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May 23, 1960
' The City'Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session at the City ,
Hall on Monday, May 23, 1860, at 5;30 P.M. with the following members present:
Alex D, Finch Mayor-Commissioner
Cleveland Insco, Jr, Commissioner
James H. Watkins Commissioner
Amas G. Smith Commissioner
Robert L. Weatherly Commissioner
Also present were;
James R. Stewart City Manager
H. H, Baskin, Jr. City Attorney
The Mayor called the meeting to order and announced the meeting had been called
to consider a proposed contract with the Pinellas County Commission, The Attorney read
the proposed contract providing that immediately after the County Commission hGd
designated the present Court House site would be retained and used for new Court House
facilities that the City would commende the following street improvement program:
1. Widen Chestnut Street to four lanes from Court to South Fort Harrison and
extend it west to Bay Avenue at the same width;
2. Widen Bay Avenue to four lanes from Haven to Chestnut Street extended;
3. Widen Court Street to four lanes from Chestnut to Gulf to Bay Boulevard and
widen Gulf to Bay Boulevard to six lanes from Court Street to U. S. Highway lg;
4. Vacate Markley Street from Oak to Palm;
5. Vacate Palm Avenue from Chestnut Street extended to Haven Street.
Commissioner Smith moved to approve the contract and that the proper officials be
authorized to sign it, Motion was seconded by Commissioner Weatherly and carried
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5;45 P.M.
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May 23, lg6o
The City'Commission of the City of Clearwater met in special session a� the C3+y
HaJ.l on Monday, May 23, _1960, at 5:30 P.I�I. �ilth �he following members present:
A1�x D. Finch Mayor-Commissioner
Cleveland Insco, Jr. Commissioner
Jamea H. Watkins Commissioner
Amos G. Smith Commissioner
Fiobert L. 4Jeatherly Commissioner
Also present were:
James R. Stewart City Manager
H. H. Baskin, Jr. Ci�y Attorney
The Mayor callecl the meeting to order and announced the meeting had been called
to consider a proposed contract with the Pinellas Count�T Co!�u��:issicsn, The Attorney read
the proposed contract providing that immediately after the County Commission had
designatecl the presenb Gourt House site vrould be retained and used for new Court House
facilities that the Ci.ty urould commence the following street improvem2nt program:
1, Widen Chesznut Street to four lanes from Court to South Fort Harrison and
extend it west to Bay Avenue at the same width;
2. Widen Bay Avenue to four lanes from Haven to Chestnut Street extended;
3. Wiclen Court Street to four lanes from Chestnut �o Gulf to Bay Boulevard and
widen Gulf t� Bay Boulevard to six lanes from �ourt Street to U. S. Highway 19;
��. Vacate MarT�ley Street from Oak to Palm;
5. Vacate Palm Avenue from Chestnut Street extended to Haven Street.
Commissioner Smith moved to approve the contract and that the proper officials be
authorized to sign it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Weatherly and carried
There bein; no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:�5 P.M.
1'Iayor-C ssioner
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May 23, 1960
The undersigned City Corrunissioners of the City oi' Clearwater, Florida, hereby waive
notice of a speci�l meeting of the Commission to be held at the C3.ty Hall at 5:30
o�clock, P.M., or as soon thereafter as the me�ting can be convened, on the 23rd
day of May, 19�0.
~_ /s/ Alex D. F3,nch
Ma;sTo� s s3oner
/s,� Cleveland Insco, Jr.
�s� Amos G. Smith
/s/ Sames H. Watkins
/s� Robert L. Weather7.y
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