 which is t]te lowest anci best res�onsible l�id, and that the appropriate officials of the City be authoriz�d to execute sa:id contract which shall be in accordance with the plans and s;�ecifications and bid, f4otion was seconded by Commissioner Tur�ner and carried unanimously. `� i� �� �� � � �.. -2- CITY COMMISSI�N ME�TIi�G June 29, ].962 The City Mana�er recommended the low bid of $28,785,76 submitted by Bruce Taylor Insurance Agency �or fire and extendecl covera�e, includittg vandaJ,ism anc] malicious mischief qn a 90s co-i,nsurance basis, for City buildings. Upon the recommendation of the Asst. Purchasing F�gent and the City NIanager, Commissioner Turner moved that the contract for insur�nce and extended eovera.�e, including vandalism and malicious mischief on a 9Oro co-insurance basis be awarded to Bruce Taylor Insurance Agency, Clearwater� for the sum of $28,785,76 whieh is the low- est and best responsible bid, ancl that the appropriate ofPicials o£ tYie City be authorized to exeeute said contract cahich sha11 be in accordance witlz the plans and specifications and bid. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fi�lds and carrisd unanimously. Commissioner Insco moved -that a vote of thanks be given to Gerald Weimer fos his fine survey work, Motion was secondPd by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. The City Manager reported that tlle Industrial Committee of the Chamber of Commerce recommended that the City agree to sell W 1/2 Lat 20, Industrial Park to Electronics for Tndustry, for $5,906.25 with an option on the E 1/2 ot the lot .for 2 years with $500 additzonal posted for the option, the Ci-ty Mana;er concurred therein. Commissioner Smith moved that the recommendation �e aceepted. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously. Dr. T. H. Monnier, President �f the Junior Ghamber of Commerce requested a donation of $1,000 from the City to operate the taelcome Center to October lst, and stated that r�a permanent improvements are included i;i this request. Mr. Donald MeDonald, President, Clezrwater Bsach Association and Mr, Hal Schacht of the Resort Groi.tp of -the Association recommended support ot the Weleome Center. (2:50 p,M, City Attorney Herb�rt Brow� arrives, Asst. City Attorney Guy L. Kennedy leaves,) Commissioner Fields moved�ro c:antribute 1,OU0 towar�d the 'velcome Center, whic would be the final donaticn. Motion was seconded by Gommissioner Smith. Upon the vote being taken Commissionzrs Fields and Smith voted "Aye". Commissioners Turner and Insco, and 14ayor td�atherly voted "210". Mc�tion ciid not carry, Commissioner Insco requested the feasibility report of a second causeway at Sunset Point Rd. be revizwed to determina ��hether the report could be brought u� to date, Commi:ssioner Insco moved that the feasibiiity report be re��iewed and determinatiion made as to whether report could be upetated. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried unanimously. 2�Sr. Gonzalo �arcia, President of the i�lemorial Civic Center Association re- quested the deciication of the tJest 1/2 of Lot 5, City Park Sub, to the Civic Center. I�1r. Arthur riruse spoke re�arding beautification of this property. It was indicated that a suggestion had been made for temporary parking on the West 1/2 Lot 5 City Park Sub. The City Attorney stated the property had already been dedicated for public purposes �ahich includes use by the Civic Center, Commissioner Tnsco moved that the City �tanager bs instructed to c�nfer with the Traffic Division for a recommendation for regul.ated �arking on the 1ot t�ast of the Civic Cen'ter. Motion caas seeonded by Commissionar Turner and carried unanimously. There being no =urtPer business the meeting adjourned at 3:45 P,M. Attest: �- C Cler Di2����� e%7/ P4a or-Gommissioner G � i