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December 11, 1959
The City Commission of the City o~ Clearwater met in special session at the City
Hall, Monday, December 11, 1959, at 12:00 o'clock noon with the following members
Alex D. Finch
Cleveland Insco, Jr.
James H. \vatkins
Herbert R. Fields
Amos G. Smith
Also present were:
James R. Stewart
H. H. Baskin, ~r.
S. Lickton
Sgt. E. Lomax
City Manager
City Attorney
City Engineer
Representing Police Chief
The Mayor called the meeting to order. The p~at of Blackshire Estates was
presented. The ~Brtager stated the developer, Mr. Harry J. Townsend, had signed the
contract in accordance with Ordinance 632 and 750 and had posted bond to cover
improvements. The Zoning and Planning Board had recomnlended approval. Commissioner
Watkins moved the plat or Blackshire Estates be approved. Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously.
The Mayor announced the special meeting had been called to hear any complaints
concerning the lists of registered voters and the lists of freeholders supplied by the
County Supervisor or Registration for the Municipal Election on December 15th, 1959.
He asked if there were any objections or corrections requested and there were none.
Commissioner Watl<ins moved that the voting lists o~ the City of Clearwater shall be
adopted as certified by the County Supervisor of Registration, that it be taken as
correct ~or the accurate and latest present voters ~tlthin the City limits o~ the City
of Clearwater, said list now being in the hands of the City Clerk. Motion was seconded'
by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously.
The Clerk presented a report showing he had inspected the voting machines to be
used in the Municipal Election on Tuesday, December 15th, and found them in order.
Commissioner Fields moved that the report of R. G. \1hitehead, City Clerl< dated
December 9, 1959, be accepted certifying that said machines have been locked and
properly sealed in the manner required by law. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Watkins and carried unanimously.
The Attorney presented for approval the following contracts for purchase of
right of way for Myrtle Avenue:
Elizabeth A. Hanna
Thomas L. Boteler
Grover C. Eldridge
Lot 65, Drew Parlc
pt. Lot 12, Bl. 3, Pine Crest
pt. Sec. 9-29-15
pt. Sec. 9-29-15
Lot 66, Drew Park
pt. Lots 8,9, Bl. 1, I. E. Nicholson's
pt. Lots 1, 2, Reed's Survey
pt. Bl. B, Bon Air Sub.
pt. Lot 19, B1. 1, I. E. Nicholson's
pt. Lots 1, 14, Bl. 8, E. H. Coachman
75 . 00
169. 88
Stella D. Johnson
Frank Eldridge etal
Viola B. Scrivens
Matilda D. Mackert
Clyde M. Scott
Alf'red B. 1'lyllie
He stated he had been negotiating with Mr. Robert Tench, attorney foI' Mr~.Alfred B.
Wyllie~: for the Wyllie property and whiae a contract had not yet been signed he had
exchanged letters with Mr. Tench setting out the terms of the proposed agreement.
Commdssioner Watkins moved that the contracts for the purchase of the rights of way
for Mv.rtle Avenue be approved and that the proper o~ficials be authorized to execute
the contract and to pay the necessary amounts of money based on the contracts. Motion
was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried unanimously.
The Attorney read on its f'irst reading Ordinance 848 authorizing condemnation of
necessa~y rights of way and view parcels for installation of Myrtle Avenue northerly
and southerly from its intersection with Drew Street. The Attorney explained that
a list of the parcels was attached to the ordinance and actual descriptions will be
~iled with the Clerk. Cornmdssioner Watkins moved Ordinance 848 be passed on its first
reading. Motion was seconded by COlmnissioner Fields and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Watkins moved Ordinance 848 be read and considered on its second
reading by title only by unanin~us consent of' the COlnmission. Motion was seconded by
Comrrdssioner Insco and carried unanimously. The ordinance was read by title only.
Comrrdssioner Watkins moved Ordinance 848 be passed on its second reading by title only.
Motion was seconded by Commdssioner Fields and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Watkins moved Ordinance 848 be considered on its third and f'inal
reading by the unanimous consent o~ the Commission. Motion was seconded by COmmissioner
Fields and carried unanimously. The ordinance was read in full. Comm1s~toner Watkins
moved Ordinance 848 be passed on its third and final reading and adopted and the proper
officials be authorized to sign it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fie~ds and
carried unanimously.
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.City of Clearwater
Clearwater, Florida
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':;Yr::": ;""',,/6/ JRS
. :?','\::' ;', ':James R. Stewart
,',<c.,': ':" City Manager
for approval of plat roI' Blackshire Estates.
Restoring names to the voting registrat~on lists.
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December 11, 1g59
The City Commisaion of �he Ci�y o�' Clearwater met in spec3al session at the City
Ha7.1, Monclay, Dec�mb�r 11, zg5g, a� 12:00 o�clock noon with the following members
Alex D. Finch Mayor-Commissioner
Clev�land Insco, Jr. Commissioner
James I-I, i�Iatkins Commissioner
Herbert R. Fields Comrnissioner
Amos G. Sm3.th Commissioner
Also present wexe;
J'ames R. Stewart City Ma,nager
H. H. Baskin, Jr. City Attorney
S. Lickton Cit�r Engineer
Sgt. E. Lomax Representing Police Chief
The P�fayor called the meetino to order. The plat o: Blackshire Estates was
gresented. The Mariager stated the developer, Mr. Harry J. ToVmsend, had signed the
contract in accordance with Ordinance 632 and 750 and had posted bond to cover
improvements, The Zoning and. Planning Board had recommended approval, Com,missioner
Watkins moved the plat of Blackshire Estates be approved, Motion was seconded by
Commissior�er F:Lelcls and carried unanimously.
The Mayor announced the sgecial meeting had been cal�ed �o hear any e�mplaints
concerning the lists of registered voters and. the lists of freeholders supplied by the
County Supervisor o£ Registrati�n for the Municipal Election on December 15th, 1g59.
He asked if there were any objeetions or corrections requested and there tiv�re none.
Commissioner L�Jatl�ins moved thai the voting lists of the City of Clearwrater shall be
adopted as certified by the County Subervisor of Registration, that it be taken as
correct for the accurate ancl latest present voters within the Ci�cy limits oz the Cit;y
of Cl�arwater, said list no�r being in the hands of the City Clerk, Motion ti�ras seconded
by Commissioner Fields and carried wzanimously.
The Clerk presented a report showing h� had inspec�ed the voting machines to be
used in the Municipal Election on Tuesday, December 15th, and found ther�. in order.
Commissioner Fiel'ds moved that the report of R. G. Gfhitehead, City Cler1L da�ed
December 9, 1959� be accepted certify_ng that said machines have b2en loeked an3
prop�rly sealed in the manner required by law. T2otion ti�tas seconded by Commissioner
4latkins and carried unanimously.
• The At�orney presented for approval the follot�ri.ng contracts for purchase of
right of way for Myrtle Avenue;
Elizabeth A. Hanna Lot 65, Dre��r Park �y7,95o.00
Thomas L. Boteler pt, Lot 12, B1. 3, Pine Crest 75.00
Grover C. Eldridge pt. Sec. 9-29-15 1�9.8$
n n n pt. Sec. 9-29-15 900.00
Stella D. Johnson Lot 66, Dreiv Park 7,000.00
Frank Eldridgs etal pt, Lots 8,g, B1. 1, I. E. N�cholson's 6?F,80
Viola H. Scriveiis pt. Lots l, 2, Reed�s Survey 100.00
Matilda D. MackerL pt. Bl, B, Bon Air �ub. 17.10
Clyde M, Scott pt. Lot 19, B1. 1, I. E, Nicholson's 18.00
Alfred B. ti�7yllie pt. Lots l, 14, Bl. 8, E. H. Coachman 26,000.00
He stated l�e llad been negotiating tvith Mr. Ruaert Tench, attorney �or Mr;�.Alfred B.
UJyllie;: for the YJyllie property and wh�.3e a contrac� had not yet been signed he had
exchanged letters with Mr. Tench setting out the terms of the proposed agreement.
Commissioner t�Jatkins movecl that the contracts for the purchase of the ri�hts of way
for N�rtle Avenue be appraved and that the proper officials be authorized to execute
the contract and to pay the necessary amounts of money based on the contrac{:s. Motion
was secon.ded b;� C'onunissioner Fields and carried unanimously.
The Attorney read on its i'irst reading Ordinance 848 authorizing condemnation of
izecessa�y iights of way and view parcels for installation of N�yrtJ.e Avenue northerly
ana southerly from its intersection with Dre�s Street. T1ze Attorney e�lained that
a list of the parcels was attached to th� ordinance ancl actual descriptions wi11 be
filed with the Clerk. Commissioner [�Iatkins inoved Ordinance 848 be passed on its first
reading, Motion was seconded by Commissioner F'ielcls and carried unanimously.
Corrun3ssioizer ti�latkins moved �rdinance 848 be read and cor�sidered on its sec�nd
reading by title only by unanimoizs consent of' the Conun3.ssi�n. Motion taas seconded by
Comrnissioner Insco and carried unanimously. The orda.nance was read by title only.
Commissioner Watkins moved Ordinance 8�8 be passed on its second readin� by title only.
Motion was seconded by Cominissioner Fie7.ds and carried unanimously.
Conunissioner Watkins moved Ordinance 8�8 Ue cor�sidered on its third and final
readin� by �he unanimoixs consent of the Commissian. Motion was seconded by Comml.ssioner
Fields and carr3.ed unanimously, The ordinance was read in full, Comm�.s�ioner Watl�ins.
moved Ord3.nai�ce 848 be passed on its third anr� final reading and adopted and the proper
of�'icials ue au�hori�ed to s3gn it. Mo�ion taas seconded by Commissioner �`ields and
carried unaizimously,
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'Dec�mber i1, 1959
Resolutioiz 59-113 was read authorizin� the proper City ofi'ici.als �o obtain �
loan of $500,000,00 for one year and execute a11 papers �.n connection tvith i;lze loans
of the folloti�rl.ng amounts: $1b&,&66,00 from l�ank of Clearwater, $16G,�66.OQ fa^om
First National Bank of Clearwater aizd $166,668 from the C�,ty National Banit, Clear;Arater,
a11 to be at �� interest. Commi.ssioner [�Jatklna moved that Res�Iution 5g-113 based on
d d d th Cit b assed and
- the agreement between the County, the St;ate Roa Boar an e y, e p
adopted and the proper officials be authorized to execute it, Motion was seconded
�_ by Commissioner F�e1ds and carried unan�.mously,
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:50 P.tQ.
Mayor Conun�.ssi ner
Gity erk
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December 11, 1959
December 10, 1959
Honorable Mayor and Members of City Commission
City of Clearwater
Clearwa�er, Florida
The City Corrunission vrill meet in Special Session in the City H.�,11 Auditorium at
12:00 noon on T'riday, December 11, 1959 for the purpose of considering the
following �`tems:
l. Restorin� names to the voting registration lists.
2. Ordinance condemning certain properties for Myrtle Avenue r3.gh�s-of-way.
3. Request for approval of plat for Blackshire Estates.
Sincerely yours,
/s/ JRS
James R. Stewart
City Manager
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