10/26/1961 "'11~7~=~:':i="::'",~"o,"",~,,~&~~~"i~~:;~~:;:::=::~:~1~::~~;~~=~~ ....) / '..0 CITY COMMISSION MEETING October 26, 1961 The City Commission of the City of Clear~ater met in special session at the City Hall, Thursday, October 26, 1901, at 9:00 A.M., with the following members present: Robert L. Weatherly Herbert R. Fields Junos G. Smith Kenneth Walters Absent: Mayor-Commissioner Commissi.oner Commissioner Commissioner Cleveland Insco, Jr. Also present were: James R. Stewart Gu.y Kennedy, Jr. Willis Booth Commissioner City Manager Asst. City Attorney Police Chief' The Mayor called the meeting to order. Chief Booth. The invocation was given by Police Mrs. E. N. MacCollin representing Clearwater Garden Club presented a proposed layout and preliminary plans for a clubhouse to be built on a site deeded from the City in Section 9-29-15 formerly known as part of Semino1e Park at Fort Harrison Avenue and Seminole Street. The City Manager explained the plans were presented to the Commissioners for their information. The Assistant City Attorney read on its third reading Ordinance #909 providing for a supplementary pension and retirement plan for Police officers. Commissioner Fields moved that Ordinance #909 be passed on its third and final reading and adopted and that the appropriate officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Walters and carried unanimously. Ordinance #910 amending Ordinance #e79 by including construction of causeway and approach roads along with construction of Clearwater Pass Bridge was presented for its second reading. Commissioner Fields moved that Ordinance H9l0 be considered on its second reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried unanimously. The ordinance was read by title on1y. Commissioner Fields moved that Ordinance #910 be passed on its second reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Walters and carried unanimously. The Assistant City Attorney read on its third reading Ordinance #908 deClaring the City's intention to annex acreage in Section 11-29-15 (Conleta, Inc.), in Section 19-29-10 (Harn) and also in Section 11-29-15 (E. Weiss). He explained there were some slight changes in the descriptions in the acreage in Section 11-29-15. Commis- sioner Fields moved Ordinance #908 be passed on its third and final reading as amended and adopted and that the appropriate officials be authorized to execute it. Motion ~as seconded by Commissioner Walters and carried u.nanimously. Commissioner Fields commented at the last meeting with Mr. Warren Cason, State Road Board member, in discussing the sidewalks for the north side of Gulf to Bay Boulevard Mr. Cason had requested that the City ask the State Road Department to pre- pare plans and specifications the same as for the south side. Commissioner Fields moved to request the Manager and/or Attorney to contact Mr. Cason, with a copy to the Bartow office of the State Road Department, in regard to their preparing the plans and specifications for the sidewalks on the north side or Gulf to Bay. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried unanimously. Commissioner Walters moved since money is allocated in the budget for acturial studies of the pension plans, the City pension plan as well as the fireman's pension plan, that we take steps in the very near future to have this done as soon as possible. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried unanimously. ~here being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 A.M. r-/ r~ Attest: ~;L eity r r1f __._~ ".~ .<.'...y.'.'1. .......'i:.. ....t.,. ::{. \>,'" .'_._, ..... ",'. ,..,......,. '.... � � ��� ,. � � � CITI` COMMISSIQN MEETII�TG October 26, I961 The City Cpmmission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at �he City Hall, �hursday, October 26, 1961, at 9:00 A.M., with the following members present; Robert Lo We;•.�herly Mayor-�ommissioner Her*�ert R. F'iel�s Commissioner Amos G. Smith Commissioner Kenneth V�alters Gommissioner Absent: Cleveland Insco, Jr. �ommissioner Also present were: James R. $tewar�t City Manager Guy Kennedy, Jr.. Asst. City Attorney Willis Boo�h Police Chief �he Mayor called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by Police Chief Booth. Mrs. E. N. MacCallin representing Clearwater Garder_ Club presented a proposed layout and preliminary plans £or a clubhouse to be built on a site deeded from the City in Sectian 9-29-15 formerly known as part of Saminole Park at Fort H�rrison Avenue and Seminole Street, The City Manager explained the plans cvere presented to the Commissionprs for their infarmation. The Assistant City Attorney read on its thira ;reading Ordinance �909 providing for a�upplementary pension and retirement plan for P�lice officers. Commissioner k'ields moved that Ordinance #909 be passed on its third and final rsading and adopted and that the appropriate officials be autho.^ized to execute it. Motion was seconded bp Commissioner Walters and carried unanimous�y. Qrdinance �910 amending Clydinanee #$79 by including construction of causeway and approach roads along with constructi.on of Clearwater Pass Brid e was ,presented for its second reading. Commissioner Fields moved that C}rdinance �910 be considered on its second reading by tiile only, inotion was seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried unanimously. The ordinance was read by title on1y. Commissioner Fields moved that Ordinance #9?0 be passed on its �econd reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Walters ax�d c arried unanimously, The Assistant City Attorney read on its third readin Ordinance the Cityts intention to annex acreage in Section 17.-29-15�(Conleta, In�$,din1Sect'�ion 19-29�16 (Haxn) and also in Section 11-z9-15 (E. Vieiss). He explained there were some slight changes in the descriptions in the acreage in Section 11-29-15, Gommis- sioner Fields moved Ordinance �0$ be passed or_ its third and final reading as amended and adopted and that the appropriate officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Walters and carried unanimously. Commissioner Fields commented at the last meeting with Mr. Warren Cason, State Road Board member, in discussing the sidewalks for the north �ide of Gulf to Bay Bonlevard Mr. Cason had requested that the City ask the State Road Department to pre- pare pl.ans and specifications the same as for the south side. Commissioner Fields maved to request the Manager and/or Attorney to contact Mr. Cason, with a copp to the Bartow af#'ice of the State Road Department, in regard to their preparing the plans and specifications for the sidewalks on the north side of Gulf to Bay. i�lotion was seconded by� C9mmissioner Smith and carried unanimously, Commissioner Walters moved since monay is allocated in the budget for acturial stndies of the pension pians, the City pension plan as vrell as the fireman�s pemsion plan, thai: we take steps in �he very near future to h�ve �his done as soon as possible. blotion �as seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried i:nanimously. �here being no fu-rther business, the meeting was adjourned at 4;55 A.NI. � /��te%P� Ma or-Commissi� r Ai;test : irfiL��%�u-/�i City � r � �� 1 Ee✓ '� � � ` �f � � .� . . � ��� .�. � � � � `_ � �. _ _. _ _ _ _ � �i ��� ,� � x� CITY COMDiT5SI0N MEETING Dotataer 26, Zgbl Hanorable Niayor and Member� ot Ci�y Commission City of .Clearwatsr Clsarwater= F].orida Gentlemens The City Commission �till meet in Special Sessiori in the Ci�y Hall Auditorium at 9;00 A�M., Thursday, October 2b, 1961 far the purpose of considering the fol.lowing ��emst Z. Delegation from Garden Cli.:b - Building P1ans 2. 3rd Reading of Police Pension Qrdinance 3. 2nc3 Reading af 4rdinance regarding Clearwater Pass Bridge l�.. 3rd �eading of Inten� to Annex Portion Sec. Z1-29�15, Portion Sec. 19-29-1b and Portion s� o#' NE� oi NWl� of Sec. 11-29-15 S� 5uch Other Bus�ness as May Be Rresented Since�ely yours, James R. Stewart City Manager . ' - �.> �� ''i , , � , a . • , _. �