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June 7, 1967.
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at the
City Hall, Thursday, June 7, 1962 at 9;15 A,M, with the following members present:
Robert L, Weatherly
Cleveland Insco
Herbert R. Fields
Amos G, Smith
Joseph K, Turner, Sr,
Also present were:
James R. Stewart City Manager
Herbert M. Brown City Attorney
Max Battle City Engineer
Asst. Chief W, Mackey Representing Police Chief
The }Mayor called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by the City
The Mayor announced that the purpose of the meeting was to determine the dis-
position of garbage by incinerator or composting,
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The City Manager read a letter from h1r, Charles S. Walker of Peninsular Organics,
Inc, requesting the arithdrawal of their offer due to small tonnage, which would not
justify the large expenditure required of their backers for the plant, Commissioner
Turner moved to accept t}ie letter from Peninsular Organics, Inc. Motion was second-
ed by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously,
Commissioner Cields moved that the Consulting Engineer be authorized to proceed
with the necessary plans and specifications for the incinerator and that the Government
loan, at no interest, for the plans and specifications be accepted and the proper
officials be authorized to execute any necessary papers. Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Turner and carried unanimously,
Mr. Thomas Liberato of Treasure Island suggested a combination of a number of
municipalities transfer waste from the area using, large equipment and trucks. The
Mayor stated that the Commission had investigated this method and decided it was not
There being no further business tl?e meeting adjourned at 9:40 A. M,
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Commissioner Insco moved that the City `tanager contact the neighboring municipal-
ities to join in using the new incinerator, h}otion was seconded by Commissioner Smith
and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Turner moved that the City f9anager arrange a meeting of the Commission
and the fiscal agents to discuss the financial arrangements for the incinerator,
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Insco moved that Commissioner Smith be named Acting Mayor during
Mayor Weatherly's absence from the City. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner
and carried unanimously.
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June 7, 1962
The undersigned City Commissioners of the City of Clearwater, Florida `
'b• hereby waive notice of a special meeting of the Commission to be held at
9 o'clock A.M. , or as soon thereafter as the meeting can be
convened, on the 7th day of June , 1962,
/s/ Robert L. Weatherly
/s/ Cleveland Insco, Jr,
/s/ Amos G. Smith
/s/ Joe Turner, Sr,
/s/ Herbert Fields
Rte. ?2, Box 1423, Starkey Road
Lar?*o, Florida
June 7, 1962
Mr. James Stewart, City Manager
City of Clearwater
Clearwater, Florida
Dear Jim;
We sincerely regret that we will have to ask you to withdraw our offer to the
City of a salvage and garbage converting plant.
Our reason for making this move is essentially economic, tdith a guaranteed
total delivery of 80 tons of trash and garbage per day we are unable to present
an acceptable plan to our financial backers. They are willing to go along with
us if we can secure as much as 150 tons of garbage per day on a guaranteed basis;
naturally they would much prefer that we install the plant where something in
the neighborhood of 300 tons per day could be expected.
You will understand that our capital investment remains essentially the same on
an 80-ton per day plant as it is in a 150-ton per day plant while our income
from receiving garbage is approximately cut in half, This does not make a very
good refunding picture to the people who are putting up the money for the plant
If sufficient time were available to secure a joint contract with the Cities of
Clearwater, Largo and Dunedin then possibly we would be able to build up enough
capacity to make an acceptable offer on disposing of the combined trash and
garbage from these localities. The method that would have to be used in this
arrangement would be for the City of Clearwater to make the contract with the
other localities while our contract would be only with the City of Clearwater.
We will be glad to discuss this with you if you would like to investigate this
We appreciate the time and thought that you and the members of the City Commission
have devoted to the consideration of our method of trash and garbage disposal.
We are sure that we have the best possible answer to the garbage disposal .problem
and hope that eventually we can work out a mutually satisfactory arrangement to
handle this problem for the City of Clearwater.
Very truly yours,
Charles S. Walker
Executive Board
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June 7, ].962
The City Commission oi the City of Clearwatex met in special session at the
City Hall, Thursday, June 7, 1962 at 9:15 A.M. o�ith the foll.owing members pxesent:
Robert L. Weatherlu P�[ayor-Commissioner
Cleveland Insco Commissioner
Herbert R. Fields Commissioner
Amos G, Smith Commissioner
Joseph K. Turner, Sr, Comm=ssior�er
Also present were:
James R. Stes�art Gity Nanager
Haxbert I�I. IIrown City Attorney
t4ax Battle City Enginear
Ass-t, Cha.ef W. Mackey Representing Police Chief
The I°layor called the meeting to ordex, The invocation was given by the City
Attoz�ney ,
The T�ayor announced that the purpose of the meeting was to determine the dis-
position of garbage by incinerator or compostin�.
The Czty P�Iana�er read a letter from Mr. CY+arles '�, 4lalker o� Periinsular Organics,
Inc, requesting the withdrawal of their offex due to small tonnage, which wo�ild not
justify the larae expendituz�e requixed of their backers for the plant, Commissioner
Turner moved to accept the letter from Peninsular Crganics, Inc. Motion was second-
ed by Commissioner Fields and carxied unanimously.
Commis '�Zer Fields moved that the Consulting Engineer Y�e authorized to proceed
with the nece�sary plans and specifications for the incinerator and that the Government
1oan, at no interest, for the plans and specifications be accepted and the proper
o�ficials be authorized to execute any nzcessary papers. P4otion w�s seconded by
Commissioner Turnex� and carried unanimously,
I°Ir, 'Thomas Liberato of Treasure Island su�gested a combination of a number af
municipalities transfer waste from the area using large equipment and trucks. The
Ilayor stated that the Commission had investigated this metnod and decided it F�as not
Commissioner Insco moved tha-t the City Manager contaet the neighboring municipal-
ities to join in using the new incinerator. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith
and carrie:d unanimously.
Commissioner Turner moved that the City Manager arrange a meeting of the Commission
and the fiscal agents ta discuss the financial arrangements for tae incinerator.
Motion was sec�nded l�y Commissioner Insco and carr'ied unanimously.
Commissioner Inseo moved that Commissioner Smith be named Acting Mayor during
M�yor ;•leatherly's absence �rom the City. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner
and carried' unaninously.
There being no fur-th�:r business the meeting adjourned at 9:40 A.t�i.
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June 7� 1962
The undersigned City Commissioners oi the Gity of Clearwater, Flnridt�
hereby waive notice of a special meeting af the Commission to be held a�t
9 o'clock A.M. , or as soon thereafter as th� meeting can k�s
convened, on the 7th day of June , 1962.
/s/ Robert L, t�eatherly
Mayor- ommissi,oner
/s/ Cleveland Insen, Jr.
/s/ Amos G, Smith
/s/ Joe Tuxner, Sr.
/s/ Herbert Fields
Rte. #2, Box 1423, Starkey Road
Largo, Florida
June 7, 1962
I�ir. James Stewart, City Manager
City of Clearwater
Clearwater, Floricia
Dear Jim:
��e sincerely regret thai we wi11 have to ask you to withdraw our oifer to the
City of a salvage and garbage converting plant.
Our rea�on for making this move is essentially economic. With a guaranteed
total delivery of 80 tons of trash and g,arbage per day we are unable to present
an aeceptable plzn to our financial backers. They are willing to go along with
us if we can secure as much as 150 tons of garbage per day on a guaranteed basis;
naturally they would much prefer tnat we install the plant where something in
the r:eighborhood of 300 tons per day could be expeeted.
You will understand thaz our capital investment remains essentially the same on
an 80-ton per day plant as it is in a 150-ton per day plant while our income
i'rom receiving garhage is approximately cut in half. This does not make a very
good refunding picture to the people who are putting up the money for the �lant
If sufficient time were available to secure a joint contract with the Cities cf
Clearwater, Largo and Dunedin then possibly we would be able to build up enough
capaaity to make an acceptable offer on disposing of the combined trash and
garbage from these localities. The method that would have to be used in this
arrangement wou�d be for the 'City �f Glearwater to make the contract with the
other localities while our contract would be only with the City of Clearwatzr.
G�e wi11 be �lad to discuss this viith you if you would like to investi;gate this
We appreciate the time and thought tha.t you and �the members of the City Commission
have c�evoted to the consi.deration of our method of trash and garbage disposal.
We are sure that we have the best pnssible answer to the garbage disposal probiem
and hope -that eventually we can work out a mutually satisfactory arrangement to
handle this problem for the Cit� of Clearwater.
Very 'cruly yours,
Charles S . tlalker
r�x�cutive Board
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