06/14/1960v ? ..4 .. L 41.9x4.1. , '.?+a:Ai?ZYdtK.NIAi?A'?"??X4M? ?di.??'ri??f?4"'
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at the City 'Hall,
Tuesday, June 14, 1960, at 2:35 P,M, with the following members present:
Alex A. Finch Mayor-Commissioner
Cleveland Insco, Jr. Commissioner
James H. Watkins Commissioner
Amos G. Smith Commissioner
Robert L. Weatherly Commissioner
Also present were:
James R. Stewart City Manager
H. H. Baskin, Jr, City Attorney
Frank Abernathy City Treasurer
The Mayor called the meeting to order, Resolution 60-51 was presented tentatively
adopting the proposed budget for the 1960-61 fiscal year, setting a tax rate of 11,6 mills
for operating expenses and 2,4 mills for debt service and setting a public hearing upon the
proposed budget and tax levy for Monday, June 20, 1960, at 1:30 P.M, Commissioner Insco
moved to pass Resolution 60-51 and that the proper officials be authorized to execute it,
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Weatherly and carried unanimously, I'I
The Mayor announced the appointment of Mrs. Frances Filewicz as Chairman of a Committee
to gather clothing and other items for Chilean relief, He explained the items should be left
at the ?1 Fire Station and that any money contributions would be handled by the local Red Cross
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:40 P,M,
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June 14, 1g60 �
The City Commiasion of the City of Clearwater met in special session at the City Hall,
Tuesday, ,June 14, 1960, a� 2;35 P.M, wi.th �h� following members present:
Al�x D. �'inch Mayor-Commissioner
Cleveland InNe�,, Jr. Commissioner
James H. VJa�kir_s Gommissioner
Amos Ge Smith Commisaion.er
Robert L. WeatYa.erly Commissioner
�11so presen� were;
James R. Stewart City Manager
H. H. Baskin, Jr. City Attorney
Frank l�bernathy City Treasurer
The Mayor called the meeting to order. Rea=�lution 60-51 was presented tentatively
adopting the proposecl budget for the 1960-61 fiscal year, set�ing a tax rate of 11.6 mills
i'or operatin$ expertses and 2,4 mills for debt service and setting a public hearing upon the
�roposed budget and tax levy for Monday, June 20, 1960, at 1:30 P,M, Commissioner Insco
moved to pass I2esolution 60-51 and that the proper officials �e authorized to execute 3•t.
Motion was seconded b3T Commissioner Yleatherly and carried unanimously.
The May�r anr_ounced the appointment of yirs, Frances F'ilewicz as Chairman of a Cbrunittee
to gather clothing and other items for Chilean relief. He explained the items should 'ae left
at the #1 Fire Station and that any money coniributions would be handled by the local Red Cross
There be�.ng no further busin�Ss, the meeting was adjourned at 2:40 P,M,
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Mago - ommissio er
R. G. Whitehead, City Clerk
BY � .�-s.�.CJ �a��/
A�ing� Cle�r c.--