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Watkins Commissioner 41so p�esent were; James E�; Stewart City Manage� Guy Ker�nedy, Jr. Asst. City Attorney S. Lickton City Engineer Sgt. P. Meissner Representing Poliee Chief The lylayor called the meeting to order and expl,ained the meeting had been called. to con- sider bids received for moving two housea in City right-o�'-way west of OsceoZa on Drew Street extension. He suggeUted re-�,dvertising for bids for the moving of �hese houses, one to be located in the vicinity of the City Cas Plant and the other on the corner oi Drew Street anfl North Myrtle Avenue, and that the new bids be oonsidered on Monday, August lst. Commis�ioner Weatherly moved that the City re-advertise for �he moving of �he two houses involved from the City right-of-way located on Drew Street. Mot�,on w�as seconded by Comrn:i.ssioner Insco and carried unanimous�y, There being no further business, the meeting ;vas adjourned at 3;55 P,M, � Mayor-Co 'ssioner At�est: � City �erk �M� ,. .. __ _ _ . _ �� o� `� � C�TY CObu�lISSION ME�TING July 25� 1960 WANER OF MEETING The undersigned City Commissioners of the CiLy of CleartVater, Florida, h�xeby waive notice of a speci&1 meeting of the Commission to be held at the City Hall at 3;3� o'clock, P.M., or as soon thereafter as the meeting can be convened, on the 2�— day �f` July, 19&0 , s/ Alex D. Finch Mayor-Commissioner s/ Amos G. Smith s/ Cleveland Insco, Jr, s/ Robert L. Weatherly �