12/28/1960 - . " \ _ ' . - . ,.' 'J~' ,,; "~'~~'"i.~kf'~;'I'Jl'dl"''';~f.':;-';~'ir,i:'<::;''r.;A''1~~''1'1~~A!;{i~1'\~;;~~:" , \'i;i2:,;ti;f,!'1:;;;;"r:0"\~'<:;::!Y;''j};~;~~'(::;i':2':,;~.;:t"j,'<;4:r:;A~;'~::"",;:,::~!: . " . t '. .. :i!i"'l~' i'i;'ii;"~~(~::!~'~~~::'::'''':;':' ", ,...,;..~,;..~,.c"'~~~~w'"J.'i~~~;;i.;.._~,ilii~z.~~t' ~j;;;~,;'~' '.' ',; ",,' ,.;'<.f ....,.'.',; c' ("." ,-31) CITY COMMISSIO~ MEETING December 28, 1960 --"'-'~'---_.--.~ The Ci~y Commission of ~he City o~ Clearwater mec in special session at the City Hall, Wednesday, December za, 1960, at 1:)0 P.M. with the followimg members present: Alex D. Finch Cleveland Insco, Jr. James H. Wat.k1.ns Amos G. Smith Robert L. Wea~herly Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Also present were: James R. S~e~art H. H. Baskin, Jr. W. Booth City Manager City Attorney Police Chief The invocacion was given by the City The Mayor called the meeting to order. Attorney. Resolution 60-106 was read requesting the U. S. Engineers, Jacksonville, co immediately advertise a notice of extension o~ Permit SAKVK Bridges (993), proposed bridge across Little Pass, for a period of t~o years commencing January 7, 1961, and authorizing certain City orficials to go to Jacksonville in conneccion witn permit extension. Commissioner Smi~h moved Resolucion 60-106 be authori2ed ani that the proper officials be authorized to sign it. Mo~ion was seconded by Commissioner Wa~kins and carried unanimously. The City Attorney explained in order to complete the transac~ion wi~h Mr. A. Waller Smith outlined in Resolution 60-59 vacating part of Pierce Street extending west of Pierce Boulevard it will be necessary to re-convey the property obtained in a deed da~ed October 2~, 1952 to the Internal Improvement Board. Resolution 60-107 was read authorizing an exchange of deeds with the Trus~ees of ~he Internal ~/ Improvement Fund and a six months' extension of time for the Smith payment to be made. Commissioner Watkins moved Resolution 60-107 be passed and adopted subject to correct description of proper~y and the proper of~icials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried unanimOUSly. Resolution 60-108 was presented assessing ~he cost of curbing, widening, drainage and resurfacing of Orion Avenue from Gulf to Bay Boulevard to Cleveland Stree~ against the benefited properties. Commissioner Watkins moved Resolution 60-108 be approved and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. MotioD was seconded by Commissioner Weatherly and carried unanimously. Resolution 60-109 was presented assessing the cost of paving, curbs and drainage in Over1ea Street from Betty Lane to Rollen Road against the benefited properties. Commissioner Watkins moved Resolution 60-109 be approved and the proper officials be au~horized to execu~e it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. Resolution 60-110 ~as presented assessing the cost of curbing, paving, widening and necessary drainage in Corona Avenue f"ron Drew Street to Cleveland Street, against the benefited properties. Commissioner Insco moved Resolution 60-110 be approved and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Weatherly and carried unanimously. Resolution 60-111 ~as presented assessing the cost of paving, curbs, storm & sanitary sewers in Grant Street from Greenwood Avenue easterly one block against the benefited properties. Commissioner Watkins moved Resolution 60-111 be approved and the proper officials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. The Manager presented a request for an additional $4,000.00 for the Clear- wat.er Bombers. Commissioner Insco moved ~he request be granted and that the money come from our Publicity Fund. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Weatherly and carried unanimously. Resolution 60-112 was read vacacing ~he portion of Park Street immediately south of Lots 19 and 20, Block 5, Brookwood Terrace Subdivision. It was explained the vacation had been requested by the o~ner or Lots 19 and 20 and the City had no objection since chis was only a thirty foot right of way. Commissioner Watkins moved Resolution 60-112 be passed and adopted and the proper officials be authQr- ized to execute it. Motion ~as seconded by Commissioner Weatherly and carried unanimOUSly. '.,', ' . ~ ..' ,.. ,. ,:.'". :..-..."'..."I......;~ ~..--,... ~H....,,;j...". .,..,., .. .~, ."'1~. ~~. - r' j k " \': ,~, f{/l, f: I' * t !: .' , r ~. " , lt5~~ ,. ~ . , '. , i .,. ;,- '~ ti" ~ ~ - .. '. l' .' . , ...!~, . ".J:. ~ <..", ,..,~". - _ ..~.., ~.. . ft. .. f~~' "'Ml.~UL~,"'!!m-' .....:. ...'. ''''.f --",.,' ....'. .. '~~~.' '.,:;;.~~' ,.:t:,~~If4}~~~~~It:1~~~~~~I1;";;~'~\~::,m~,~'jJ !l1~fS\~t;. ,,~t.f;~~?!f:~1~VLt' . ;:~i~i;~X};(,jf,Yi~Wii4 ;:;,~;<,\,:;~:~ ~.g;~,?irdi~y ~~i\;~~~:;~i;::~',t 'i:, . ti' .' . :::~,::,. .... ):-:,jk~j~rr;l~V.i~\$,~iJ,;t..k;~lj?~~iliiji~;' ~,:,.Y:':' . .t~V' , , ' .':,;i':;:"~,':Jl~X;i,~; '~~~~.'" , '., '> t ,.,' " ' !,~." ~ ~ " .' ". ~ " . ~ ;. ,.., " . '. . " ~ . ~ :, . , ,..' ~ ' -2- CITY COMMISSION MEETIWG December 28. 1960 ; ". ~ The Mayor explained in re-aligning Pierce Sereet in Hibiscus Gardens Subdivision there is a portion of ~he former right of way noe needed by the City and there had been a request from Mr. WD. Goza, Jr., to vacate a portion north of Lots 1 and 2, Block F, Hibiscus Gardens. The Nanager stated the Ciey had no objection to issuing a quit claim deed with an easement reserved for utility lines. CommissionerWa~kins moved Resolution 60-113 be drawn by the City Attorney to include a deed for a ~ract of land north of Lots land 2, Block F, Hibiscus Gardens, and that it also include the vacation of the property in question and that the proper orficials be authorized to sign it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. The City Attorney announced that Judge Jack White had entered an order against the City in connection with the transfer of liquor license for the Ace Liquor Store to 1751 Gulf to Bay Boulevard on December 21, 1960. He recommended the transfer o~ license be approved rather than appealing the case. Comaissioner Weatherly recom- mended deferring the matter for the new Commission's action. Commissioner Watkins moved the request for transfer of the 1icense be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith. Upon the vote being taken, Commissioners Watkins, Smith and Finch voted "Aye". Commissioners Insco and Weatherly voted "Noft. Motion carried. . Mr. Wm. Goza, Jr., appearing on behalf of Pier PaVilion, Inc., presented a plan for proposed improvements and addition to the building inc1uding the construction of a snack bar and dress shop. He exp1ained the proposed building would require a modification of the lease to include an additional strip of land sixteen feet ae the widest point. He also requested approval or a consene to execution o~ mortgage by the Pier Pavilion. Inc., for $lS,OOO.OO pledging the 1ease as security. Commissioner Insco moved to approve modification of lease and pass and adopt Resolution 60-114 authorizing the consent to the proposed mortgage, and the proper officials be authorized to execute them. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Weatherly and carried unanimously. Commissioner Watkins appealed to ~he Commission for resurfacing of the streets lying bet~een Greenwood Avenue, Drew Street, Betty Lane and the Seaboard Air Line Railroad right of way as it had been on the priority list for some time and the streets were starting to show signs of deterioration. Commissioner Insco stated be would like to be informed as to the condition of sewers in the area before taking action. The Manager reported he had received a proposal from a Mr. F. H. Young to rent the room in the Marina Building formerly occupied by the Chamber of Commerce for $80.00 per month on a month-to-month basis. He recommended acceptance. Commissioner Smith moved to follow the Manager's recommendation. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanUnously. There being no further business, the meeting ~as adjourned at 2:45 P.M. ~') ~. \~(dl MaYor-c~~~ Attest: ~~ C -- C e" , " ,; .". <.. \,:'" ,';~, . 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" ,":'.- , {, ; "off ,:~ . ., .... ,1 ..'i I :{ ~ ., ~ , "' .. .f .~ '1 ." . ., . i .!,..',. , ~ ,.~ J 'oJ " " " ,,'1 ~ ~, ; l .~ , ~ I , . .~ . . " :j ~ ij; 0 � CITY CONIMISSIO�i M�ETTNG Decem��er 2$, 1960 The City Gommission of the City of Clearwater met in sp�cial gession at the City Ha11, Wednesday, DeGember 2$, 1960, at 1:30 P.M. with the �ollowing merabers prPsent: Alex D. Finch Cleveland Insco, Jr. James H. Watkins Amos G. Smith Robert L. P�eatherly Mayor-Commi�sioner Commissionex� Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Also present were: James R. Stewart City M��nager H. H. Baskin, Jr. Citp At,torneq W. Booth PolicF Chi_ef The Mayox c�lled the meeting to order. The inv��cation was given by the Citp Attorneyo Resolution 60-lOC was read requesting the U. S. Engineers, Jacksonville, to immediately adver�tise a notice of extension of Permit SAKVK Bridges (993�, proposed bridoe across Little Pass, for a peri�d oi two years commencing January 7, 1961, and authorizing certain Cit� official3 to go to Jackscnville in connection with permit extension. Commissioner Smith moved Resolution 60-106 be authorized and that the proper officials be authorized to sign it. Motion was seconded by Cammissioner Watkins and carried unanimously. The City At�orney explained in order ta complete the transacts.on with Mr. A. Waller Smith outlined in Resolution 60-59 vacating part of Pierce Street extending west of Pierce Boulevard it will be necegsary to re-conney the property obtained in a deed dated October 2�., 1952 to the Internal Improvement Board. Resolution 60-107 was read authorizing an exchange of deeds with the Trustees �f the Internal Impro�rement Fund and a six monthst extension of time far the Smith payment to be made. Commissioner VTat�ins m�ved Resolution b0-1O� be passed and adopted su�ject to correct description of proper�y and the proper afi'icials be authorized �o execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried una�imously. Resolution 60-10$ was presented assessing the cost of curbing, widening, drainage and resurfacing of Ori�n Avenue from Gulf to Bay Boulevard to Cleveland Stree� against the benefitsd �roperties. Commissioner Watkins moved Resolution b0-10$ be approved and the proper officials be authorized to execut e it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Weatherly and carried unanimously. Resolution 60�109 was presented assessi� the cost of paving, curbs and drainage in Overlea Street from Betty Lane to Roll�n Road against the benefited properties. Gor�nissioner Watkins moved Resolution 60-109 be approved and the proper o�ficials be au�horized to Execute it. Motion was seconded by Conunissioner InsGo and carried un�nimously. Resolution b0-110 was presented assessing the cost of curbing, paving, widening and necessary drainage in Gorona Avenue from Drew StrEet to Gleveland �treet, against the benefited properties, Goffinissioner Ir�sco moved Resolution 60-110 be approved and the proper offiaials be authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Weatherly and Garried unanimously. Resolution 60-lll was presented assessing the eost of pavinga curbs, storm 8c sanitary sewers in Grant Street irom Greenw�od Aven�e easterly one block against the benefited properties. Gommissi�n�r Watkins moved Resolution 60-111 be approved and the proper officia�ls be authorized to execute it. I�otion was seconded by Commis�zoner Insco and carried unaniu�ouslg. The Manager presented a request for an adaitional ��.,000.00 far the Clear- water Bombers. Commissioner Insco moved tne request be granted and that the money come from our Publicity Fund. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Weatherly and carried unanimously. Resolution 6Q-1�.2 was read vacating the portion of Park Street immedxately south of L�ts 19 and 20, Block $, Brookwood Terrace Sub�ivi:sion, It was explained the vacation had be�n requ.ested by the owner o� Lots 19 and 20 and the City had no objection since this was only a thirty foot right of way> Gommissioner Wat�ins moved Resolution 60-112 be passecl and adopted and the proper officials be author- ized to execute it. Motion was secondEd by Gommissioner Weathexly and carried unanimously. ���; I �.� <'.^ X ✓ �� � CZTX CONIMISSTON MEETIlVG December 2$, 1g60 The Mayor explained in re-ali,gning Pierce Street in Hibiscus Gardens Subdivision there is a port3on of the former righ� of way not neaded by the Gity and there had been a request from Mr. Wm. Goza, Jr., to vacate a portion nor�h of Lots 1 and 2, Block F, Hib3sceas Gardens. The Manager stated the City had no objection to issuing a quit claim deed with an easement reserved for utility lines. CommissionerWatkins moved Resolution 6�-113 be drawn by the City Attorney to include a de�d for a tract of land norCh of I,ots l. and 2a Block F, Hib3.scus Gardens y and that it also include the vacation o.� the property in quastion and that the proper officials be authorized to sign it. Motion was seconded by Comabissioner Insao and carried unanimously. The City Attorney announced that Judge Jack T�Vhite had entered an order against the City in conaection with the transfer of Iiquor license for ths Ace Liquor Store ta 1751 Guli to Bay Bouledard on D�cember 21, 1960. He recommended the transfer of license be apprc+ved rather than appealing the case. Commissioner WeatherZy recom- mended deferring the matter for the new Coum►issionTs action. Commissioner F7atkins moved the request for transfer o£ �he license be approved. Mo�ion was seconded by Commissioner Smith, Upon the vote b�ing taken, Commissioners Watkins, Sm�,�,h and Finch voted ttAye". Commissioners Insco and Weatherly voted nNo". Motion carried. Mr. Wm. Goza, Jr., appearir� on behalf of Pier Pavilion, Inc., presented a plan for proposed improvements and addition to �he building including the construction of a snack bar and dress shop. He explained the proposed building would require a modification of the lease tq include an additional strip of land sixteen feet at the widest point. He also request�d approval of a consent to eacecut�on of mortgage by the P�er Pavilion, I:nc.9 for �l$,000.00 pledging the lease as se,^.�ity. �ommissioner 3nsco moved to approve modific�tion of lease and pass and adopt� :asolution 60-lll,. authorizang the consent Co the projaosed mortgage, and the proper officia�s be authorized to execute them. Mccion was sec�nd�3 by Commissioner Weatherly and carried unanimously. Commissioner Watkins appealed to the Commission for resurfacing of the stre�ts lying between Greenwood Avenue, Drew Street, Betty I,ane and the Seaboard Air Li.ne Railroad right of wap as it had been on the priority list for some time and the streets were starting to show signs of deterioration. Commissioner Insco stated he would like to be informed as to the canditior_ of sewers in the area befare taking,a�tion. The Manager reported he had received a proposal from a Mr. F. H. Young to ren't the room in the Marina Building f�rmerly occupied by the Chamber of Commerce for �$0.00 Fer month on a month-to-month basis. He recommended acceptancs. Commissioner Smith moved to follovr the Manager's recommendation. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and c�.rried unanimouslg. �here '�ein� no further business, the meeting was adjourn ed at 2:l�5 P.M. `_� � �^ ayor-Coff(mi-� s one Attest• � C' Clerk `. , 1� 'i CITY QONINlISS20N MEETING December 2$, 1960 December 2�, 1960 Honorable Mayor and Members of Cit;� Commission City of Clearwater Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: The City Coramission will meet in Speeial Session on [�Tednesday, December 2$, 196o at 1:30 P.M, in the City Ha11 Auditorium for the purpos� of consider- ing the followi�ag items; l, ftesolution reque�ting Rene�ral of Permit - Little Pass Bridge 2. Resolution re Sm3thts Fznger 3. Asszssment Resolutions Orion Avenue - Gulf to Bay to Cleveland Overlea St. - Betty Lane to Rollen Road Corona Av�. - Drew to Cleveland Grant St. - Gseenwood (Easterly for onE Block) 4. Reques� for funds - Clearwater Bombers 5. Request for �lpprovai of �laris for Expansion and RemodeTling of Pier Pavilion 6. Resolution vacating Portion o£ Park Street 7. Deed for Tract ef Land north of Lots 1 Et 2, B1ocS� F, Hibiscus Gardens Sincerely yours, James R< Stewart City Mana ger c: . '.`. i'J�� : w�`'ro,,, �� �� � � � � ?.