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November 9, 1959
The City Conmdssion o~ the City of Clearwater met in spec~al session at the C+ty
Hall, Monday# November 9# 1959, at 1:30 P.M. ~th the ~ollowing members present:
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Alex D. Finch
Cleveland Insco, Jr.
James H. Watkins
Herbert R. Fields
Amos G. Sm1 th
I Mayor-Conuni ssioner
Also present were:
James R. stewart
H. H. Baskin~ Jr.
S. Lickton
W. Mackey
City Manager
City Attorney
City Engineer
Asst. Police Chief
~- ..
The Mayor called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by the Reverend
A. N. Bostrom of the Clearwater Bible Church, Clearwater. The Mayor annouhced the
public hearing on consideration of items to be included in the zoning rererendum on
December 15th. Since there was a large group of property owners present on Item #8
the Mayor suggested taking the items in reverse. By consent, this was approved by
the Commission.
Item 118 was a request from Mr. Richard ~ther to change Lots 1-8, inclus~ve,
Block B# Oak Hills Subdivision, from R-l to R-4. The Zoning and Planning Board
recommended disapproval. The Reverend A. N. Bostrom o~ Clearwater Bible Church
stated the church planned to buy the property ~or a building s~te ir the zoning change
was approved. Mr. Ben Krentzman and a group o~ about twenty-f~ve property owners
objected. Commissioner Watkins moved upon the recommendation of the Zoning and
Planning Board that this item not be placed in the referendum file ror vote on
,December 15th. Motion was seconded by Cornmdssioner Fields and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Watkins asked to be excused as he had to attend a Civil Defense
meeting in St. Petersburg at 3:00 P.M. Commissioner Smith moved Commissioner
Watkins be excused. Motion was seconded by Conmdssioner Insco and carried unanimously.
Item In was an application from Mr. A. A. Hungerford to change Lot 1 less the
south 65 reet and less the west 15 feet in R. H. Padgett's Subdivision from R-4 to
BUSiness zoning. The Zoning and Planning Board recommended disapproval. r~.
Hungerford presented a model of the proposed building and a new site plan revised to
meet the objections of the Zoning and Planning Board as to the o~f street parking
plan and setbacks from Missouri and Drew street. Commissioner Fields moved that the
application of Mr. A. A. Hungerford for the property described as Lot 1 less the south
65 feet and less the west 15 reet in R. H. padgett's Subdivision be placed on the
referendwn for a Business zoning subject to :1t being taken off the referendum ir the
City Engineer determines that the State Road Department \all need additional right of
way ~or contemplated improvements along the north property line. Motion was seconded
by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously.
Item #5 was submitted as a request to change the west haIr of the NEt. of Nwk,
Section 23-29-15, less the north 315 feet less Lots lC-4C, lB-5B and street ri~ht of
way, Forrest Hill Estates Unit II, less the south 606 reet of north 922 feet of west
190 ~eet of said tract, and less East 150 feet of south 1,015 feet of said tract from
R-l to Business. Item #6 was described as a request to change the west half of NE~ of
NWt, Section 23-29-15, less the south 323 feet of east 150 feet less the north 103
feet o~ south 505 feet or east 30 feet, less the west 520 feet of south 1,015 feet; also
the west 33 feet of north 665.36 feet of east haIr of NEt of Nwk~ Section 23-29-15#
from R-l to R-4. Mr. W. S. Wightman~ president, Standard Development Company~ stated
it was planned to use the Business area for a shopping center and the R-~ area as a
buffer zone between Business and R-l area. Commissioner Insco moved Item ~~ and Item
116 be placed on the referendum. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and
carried unanimously.
Item #4 included a request to change the swt o~ the NEk of swt, Section 2-29-15,
be changed ~rom R-4 to BUSiness zoning. Mr. Robert Freeze represented the Clearwater
Development Corporation. Comrndssioner Fields moved the request of Clearwater Deve~opment
Corporation (Item #4) be approved and placed on the referendum on the December 15th
election. Motion was seconded by Comrndssioner Smith and carried unanimOUSly.
Regarding Item #3, the Clerk read a letter from Mrs. Annette G. Emmons withdrawing
her request to rezone Lots 7 and 8, Block B, Suburb Beautiful, from R-2 to Business.
By consent, the letter of withdrawal was accepted.
Item #2 was described as a request to change the north-south 33 foot strip west
of Lembo Subdivision extending rrom the south boundary line of Block V, Hibiscus
Gardens to the west extension or the south property line o~ Lot 4, Lembo Subdivision~
from R-l to Business. Commissioner Fields moved Item 112 be approved and placed on the
referendmn on December 15th. Motion was seconded by CommiSSioner Smith and carried
Item #1 was submitted as a request from Mr. W. E. Spain to change Lot 4# Block 6,
North Sho~e Park~ from R-l to R-2. The Zoning and Planning Board ~urther recommended
that Lots 1-3 be included in the rezoning. (Commissioner Insco le~t the~eeti~ at
3:30 P.M. to receive an ur ent tele hone call.) Commissioner FieJ.ds moved that the
reques or a c ange 0 zon ng on 0 s , , ,and ~, Block 9, North Shore park Sub-
division, from R-l to R-2 be approved and placed on the re~erendum on December 15th.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried unanimOUSly.
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November 9, 1959
Commissioner Insco returned to the meeting at 3135 P.M.
The request o~ Mr. W. A. Walker to change Lota 1-4, Block B, Maranatha Subdivisian,
rrom R..4 to Business zoning was considered. ~. Walker was present. Comndssioner
Fields moved the request for a change o~ zoni~ from R-4 to Buainess on Lots 1-4,
Block B, Maranatha Subdivision, be approved and placed on the referendum on December
15th. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Sm1th and carried unanimously.
The Attorney presented a proposed ordinance wh~ch would make it illegal for
unattended coin-operated laundromats to operate between 11:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. He
said he had received several calls objecting to the proposed ordinance. The Mayor
suggested perhaps the problem could be met by enforcing present ordinances. Com-
missioner Fields moved the proposed ordinance be tabled ~or further study. Motion was
seconded by CommiSSioner Insco and carried unan~mously.
Resolution 59-102 was presented which would authorize the proper c~ty officials to
accept a deed to a portion of Lots 7 and 8, Ear11 and Tates Subdiv1sio~~ ~rom the Firat
National Bank, and to execute a deed to the F~rst National Bank for a portion of Lots
1 and 2, Earll and Tates Subdivision, in order to correct the recorded description of
the east-west a11eyin that block and make it the aame as the actual occupation o~ the
alley. Cgmmissioner Smith moved Resolution 59-102 be adopted and the proper orficials
authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried
The Attorney asked for instructions in regard to obtaining the remaining right of
way needed for the Myrtle Avenue paving project. Commissioner Fie1ds moved that the
City Attorney be instructed to institute immediate suit or otherwise aoquire for the
City of Clearwater the remaining right of way which is necessary for the extension o~
Myrtle Avenue northerly and southerly. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith and
carried unanimously.
The City Attorney reported Mr. c. T. Col~ins of the State Road Department had
stated that the State Road Department would remove the abandoned house on Lot 77,
Glenwood Subdivision, and suggested that posS~b1y the City Fire Department could burn
the flammable part of it.
Regarding the condemnation suit against ~. H. C. Meyer for a portion o~ the
acreage in Section 16-29-15 needed to extend Drew Street westerly to Clearwater Bay,
the Attorney reported Mr. J. C. Satterfield was representing the owner and had indicated
closing could take place in the near future at a cost of $54,200.00 for the land plus
the attorney's fee or $750.00.
The Mayor announced that President A. J. Celebrezze, American Municipal Association,
had appointed Commissioner Insco as a member of the Committee on International Municipal
Conun1.ssioner Insco asked ~he Mayor to proc1a:111l Sund€lY, November 15th, as "Nagano
City D~y" as part of the City'S People-to-People Program with the Japanese city.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:50 P.M.
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� �.7
Ndvember 9, 1959
The City Commiasion of th� City of Clearwater met in special session at the C�.�ty
Ha11, Monday, November 9, 1959� at 1:30 P,M, with the fol�ow3.ng membera present.
/41ex D. Finch � Mayor-Comrnissi oner
Cleveland Inaco, Jr. Comm3.ssi.oner
James H. Wabkins Dommissioner
Herbert R. Fields Commisaioner
Amos G. Smith ` Commiasioner
Also present were:
James Et. Stewart City Manager
H. H. Baskin, Jr. City Attorney
S. Lickton City Enginesr
W. Mackey Ass�. Police Chief
The Mayor called the meeting to ord�r. The invocation was given by the Reverend
A. N. Bostrom of the Clearwater Bi�ale Chvrch, Clearwater. The Mayor annoui�ced the
gublic hearing on consi�eration of items to be included in the zoning reierendum on
December l�th. Since there was a large group ot' property owners present on Item #$
the Mayor suggested taking the items in reverse. By consent, this was appraved by
the Commission.
Item �$ was a request from Mr, Richard Mather to change Lots Z-8, inclusive,
Slock B, Oak Hi11s Subdivision, from R-1 to R-4. The Zoning and Planning Board
recommended disapproval. The Reverend A. N. Bostrom of Clearwater Bible Church
stated the church planned to buy the property for a building site if tha zoning change
was approved. Mr. Ben Krentzman and a group of about twenty-five property owtlers
objected. Cominissioner Glatkins moved upon the recommendation of the Zoning and
Planning Board tha� this item not Y�e placed in the referendum file for vote on
December 15th. Motion was seconded by Comm3ssioner Fields and carried unanimously,
� Commissioner Watk3ns asked to be ex�used as he had to attend a Civil Defense
meeting in St. Petersburg at 3:00 P,M, Commissioner Smith moved Commissioner
GJatkins be excused. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried ur_animously.
Item �{7 was an application from Mr. A. A. Hungerford to change Lot l less the
soutih �5 feet and less the west 15 feet in R. H. Padgett's Subdivision from R-4 to
Business zoning. The Zoning and Planning Board recommended disapproval. Mr.
Hungerford presented a model of the proposed building and a new site p3an reuised to
--" , meet the objections of the Zoning and Planning Board as to the off street parking
• plan and setbacks from Missouri and Drew Street. Commi:;sioner Fields mo�ed that �he
application of Mr. A. A. Hungerford for the property described as I,ot 1 le�s �he south
65 feet and less tha west 15 feet in R. H. Padgett�s Subdivision be placed on the
referendum for a Business zoning subject to zt being taken off the referendum if the
City Engineer determines that the Staie Road Department S,ri.11 need additional right of
way for contemplated improvements along the north property line. Motion was secc�nded
by Commissioner Insco and carried unaniinously.
Item �5 was submitted as a request to change the i,rest half of the I�'; of NZl,i-„
Section 23-29-7-5, less the noxth 315 feet less Lots ];C-4C, 1B-5B and street ri�ht of
way, Forrest Hill Estal;es Unit II, less the south 606 feet of north g22 feet of west
1g0 Peet of said tract, and less East 150 feet of south 1,015 feet o.c^ said tract from
R-1 to Business. Item �}v was described as a repuest to enange the west half of NE4 of
NWu, Section 23-29-15, less the south 323 feet of east 15� feet less the north 1Q3
feet of south 505 feet of east 30 feet, less the west 520 feet of soutr� 1,015 f'eet; also
the west 33 feet of north 665.36 feet of east half oi NEu of NjrI4, Section 23-29-15,
from R-1 to R-4. Mr. V�. S. 6ifightman, president, Standard Development Company, stated
it vras planned to uue tne Business area for a shopping center and the R-� area as a
buffer zone between Business and R-1 area. Gomriissioner Insco moved Item -n-�'-5 and Item
�6 be placed on the referendum, Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and
carried unanim�usly.
Item �4 included a request to change the SW,�-� of the NEw of SW,�-�, Sectian 2-29-15,
, be changed from R-4 to Business zoning. Mr. Robert Freeze s�epresented the Cleartvater
Development Corporation. Commissioner Fields moved the request of Cleartiva�er Development
Corparation (Item #�+) be approved and placed on ths referendum on -Ehe December 15th
election. Motion �,ras seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried unanimousl;�.
Regarding Item �3, the Clerk rea,d a let��r from Mrs, Annette G. Emmons withdrawing
her request to rezone Lots 7 and 8, Block B, Suburb Beautiful, from R-2 to Business,
By consent, the le�i<ter of wlthdrawal was accepted.
Ii>em �2 was described as a request to change the north-south 33 foot strip west
of Lembo �ubdivision extending from the south boundary line oi Block V, Eiibiscus
Gardens to the west extension of �he south property ].ine af Lot �k, Lembo Subdivision,
from R-1 to Business, Commissioner Fields moved It;em �2 be approved and placed on the
re�erendum on December 15th. M�tion was seconded by Commissioner Smith and carr3ed
Item #1 was submitted as a reques� from Mr. W. E. Spain to change Lot 4, Block 6,
Nori:h Shore Park, from R-1 to R-2. The Zoning and Planning Board further recommended
that Lots 1-3 be included in the rezon3;ng. (Commissioner Insco left the,:meeting at
3:30 P.M, to receive an ur�e�� telephone call. Go ssioner Fiel s move t at t e
reques or a c an.�e o zon ng on o s ,,,and 4, Block �, North Shore Parls Sub-
division, #'rom R-1 to R-2 be r�pproved and placed on the referendum on Deeember 15th.
, Motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith and carrisd unanimously.
� �
November 9, �959
Commi.asioner Insco retlzrned to the zneating at 3:35 P.T�•
The request of Mr. W. A, Walker to change Lots 1-4, Bloclt B, Maranatha Subdivis3o�n,
from R-�+ to Business zoninZfi was considered. Mr. Wallcer was present. Comm3.ssioner
Fields moved i;he request fo:^ a change of zon3ng from R-4 to Business oi1 I,ots 1-�F,
Block B, Maranatha Subdivisian, be approved and p].aced on the referendum on December
15th, DTotion wa;s seconded by Comm3asioner Smith and carr:ted unan3mously.
The Attorney presented a proposed ordinance which would niake it illegal for
unattended coin-operated laundromats to operate between 11:00 P.M, and 7:00 A.M. He
said lze had rec�ived Several ca11s objecting to th� proposed ordinance. The Mayor
suggested perhapa the problem could be met by enforcing present ordinances. Com-
missioner Fields moved the proposed ordinance be tabled for further study. Motion was
seconded by Commissioner Insco and carried unanimously.
Re,solu.t3on 5g-102 was presented which would authorize the proper City official.s to
accept a deed to a portion of Lots 7 and 8, Earll and Tates Subd3vision:,� �'rom the First
National Bank, and to executs a deed to the First National Bank for a portion of iots
l and 2, Earll and T�tes Subdivision, in order to correct the rpcorded description of
the east-west alley in that block arid make it the same as the actual occupation of the
alley. CQmmissioner Smith moved Resolution 59-102 be adopted ana the proper officials
authorized to execute it. Motion was seconded by Conunissioner Fields and carried
�he Attorney asked for instructions in rega��� to obtaining the remainirxg right of
way needed for the Myrtle Avenue paving project. Coisnissioner Fields moved that the
City Attorney be instructed to institute immediate suit or otherwise acquire for the
City of Clearwater the remaining right of way which is necessary for the extension of
Myrtle Avenue northerly and southerly. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith and
carried unanimously.
The Gity Attorney reported Mr. C. T. Coliins of the State Road Department had
stated that the State Road Department would remove the abandoned house on Lot 77,
Glenwood Subdivision, and suggested that possibly the City Fire Department coul.d burn
the flammable part o£ it.
Regarding the condemnation suit against Mr. H. C. Ni�ye� for a portion of the
acreage in Section 16-2g-15 needed to extend Drew Street westerly to Clearwater Bay,
the Attorney Feported Mr. J. C. Satterfield was representing the owner and had indicated
closin� could take place in the near future at a cost of �54,200.00 for the land plus
the attorney's fee of $750.00,
The Mayor announced that Presiden� A. J. Celebrezze, American Municipal Association,
had appointed Commissioner Insco as a member of the Committee on. International Municipal
Commissioner Inseo asked �he Mayor to proclaim Sund�.y, November 15th, as "Nagano
City ��iy" as part of the City's People-to-Peopl:: Program with the Japanese city.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:50 P.M.
Ma Comm�.s ioner
1 C er
� Z,
November 9, 1959
Navember 6, 1959
Honarable Nlayor and Members of City Commission
City of Clearwater
Clearwater, Florida
The City Commissicrn will meet in special session on Mondaps November 9, at 1s30 P.M.
in the City Hall auditorium to hold a public hearing concerning�referendum items, and
such other business as may be presented.
�incerely yours�
James �.. Stewart
City I�Ianager