6563-00 . . . J ORDINANCE NO. 6563-00 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ADMINISTRATION, ARTICLE V, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, DIVISION 3, EMPLOYEES' PENSION PLAN, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER; AMENDING SECTION 2.393, DEFINITIONS; AMENDING SECTION 2.395, PARTICIPATION; AMENDING SECTION 2.396, CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PLAN; AMENDING SECTION 2.397, BENEFITS UNDER THE PLAN; AMENDING SECTION 2.398, TIME AND MANNER OF BENEFIT PAYMENTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. Chapter 2, Administration, Article V, Employee Benefits, Division 3, Employees' Pension Plan, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clearwater is hereby amended by amending Section 2.393, Definitions, by adding the definition of Early retirement date; adding the definition of police officer, adding the definition of firefighter, and amending the definition of normal retirement date, to read as follows: Earlv retirement date shall mean the date on which a police officer or firefighter participant has reached the age of 50 years and completed ten years of credited service. Firefighter shall mean an actively employed full-time person employed by the city including his initial probationary employment period. who is certified as a firefighter as a condition of employment in accordance with the provisions of &633.35. Florida Statutes. and whose duty it is to extinguish fires. to protect life and to protect property. Normal retirement date shall mean (1) The earlier of: (2) a. The date on which a participant has reached the age of 55 years and completed 20 years of credited service, b. The date on which a participant has completed 30 years of credited service regardless of age, or c. the date on which a participant has reached the age of 65 years and completed 10 years of credited service. or d. eo:- The date on which a participant has completed 20 years of credited service, or reached the age of 55 and completed 10 years of credited service. which service is of a character or type of employment that is described below as "hazardous duty" or that the trustees have designated as hazardous duty. For this purpose, a participant's service shall be deemed "hazardous duty" if the participant is a full-time sworn police officer certified in accordance with F.S. ~ Ordinance 6563-00 ~ . 943.1395, or a full-time firefighter certified in accordance with F.S. ~ 633.35, and he is employed in police or fire positions as established by the employer. Police officer shall mean an actively employed full-time person. employed by the city. including employment during: his initial probationary employment period. who is certified as a police officer as a condition of employment in accordance with the provisions of F.S. ~ 943.1395. who is vested with authority to bear arms and make arrests. and whose primary responsibility is the prevention and detection of crime or the enforcement of the penal. traffic or highway laws of the state. Section 2. Chapter 2, Administration; Article V, Employee Benefits; Division 3, Employees' Pension Plan of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clearwater is hereby amended by amending Section 2.395. Participation by adding subsection (c) Separation from employment for military service, to read as follows: (c) (1) Seoaration from employment for military service The years or fractional parts of a year that a participant serves in the military service of the Armed Forces of the United States. the United States Merchant Marine or the United States Coast Guard. voluntarily or involuntarily. after separation from employment as an Employee with the city to perform training or service. and reemployment on or after December 12. 1994. shall be added to his years of credited service for all purposes. including: vesting. provided that: a. The participant must return to his employment as an employee within one (1) year from the earlier of the date of his military discharge or his release from service. . b. The participant deposits into the plan the same sum that the participant would have contributed if he had remained an employee during his absence. The participant must deposit all missed contributions within a period equal to three (3) times the period of military service. but not more than five (5) years from the date of reemployment or he will forfeit the right to receive credited service for his military service pursuant to this section. except that a police officer or firefighter participant shall not be required to deposit contributions to receive credited service. c The maximum credit for military service pursuant to this section shall be five (5) years. d. The participant must have been discharged or released from service under honorable conditions. e. This section is intended to satisfy the minimum requirements of the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). (P.L. 103-353). To the extent that this section does not meet the minimum standards of USERRA. as it may be amended from time to time. the minimum standards shall apply. Section 3. Chapter 2, Administration; Article V, Employee Benefits, Division 3, Employees' Pension Plan, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clearwater is hereby . amended by amending Section 2.396, Contributions, subsection (a)(1), to read as follows: (a) Employee contributions. Ordinance 6563-00 2 . For each plan year, an employee required to participate in the plan shall make regular contributions to the plan in the amount of eight percent of his compensation. Employee contributions withheld by the employer on behalf of the employee shall be deposited with the trustees at least monthly. except that such contributions shall be deposited immediately after each pay period for police officer and firefighter participants. Section 4. Chapter 2, Administration Article V, Employee Benefits, Division 3, Employees' Pension Plan, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clearwater is hereby amended by amending Section 2.397. Benefits under the plan, to read as follows: (1) Sec. 2.397. Benefits under the plan. (a) Normal retirement benefit. (1) A participant shall be entitled to retire from the employ of his employer upon such participant's normal retirement date. (2) Upon reaching his normal retirement date, a participant shall be fully vested in his accrued benefit and shall be entitled to receive, at the time and in the manner described in section 2.398, his normal retirement benefit. Subject to the provisions of paragraph (e) of this section 2.397: a. The normal retirement benefit shall be a monthly income, paid in accordance with the normal form of benefit described below, that is equal to the product of: 1. Two and one-half percent of the participant's average monthly compensation, multiplied by 2. The participant's years of credited service. . (3) ---- b. Effective for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 1996, in the case of employees who are performing active service on behalf of the employer on January 1, 1996, "two and three-quarters percent" shall be substituted for "two and one-half percent" in subparagraph a. above. An employee will be deemed to be performing active service if he is actively employed by the employer (working on a continuous basis), inclusive of light duty assignments made by the employer and the use of sick leave, vacation leave, military leave, family medical leave, or other approved leaves of absence from which the employee is anticipated to return to regular duty. This subparagraph b. shall not apply to employees who, as of January 1, 1996, no longer perform active service for the employer but who remain on the employer's payroll and are compensated for a given period on the basis of vacation time, sick leave, severance benefits or any other type of leave of absence and whose employment with the employer is expected to terminate following such compensated period. The normal form of benefit shall be an annuity paid monthly for the life of the participant, with a 100 percent survivor annuity paid monthly for a period of five years following the death of the participant to the beneficiary or beneficiaries described in paragraph (e) of this section 2.397; provided, further, that following such five a. . Ordinance 6563-00 3 b. year period the survivor annuity shall be reduced to 50 percent of the original survivor annuity amount. except that. if greater for police officers and firefighters. the normal form of benefit shall be an annuity paid monthly for the life of the participant with 120 payments guaranteed. The survivor annuity paid to the participant's beneficiary or beneficiaries in accordance with subparagraph (3)a. above shall cease following 1. The last day of the month in which occurs the designated beneficiary's death or remarriage, if such designated beneficiary is the participant's spouse, or . 2. The last day of the month in which occurs the designated beneficiary's death or attainment of age 18, if the designated beneficiary is the participant's child or children. (4) In the event that a participant does not begin to receive his normal retirement benefit at his normal retirement date, such participant shall be entitled to the benefit he was entitled to receive at his normal retirement date, adjusted to take into account his average monthly compensation and years of credited service as of his actual retirement date. . (b) (1) Early retirement benefit. A participant shall be entitled to retire from the employ of his employer upon such participant's early retirement date. (2) Upon reaching his early retirement date, the participant shall be fully vested in his accrued benefit and shall be entitled to receive, at the time and in the manner described in section 2.398, his early retirement benefit. (3) A participant's early retirement benefit for police officer and firefighter participants shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (a) above, and the amount of such benefit otherwise payable under paragraph (a) shall be reduced by 3 percent per year to the aemarial equi',alent of the beoofit otherwise payable under paragraph (a) abo"e. (4) If a participant separates from service before satisfying the age requirement for early retirement, but has satisfied the service requirement, the participant will be entitled to an early retirement benefit upon satisfaction of such age requirement. (c) Disability benefit. (1) a. A participant who is vested in his accrued benefit and who terminates employment by reason of his disability shall be entitled to receive, at the time and in the manner described in section 2.398, a disability benefit equal to his accrued benefit as of the date of termination of his employment. A participant who is deemed by the committee to be disabled by reason of an injury suffered or an illness contracted in the line of duty need not satisfy the vesting requirement set forth in subparagraph . b. Ordinance 6563-00 4 . c. (l)a. above; provided, further, that the monthly amount of the disability benefit payable to a participant described in this subparagraph (l)b. shall not be less than 662/3 percent of such participant's average monthly compensation. The provisions of this paragraph (c.) shall apply to participants who are determined by the committee to be disabled on or after January 1, 1996. (2) A participant shall be considered disabled for purposes of the plan if, in the opinion of the committee, the participant is disabled due to sickness or injury, such disability is likely to be continuous and permanent from a cause other than specified in subparagraph (3) below, and such disability renders the participant unable to perform any useful, meaningful and necessary work for the employer in an available position for which the participant is reasonably qualified' or for which the participant may be reasonably trained to perform, subject to the limitations below. . . a. If a participaflt employed as a s':/orR aoo state eertified (iR aeeordaaee with F. S. 0 943.13 95) poliee officer (potiee reeruit, police officer, police sergeant, police liel:lteRaflt, police eaptaiR, assistaflt or deputy ehief or eOffll3arable sworR and state certified positions) or a smte certified (iR aeeordaBce with F.S. 0 633.35), firefighter (firefighter, fire liel:lteaaflt, distriet fire ehief, assistant or deputy chief or comparable state eertified positioRS) is disabled to the extent that he caMot reasonably cORtinl:le to perform fhe nmctioRs of His specific positioR, bl:lt remains eapable of performiRg l:lseful, meaningful aad Reeessary work, he may be assigned to an alternate positioR V/ifh the employer as deseribed belm" iR liel:l of reeeiviRg disability beRefits uflder tlie plaR. 1. If aR available ettHal le'/el positioR is available in IDe poliee or fire departmcflt respecti';ely, the participaflt may be assigBed to such positioft within the respecti'le departmeRt, such assignment to be ',Vith no loss of base pay (as described belov/); ef 2. If no ettHal level positioR is a'/ailable in fhe police or fire depar..meRt respeetively, as referred to iR subparagraph 1. aboye, the partieipant may be assigBed to aRother sworR aad/or state certified positioR iR the respeetive department, if sl:leh positioR is available, Sl:lch assignmeflt to be with no loss of base pay regardless of whether the assignmeflt is to aft ettHal or lower level positioR; or 3. If a position is not available pursl:laflt to s1:tbflaragraph 1. or 2. above, fhe flartieipaflt may be assigRed to a non sworR aRd/or BOft state eertified positioft withiR the respeeti'/e def)artmeflt, if sl:lch position is w;ailable, ':lith such assignmeRt to be Wifh no loss of base pay regardless of v;Hethcr the assignmeflt is to a 80ft swom and/or flOR state eertified position of equal or lo':/er le'lel; or 4. If aR assigRffieRt eannot be made pursuam to s1:tbparagraph 1., 2. or 3. above, tHe }3articipaflt may be assigaed to an-y otlier Ordinance 6563-00 5 . . positioR witb tbe eR'lflloyer t:bat is a':ailable for wbieb t:be particiflaat bas tbe skill aRd kno':/ledge to perform or for wbieb the participaftt eaR reasoaably be trained to perform, saeh assignmeftt to be wit:b RO loss of base pay regardless of wbether the assignment to saeh position is at an eqaal or lower ltweh- 5. Tbe eR'lf>loyer will 13ro':ide not less than eight 13ositiofls '.vitbin the police departmeftt a8cl aot less than fi'y'e positions in the fire de13artmeRt that are iR tbe hazardoas ooty category as defined iR seetioR 2.393, for alterRate assigRlReRt parposes iR lieu of the reeeipt of disability paymeftts as pro,tided for iR this seetioR. The specific positioRs as pro'tided by the employer may '/ary from time to time aad Reed Rot be desigaated in advaaee by the city. If alterRate positioRs include ones to wbieb assigRlReRt pay is applieable ander a desigaated 1:1Riofl eofttraet, the assignmeRt pay will be paid. In the event that poliee officers or firefighters ha'te been assigned to aR alternate positioR oats ide of their bargainiRg aait iR lieu of disability eeRefits parsuaat to provisioRs of seetion 2.397 bereof beeffi:lse all the available alterRate positioas within the eargaiaiag aRit vtere already assigRed aRd theR ORe of the 13ositioas withiR the bargaining anit becomes a'y'ailable, sl::lch altenltltely assigRed employees sball be returaed to tfle position '//ithiR the bargaiaiRg aRit positiOR OR a first 01:1t, first return ~ 6. ~ Any police officer or firefighter participant who shall become totally and permanently disabled to the extent that he is unable, by reason of a medically determinable physical or mental impairment. to render useful and efficient service as a police officer or firefighter, shall, upon establishing the same to the satisfaction of the Board, be entitled to a monthly pension provided for in subparagraph (c)(1 ). Terminated persons. either vested or non-vested. are not eligible for disability benefits. except that those terminated by the City for medical reasons may apply for a disability within thirty (30) days after termination. b. If a participant employed in a position other than as a sworn and state certified police officer or a state certified firefighter is disabled to the extent that he can not reasonably continue to perform the functions of his specific position, but remains capable of performing useful, meaningful and necessary work, he may be assigned to an alternate position with the employer in lieu of receiving disability benefits under the plan. For this purpose, the participant may be assigned to any other position with the employer that is available for which the participant has the skill and knowledge to perform or for which the participant can reasonably be trained to perform, such assignment to be with no loss of base pay regardless of whether the assignment to such position is at an equal or lower level. . c. For purposes of this paragraph (c)(2), the term "base pay" shall be defined as compensation at the rate prescribed for the particular job class in the employer's pay schedule. Ordinance 6563-00 6 . Any hazardotls duty desigRated plaR participant who is assigned to aR alterRate positioR iR lieH of reeei'liRg disability beRefits Hader the plaR pHrSHaRt to provisions of }3aragrElflh (e)(2)a. of seetioR 2.397 of filis }3laR shall e01Hifll::le to be desigRated as a hazardol::ls dtIty employee regardless of file Ramre or 10eatioR of the altemate assigIlftleftt aRd shall remiR his rank as a sV/om poliee officer or firefighter. 8\:1eh partieipaftt shall remain eligible for retiremeftt as a hazardolis duty employee. d. e-:- The trustees of the plan shall make the determination in each instance if a participant who has been found disabled pursuant to paragraph (c )(2) above may be assigned to an alternate position with the employer as provided in (c)(2)a. and b. hereof. d. (3) a. 1. 2. 3. . 4. 5. 6. 7. . b. Each participant who is not a police officer or firefighter who is claiming disability benefits shall establish, to the satisfaction of the committee, that such disability was not occasioned primarily by: Excessive or habitual use of any drugs intoxicants, or alcohol; Injury or disease sustained while willfully and illegally participating in fights, riots or civil insurrections; Injury or disease sustained while committing a crime; Injury or disease sustained while serving in any branch of the Armed Forces; Injury or disease sustained after his employment as an employee with the employer shall have terminated; Willful, wanton or gross negligence of the participant; or Injury or disease sustained by the participant while working for anyone other than the employer and arising out of such employment. 8. A condition pre-existing the participant's participation in the plan. No participant shall be entitled to a disability pension, whether in line of duty or not in line of duty. because of or due to the aggravation of a specific injury. impairment or other medical condition pre-existing at the time of participation in the plan. provided that such pre-existing condition and its relationship to a later injury. impairment or other medical condition be established by competent substantial evidence. Nothing herein shall be construed to preclude a disability pension to a participant who. after membership in the plan. suffers an iniury. impairment or other medical condition different from some other injury. impairment. or other medical condition existing at or prior to said participation. No }3artieipaftt shall be efttitled to a disability beRefit, 'llhetller iR line of duty or Rot iR lifte of daty, because of or d\:1e to the aggravatioR of a sfleeifie iRjHl')', impairmeftt or other medieal eoflclitioa pre existiag Ordinance 6563-00 7 3. 4. . 5. ,~ . (4) ~ . the employee's participatioR iR llle plaa; provided, l'lov:e':er, tl'lat such pre existiag eoH:dition and its relationship to a later injary, impairmeH:t or otl'ler m.edieal e01'ldition is establisl'led by competent substaH:tial evide1'lee. Notl'liRg l'lereiR sl'lall be eORstraed to preelade a disability be1'lefit for a partieipaRt who, after eommefl:eiRg partieipation iR tl'le plafl: stlfrers aR iRjary, im.pairment or other medical eondition differeRt from. some otl'ler ifl:jary, impairment, or other medical eondition existing at or prior to partieipatioR iR tl'le plaR. Each police officer or firefighter participant. who is claiming disability benefits. shall establish to the satisfaction of the committee. that such disability was not occasioned primarily by. (except that paragraph 5 is only applicable to police officers): 1. Excessive or habitual use of any drugs. intoxicants or narcotics. 2. Injury or disease sustained while willfully and illegally participating in fights. riots or civil insurrections or while committing a crime. Injury or disease sustained while serving in any branch of the Armed Forces. Injury or disease sustained by the participant after his employ- ment as a police officer or firefighter with the City of Clearwater shall have terminated. a. For police officer participants. injury or disease sustained by the participant while working for anyone other than the City and arising out of such employment. A participant shall not become eligible for disability benefits until and unless he undergoes a physical examination by a qualified physician or physicians, who shall be selected by the committee for that purpose. b. Any former participant receiving disability benefits under provisions of this plan may be periodically re-examined by a qualified physician or physicians who shall be selected by the committee to determine if such disability has ceased to exist or if the former participant may be employed in an available position for which the participant is reasonably qualified in accordance with the provisions in paragraph (c)(2) above. If the committee finds that the former participant is no longer disabled or is capable of performing service for the employer in accordance with the provisions of subparagraph (2) above, the committee may request the former participant to return to the employ of the employer. If the former participant returns to the performance of duty as an employee, he shall again be eligible to participate in the plan. In the event a former participant is no longer disabled or is deemed capable of returning to employment with the employer in accordance with the provisions of subparagraph (2) above, and he does not return to employment with the employer pursuant to the committee's request, he shall forfeit the right to his disability 1. Ordinance 6563-00 8 . benefit; provided further, that if an employee accepts employment with another employer in an occupation or line of work similar to the occupation or line of work that resulted in the employee being eligible for a disability benefit hereunder, he shall forfeit the right to his disability benefit. A participant who returns to employment with the employer and recommences participation in the plan shall not receive credited service for the period during which he received disability benefits under the plan. c. The cost of the physical examination and/or re-examination of the employee claiming and/or receiving disability benefits shall be borne by the plan. All other reasonable costs as determined by the committee incident to the physical examination, such as, but not limited to, transportation and meals, shall be borne by the plan. 2. . d. The committee may establish such other rules and procedures as it deems necessary to implement the provisions of this paragraph c.. (5) A participant whose employment is terminated by reason of his death in the line of duty shall, for purposes of the plan, be deemed to have been disabled in the line of duty, and the participant's beneficiary shall be entitled to receive a disability benefit as described in paragraph (c)(I) above. If a participant receives a disability benefit under the plan and workers' compensation benefits pursuant to F.S. Ch. 440 for the same disability, and the total monthly benefits received from both exceed 100 percent of the participant's average monthly wage, as defined in F.S. Ch. 440, excluding overtime, the disability benefit shall be reduced so that the total monthly amount received by the participant does not exceed 100 percent of such wage. The amount of any lump sum workers' compensation payment shall be converted to an equivalent monthly benefit payable for ten years certain by dividing the lump sum amount by [section] 83.9692. Notwithstanding the foregoing. in no event shall the disability pension benefit of a police officer or firefighter participant be reduced below the greater of forty-two percent of average final compensation or two percent of average final compensation times years of credited service. (6) (7) In-Line of Duty Presumvtions. a. Presumption. Any condition or impairment of health of a police officer or firefighter participant caused by hypertension or heart disease shall be presumed to have been suffered in line of duty unless the contrary is shown by competent evidence. provided that such participant shall have successfully passed a physical examination upon entering into such service. including cardiogram for police officer participants. which examination failed to reveal any evidence of such condition: and provided further. that such presumption shall not apply ~o benefits payable or granted in a policy of life insurance or disability Insurance. . b. Additional Presumption. The presumption provided for in this para- graph b shall apply only to those conditions described in this para- graph b that are diagnosed on or after January 1. 1996. Ordinance 6563-00 9 . . . 1. Definitions. As used in this subsection 7.b.. the following definitions apply: (i) "Body fluids" means blood and body fluids containing visible blood and other body fluids to which universal precautions for prevention of occupational transmission of blood-borne pathogens. as established by the Centers for Disease Control. apply. For purposes of potential transmission of meningococcal meningitis or tuberculosis. the term "body fluids" includes respiratory. salivary. and sinus fluids. including droplets. sputum. and saliva. mucous. and other fluids through which infectious airborne organisms can be transmitted between persons. "Emergency rescue or public safety Member" means any participant employed full time by the city as a firefighter. paramedic. emergency medical technician. law enforcement officer. or correctional officer who. in the course of employment. runs a high risk of occupational exposure to hepatitis. meningococcal meningitis. or tuberculosis and who is not employed elsewhere in a similar capacity. However. the term "emergency rescue or public safety Member" does not include any person employed by a public hospital licensed under Chapter 395. Florida Statutes. or any person employed by a subsidiary thereof. (ii) (iii) "Hepatitis" means hepatitis A. hepatitis B. hepatitis non-A. hepatitis non-B. hepatitis C. or any other strain of hepatitis generally recognized by the medical community. (iv) "High risk of occupational exposure" means that risk that is incurred because a person subiect to the provisions of this subsection. in performing the basic duties associated with his employment: a) Provides emergency medical treatment in a non- health-care setting where there is a potential for transfer of body fluids between persons: b) At the site of an accident. fire. or other rescue or public safety operation. or in an emergency rescue or public safety vehicle. handles body fluids in or out of containers or works with or otherwise handles needles or other sharp instru- ments exposed to body fluids: Engages in the pursuit. apprehension. and arrest of law violators or suspected law violators and. in performing such duties. may be exposed to body fluids: or c) Ordinance 6563-00 10 . Is responsible for the custody. and physical restraint when necessary. of prisoners or inmates within a prison. jail. or other criminal detention facility. while on work detail outside the. facility. or while being transported and. in performing such duties. may be exposed to body fluids. (v) "Occupational exposure." in the case of hepatitis. meningococcal meningitis. or tuberculosis. means an exposure that occurs during the performance of job duties that may place a worker at risk of infection. d) (2) Presumption. Any emergency rescue or public safety participant who suffers a condition or impairment of health that is caused by hepatitis. meningococcal meningitis. or tuberculosis. that requires medical treatment. and that results in total or partial disability or death shall be presumed to have a disability suffered in the line of duty. unless the contrary is shown by competent evidence: however. in order to be entitled to the presumption. the participant must. by written affidavit as provided in Section 92.50. Florida Statutes. verify by written declaration that. to the best of his knowledge and belief: (i) In the case of a medical condition caused by or derived from hepatitis. he has not: . Been exposed. through transfer of bodily fluids. to any person known to have sickness or medical conditions derived from hepatitis. outside the scope of his employment; b) Had a transfusion of blood or blood components. other than a transfusion arising out of an accident or injury happening in connection with his present employment, or received any blood products for the treatment of a coagulation disorder since last undergoing medical tests for hepatitis. which tests failed to indicate the presence of hepatitis: a) c) Engaged in unsafe sexual practices or other high-risk behavior. as identified by the Centers for Disease Control or the Surgeon General of the United States or had sexual relations with a person known to him to have engaged in such unsafe sexual practices or other high- risk behavior; or d) Used intravenous drugs not prescribed by a physician. (ij) In the case of meningococcal meningitis. in the ten (10) days immediately preceding diagnosis he was not exposed. outside the scope of his employment. to any person known to have meningococcal meningitis or known to be an asymptomatic carrier of the disease. . (im In the case of tuberculosis. in the period of time since the participant's last negative tuberculosis skin test. he has not Ordinance 6563-00 11 . . 3. been exposed. outside the scope of his employment. to any person known by him to have tuberculosis. Immunization. Whenever any standard. medically recognized vaccine or other form of immunization or prophylaxis exists for the prevention of a communicable disease for which a presumption is granted under this section. if medically indicated in the given circumstances pursuant to immunization policies established by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the U.S. Public Health Service. an emergency rescue or public safety participant may be required by the city to undergo the immunization or prophylaxis unless the participant's physician determines in writing that the immunization or other prophylaxis would pose a significant risk to the participant's health. Absent such written declaration. failure or refusal by an emergency rescue or public safety participant to undergo such immunization or prophylaxis disqualifies the participant from the benefits of the presumption. Record of Exposures. The City shall maintain a record of any known or reasonably suspected exposure of an emergency rescue or public safety participant in its employ to the disease described in this section and shall immediately notify the participant of such exposure. An emergency rescue or public safety participant shall file an incident or accident report with the city of each instance of known or suspected occupational exposure to hepatitis infection. meningococcal meningitis. or tuberculosis. 4. 5. Required medical tests: oreemoloyment ohvsical. In order to be entitled to the presumption provided by this section: (0 An emergency rescue or public safety participant must. prior to diagnosis. have undergone standard. medically acceptable tests for evidence of the communicable disease for which the presumption is sought. or evidence of medical conditions derived therefrom. which tests fail to indicate the presence of infection. This paragraph does not apply in the case of meningococcal meningitis. (in On or after June 15. 1995. an emergency rescue or public safety participant may be required to undergo a preemployment physical examination that tests for and fails to reveal any evidence of hepatitis or tuberculosis. (d) Termination of employment benefit. (1) In the event a participant's employment with his employer is terminated for reasons other than retirement, disability or death, such participant shall be entitled to receive, at the time and in the manner described in section 2.398, a termination of employment benefit that is equal to the participant's vested interest in his accrued benefit as of the date of his termination of employment. . (2) a. A participant I s vested interest in his accrued benefit shall be the following percentage of his accrued benefit, based upon such Ordinance 6563-00 12 . participant's full years of credited serVIce as of the date of his termination of employment: TOTAL NUMBER OF FULL YEARS OF CREDITED SERVICE VESTED INTEREST Less than 10 Years of Credited Service 0% 100% 10 years or more b. Notwithstanding the foregoing schedule, a participant shall be fully vested in his accrued benefit upon attaining his early retirement date or his normal retirement date. (3) A participant who terminates employment with the employer prior to his early retirement date or his normal retirement date may elect to receive the total contributions he has made to the plan, together with five percent simple interest on such contributions. Upon making such election, the participant's interest in his accrued benefit shall be forfeited. (4) . If a participant terminates employment prior to his early retirement date or his normal retirement date and receives a distribution of his contributions (plus interest thereon) and is subsequently reemployed and again becomes a participant in this plan, his credited service for purposes of vesting and benefit accruals shall not include any periods of employment prior to his reemployment date unless he repays to the pension fund the greater of (i) the full amount previously distributed to him plus interest at the rate of five percent per annum from the date of distribution to the date of repayment or (ii) the actuarial present value of the accrued benefit previously forfeited. Such repayment must be made no later than the second anniversary of the participant's reemployment. except that if it is made by a police officer or firefighter participant no later than 90 days after reemployment. such repayment shall be the full amount previously distributed to him plus interest at a rate determined by the trustees. If a participant repays the foregoing amount to the pension fund within the prescribed time period, the interest of the participant in his accrued benefit previously forfeited under subparagraph (3) above shall be restored in full and the participant's credited service shall be based on all periods of employment. (e) Death benefit. (1) . a. 1. In the event of the death of a participant who is vested in his accrued benefit prior to his termination of employment, his beneficiary (as described below) shall be entitled to receive a death benefit at the time and in the manner described in section 2.398. Said death benefit shall be in an amount equal to the accrued benefit of such participant as of the date of his death. The participant's beneficiary may elect to receive, in lieu of the death benefit under the plan, the total contributions made by the participant to the plan, together with five percent simple interest on such contributions. Upon making such election, the participant's beneficiary shall forfeit any right to a death benefit under the plan. 2. Ordinance 6563-00 13 . If the participant does not have a beneficiary, the total contributions made by the participant to the plan, together with five percent simple interest on such contributions, shall be paid to the participant's estate. b. In the event of the death of a participant who is not vested in his accrued benefit prior to his termination of employment, his beneficiary (or, if there is no beneficiary, his estate) shall be entitled to receive the total contributions made by the participant to the plan, together with five percent simple interest on such contributions. 3. (2) A participant whose employment is terminated by reason of his death in the line of duty shall be deemed, for purposes of the plan, to have been disabled in the line of duty and his benefit shall be determined in accordance with paragraph (c)(5) of this section 2.397. (3) The participant's surviving spouse shall be deemed to be the beneficiary designated to receive the death benefit payable under the plan, and if none, his children under the age of 18 who are the participant's dependents (within the meaning of Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code) at the time of his death. (4) . (f) (1) . If the total contributions made by the participant to the plan, together with five percent simple interest on such contributions, exceed the value of the death benefit paid under the plan, the amount by which such contributions (including interest thereon) exceed the value of the death benefit paid under the plan shall be paid to the participant's estate. Limitations on arrwunt of benefits. a. Not',vithstaflcliflg any other provIsion of this seetion 2.397 to the contrary, the flrojeeted Benefit for a participant (under this fllan and l:lnder all other defined benefit plans maiFltained by the employer, whether or not terminated) vmen expressed as a benefit payable aBffi:lally iFl the form of a straight life annuity '.vithol:lt regard to the death benefit or any other aFleillary Benefit, shall not at aITY time withiFl the limitation year exec cd the lesser of 1. $90,000.00 (adj1:lsted 1:lader such regl:llations as may be issl:led by the seereEary of treasary); or 2. 100 pereent of the partieipaFlt's average molHhly eompeFlsation. Notwithstaflcling the foregoing, the BeFlefit payable ':/ith respeet to a partieiflaFlt shall be deemed not to exeeed the limiEatioFls set forth ifl subparagraph 1. If the benefit flayaBle vlith resfleet to sl:leh partieiflant \:lflcler this plan aOO under all other defiFled Beaefit fleFlsioFl fllans to which the employer eoFltriBl:ltes, does not exceed $10,000.00 f-or the apfllieable fllan year and for any plan year and the employer has FlOt at any time mainEained a defined eontrib1:ltion plan in whieh the f'artieif)ant flartieipated. B. e. The limiEations in sl:lbparagraphs (l)a.l., (1)a.2. and (1)b. abo'le, shall be HR:lltif'lied BY a fraetion (not in exeess of one), the n1:lmerator Ordinance 6563-00 14 . . . d. . , . am of flartieiflatioR iR . eel' of fue flartie~a~ s ) e :f; rth iR s1:1bflaragr~h of wloioR 10 tke -- f !he sollar limJtal100 oet -f retlited .erviee (m Ike "loa (iR IRe ellS:e~ of tke "artioijloRt's 0)M~ 0 ~ (1)1>.) IIBt! Ike (l)a.1.) or the nUFl'!-mitation set forth..n a.. Ike ease of ~}. k io .itko, ....., I' lea. . denolR_1or of _RI. '. $90900.00 lilRilotmo set ft ealeOOar year, the , a'1:1sted as aRd If '. of JIHiIIllfj' I of ..... Ija 1 abov., oltoll 1>. a--J . .eeR adj""l.d f~rtk io subjl...grlljlR ~ 'of Ike trellSory, aad ailouM lilRooooo p.r!Rill.s I>y I~~ .::;~ .ffe.tiv. as the _Xl":, sollar ii_lOa Ii_Klo "t'" fo:::'.t eol.ndar year. '?'il ":.';;Iy te liR1ilalioo ye... 1:1Rder the fl aR _ as so adj1:1sted, s a for a ealeaclar ) ~~~ ' 1:1eh ealeRe:lar year. .odiog witk or WI m. . eRt I>eoefilll I>eeo.... I tho eyent the participan~s r$~beooo.oo limitation s~t n -able bef-ore age 62, t e eo:-e shall be reclt1eed III fa} IR io sobjl...grlljlR (1).. L II- ~e~ I>y the s.eretary of sr .tit egulatIofls ISS aeemdaace WI r t belo'" $75 000.00. - b1:1t no n , tIte trea..,!) , I> fit, "eeo.... .. f fetlremeflt efle . t In the e'/eat the partteIflaR h S $90 000. 00 limitation s~ "oyoble I>ofare age ~~ h: i olto:"" .hIlll "e redti~ ~~ fenk io seb~~b~:'I.ti~' isso.s I>y . 'r :~~:Ieot of aee()rdaaee nIt below the act1:1ana e the treasury, B1:1t ao $75 000.00 .t age 55. k ' ':f; rth in subparagrap 10 no eveRt .kall IRe li;la~o~ose:", 0 IlIROORt less ~ 1 1 ab()ve be re .1:1ce d ee ':lith the IRterna tdo'ooo.OO (iod."e8 10 ..ef~ofu,. or fir.figkters ",:Ho .' Code) In tRe ease 0 d fined III SectIOn Re\ eR1:1e . tici:(3ants as e are qualIfied flar I t mal Re';eIRle Code. 415(1))(2)(H) of the 0 e a 'abl. afler . ent benefit beeomes p ) fit meets If the "artieipOB~:e::;r:'terlRiHiog wloellt.h :~:.:..- - (1 )0. 2. og. 65, ~"'t2' lilflilal;eo s.t forlR d'o ~ it i. actearially IR. $9(1, . I> efit ,ko11 be. adJoole so 65 Thi. o8jo.tmenl above, .eek ~: benefit beglRl110g at ag~ rat~ of !i',. "ereeRl e::r~:':..:.~. ""jog Oft ao~-.:': ,!.:r::gillatiOR8 prmoolgoted S ade in aeeor aR n aOO shall be m _ f the treasury. "y lIie secrelof) 0 . . . bOIR a t1efinet! - rtiei:(3ant partICIpates IR . . ned b~- his 10 IRe .""fIt ae: "'Z,l.:es .0otrHlHOOO "loa IR":,,~ d.fined "eoo!it !'lOB Oft :rfiliate theroof, IR~O ~. ti::- 415(e) of tke ~1fIjl1&1'.~1: froetioo (.s d'dH':: :J.!i~d .ootrlketir,,!,::: I eo 01 a........, Cod.) OB 415(,,) of IRe lBIomal e, otefR · d' S.otlOn d I 0 &-"01;00 (as "."r::.i~:~-YeJlr shall net exeee .. . Coo.) fer aOj' I " !it "lOB 1'<001100 m of the defiRed eRe 1 9 theft tae 10 Ike .v.ot tka:o::~::aoo "loa fro..tion ex..;:,,~ i';-~ ooifono IIBt! tke d.Hnet! k II taI<e .ooh aellORS, a"" h I>.oefits aod plaR admIlHstrator s a aIHier as '11111 keep t e . . 'ftatsry m ~ , IIBt! nooolSOfmu Oroin~" 6563-00 e. 1. (i) (ii) (ii) 2. f. 1. 2. 15 . ill (2) . (3) . alllltlal RdditioRs for S\:lefl partIelpams from exeeediRg these limits. }..cljl:1stmems shall be made to this filaR bef-ore any Rdjl:1stments shall be reqt:lired to Ray other plans. Basic Limitation. Subiect to the adiustments hereinafter set forth. the maximum amount of annual retirement income payable with respect to a participant under this plan shall not exceed $90.000.00. For purposes of applying the above limitation. benefits payable in any form other than a straight life annuity with no ancillary benefits shall be adiusted. as provided by Treasury Regulations. so that such benefits are the Actuarial Equivalent of a straight life annuity. For purposes of this Section. the following benefits shall not be taken into account: a. Any ancillary benefit which is not directly related to retirement income benefits: b. Any other benefit not required under ~415(b)(2) of the code and regulations thereunder to be taken into account for pur- poses of the limitation of ~415(b)(1) of the code. Participation in other defined benefit plans. The limitation of this section with respect to any participant who at any time has been a participant in any other defined benefit plan (as defined in ~414(i) of the code) maintained by the city shall apply as if the total benefits payable under all defined benefit plans in which the participant has been a participant were payable from one (1) plan. Ad;ustments in limitations. a. In the event the participant's retirement benefits become payable before age 62. the $90.000.00 limitation prescribed by this section shall be reduced in accordance with regulations issued by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to the provisions of ~415(b) of the code. but not less than $75.000.00. if the benefit begins at or after age 55. In the event the participant's retirement benefit becomes payable before age 55. the $75.000.00 limitation shall be reduced from age 55 in accordance with regulations issued by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to the provisions of ~415(b) of the code. A participant with at least fifteen (15) years of Credited Service may not have the benefit reduced below $50.000.00. b. In the event a police officer or firefighter participant's benefit is based on at least fifteen (15) years of credited service. the adiustments provided for in a. above shall not apply. c. The reductions provided for in a. above shall not be applicable to disability benefits paid pursuant to Section 2.397(c), or pre-retirement death benefits paid pursuant to section 2.397(e). d. In the event the participant's retirement benefit becomes payable after age 65. for purposes of determining whether this benefit meets the limitation set forth in subsection (1) herein. such benefit shall be adjusted so that it is actuarially equivalent to the benefit beginning at Ordinance 6563-00 16 age 65. This adiustment shall be made using an assumed interest rate of five percent and shall be made in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate. Less than ten (10) years of service. The maximum retirement benefits payable under this section to any participant who has completed less than 10 years of credited service with the city shall be the amount determined under subsection (1) of this section multiplied by a fraction. the numerator of which is the number of the participant's years of credited service and the denominator of which is ten (10). The reduction provided for in this subsection shall not be applicable to disability benefits paid pursuant to section 2.397(c). or pre-retirement death benefits paid pursuant to section 2.397(e). (5) Ten thousand dollar ($10.000) limit. . (4) (6) . (7) . Notwithstanding the foregoing. the retirement benefit payable with respect to a participant shall be deemed not to exceed the limitations set forth in this section if the benefits payable. with respect to such participant under this plan and under all other qualified defined benefit pension plans to which the city contributes. do not exceed $10.000.00 for the applicable plan year and for any prior plan year and the city has not at any time maintained a qualified defined contribution plan in which the participant participated. Participant in defined contribution plan. In any case where a participant under this plan is also a participant in a "Defined Contribution Plan" as defined in ~414(i) of the Code. maintained by the city. the sum of the "Defined Benefit Plan Fraction" and the "Defined Contribution Plan Fraction" (both as defined in ~415(e) of the Code) shall not. subiect to the restrictions and exceptions contained in ~2004 of the Act. exceed 1.0. This limitation is repealed effective January 1. 2000. Reduction of benefits. Reduction of benefits and/or contributions to all plans. where required. shall be accomplished by first reducing the participant's benefit under any defined benefit plans in which participant participated. such reduction to be made first with respect to the plan in which participant most recently accrued bene- fits and thereafter in such priority as shall be determined by the board and the plan administrator of such other plans. and next. by reducing or allo- cating excess forfeitures for defined contribution plans in which the participant participated. such reduction to be made first with respect to the plan in which participant most recently accrued benefits and thereafter in such priority as shall be established by the board and the plan administrator for such other plans provided. however. that necessary reductions may be made in a different manner and priority pursuant to the agreement of the board and the plan administrator of all other plans covering such participant. Ordinance 6563-00 17 . ~ . . (8) Cost -of-living ad;ustments. The limitations as stated in subsections (1). (2).(3) and (6) herein shall be adiusted to the time payment of a benefit begins in accordance with any cost- of-living adiustments prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to ~415(d) of the code. This subparagraph ~ i21 shall apply to the amount of benefit (as such term is described below) under this plan for any participant who is considered a restricted participant (as such term is described below). Such benefit shall be limited to an amount equal to the payments that would have been made on behalf of the restricted participant under a life annuity form of payment that is the actuarial equivalent of the restricted participant's accrued benefit under the plan. a. For purposes of this subparagraph ~ i21, the term "benefit" shall include retirement income provided by the plan, plus loans in excess of the amounts set forth in Section 72(p )(2)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code, any periodic income, any withdrawal values payable to a living participant and any death benefits not provided for by insurance on the participant's life. For purposes of this subparagraph ~ i21, the term "restricted participant" shall mean all highly compensated employees. In anyone plan year, the total number of participants whose benefits are subject to restriction under this subparagraph ~ i21 shall be limited by the plan to a group of not less than 25 highly compensated employees with the greatest compensation. i21 b. c. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the limitations set forth in this subparagraph ~ i21 shall not restrict the current payment of the full amount of retirement income provided by the plan if: 1. After payment to a restricted participant of all of the benefit described above, the value of plan assets equals or exceeds 100 percent of the value of current liabilities, as defined in Section 412(1)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code, or 2. The value of the benefit described above for a restricted participant is less than one percent of the value of current liabilities, as defined in Section 412(1)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code. (g) Forfeiture of pension (1 ) Any participant who is convicted of the following offenses committed prior to Retirement. or whose employment is terminated by reason of his admitted commission. aid or abetment of the following specified offenses. shall forfeit all rights and benefits under this plan. except for the return of his accumulated contributions as of the date of termination. Specified offenses are as follows: a. The committing. aiding or abetting of an embezzlement of public funds: Ordinance 6563-00 18 . b. The committing. aiding or abetting of any theft by a public officer or employee from employer: c. Bribery in connection with the employment of a public officer or employee: . d. Any felony specified in Chapter 838. Florida Statutes. e. The committing of an impeachable offense. f. The committing of any felony by a public officer or employee who willfully and with intent to defraud the public or the public agency. for which he acts or in which he is employed. of the right to receive the faithful performance of his duty as a public officer or employee. realizes or obtains or attempts to obtain a profit. gain. or advantage for himself or for some other person through the use or attempted use of the power. rights. privileges. duties or position of his public office or employment position. (2) Conviction shall be defined as an adiudication of guilt by a court of competent iurisdiction: a plea of guilty or a nolo contendere: a iury verdict of guilty when adiudication of guilt is withheld and the accused is placed on probation: or a conviction by the Senate of an impeachable offense. Court shall be defined as any state or federal court of competent iurisdiction which is exercising its iurisdiction to consider a proceeding involving the alleged commission of a specified offense. Prior to forfeiture. the board shall hold a hearing on which notice shall be given to the participant whose benefits are being considered for forfeiture. Said participant shall be afforded the right to have an attorney present. No formal rules of evidence shall apply. but the participant shall be afforded a full opportunity to present his case against forfeiture. (3) (4) Any participant who has received benefits from the plan in excess of his accumulated contributions after participant's rights were forfeited shall be required to pay back to the plan the amount of the benefits received in excess of his accumulated contributions. The board may implement all legal action necessary to recover such funds. (5) Conviction and foifeiture; false. misleading or fraudulent statements for police officer and firefighter participants a. It is unlawful for a person to willfully and knowingly make. or cause to be made.or to assist. conspire with. or urge another to make. or cause to be made. any false. fraudulent. or misleading oral or written statement or withhold or conceal material information to obtain any benefit from the plan. b. A person who violates subsection a. commits a misdemeanor of the first degree. punishable as provided in Section 775.082 or Section 775.083. Florida Statutes. . c. In addition to any applicable criminal penalty. upon conviction for a violation described in subsection a.. a police officer or firefighter participant or Beneficiary of the plan may. in the discretion of the Ordinance 6563-00 19 Board. be required to forfeit the right to receive any or all benefits to which the person would otherwise be entitled under the plan. For purposes of this subsection. "conviction" means a determination of guilt that is the result of a plea or trial. regardless of whether adiudication is withheld. Section 5. Chapter 2, Administration, Article V, Employee Benefits, Division 3, Employees' Pension Plan, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clearwater is hereby amended by amending Section 2.398, Time and manner of benefit payments, subsections (a)(I)c., and (b)(2), to read as follows: . c. . (2) a. . The amount of the disability benefit to which a participant is entitled under paragraph (c) of section 2.397 shall commence as of the end of the month that next follows the later of (1) the month in which a determination is made as to the participant's disability or (2) the month in which the participant terminates employment, continuing as of the last day of each month thereafter during his lifetime and the lifetime of his beneficiary, if any, with 120 payments guaranteed; . 2. No payment shall be made with respect to the month in which a determination is made as to the participant's disability or the month in which the participant terminates employment; provided, however, that a full monthly payment will be made for the month in which the participant or his beneficiary dies. 1. ~ Provided. however. the disability retiree may select. at any time prior to the date on which benefit payments. begin. an optional form of benefit payment as described in Section 2.398 (b )(2) 1 or 3. which shall be the actuarial equivalent of the normal form of benefit. In lieu of the normal form of payment described in subparagraph (l)a. above, a participant's retirement, disability or termination of employment benefit may be paid in one of the following optional forms as elected by the participant. The optional forms, which shall be the actuarial equivalent of the benefit that would otherwise be paid to the participant, are as follows: 1. Monthly income payments for the life of the participant. 2. Monthly income payments for a ten years certain and life thereafter, under which the participant receives payments during his lifetime and, if he dies after he has begun to receive payments but before he has received 120 payments, the remaining payments shall be made to his designated beneficiary; provided, further, that if the designated beneficiary predeceases the participant, the participant may designate a new beneficiary to receive any payments due after his death. If the participant does not designate a new beneficiary, the payments required under this option following the participant's death shall be paid to the participant's estate. If the designated beneficiary begins to receive payments under this option and such designated beneficiary dies before the end Ordinance 6563-00 20 . . . 3. of the ten-year period, the remaining payments shall be paid to the designated beneficiary's estate. Monthly income payments for the life of the participant and, after his death, a survivor annuity payable for the life of the participant's designated beneficiary equal to 100 percent, 75 percent, 66 2/3 percent or 50 percent of the amount payable to the participant. Police officer and firefighter participants shall be permitted to change his ioint annuitant as provided for in 175.171. 175.333. 185.161 and 185.341. b. Each participant shall have the right to designate a beneficiary for purposes of the optional forms of benefit payment described in this paragraph and to revoke any such designation. Each designation or revocation shall be evidenced by written instrument filed with the committee and shall be effective upon filing with the committee. Section 6. If any provision of this ordinance or any policy or order thereunder of the application of such provision to any person or circumstances shall be held invalid, the remainder of this ordinance and the application of such provision of this ordinance or of such policy or order to persons or circumstances other than those to which it is held invalid shall not be affected thereby. 1999. Section 7. This ordinance shall become effective retroactively on December 31, PASSED ON FIRST READING June 1, 2000 PASSED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING AND ADOPTED June 15, 2000 B~.r- Mayor-Commissioner Approved as to form: Attest: ~ ~t- . <l E. Goudeau erk Ordinance 6563-00 21