08/08/1960 ~~::::~":=L":,',~~",""""",,,,,,~,:""~"=-6'~~"~:-::::.:~::::":::~:::::;'~~:;:::~~~~p~;" ~ :Z3S 'Jft~t~4~lV:1~};~~1:.l~ " I':;i"..".'. -'_.'.\"'*."'~"~"\.' :~ >;<:g.'.~:~~?~f.t.'i(I~~:3:~$~~'i:f~ ': \".1"." 'IV~""<S ~~~ {- ~'l' ' CITY cOr~rrSSION MEETING Auguot 8, 1960 The City Commission or the City 01' Clearwater met in special session at the City Hall, ~1onday, August 8, 1960 at 1: 30 P. r.L with the follo\'ling members present: Alex D. Finch Cleveland Insco, Jr. Amos G. Smith Robert L. Weatherly Absent: Mayor-Conuni ssioner Conuni s si onel:' COlmni ssioner ComIni ssioner Jame s H. \'/atlcins Conulli s si oner Also present were: Gerald Heimer H. H. Baskin, Jr. S. Lickton W. J:'.1ackey Acting City Manager City Attorney City Engineer Asst. Police Chief The I~yor called the meeting to order. Commissioner Insco introduced Scoutmaster George Christian and three Boy Scouts who attended the Boy Scout Jamboree in Denver, Colorado, and while there met some Boy Scouts from Nagano City~ Japan. Scout Frank Byrd presented ~1ayor Finch with a letter and a girt from the Mayor of Nagano City. The Mayor expressed appreciation. The Acting City Manager presented two bids for replacement of approximately 150 feet of sea l1all on the Gulf front near Eldorado Avenue and Gardenia, one base bid being from \'1. H. Armston Company, Dunedin, in the amount of $7,500.00 and the other base bid from ~tlsener & McEvoy, St.Petersburg, in the amount or $7,392.00. Mr. R. H. Misener was present representing Misener & r/lcEvoy. It '.:las suggested lacle of suffi- cient bac]cfill behind the seawall was a contributing cause to the seawall's collapse during the recent storm. Commissioner Heatherly moved this matter of the seawalls on the beach be deferred until August 15th or sooner; that the Engineer be instructed to furnish the information in connection l'lith whether or not there vlill be need for any mass concrete pouring - - that is furnish us vJ"i th the number of cubic yards that viill be necessary in order to install this seawall, together ~rith the reinforcement, if any, so that we can take the base bids, the cost of the Inass pouring of the concrete and the reinforcement if any is needed in order to lnsure the installation of a sea- wall that will standj in the meantime that the Manar;er be instructed to contact the lot owners and have something from them in letter form to the effect that they will concurrently VIi th construction of the seawall ma]ce a proper fill in back of the sea- wall to insure a completed jobj further, that both r~sener & McEvoy and W. H. Armston Company, Inc'3 be notified to be present. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. The Acting City Nanager recommended accepting the 10\'1 bid of *5,680.00 from Holcomb Pipe Lines, Clearwater, for approximately It,OOO feet of 6 inch underdrain for Gulf to Bay Boulevard. Commissioner Smith moved upon the reconmlendation of the City Engineer and Acting City Manager the contract for l~,OOO feet of 6 inch pipe be awarded to the Holcomb Pipe Lines Company in the amount of $5,680.00, which is the lowest and best responsible bid3 and that the appropriate officials of the City be authorized to execute such contract which shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications and bid. Motion \vas seconded by Comnissioner Weatherly and carried unanimOUSly. It was recorrunended by the Acting City Manager that the low bid of $8r(O.00 from Wilds Building Wreckers, St. Petersburg, be accepted to raze the City-o\med building (old Coachman residence) north of Clearwater Library on North Osceola. Commissioner Weatherly moved the contract for razing City-o\med building just north of the present location of the Library be awarded to Wilds Building Wreckers for the sum of $870.00, which is the 10i1est and best responsible bid, and that the appropriate officials or the City be authorized to execute such contract \.'lhich shall be in accordance ~'li th the plans and specifications and bid. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. The Acting City Manager recommended accepting the low bid of $.32 per foot from Columbia Pipe Company~ Columbi8~ South Carolina~ for 3,200 lineal feet of 6 inch f/2 pipe for the Public Works Department for subsurface drainage purposes. Commissioner Weatherly moved upon the recommendation of the City Engineer, that the contract be awarded to Coltunbia Pipe Company~ Columbia~ South Carolina for 3,200 feet of 6 inch 112 clay pipe @ $.32 per foot, which is the lowest and best responsible bid, and that the appropriate officials of the City be authorized to execute said contract which shall be in accordance \~ith plans and specifications and bid. Motion was seconded by COmrrUssioner Insco and carried unanimously. The Mayor explained the Harbormaster had reported that since the last storm the channel in Little Pass had changed so it was necessary for the party boats to go out- side the chap~el markers to avoid a sandbar. He suggested by official action to notify the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers in Jacksonville that the situation was an emergency and that immediate attention was needed pending the complete dredging of Little Pass as approved by federal appropriation. The Attorney suggested a petition be dra\qn to be signed by twenty boatmen at the Marina. Commissioner Insco moved the petition be sent to the U. S. Army Corps o~ Engineers, JaCksonville, with copies to Senator Spessard Holland, Senator George Smathers and Congressman William Cramer. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried unanimously. . . .. I.", . . I<! i~t_4~~~"i,t,;~~;:;,~~,":~,~'Jt~'1f:~'t~r'';:i'i\~i:T'''~':'W~:~;'.~i'~t.;~!t'i; "~ft'fRlf:\}~i:'~!i;'l;~; '\'fPl"~'lH;;;d,(t.:!~l':il;;{i,;1,J;.~~;~.t.'\'lit'~;I!~ ~l~~'W:,~~~~d.\~~~ [;;;:'\~~."'~~~~!o/-"l:'.\~),,;,;. :::r;l;\:'"~1~f;:i;:'~';;:., ::':'~t;i:'~: .":,;;'. ... _""~",i:i:"/ ,. ,,: ,:::, , ~~::,::';~'l'::".!r'., ',:.:', . "./':~ . . ',' :'>l.." .. .< '.;'".~;'::.'.~~', '::1':>':~Y}r;.!::"',;~", .:~,:~:..: .st .-;;.'~1;k~t))t /. . :-:~;~;~.' ...~~-i~::::~'iii;(~;A<~,:F. (t. ~ t~.. ." ,.'t~:'....~~,,~...:...~..f, ..t4'...>l;..'>fri,.:....'~~~. ~,..........k:~...:.r~.~~.~~,:;~.:fI.:.~~~~~~.~~,;~~::VJ;.;)..~a~~;4;~,;."';..i~....4i~U~~i~~~ ~."" t!"} ," . ~ ~ . I ~". ..2- CITY CO~rrSSION MEETING August 8~ 1960 Commissioner Weatherly commented the City does not have enough softball fields and asked if it would be possible to use Jack Russell Stadium for some of the City teams. The Mayor suggested the Manager and the Attorney check the provisions of the revenue certificate ordinance which controls financing and use of the stadium. By consent~ the Manager,the Attorney and the Recreation Director were instructed to investigate. Commissioner Smith asked about the baffles to go in the groins on Clearwater Beach. By consent, the Manager was requested to checl<: with Public Service to see that the work is started immediately. Commissioner \veatherly asked about progress on Ross Norton Park. The Mayor suggested grading the entire park to finish grade3 planting with grass seed, putting in shrubs and then building a ball diamond. The Engineer was requested to report back at the next meeting on what is needed other than grading. Comnissioner Smith suggested two or four handball courts be constructed. By consent~ the suggestion was referred to the Recreation Board ~or recommendation. The Mayor reported in the right of way condemnation suit for Myrtle Avenue the Court had awarded a settlement o~ $767.70 to Mr. John Chesnut3 Sr'3 includin~ attorney's fee. Commissioner Insco moved the Attorney be authorized to pay ~767.70 to John Chesnut3 Sr.~ through Al~red Marshall and balance of sum of $60.00 in Eddie Wigfall case which sum will be paid to the finance company in St.Petersburg that held the mortgage. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Slnith and carried unanimously, A letter from Mary Custis ChapterJ United Daughters of the Confederacy, was pre- sented asking for some decision on their request for use of City park at northwest corner of Gulf to Bay and Bayshore Drive. By consent, the Manager was requested to put the matter on the agenda for the next meeting. The Mayor commented that La]{e Avenue paving is bad south of Cleveland and also the part south of Gulf to Bay. By consent3 the Engineer was asked to investigate and report. The Mayor asked the Engineer to estimate cost of blacl<:topping land in the Seminole Street boat launching area to the west of the Little Theater property. The Co~rrission now adjourned as the City Commission and acting as Trustees of the Pension Fund3 heard a letter read from the Advisory Commdttee recommending that Henry Thor.nton, Jr., Collector, Refuse Division, utilities Department, be admitted to the Pension Plan. Another letter from the Advisory Co~nittee recommended that Helen R. Marwood 3 Clerk I, Public Works Department, Engineering Division, not be accepted into membership in the Pension Plan. Commissioner Smith moved to follow the recommendations of the Advisory Committee. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Weatherly and carried unanimously. There being no ~urther business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:l5 P.M. Attest: ~~ C C er<: :. :.:r ':.' ","": , . . "..~.,.".....t..""'-;~;f""?k~.i""""""'h"f!'~"!,$:",:-.]lI!!",~iF,;..I~i;;.,. vW:~~i~f1?.1~1f(1":::r?~;O;~{.o~4_; v,.. h,(~~",,,,,~~,,,I.ry'h' ~,. . .,~~~~ ~ r;n:;~-Y?r1..titt. "~~(.{f'~:"t,~.;t:.'>: ' si~":';:i~~~:~:'\:?F;~,x:;~":':i;~,;l~:f~4J~W~':.Jf~,:!:....~~,.,.. . ,: CITY COMMISSION MEETING August 81 1960 August 5, 1960 Honorable Mayor and Members of c~ty Commission City of Clearwater Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: The City Commdssion will meet ~n Spec~a1 Sess~on on Monday a~ternoon, August 8, 1960 at 1:30 P.M, in the City HBl1 Auditor~um to consider Items as l~sted below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bids Bids Bids Bids Such - Replacement of and Repair to Seawall Clearwater - Dra~nage installation in Gulf to Bay Boulevard - Razing of Building North o~ Present Library Clay Sewer Pipe other business as may be presented Beach Yours very truly, s/ G. B. Weimer G. B. Weimer Acting City Manager July 29, 1960 Honorable City Commission Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: As Trustees of the City of Clearwater Employees' Pension Fund, you are hereby notified that Henry Thornton, Jr., Collector, Re~use Division, has been duly examined by a local physician and des~gnated by him as a "First Class" risk. The above employee began his service with the City of Clearwater on January 2, 19601 and is under 45 years of age (birth date June 14, 1939) and meets the requirements of our Civ~l Service. It is hereby recommended by the Advisory Committee that he be accepted into membership. Very truly yours, Advisory Comrrdttee o~ The Employees' Pension Fund s/Paul Kane Chairman s/Edwin Blanton s/Helen Peters - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - August 4, 1960 Honorable City Commission Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: As Trustees of the City or Clearwater Employees' Pension Fund, you are hereby notified that Helen R. Marwood~ Clerk I in the Public Works Department, Engineer- ing Div~sion, has been duly examined by a local physician and has been designated by him as other than a "First Classll risk. It is therefore recommended by the Advisory Committee that she w111 not be accepted into memberShip. Very truly yours, Advisory, Comrrdttee of The Employees' Pension Fund a/PaUl Kane Chairman s/Edwin Blanton a/Helen Peters - "- ~ -'.. - - - - - - ~ - - - - - ......... .".::;~.:,::~:;.. .~.:~ _.;,~; ;..:-;' '. .z 3s CITY G(7P��lISSION N[�ETING Au�;u�t 8, 2�60 The City Cammission o�' tl�e City of Clearwater met in special sessiQn a� the City H�1�., Monday, Au�us� 8, 1�GG at 1:30 P.M. with the �'o7,loy,r9.ng members present; A�.ex D. �'3,nch Nia;yor-Commissioner Cl.eve].ar�d Insco, �r, Commissi,oner Amos G. Smith Commissioner Roberi; L. Wea�herl.y Commiss3,oner Ab s ent : Jarties H, Waticins Comm3.ssior�er A1so present vrere: Gera�d. ��ezmer Acting City Manager H. H. Bask'� n, Jr, City Attorne?� S. Lickton City Engineer W. Mackey Asst, palice Chief The I�fayor called the meeting to order, �ommissionar Insco introduced Scoutmaster George Chr�.st3.an and �hree Doy Scouts who attc>nded tYre Boy Scout Jamboree in Denver, Colorado, and while there met some Boy Scouts from P7agano City, Japan. Sootxt Frarih Byxd presented Mayor Finch wa:th a lette� and a�ift from the N(ayor of Nagano City. The P�Iayor expressed ap�rec3ation. The Ac�;in� City Manager presented �rrro bids f'or repZacement oi approximately 15p feet of ae�„ ;a11 on the Gulf fxont near E7.dorad.o Avenue and GardEn?a, one base bid bein� from W. H. Armston Company, Duned�.n, in thp amount of �7, 500 .00 axid tY�e ather base bid f'rom Rti.sener & McEvoy, St.Petersburg, in the amount cf �7,392.00, r�Ir. R. H. i�4isener was ��resen_t rep�esent2ng Nlisaner & McEvoy. It was auggested lack of suffi- cient backfill behir_d the seaw�ll vaas a contribnting cause to the seawall�s collapse during �he recen� storm, Commissioner GJeatherly moved thls matter of the seav�talls on the beach be def'erred until Augus� 15th or sooner; that the Ehgineer be instructed to furx�ish tlze infflrmation in connection vTith vrhether or n�t there erill be need f'or any mass concrete pouring -- that is furnish us witki the number o� cubic yards that wi�7. be necessary in order to install this seawall, together vrith the reinforcemen�, if any, so that c�re can take the base bids, �he cost of'�Ehe mass pouring of th� concrete and the reinforcement i#' ar_y is needea 3.n ord.er to insure th� installation of a sea- ti�ra11 that vri�.l stand; in the meantime that the Manager be instructPd tc contact �Ghe lot owizers and have something from ich.em in 7.etter form ta the effect that the�r will concurrently v,rith �onstruetion oi �he seawall make a proper fill i� back of the sea- wall to insure a campletecl job; zurther, that b�th T�ti.sener E; McEvoy a�d Z�I, H. Armston �ompany, Tnc., be notified �o be p�es�nt. Motion was seconded by Comm9,ssioner Insco and carried unanimous].y. The ActiMg City i'fanager recommended acceptin� the lov,r bid of �5,680. 00 from Ho].comb Pipe LYnes, Clearwa�Er, for approximately 4,OOQ feet of 6 inch unclerdrain �'or Gu2f ta Ba� B�ulevard. Commissioner 8mith moved upon the recommendation of the Ciby Engin�er �nd Acting City Managex� the contraet for �,000 #'eeL of 6 inch pipe be awarded to the Holcomb Pipe Lines Company in the amount of �5,6$O.GO, whirh is �he lowest and best respons-_'�1e bid, and that the appropx�iate officials of the City be au�horized to execute such contrac� �vhich shal7. be in accardance with �he plans and specifica�ions and bid. Motion t�ras seconded by Commissioner G7eather].y and carried unanimously. It was recommended by the Acting City Manager that tihe Io�+r bid of �$70.00 from tJi?ds Bu:�.lding Wreckers, St,Petersburg, be accepted to raze the C3ty-otvnec3 buildirzg (old Coachman residence) north of Clearwater Library on North Osceola. Commissioner �veath�rly moved �Ehe contract for razing City-owned building just nor�h of the present locatiot� of the Library be awardecl to 1Vildr: Building tidreckers for the svm of �870.00, which is �he lot�est and best responsible bid, and that the appropriate officials of the Gity be au�horized to exeeute such contract which sha11 be in aceordance tvith the �Ians and specifica��Cons and bid. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously. The Actin� City Manager �ecommended accepting the law bid oi $.32 per �oot from Columbia p�.pe Company, Colum'�i�, South Carolina, for 3,200 Iineal fee� of 6 inch �2 pipe for the Public t�Jorl�s Department fpr subsur#'ace d.rainage purposes. Commissioner Weath�rl5* moved upon the reaommendation of the City Engineer, tha� the contract be awarded to Columbia pipe Company, Co�.tunbia, South Carolina for 3,200 feet of 6 i.nch ��2 cl�,y pipe CQ �.32 p�r f'oot, which is the lowest anc� best responsible bid, and that the appropr3.a�e officials o�' the City l�e authorized to execute said contract whzch sha7.l bs in accordance vri,th plans ancl specifications and bid, Moti�n was seconded by Gpmmissioner Insco and carriad unanimously. The Mayo� ex�lained the Fiarbormaster had repart�d that since the last storm the channe], in �i�tle Pass had changed so lt was necessary for i;he paxty boats to �o ou�- side tlie channel marlcers to avoid a sand'bar. He suggested by official action to notify th� U. S. Ar.my Gorps of' Engineer� in Jacksonville that the situation was an emergeney and tha� immediat� attention was needed pending the complete dredging ef Little Pass as approved by federal appropriation. The At�orney sugges�ed a petitioiz be drav�m to be signed bv twenty boatmen at the Marin�. Comm�ss3.oner Insco moved the petition be serit to thc U. S, Army Corps of �n�ineers, Jacksonv�.11e, zvith copies to Sena�or S�essard Holland, Senato� George Smath�rs and Congressman William Cramei, Motion ivas seconded by Commissioner Smitlz and carrxed unanimously. i -�- CXTY CONtI�TISS�ON MEETING August 8, 1960 � � � Commxssioner Weatherly commen�ed the C�ty does not have eriou�h so�i;k)��.7. #'ields a.nd asked if it ti,rould be possible {;o use Jaek F{uss�ll Stadium �'ar �ome o:f' 1:kle City` teams. The Mayor suggested the Mana�er and the A�;�orney checic �:he prov�.�>l.on� o� �lze rever.ue certificate ordinance which controls finaneing and use of th� St��d3.wn. ]3y consen?;,. the Manager, the Attorney and the Recreation Direc�ar t+rere ;Irlst�ueted to investibate. Comnussioner Smith asked aUou� the baffles �o go in the g��oins �n Cleax�vate� Beaeh. By consent, the Manager taas req,uestec3 to chea}r avitYz Pztbl�.e Service i;o see that the 'work is started immediately. Commissioner Weatherly asked about progress on Ross Nortan Parlt, �Ch� I�1a�'or suggested grading t11e ez�tire park to i'inish grade, planting witlz grass seed, pu��:11�g in shrubs and then puilding a ba11 diamond. The Engixieer �ras rec�ues�;ed to xepp�t; back at the neact mesting on what is needed other tllan gradin�. ComrrLissioiler Smith suggested ti�ro or four handball cour�s be constructed. By consent, th� suggestion taas referred to tize Recreation Board �or recemmer�dation, The Mayor reported in �he right of wag condemnation suit for Myrtle Avenue i;he Court had awarded a settlemen� of �767.'70 to Mr. John Chesnut, Sr., �i�clLtdin attorne�'s fee. Comm3.ssioner Insco moved the Attorney be aubhorized to pay �767.70 to Jahn Chesnut, Sr „ through AZfred M�rshall and balance of' sum of $60.OQ in Edd3.e Wigfall cass which sum will be paict to the finance company �n S�.Petersbur� that held the mortgage. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Smi�h and carried unan3moLtsly. A letter from Mary Cu;stis Chapter� United Daughtexs of the CanfPderacy, t•vas pre- sented asking for some decision on their request for use of City park at northt+Test corner of Gulf to Bay and Bayshore Drive. BST consent, the Manager was requested to put the mat�er on the agenda f'or �Ehe next meeting. The Mayor commented that Zake Avenue paving is bad south of Cleveland and also the part south oi Gu1f to Bay. By consent, the Engineer was asked to invest3gate and report. The Mayor asked the Engineer to estimate cos� of blacktopp�ng land in th� Seminole Street boat launching area to the west of the Lit�1e Theater property. The Commmission now adjourned as the C�ty Commission and acting as T�ustees of the pension Fund, heard a letter read from the Advisoxy Commit�ee recommending that Flenry Thornton, Jr., Co7.lector, Refuse T�ivision, Utilities Department, be admittpd ta the Pension Plan. Another l,etter from the Advisory Committee recommended that Helen R. Mar�+rood, Clerk I, Public Z�Jorks Department, Engineer�.ng �ivision, not be accepted into inembership in the �ension Plan. Comm9,ssioner Smith moved to follow the recommendations of �he Advisory Corruni:ttee. Motion tvas seconded by Commissioner Wea�herly and carried u.nanimously. Thers being no further business, �he rneeting was adjourned at LE:15 P,M. Attes�: rG� C Clerk r Mayor o 's ione z3? CITY COMMISSTON NJEETING Auguat 8, 1960 August 5, lg6o Honorable Mayor and Members of City Gommi,ssion •-- City of Clearwater CJ.earwater, Florida Gent],emen: The City Commission will meet in Special Session on Monday afternoon, August 8, 1�60 at 1:30 P.M. 3n the Citg Hall Audi�orium to consider Stems as listed below. 1. Bids - Replacement af and Repair to Seav�all Clearwater Beach 2. Bids - Drainage 3_ns�allation in GulP to Bay Boulevard 3. Bids - Razin� qf Building Noxth a�' present Library 4. Bids - C1ay Sewer Fipe 5. Such other business as may be presented Youxs very truly, s/ G . B . UJeimer G, B, VJe�mer Acting City Manager July 29, 1960 Honorable City Commission Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: As Trusiees of the City of Cl.eaiwater Emp7.oyees� Pension Fund, you are hereb3� notified that Henry ThQrnton, Jr,, Collector, Ref'nse Division, has been duly examined by a lacal physician ancl c�esignated by him as a"First Class" risk. The apove employee oegan his service with the City of Clearwater on January 2, 19&0, and is un�er 45 years oi age (bix�th date June 14, 7.939) and meets the requirements �f our Civ�.l Service, It is hereby recommended by the Advisory Committee that he be accepted into merripership. Very truly yours, Advisory Committee of The Employees' Pension Fund s/Paul Kane Chairman s/Edwin ]3lanton slFTelen Peters au�ust 4, 1960 Honorable Cit3r Commiss�on Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen: As Trustees o= the Ci.ty of Clearwatier Employees' Pension Fund, you are hereby no�ii'ied that He1en R. Marwood, Clerk T in tlze Public Works Dppartment, Engineer- ing Div3.sion, has been duly examined by a local physician and has been des�gnated by him as o�her than a"First Class" risk, It is there�ore recommended by the Advisory Committee that she will not be accepted into membership. Very truly yours, AdviNory.Comm�ttee of The IInploye�s� Pension Fund s/paul Kane C airman s,Edwin Blanton s/Hslen Peters